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09-05 投稿



haziness 发音

英:[['he?z?n?s]]  美:[['he?z?n?s]]

英:  美:

haziness 中文意思翻译



haziness 词性/词形变化,haziness变形

形容词比较级: hazier |形容词最高级: haziest |名词: haziness |副词: hazily |

haziness 相似词语短语

1、chariness ─── n.谨慎;节俭;吝啬

2、handiness ─── n.轻便;灵巧;敏捷

3、glaziness ─── 光泽度

4、craziness ─── n.愚蠢;狂热;摇摇晃晃

5、laziness ─── n.怠惰;无精打采

6、gauziness ─── 华而不实

7、hairiness ─── n.有毛;多毛

8、hamminess ─── 哈米内斯

9、maziness ─── 迷糊

haziness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It will be tough work, hampered by decades of haziness over where boundaries lie. ─── 由于尚须定义几十年来一直混淆不清的边界问题,这将是艰巨的任务。

2、haziness of gasoline ─── 汽油的浊度

3、brilliant, clear, dull or hazy. A pronounced haziness may signify spoilage, while brilliant, clear or dull wines are generally sound. ─── 显著的模糊状态可能意味着葡萄酒变坏了,而闪耀,清晰或阴暗的葡萄酒通常都是健康的。

4、Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor. ─── 体态语是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,其特点是具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感。

5、The coronary arteriogram disclosed patent coronary artery with slight intraluminal haziness in the proximal left anterior descending artery. ─── 在病况稳定后进行冠状动脉摄影,结果显示冠状动脉是畅通的。只有在左前降枝近端有轻微管内血栓。

6、Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind.Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor. ─── 体态语是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,其特点是具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感。

7、Keywords polypropylene;di-p-chlorinbenzylidene sorbitol;nano-Calcium carbonate;crystallization behavior;haziness;mechanical properties; ─── 聚丙烯;成核剂对氯二苄叉山梨糖醇;纳米碳酸钙;结晶行为;雾度;力学性能;

8、going to take a significant clearing of this haziness for investors to back this stock. ─── 要让投资者支持新浪的股票,就需要厘清这种不确定的状态。

9、"the haziness and wateriness of his disquisitions";"the wateriness of his blood"; ─── 注释列句:meagerness or poorness connoted by a superfluity of water (in a literary style as well as in a food);

10、The flower in front of the camera which was flourishing in the daytime has conquered all the haziness and mirage with her obsessed tint. ─── 镜头前这盆在白天神色奕奕的花此刻正用令我沉迷的色调征服了前方一切的模糊和海市蜃楼。

11、brilliant, clear, dull or hazy.A pronounced haziness may signify spoilage, while brilliant, clear or dull wines are generally sound. ─── 显著的模糊状态可能意味着葡萄酒变坏了,而闪耀,清晰或阴暗的葡萄酒通常都是健康的。

12、This adds shade and contrast color to the picture and eradicates the haziness. ─── 在您使用舒心的同时,让您花最少的钱!

13、So we took the elevator to the top of ESB.We looked into the distance and, sure enough, everything was in haziness. ─── 于是,我们乘登顶电梯来到了帝国大厦顶楼,举目望去,眼前果然模糊一片。

14、The flower in front of the camera which was flourishing in the daytime has conquered all the haziness and mirage with her obsessed tint. ─── 镜头前这盆在白天神色奕奕的花此刻正用令我沉迷的色调征服了前方一切的模糊和海市蜃楼。

15、On the Haziness of Chinese Landscape Painting ─── 论中国山水画的朦胧

16、Nuclear sclerosis appears as a bilateral bluish-grey haziness at the nucleus, or center of the lens. ─── 该疾病是晶状体核两侧或中心部位出现灰蓝色雾状物。

17、On the Haziness of Chinese Landscape Painting ─── 论中国山水画的朦胧

18、As my memories of the Normal School emerge from haziness and become clearer they are not the least sweet in any particular. ─── 当我对师范学校的回忆由模糊渐变清晰的时候,它一点儿也不甜蜜。

19、No more tears, but full of haziness. ─── 没有泪水,却满是阴霾。

20、It is going to take a significant clearing of this haziness for investors to back this stock. ─── 要让投资者支持新浪的股票,就需要厘清这种不确定的状态。

21、On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time. ─── 除了因记忆断裂带来的模糊感,还有一种混乱感,因为大部分时间里我们都被麻醉了。

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