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09-05 投稿



tamable 发音

英:[['te?m?bl]]  美:[['te?m?b?l]]

英:  美:

tamable 中文意思翻译



tamable 相似词语短语

1、damnable ─── adj.该死的;可诅咒的

2、namable ─── adj.著名的;可命名的,可指名的

3、untamable ─── adj.不能驯服的;不能制服的

4、blamable ─── adj.可责备的;有过失的

5、farmable ─── 可耕种的

6、tameable ─── adj.可驯服的(等于tamable)

7、takable ─── 应税

8、taxable ─── adj.应纳税的;可征税的

9、tamale ─── n.(墨西哥)玉米粉蒸肉

tamable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To reduce to subjugation; break or tame(an animal, for example). ─── 使驯服使平息;削弱或驯服(如动物)

2、A mouse told his mother, “I'll tame bears in a circus.” “Here's a bear hug,” Said his mother. ─── 一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将在一个马戏团里驯熊。”“这儿有一只抱抱熊。”小鼠妈妈说。

3、Bellerophon, a lesser-known Greek god, longed to capture and tame Pegasus. ─── 一位较不有名的希腊神祇柏勒洛丰渴望掳获派格瑟斯并驯服他。

4、Only those crazy masses are tamable. ─── 只有那些疯狂的大众才是驯服的。

5、It's incredible that the tame wolf is as mild as a lamb. ─── 令人难以置信的是驯服的狼温和如羊。

6、Not that the CSRC may even want to tame these frenzies entirely. ─── 中国证监会并未旨于完全“驯服”这种疯狂局面。

7、But if you tame me ,it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. ─── 如果你驯养我,那我的生命就会充满阳光,你的脚步声会变得和其他人的不一样。

8、Though they are tame animals, you'd better keep a distance from them. ─── 尽管它们是驯养的动物,你最好还是和它们保持一定的距离。

9、The Indian, a tame one, bought a ribbon from him by signs. ─── 一个开化的印第安人,比划着向他买了一条缎带。

10、He keeps a tame bear as a pet. ─── 他养着一头驯服的熊作为宠物。

11、If you tame me,to me,you will be unique in all the world. ─── 如果你驯养了我,你将不会被任何人代替,你是这世上的唯一。

12、Her father told her to tame down her style. ─── 他父亲告诉她收敛一下自己的脾气。

13、But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. ─── 但是,如果你要是驯服了我,我的生活就一定会是欢快的。

14、Your mobile phone is the safe haven, you are the one that will tame and train. ─── 你的行动电话是安全的港口,你是将会驯养而且训练的一个.

15、Tame as the tiger might be, you'd better keep a secure distance from it. ─── 即使那只老虎可能是驯服的,你最好对它保持一个安全的距离。

16、A boy was playing with a tame snake. ─── 一个男孩在玩一条驯服了的蛇。

17、If you tame me,then we shall need each other. ─── 如果你驯养我,我们将会彼此需要。

18、Don't be fooled by a scary name. This dragonfly is really tame. ─── 不要被吓人的名字愚弄了,这蜻蜓真的是很温顺的。(注:蜻蜓英文为会飞的龙)

19、creatures we were sent here to tame are un-tamable. ─── 我们被送到此处来驯服的生物,看来是无法驯服了。

20、You shouldn't have been too tame to stand up for your own rights. ─── 你不该这么窝囊,竟不敢起来维护自己的权利。

21、In eleven long years John Bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame. ─── 在十一年的漫长岁月中,约翰·帕克森,在他辛勤耕耘的荒芜土地上,几乎没有留下多少痕迹。

22、It was eager to be tame and cultivated. ─── 它急于要想变得温顺优雅。

23、Mama and I were both wearing white gowns again the next tame I saw the crescent moon. ─── 妈和我还穿着白袍,我又看见了月牙儿。

24、A brace of tame deer ran familiarly about the house. ─── 一对驯鹿无拘无束地在室内跑来跑去。

25、Winter again came round, with its winds, frosts, tame robins, and sparkling star light. ─── 冬天又来了,把寒风、严霜、驯顺的知更雀和闪烁的星光,也都带来了。

26、Feminism wasted time trying to persuade us that men are tamable , she proclaimed. ─── 她宣称,女权运动把时间都浪费在让大家相信男人是可驯服的劝服上面。

27、The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand. ─── 公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。

28、If you want a friend, tame me. ─── 如果你想要一个朋友,那就驯服我吧!

