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09-05 投稿



discarnate 发音

英:[[d?s'kɑ:n?t]]  美:[[d?s'kɑ:n?t]]

英:  美:

discarnate 中文意思翻译



discarnate 短语词组

1、discarnate 2018 2018 ─── 年毕业

2、discarnate 2019 2019 ─── 年12月

3、discarnate 2017 discarnate 2017 ─── 年

4、discarnate entity ─── 分离实体

5、discarnate cast ─── 脱钙石膏

6、discarnate 2016 2016 ─── 年毕业

7、discarnate band ─── 分离带

8、discarnate define discarnate ─── 定义

discarnate 相似词语短语

1、discreate ─── v.摧毁,消灭;使混乱

2、discernable ─── adj.可辨别的;可认识的

3、discardable ─── adj.可废弃的

4、bicornate ─── adj.双角的,二角的

5、incarnate ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

6、discalceate ─── 盘状

7、discant ─── n.多声部音乐;高音部(等于descant);adj.(一组乐器中的)最高音的(等于descant);vi.详论,评论(等于descant)

8、reincarnate ─── v.使转世,使再生;使转世化身;adj.转世化身的

9、discarnation ─── 失身

discarnate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This has been corrected at last, and all discarnate humans from all time periods in history have been removed as the planes surrounding Earth have been reconstructed in her global ascension. ─── 这最后被纠正,历史上所有时代内所有脱离肉体的人类已被移除,因为在地球的全球提升中,她周围的层面已被重构。

2、Discarnate humans are a nonphysical parasite to Earth. ─── 脱离肉体的人类对地球来说是一种非物质寄生虫。

3、a discarnate spirit. ─── 游魂

4、Low and behold it is the discarnate human form attempting to go “home” without a physical vessel that is at cause of extinction in this region of domain. ─── 现在看到无形体的人类试图回家却没有一个物质管道,这是导致此区域绝灭的原因。

5、Life does not end with death, consciousness carries forth, not as discarnate form, but in the next generation ahead. ─── 生命不以死亡来结束,意识继续开展,不是作为无形的肉体,而是在未来的下一代中。

6、He added that the reason the discarnate was turning towards people in earthly life was that "the lessons are learned from that plane, see? ─── 他补充道,这个灵魂来找地球上活着的人的原因是“知道吗,课程是要在从这个层次学习的?”

7、Buyer uninterested despite our effort unless you agree special discarnate according our previous advice. ─── 虽经我方努力,买方仍无兴趣,除非按上次建议,同意给予特别折扣。

8、Surely, they are evidence of discarnate entities! ─── 当然了,他们也证明了鬼魂是无形存在的!

9、Many people subscribe to the belief that a ghost is a discarnate entity that has never left its earthly existence or perhaps has come back to haunt the living or a particular location. ─── 很多人都相信,鬼魂是一种无形存在,从未离开过其现世存在或者可能返回人间在某人或者某个特殊地点出没。

10、The human dance was governed by a limited set of discarnate humans and the souls that would manipulate human fate into a particular dream that did not serve the whole of Earth. ─── 人类舞蹈被一组受限的脱离肉体存在的人类和灵魂们控制,它们会操纵人类的命运到某一个不服务于地球整体的梦想。

11、He added that the reason the discarnate was turning towards people in earthly life was that "the lessons are learned from that plane, see? " ─── 他补充道,这个灵魂来找地球上活着的人的原因是“知道吗,课程是要在从这个层次学习的?”

12、But, is a "discarnate entity" the only possible explanation for what people report as ghostly phenomena? ─── 但是在人们报道中提到的鬼魂现象中,“无形存在”是否是唯一可能的解释呢?

13、Life does not end with death, consciousness carries forth, not as discarnate form, but in the next generation ahead. ─── 生命不以死亡来结束,意识继续开展,不是作为无形的肉体,而是在未来的下一代中。

14、Surely, they are evidence of discarnate entities! ─── 当然了,他们也证明了鬼魂是无形存在的!

15、Buyer uninterested despite our effort unless you agree special discarnate according our previous advice. ─── 虽经我方努力,买方仍无兴趣,除非按上次建议,同意给予特别折扣。

16、Again Cayce said the dream contact had been authentic, showing the dreamer how much his prayers were needed for the father-in-law, who was still an" earthbound "discarnate." ─── 再次说,梦中的联系是真实的,这表明,他的岳父多么需要他的祈祷,他岳父依然是一个没有脱离尘世束缚的灵魂。

17、Keywords Toluene discarnate;Adsorption by resins;Chemical oxidation.; ─── 甲苯二异氰酸酯;树脂吸附;化学氧化;

18、" Again Cayce said the dream contact had been authentic, showing the dreamer how much his prayers were needed for the father-in-law, who was still an "earthbound" discarnate. ─── 凯西再次说,梦中的联系是真实的,这表明,他的岳父多么需要他的祈祷,他岳父依然是一个没有脱离尘世束缚的灵魂。

19、I believe in the existence of discarnate spirits. ─── 我相信无形的灵魂之存在。

20、But, is a “discarnate entity” the only possible explanation for what people report as ghostly phenomena? ─── 但是在人们报道中提到的鬼魂现象中,“无形存在”是否是唯一可能的解释呢?

21、Discarnate humans are a nonphysical parasite to Earth. ─── 脱离肉体的人类对地球来说是一种非物质寄生虫。

22、We may be visited in the night by discarnate entities for many reasons: they may seek to give us assurance about their well-being in other planes of existence; ─── 我们在夜里受到灵魂的造访会有许多原因:它们想让我们放心,它们在其它存在层次很好;

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