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09-05 投稿


exercitation 发音

英:[?ɡ?z??rs??te??n]  美:[?ɡ?z??s??te???n]

英:  美:

exercitation 中文意思翻译



exercitation 短语词组

1、exercitation define ─── 实习定义

2、exercitation definition ─── 实习定义

3、exercitation meaning ─── 实习意义

4、exercitation dolore aute ─── 运动汽车疼痛

5、exercitation crossword ─── 实习填字游戏

exercitation 相似词语短语

1、expeditation ─── 发送

2、elicitation ─── n.引出;诱出;抽出

3、expectation ─── n.期待;预期;指望

4、excogitation ─── n.设计;发明;方案;计划

5、excitation ─── n.激发,刺激;激励;激动

6、exercitations ─── n.训练;运用

7、exploitation ─── n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销;剥削

8、execration ─── n.诅咒,憎恶;被诅咒之人或物

9、excitations ─── n.激发,刺激;激励;激动

exercitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This should look to differ professionally will decide, medicine is on popularity mostly the exercitation is to need not pay fee, give the school especially. ─── 这个要看专业的不同来定了,大都流行上是医学实习是不用交费用的,非凡是给学校。

2、Establish Surveying Exercitation Base in Campus for Improving the Quality of Practice Education ─── 建立校内测量实习基地提高教学质量

3、In order to deal with everyday affairs frudies with social practice, it is very instructive to carry out the campus simulating exercitation for the students. ─── 为使学生尽快地与社会实际工作接轨,开展校内模拟实习,有其重要的教学意义。

4、Clinical Exercitation Status of Oral Orthodontics ─── 口腔正畸学临床实习现状的剖析

5、Prospective random double blind control test of diagnostics exercitation taught by the full-time teachers and residents rotating hospital ─── 专职和轮转诊断学实习教师前瞻性随机双盲对照试验

6、Great Bear introduced him simply in the card to get educational circumstance and exercitation experience, the profession that expresses hope is teacher of news medium, middle school. ─── 大熊在帖子里简单介绍了自己受教育的情况以及实习经历,表示期望的职业为新闻传媒、中学教师。

7、Half an year exercitation at least. ─── 能实习半年或以上。

8、geographical field exercitation is an important part of the geographical teaching process in universities. ─── 地理野外实习是高校地理教学过程中的重要教学环节。

9、mathematics teaching exercitation ─── 数学教育实习

10、Though there were numerous fussy works to do during exercitation, he was still very interested. ─── 做实习自然会有一些比较繁琐的工作,不过师兄还是感到比较有兴趣做研究、论。

11、Have at least protect school exercitation. ─── 至少有护校实习。

12、Traditional instrutional methods have some shortcomings during the exercitation period. ─── 传统的实习指导方法还存在很多不足之处。

13、Wushu Judgment Regulation Exercitation System installation wizard ─── 武术项目裁判规则学习系统安装向导

14、88. Though there were numerous trivial works during exercitation, he was very interested in his work. ─── 在研究院做实习自然会有一些比较繁琐的工作,不过师兄还是感到比较有兴趣做研究、论。

15、Block flying rings exercitation implement ─── 名称:滑轮吊环训练器

16、Discussion on Safety Management of Technician School Students during Their Exercitation ─── 浅谈技校学生生产实习的安全管理

17、Capital control is always recognized by exercitation field as a financial control activity. ─── 企业集团资金管理作为一项财务控制活动,一直为实务界所重视。

18、Future does not have care " exercitation 2009 training camp " also start at the same time. ─── 前程无忧“实习2009训练营”也同时启动。

19、How to write an exercitation to give division brief summary? ─── 怎么写实习出科小结啊?

20、It is abroad of course good, because Western medicine is,have curative effect most. But requirement exercitation of abroad is given priority to. Domestic theory is bit more important. ─── 当然是国外好,因为西医是最有疗效的.但是国外的要求实习为主.国内的理论重要点.

