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09-05 投稿


bohemia 发音


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bohemia 中文意思翻译



bohemia 网络释义

n. 波希米亚

bohemia 短语词组

1、bohemia crystal ─── 波希米亚水晶

2、Bohemia Interactive ─── 波希米亚互动

3、bohemia beer ─── 波希米亚啤酒

4、bohemia paper ─── 波希米亚纸

5、bohemia ny ─── 波希米亚

bohemia 相似词语短语

1、Bohemia ─── n.波希米亚

2、-hemia ─── 半

3、bohemian ─── adj.波希米亚的;放荡不羁的;波希米亚语的;n.波希米亚人;波希米亚语;放浪者

4、aphemia ─── n.失语症;运动性语言不能

5、bohea ─── n.武夷茶(产于福建省武夷山)

6、bonamia ─── 博纳米亚

7、toxemia ─── n.[外科]毒血症

8、bohemians ─── n.波希米亚人(Bohemian的复数)

9、coremia ─── n.孢梗束(coremium的变形)

bohemia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Polka A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples. ─── 波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈。

2、AUTOKLUB BOHEMIA ASSISTANCE, a.s. - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Towing services, information and Traffic as well as Distribution and/or Highway. ─── 是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事结构、构造、设计,快速连接的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。

3、It was readily received in the Catholic parts of Germany, Bohemia, and Austria, where it was merged with the lively German Baroque traditions. ─── 在德国、波希米亚和奥地利被欣然的接受了,它与活泼的德国巴洛克传统合并。

4、Bohemian:a native or inhabitant of Bohemia. ─── 波希米亚人:波希米亚本地人或居民。

5、Bohemia: An Exotic Flower in the Garden of Romantic Literature ─── 波希米亚:浪漫主义文学花园里的奇葩

6、He was succeeded by Casimir IV, who placed his son on the thrones of Bohemia (1471) and Hungary. ─── 卡齐米日四世继承其位为王,他把儿子捧上了波希米亚的王位(1471)和匈牙利王位。

7、"In ArmA you could be hit with a miracle shot, but you could still wipe out 30 enemies beforehand" admits Marek Spanel, head of Bohemia Interactive . ─── 波希米亚总管,玛瑞克斯班奈尔承认道:“在武装突袭1中,即使你中了神奇的一枪,你还是能干掉30个敌人。

8、3) The God-Stone of the King of Bohemia;and 4) In Robore Fortuna (La Comtesse de Cagliostro). ─── 3、波希米亚国王的神石之谜;

9、Polka:A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples. ─── 波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈.

10、"The empire's core consisted of Germany, Austria, Bohemia, and Moravia." ─── 帝国的核心由德意志、奥地利、波希米亚和摩拉维亚组成。

11、After the bohemia wind, luxurious popularity is not delayed. WOOMNN endows the skin with luxurious fashion. ─── 刮过了波西米亚风,可奢华的流行依然没有减缓。WOOMNN沃漫品牌自然将奢华的风尚引领给予肌肤。

12、It was also presented to all those who later participated in the creation of the protectorates of Bohemia and Moravia. ─── 还授予后来在波希米亚和摩拉维亚建立保护国的人员。

13、Bohemia is granted freedom of religion ─── 波希米亚获宗教自由

14、In old photos of my homeland in Bohemia I see our shepherd, with his broad-brimmed hat and his loden coat, leaning against a tree, knitting a woolen sock. ─── 虽然牧人守护羊群的景象已经相当少见,但是我相信,耶稣所描绘的善牧形象,在人们心中所激起的涟漪丝毫未减。

15、In the beginning was the invention of a grinding machine by a young glasscutter from Bohemia. ─── 在起点是一台磨床的发明由一位年轻玻璃切割工从波希米亚。

16、So, to recap: Bohemia likes cats, but isn't going all soppy on us. ─── 好,让我们回顾一下:波西米亚互动就像猫咪,但是并不会让我们感到失望。

17、New York, in its Greenwich Village section, offer them a more satisfying Bohemia than that of Chicago, as well as the opportunity to become acquainted with parallel advances in art, music, and the drama. ─── 纽约城里格林维治村那个区域,比芝加哥更能给他们一种奔放不羁的气氛,同时也使他们有机会熟悉艺术,音乐与戏剧平行发展的趋势。

18、A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful. ─── 下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。

19、A group of opposition activists looked to Havel, just returned from his country house in Bohemia, for leadership. ─── 此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。

20、In 1526 the death of Louis II ended Jagiellon rule in Bohemia and Hungary. ─── 1526年路易二世死后,结束了亚盖沃王朝在波希米亚和匈牙利的统治。