29、She became so tame it was impossible to release her back into the wild. ─── 她变得如此的温顺,已不可能把她放回野外了。

30、If you had the power to tame all kinds of animals, you'll choose what kind of animal to be your pet? ─── 如果你能驯服所有种类的动物,那么你会选择哪一种驯养了当宠物?

31、He would worry about that when the tame came, if he was unlucky enough to live that long. ─── 不幸,到了冬天,自己还活着,那就再说吧。

32、"Maybe he preferred the Inquisitorial Squad," said Hermione. "Maybe being a prefect seems a bit tame after that. ─── “也许他更喜欢加入调查行动组,”赫敏说,“也许当了级长似乎就得听话一些。

33、After the fund crisis, the rest of the 1952 election campaign seemed tame. ─── 基金危机之后,1952年竞选运动以后的问题就显得比较容易对付了。

34、Jeff the computer guy with tame red tegu. ─── 他手里拿的是红泰加!奇特的蜥蜴!

35、Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! ─── 啊,妈妈!昨晚爱德华给我们朗诵时是多么萎靡不振,无精打彩啊!

36、Therefore, if there are any lions at all in the desert, they are tame. ─── 因此,假如沙漠中有狮子,他们必定是驯养的狮子。

37、Even after he grew up into a big strong bull, Grandma's Blackie remained very tame and gentle. ─── 就算它长成了一头健壮的公牛,老奶奶的黑儿子还是温和驯服。

38、Oh, my beliefs, I find it hard to tame the insight! ─── 呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!

39、However, Alexander argued that he could tame him. ─── 可是,亚历山大说自己可以降得住牠。

40、He is so tame that he agrees with everybody. ─── 他很随和, 总是顺从他人的意见。

41、To reduce to subjugation; break or tame (an animal, for example). ─── 使驯服:使平息;削弱或驯服(如动物)

42、So stupid men learn to be wise as wild donkeys become tame. ─── 如此,愚蠢者才可获得智慧,野性驴驹才能变为驯良。

43、And he also gave Hillary a valuable political lesson in how to tame an unfriendly crowd: produce something the audience can cheer. ─── 他还向希拉里传授如何驯服不友好听众的秘诀:说一些能让听众情绪振奋的话题。

44、But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. ─── 但是,如果你驯服了我,我们就互相不可缺少了。

45、Chinese settlers helped tame the American continent during the 19th century. ─── 中国移民在十九世纪为开拓美洲大陆作出了贡献。

46、He landed among the tame ducks, and began to waddle around and quack merrily. ─── 他落在了家鸭群中,开始四处踱来踱去,欢叫个不停,还吃起了地上的谷物。

47、To reduce to subjugation;break or tame(an animal,for example. ─── 使驯服使平息;削弱或驯服(如动物)

48、If the West gloried in being wild and woolly, it was also eager to be tame and cultivated. ─── 如果说西部为它的粗野莽撞自鸣得意,它也急于要想温顺优雅。

49、Most of the time elephants are tame but they can be very savage. ─── 大多数时候大象很温顺,但他们也会大发野性。

50、If you want a friend ,tame me . ─── 如果你想要一个朋友,那就驯服我吧!

51、She is too tame. ─── 她太柔顺了。

52、Only a strong Sunni general could tame Iraq. ─── 只有一个强有力的逊尼通则能驯服伊拉克。

53、But Hefner says he does not resent the upstarts that made his once raunchy publication look tame. ─── 不过,赫夫纳说,他不恨使他那一度淫秽的杂志显得平淡的这些新的暴发户。

54、If you tame me,it will be as if the sun came ti shine on my life. ─── 如果你驯养我,那我的生命就会充满阳光,你的脚步声会变得跟其他的人不一样。

55、Only those crazy masses are tamable. ─── 只有那些疯狂的大众才是驯服的。

56、Tomasi di Lampedusa, Alain, Paul Valery, Paul Bourget, and Hippolyte Tame. ─── 其中不乏对著名作家巴尔扎克、狄德罗、卢梭等人的分析。