21、I had a exercitation in that company last summer. ─── 去年夏天我在那家公司实习。

22、9 see joke: Air man: Conning tower, I am exercitation machine 2345, my oil is insufficient. ─── 9看笑话: 飞行员:指挥塔,我是实习机2345,我的油不够了。

23、innovation exercitation ─── 创新实习

24、Results 98% nurse of exercitation content to our hospital didactical management. ─── 结果98%实习生对我院的带教管理工作表示满意。

25、Gu Ge states this is enlighten what the programmer of a teenager that do obeisance to causes, this company invites this programmer to play a by a definite date 4 weeks exercitation plan. ─── 谷歌则表示这是迪拜的一名少年程序员所造成的,该公司聘请这名程序员参加一个为期4周的实习计划。

26、With the development of internet,the electronic business a ffairs have also been developing rapidly,which creates new problems for our curr e nt teaching of international trade exercitation. ─── 随着因特网技术的发展,电子商务也迅猛发展,给我们现行的国际贸易实务教学提出了新的问题。

27、The other is a neural network model, which, combined with "Matlab" software and "Levenberg-Marquardt" exercitation means, precision arrived at 10~(-7) through 180 exercitations. ─── 利用"Matlab"软件建立神经网络模型,采用"Levenberg-Marquardt"训练方法,进行180次训练,就达到10-7精度.

28、Have at least protect school exercitation. ─── 至少有护校实习。

29、I am for this work with the exercises in the researching department and the exercitation. ─── 我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。

30、three emphases (classroom teaching, experiment teaching and field exercitation), beginning of entirely new idea of geoscience to do classroom teaching, experiment teaching and field exercitation well. ─── 教学内涵上的两个变通即从培养21世纪的全新人才高度突出创造性和人文理念;三个重点即以地球科学的全新观念搞好课堂教学、实验课、野外实习。

31、Beg appraisal of pedagogic exercitation individual to point out website origin makes clear network address? ? ? ? ─── 求教师实习个人鉴定指出网站来源注明网址????

32、To overpass improvement of experimentative method, experimentative integrality gained advance.The exercitation of integrativn ability of students gained aggrandizement. ─── 经过此番实验方法改良,使实验的整体性得到提高,对学生的综合能力训练得到强化。

33、WwW. zIdiR. coM Capital control is always recognized by exercitation field as a financial control activity. ─── 企业集团资金管理作为一项财务制约活动,一直为实务界所重视。

34、network exercitation ─── 网络实习

35、All education, experiment, exercitation, CAD reaches production equipment to be introduced from Germany. ─── 全部教学、实验、实习、计算机辅助设计及制造设备从德国引进。

36、Keywords Nurse of exercitation Clinical teaching Nurse management; ─── 护生;临床教学;护理;管理;

37、Research on and practice of the mode of graduate exercitation and project of engineering students ─── 工科学生毕业实习与毕业设计教学新模式研究与实践

38、Talking on the improvement of exercitation quality for finish school nurse students ─── 浅谈护生毕业实习质量的提高

39、The system of Jinshi exercitation has implemented, it improved their management ability and know well the government affair is of great significance. ─── 创建了进士观政制度,对新进士熟悉政务和提高行政能力具有重要意义。

40、Data management is to ensure use correctly of exercitation system, the base that be safeguarded effectively and runs scientificly works. ─── 资料治理是确保实习体系的正确使用、有效维护和科学治理的基础工作。

41、Up to when distributing news dispatches, there already were 596 enterprises to join in on this exercitation platform, opened position of 3165 exercitations, part-time job to the undergraduate. ─── 截至发稿时,该实习平台上已有596家企业加盟,向大学生开放了3165个实习、兼职职位。

42、Something like work, typewriting, reprography of exercitation. ─── 类似实习的工作,打字,复印等。

43、Wushu Taolu Judgment Regulation Exercitation System ─── 武术套路裁判规则学习训练系统

44、Yao talked about "the three good" students,and introduced exercitation in details.Then,they asked some questions about the proportion between women and men in a practical team. ─── 在座谈会中,大家还就女生在项目组中的比例、工作加班等问题提出了自己的想法。

45、Pilot Discussion on Running mode of Electronics and Electrician Exercitation Course ─── 电工电子实习运行模式初探

46、The evaluation on teaching mode and teaching effect in the teaching of physical geography filed exercitation in Lushan area ─── 庐山自然地理野外实习的教学模式与教学效果评价

47、First, Zhao Jin introduced his exercitation life in Microsoft Asia academe. ─── 首先由赵进师兄以自己的亲身经历向我们介绍他在微软亚洲研究院作实习生的生活。

48、Professional exercitation ─── 实习

49、Though there were numerous fussy works to do during exercitation,he was still very interested. ─── 在研究院做实习自然会有一些比较繁琐的工作,不过师兄还是感到比较有兴趣做研究、写论。

50、production exercitation ─── 生产实习

51、The exercitation teaching of electrics and electronics is an important step for the training of talented personnel with the ability of engineering practice. ─── 电工电子实习教学是培养具有工程实践能力人才的一个重要环节。

52、Process upper and lower limbs joint territory and muscle power exercitation, sit and arise exercitation, balance exercitation, truncal's draught exercitation ─── 借助肋木进行上下肢体关节活动范围和肌力训练、坐站立训练、平衡训练及躯干的牵伸训练

53、Chinese traditional medicine is professional, what should prepare before the exercitation? ? ─── 中药专业,实习前应准备些什么??