21、8.NEFI BOHEMIA, s.r.o.- over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on Exchange, information, Payment in addition to Provision, Monitoring, Debtors and/or on Solvent. ─── 是一家现代化、值得信赖的产品供应商,该供应商从事附属的、增补的,支付,计算机网络,电器设备,终端设备,显微系统,溶体、溶液、解法,尖、尖端,工业机械装置的制造和销售。

22、Canvas of Bai Wang hind resembles Bohemia Yi Li Sha, appraisal 15.000-20.000 euro. ─── 英皇乔治一世的的黎波里大使画像,估价在30,000-40,000欧元之间。

23、Published "A curate in Bohemia". ─── 发布“一个牧师在波西米亚”。

24、In "A Scandal in Bohemia, " Sherlock Holmes is dazzled by the only woman who succeeded in outfoxing him. ─── 在《波希米亚丑闻》中,福尔摩斯折服于一个第一次智胜自己的女人。

25、The Sudetenland is a historical region comprising areas of the provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, in the vicinity of the Sudeten Mountains. ─── 苏台德是构成波希米亚和摩特维亚省份的历史地域,附近有苏台德山。

26、"another strong trend in the music of the second half of the t9th century was nationalism. Nationalism found expression in Bohemia through the music of Smetana and Dvordk, a pupil of Smetana' s." ─── 19世纪后半叶的另一大趋势是音乐民族化。通过作曲家斯美塔那及其学生德沃夏克的音乐作品,民族乐派在波希米亚崭露头角。

27、Here, in the heart of Soho, they tried to "out--BohemiaBohemia. " ─── 他们在这儿,在梭湖区的中心过尽了放浪形骸的生活。

28、Do you happen to know where I can find Bohemia crystal ? ─── 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?

29、Regardless, Bohemia soldier: Armed Assault II is the culmination of ten years of work, all of it poured into what is effectively the SAMe game. ─── 不管怎样,波希米亚的武装突袭2是十年来工作的顶点,都倾注在一个相同的游戏里。

30、University of West Bohemia in Plzen www. International. Zcu. Cz ─── 西波希米亚大学

31、Bohemia meant any place where one could live and work cheaply, and behave unconventionally;a community of free souls beyond the pale of respectable society. ─── 波希米亚的意思是任何你可以便宜地生活与工作,而且行事不落传统的地方,一个能达到心灵自由的社区。

32、A champion of the music of his homeland, Belohlavek navigates Bohemia's great river the Moldau from its gentle source then on through the middle of Prague. ─── 出生于捷克的贝劳拿域是演绎捷克音乐的名家,将为我们作向导,畅游波希米亚著名的莫尔道河,从恬静的源头一直走到布拉格的中部。

33、Bohemia may be only a figment of Mr. Lauren's fashion imagination, but he made it sweet and compelling. ─── 波西米亚也许只是拉劳伦的时尚印象的虚构,但是他把这处理的甜蜜和令人折服。

34、Bohemia life art ─── 波希米亚生活艺术

35、It is quite possible that it was occasioned by the marriage of King Richard 11 to Anne of Bohemia in that year. ─── 这是非常有可能的,这是因婚姻国王理查德11日至安妮波西米亚在这一年。

36、The Decadence Bohemia ─── 颓废波希米亚

37、Here, in the heart of Soho, they tried to "out--BohemiaBohemia." ─── 他们在这儿,在梭湖区的中心过尽了放浪形骸的生活。

38、The term migration from Chatterton to Bohemia may mean that "Bohemian" was the way out in predicament. ─── 查铁顿向波希米亚称号的迁移,可能意味着“波希米亚”是困境中的出路。

39、The Czech dialects of Bohemia ─── 波希米亚语波希米亚的捷克方言

40、Vladislav II becomes King of Bohemia. ─── 狄斯拉姆二世成为波希米亚国王。

41、Bohemia Rhapsody ─── 波希米亚狂想曲

42、Both of them are from Bohemia. ─── 他们两人都是波西米亚人。

43、This morning, Akihito will go to the square in downtown Prague named after the patron saint of Bohemia and lay flowers at the bronze statue of Saint Wenceslas. ─── 今天上午,明仁将前往布拉格市中心以波西米亚省守护神为名的广场,并安排在圣文塞斯拉斯(SaintWenceslas)铜像前献花致意。

44、Do you happened to know where I can find bohemia crystal? ─── 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?