57、From outrageous to tame, here are some quick definitions of some popular (or used to be popular) male hairstyles. ─── 从野性到顺从,以下便是对一些流行(或曾经流行过)的男士发型所做的快速解读。

58、"But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. ─── 可是如果你驯养我,我的生活就如同被阳光照亮了一样。

59、A rebellious teenager and a" border-line" young nurse will learn to tame each other and get a fresh start in life. ─── 一个叛逆的少年和一个有边缘综合症的年轻护士将要学着驯服彼此,他们人生一个新的起点即将到来。。。

60、Don't be afraid. These horses are tame. ─── 不要怕。这些马很温顺。

61、If you want a friend, tame me... ─── 如果你想要一个朋友,那就驯服我吧!”

62、"What for?" replied Xing. "The last tame we sent him there, the mayor let him go. ─── 兴旺说:“还到村公所干什么?

63、She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger. ─── 她竭力压制心头怒火。

64、But there was one tame when Mr. Hua got a great fright. ─── 可是有一次,华威先生简直吃了一大惊。

65、My story was tame compared to some of the others. ─── 与其他人的故事相比,我的故事不免有些平淡。

66、He disliked the man, but each tame they went to buy medicine he felt sorry for this skinny old monkey. ─── 他不喜欢夏先生,可是每逢到药房去,他不由的替这个老瘦猴难过。

67、I cannot bear them if they are tame and quiet. ─── 如果他们是腼腆安静的话,我是不能忍受的。

68、When hetried to tame lions, they ate him, scorning the thin hoop he flourished intheir direction. ─── 他尝试驯狮,狮子却反过来要吃他,轻蔑地瞧着他朝它们挥舞薄铁环。

69、In so becoming tame, one may engage with other species without requiring imprisoning them as pets. ─── 在变得柔顺中,你不需要去把它们作为宠物囚禁而来拥抱它们。

70、A trickier question is how to tame a techno kid. ─── ?如何驯服对电视和电脑成癖的孩子则需要一些技巧。

71、Her large, luminous, tame eyes, the eyes that had domesticated Father Heraog, were not watching Moses now. ─── 她那对温顺发亮的大眼睛--那双曾经使老赫索格变得驯服的眼睛,现在已经不看摩西了。

72、He landed among the tame ducks and began to waddle around and quack merrily. ─── 他落在了家鸭群中,开始四处踱来踱去,欢叫个不停,还吃起了地上的谷物。

73、Don't you offer me tame love, or away you go! ─── 你不要净给我平淡无味的爱情,你要是那样,就请走好了。

74、Let me miss you like this, in this tame night. ─── 就这么静静地想你,在这个平淡的夜晚。

75、They tame the lions in the Army, not appease them. ─── 在军队中,他们对凶暴如狮的人是驯服他们而不是姑息他们。

76、KJV] But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. ─── [新译]可是没有人能够制伏舌头;它是喋喋不休的恶物,充满了致命的毒素。

77、From outrageous to tame, here are some quick definitions of some popular( or used to be popular) male hairstyles. ─── 从野性到顺从,以下便是对一些流行(曾经流行过)男士发型所做的快速解读。

78、But it was just at that tame that I had to shun her, hate her - or lose my own existence. ─── 可是正在这个时候,我得躲着她,我得恨她; 要不然我自己便不存在了。

79、The solitary hunter or explorer needs no one as they ventureout among the deer and wolves to tame the great wild areas. ─── 孤独的猎人或孤独的探险者,在鹿群与狼群中间冒险,去征服广袤的荒野,他们不需要有人陪伴。

80、Chinese settlers helped tame our continent during the 19th century. ─── 中国移民在十九世纪为开拓我们的大陆做出了贡献。

81、Have no fear, Mrs. Reed. At Loward we shall tame her unruly spirit. ─── 不用担心,瑞德太太。在劳斡德,我们会驯服她蛮横的态度的。

82、I. Why must I tame my tongue? ─── 为什么我必须制伏我的舌头?

83、There is ample opportunity later in the process to tame a particularly extreme visual style. ─── 在接下来的设计过程中,有很多机会和时间来修改这个极端的视觉风格。

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