54、Give, if I go one year inside exercitation period if, should I bear legal responsibility? ─── 给位,我如果一年实习期内走的话,我要负法律责任吗?

55、Circuit and Analog Electronics Exercitation ─── 电路与模拟电子技术实验

56、rhetorical exercitation ─── 修辞练习

57、education exercitation ─── 教育实习

58、exercitation teaching ─── 实习教学

59、Traditional instructional methods have some shortcomings during the exercitation period. ─── 传统的实习指导方法还存在很多不足之处。

60、exercitation base ─── 实习基地

61、mode of specialty exercitation ─── 专业实习模式

62、Exercitation andDisquisition of Finish School ─── 毕业实习与毕业论文

63、According to the surveying courses opened in department of architecture engineering and at the campus fact,this paper gives some advices about establishing surveying exercitation base. ─── 根据昆明理工大学建筑工程学院所设各专业开设的测量课程和所在校区的具体情况,介绍了建立校内测量实习基地的目的、场地的种类、建立的方法、功能以及预期的效果。

64、Keywords Evaluation;Examination;Exercitation;Pediatrics;Clinical teaching; ─── 评价;考试;实习;儿科学;临床教学;

65、This essay mainly discusses the format,content and arrangement of exercitation in the course of"Hydraulic Pressure"for machnical majors. ─── 就职业技术院校机械类各专业公共课程“液压技术”的实践教学形式、内容和组织进行了探讨。

66、Research on the exercitation teaching reform of the Traffic specialty ─── 交通运输专业实践教学改革探索

67、After the corporeal establishment has been improved greatly,the key point to win the exercitation competition is exercitation-running mechanism. ─── 在实训工作的硬件条件得到改善之后,提高实训质量的关键在于其内部运行机制是否理顺。

68、Chinese shift is more attendant extend form offers exercitation opportunity, help graduation undergraduate steps the first pace of a to apply for a job. ─── 中国移动更在场发放表格提供实习机会,帮助毕业大学生迈出求职的第一步。

69、Conning tower: Exercitation machine 2345, I am conning tower, ask keep one's head and instantly decelerate, adjust airframe to become optimal glide angle, do you look so that see the airport? ─── 指挥塔:实习机2345,我是指挥塔,请保持冷静并立即减速,调整机身成最佳滑翔角度,你看得见机场吗?

70、handpick and abstract the cruces;combine the didactical content closely,and intensify exercitation in time,and so on. ─── 紧密结合教学内容,及时强化实作训练等方面入手。

71、intensive exercitation ─── 高强度训练法

72、Foster quality for sponsorial ability, need to undertake major reform to exercitation means. ─── 为保证人才培养质量,需对实习方式进行重大改革。

73、Now combine the diagram example, this wizard will guide you through the Wushu Judgment Regulation Exercitation System installation procedure. ─── 下面结合图例,具体讲解一下如何安装武术项目裁判规则学习系统。

74、filed exercitation ─── 野外实习

75、Pay: Exercitation period salary adds exercitation of lunch allowance; ─── 待遇:实习期工资加午餐补贴;

76、This article is an embodiment of the development of theatres, the comprehensive factors that affect its designing, the specific designing of the exercitation theatres and its relation with acoustics. ─── 本文主要阐述了剧场发展的历程,剧场设计综合因素,实习剧场具体设计实践及它与声学的关系问题。

77、The Promotion for the Building of Agricultural Exercitation Base Through Evaluation ─── 评估促进了农科实训基地建设

78、Graduation design is an important process of enhancing general-exercitation and quality. ─── 毕业设计是进行综合知识训练,提高学生综合素质的一个重要教学环节。

79、Graduation Exercitation and Graduation Project(Thesis) ─── 毕业实习与毕业设计(论文)

80、Review on improve of exercitation teaching quality of Mechanical Engineering ─── 提高机械工程专业实习教学质量的几点思考

81、" old Zhang Yi listens, fell to jump, the exercitation can not allow on nurse hand, I hide! ─── 老张一听,下了一跳,实习护士手上可没准,我躲一下吧!

82、handpick and abstract the cruces;combine the didactical content closely, and intensify exercitation in time, and so on. ─── 紧密结合教学内容,及时强化实作训练等方面入手。

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