45、In 1892, in Bohemia, the family-owned crystal company Swarovski began. ─── 一八九二年在波西米亚,家族自营的水晶公司施华洛世奇就此诞生。

46、If Bohemia or Moravia are to be the scene of action, unless you mean to destroy all your cavalry. ─── 如果波西米亚或摩拉维亚都被现场的行动,除非你的意思是要全部摧毁你的骑兵。

47、a whole bohemia of butterflies swooped down upon the yarrow, the clover, and the sterile oats,in the august park of the King of France there was a pack of vagabonds, the birds. ─── 一群群流浪的蝴蝶在蓍草、苜蓿和野麦中间翩翩狂舞,法兰西国王的森严园囿里有成堆的流氓小鸟。

48、It's only when playing through an early version of the game that you get a sense of the kind of detail Bohemia are aiming for. ─── 仅仅玩儿了点游戏的早期版本,你就能体会到波希米亚的目标了。

49、The red and white stripes on the flag are inpsired by the coat of arms of Bohemia, a region in the Czech Republic. ─── 国旗上红白条纹的灵感来源为地区性的波西米亚王国之国徽。

50、The next evolution in developer Bohemia Interactive's military endeavors. ─── 在未来的演变开发商波希米亚互动的军事努力。

51、If it were not so, we should have long ago been in the mountains of Bohemia, and you and your army would have spent a bad quarter of an hour between two fires. ─── 否则,我们老早就到波希米亚山区去了,你们随同你们的军队都要遭受到两面夹攻了。”

52、"House car village " resident play says he is " Bohemia bourgeois ". ─── “房车村”的住户戏称自己是“波希米亚资产阶级”。

53、a lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples ─── 源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈

54、I also had a Japanese-American friend, Albert Hahm, and a Czech classmate, Ren Duchac, whose immigrated parents owned a restaurant, The Little Bohemia. ─── 我还有位日裔美国人朋友,叫做埃尔伯特.哈姆,一位捷克同班同学热内.杜哈奇,他的移民父母开了一家名为小波希米亚的餐厅。

55、A native or inhabitant of Bohemia. ─── 波希米亚人波希米亚本地人或居民

56、In fact, Kafka was talented and renowned in both fields.He not only wrote great works, but was also a pioneer in reforming industries of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia in the 20th century. ─── 实际上,卡夫卡在这两个领域都是尽职尽责、出类拔萃的,他既是20世纪一位伟大的作家,也是20世纪初波希米亚和捷克斯洛伐克工业领域的一个改革先锋。

57、Bohemia culture ─── 波希米亚文化

58、Heydrich was appointed Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. ─── 海德·里希被任命为波希米亚和摩拉维亚的保护者。

59、A few season come Bohemia style makes the drape that praises clipping skill omnipresent, sleeve edge, get bosom is whole even skirt. ─── 几季来波希米亚风格使得标榜剪裁技术的褶皱无所不在,袖边、领胸部甚至整条裙子。

60、A long period magnetotelluric profile in SW Bohemia, in the western part of the Bohemian Massif, close to the KTB deep borehole in Oberpfalz, Germany, is studied. ─── 在波西米亚块体西南部做了一条长周期电磁剖面,它靠近德国超深钻的位置。

61、After lunch, a rather mortifying family tradition.They do things differently in bourgeois bohemia. ─── 午饭之后,他们展示了他们的家庭习俗.而又和那些中产阶级的波西米亚不大一样.

62、The Hussites began as a religious and political uprising by peasants in Bohemia. ─── 素质:高级类型:早期专业部队胡斯战争是波希米亚农民争取民族独立和推行宗教改革的战争。

63、The Bohemian or Czech nation did not emerge until almost 900 when the Kingdom of Bohemia arose as a regional power. ─── 西元九百年左右雄霸一方的波希米亚王国兴起后,波希米亚或今日的捷克才逐渐成型。

64、He gained sovereignty over Bohemia and Moravia and arranged the election of Pope Clement II, who crowned him emperor. ─── 他获得了波希米亚、摩拉维亚的统治权,并安排了克雷芒二世当选教宗,他替亨利三世加冕。

65、Up to 19th century, many writers and artists objected the materialism and “money first” concept of the Bourgeois, and they started to exercise the romantic living value of Bohemia. ─── 在表现波希米亚人的一面时,他们选择了极端、自由、特立独行的作风;而作为中产阶级布尔乔亚的一面时,他们也能够享受职场上的权力与成功。

66、This subject to the overall image design style based Bohemia, the lines need to show the way Bohemia temptation side. ─── 本课题的整体形象设计以波西米亚风格为主,以不拘一格的方式展示波西米亚诱惑的一面。

67、Home like a parcel, to be free, light, a sack left the state, full of the spirit of Bohemia. ─── 家就像一个包裹,是自由的、轻的,一种卷铺盖就走的状态,十足的波西米亚精神。

68、Wiesner-Hager Bohemia spol. s r.o. ─── 提供座位范围内杰出的产品。

69、Bohemia: The groom gives the bride a rosary, a prayer book, a girdle with three keys (to guard her virtue), a fur cap, and a silver wedding ring. ─── 波黑人:新郎向新娘赠送一串念珠,一本祈祷文,一根上面串着三把钥匙的腰带(用以保护她的贞洁),一顶毛皮帽,一个银的结婚戒指。

70、A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples. ─── 波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈

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