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09-05 投稿


centralize 发音

英:[?sentr?la?z]  美:[?sentr?la?z]

英:  美:

centralize 中文意思翻译




centralize 网络释义

vt. 使集中;使成为…的中心;使集权vi. 集中;实行中央集权

centralize 反义词


centralize 同义词

together | streamline | associate | collect | integrate | unify | focus | focalize | merge | confederate | centralise | ally | come |concentrate | centre | affiliate | federate | join | coalesce | compact | amalgamate | converge | concentre | aggregate | nationalize | come together | unite | federalize | league | consolidate | congregate | gather

centralize 短语词组

1、centralize control ─── 集中控制

2、centralize hr ─── 集中人力资源

3、centralize definition ─── 集中定义

4、centralize pa ─── 集中pa

5、centralize logs ─── 集中日志

6、centralize taskbar ─── 集中任务栏

7、de-centralize vt. ─── 使分散; ─── 使分权;疏散 vi. 分散集权;疏散 n. 分散

8、centralize power ─── 集权

9、centralize synonyms ─── 集中同义词

10、centralize antonyms ─── 集中反义词

11、over-centralize ─── [网络] 过度集中

centralize 词性/词形变化,centralize变形


centralize 相似词语短语

1、centralizes ─── vt.使集中;使成为…的中心;使集权;vi.集中;实行中央集权

2、decentralize ─── vt.使分散;使分权;疏散;vi.分散集权;疏散;n.分散

3、centralizers ─── [数]中心化子

4、centralized ─── adj.集中的;中央集权的;v.集中(centralize的过去分词)

5、centralised ─── vt.把…集中起来;形成中心

6、centralise ─── vt.把…集中起来;形成中心

7、centralises ─── n.中央

8、centraliser ─── 扶正器

9、centralizer ─── n.扶正器;定心夹具;[数]中心化子;定中心器

centralize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Centralize business processes across business units. ─── 业务流程跨业务单位集中。

2、The central or principal vein of a leaf. ─── 中脉中心的或主要的叶脉

3、They put out for tenders for a new central heating system. ─── 他们招标承办一套新的暖气设备。

4、Before you start ordering oil for the central heating ring around the suppliers to see who will offer you the cheapest price. ─── 你在开始为中心暖气装置订购石油之前,给一些供货商打电话,看谁的要价最低。

5、Their office is in central Beijing, so their overhead is very high. ─── 他们的办事处设在北京市中心,所以他们的日常开支很大。

6、Children 's concentration is hard to centralize. ─── 儿童的注意力很不容易集中。

7、An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America. ─── 大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原

8、One thing NIS does is to centralize E-mail sorting. ─── NIS所做的事情之一便 是电子邮件分类集中化。

9、Austria is a landlocked country of central Europe. ─── 奥地利是欧洲中部的内陆国。

10、Central Park is a hug center. The amount of love made visible in the Park is simply appalling. ─── 中央公园是公开调情做爱的中心,这里公开调情做爱之事之多,简直令人震惊。

11、She has been a central figure in the campaign. ─── 她一直是这场运动的主要人物。

12、The central heating boiler is in the basement . ─── 中央供暖系统的锅炉设在地下室。

13、An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12,1492). ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗·哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

14、They converged on the central open space. ─── 他们在中央空地上集中起来。

15、The state or quality of being central. ─── 中心性居于中心的状态或属性

16、A ruler, an official, or an important person in India and some central Asian countries. ─── 可汗印度和一些中亚国家的统治者、官员或重要人物

17、The ability of the movement to centralize control over these widely dispersed resources was an important consideration in its strategy. ─── 集中控制这个广泛分布的资源的能力是我们策略的重要部分,不能不考虑。

18、We should not deny the importance of authority and should centralize power wherever necessary. Otherwise, time will be wasted, at the least. ─── 不能否定权威,该集中的要集中,否则至少要耽误时间。

19、The shops in central London keep open late on Tuesday evenings. ─── 伦敦中心的商店星期二晚上一直营业到很晚的时候。

20、Surrounding the central cylinder is the pericycle. ─── 围绕中柱的是中柱鞘。

21、The terminal is off line while repairs are being made to the central computer. ─── 在中央计算机修理期间,这台终端不能使用。

22、For example, online surveys are easy to deploy and can centralize the results for comparison. ─── 例如,在线调研非常简单,而且可以精确衡量营销活动的效果。

23、Does your classroom have central heating? ─── 你们教室有暖气吗?

24、The central heating will be put off next month. ─── 下个月暖气不开放了。

25、He dialled in the central station on the radio. ─── 他在收音机上调中央广播电台。

26、Is your central heating gas or electricity? ─── 你们的集中供热设备是煤气的还是用电的?

27、Secrecy enshrouded the Party's central committee. ─── 保密气氛笼罩着党中央委员会。

28、It's no longer possible to find a cheap flat in central London. ─── 在伦敦市中心区再也不可能找到租金低廉的公寓了。

29、The central idea; the essence. ─── 中心中心思想; 精华,要素

30、Driving a car in central London is quite an art! ─── 在伦敦市中心开汽车可真是一门艺术!

31、He lead the company forward by cheerful mind, and centralize everyone's efforts to accomplish projects one after another. ─── 他远见卓识,在全公司的共同努力下,完成了一个又一个项目。

32、Scene: Central Perk, Ross and Chandler enter. ─── [场景:在中央公园咖啡店,和钱德进来了。

33、The foremost or central pin in an arrangement of bowling pins. ─── 主柱滚木球戏木瓶的排列中最前面的或中心的木瓶

34、Are most of the lakes Located in the north central region? ─── 大部分湖泊都在北部中心地区吗?

35、Inspire Essential Oil: stimulates awakes the brain, centralize energy,increase memory. ─── 主要功效:提神醒脑,集中精力,增强记忆力。

36、The company built a new HQ to centralize their administration. ─── 公司建了新总部把管理集中起来。

37、People don't have central heating in their houses in my country. ─── 在我国,一般人家里没有集中供热设备。

38、A dominant theme or central idea. ─── 主旨主题或中心思想

39、A sloop has only one central pole. ─── 单桅帆船只有一个中央桅杆。

40、The central services of the BBC to some extent feed off the regional stations. ─── 在某种程度度上,BBC总部要从地方机构获取消息。

41、In order for HIPPO to operate more effectively, they decided to move toward a call-center design to centralize processing of claims. ─── 为了让HIPPO更高效地运作,他们决定转型为呼叫中心设计,以集中处理索赔。

42、The prairie is in the central North America. ─── 大草原在北美洲中部。

43、Massive stars are hottest in their central regions. ─── 大质量恒星的中心区域温度最高。

44、The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands. ─── 国王企图把一切权力集中于自己手中。

45、The central nervous system is congested. ─── 中枢神经系统已经充血。

46、So we centralize our study on interaction of executive incentive, stockholding and firm performance. ─── 因此我们集中研究了上市公司高管薪酬、高管持股与企业业绩之间的交互作用。

47、Branch officials can access the central database. ─── 分行官员可利用中央数据库。

48、The bulging, central part of a muscle. ─── (肌)腹肌肉的中央凸起部分

49、In the mass production era, multinational firms tended to centralize their operations. ─── 在大规模生产时期,跨国公司倾向于集中运营。

50、A proposal to raise taxes is the central plank of the party's platform. ─── 多征税的建议是该政党选举宣言建议中的主要点。

51、We should not deny the importance of authority and should centralize power wherever necessary. ─── 不能否定权威,该集中的要集中,

52、It really express the differences between the country culture and the citizen culture, the cultural conflicts centralize particularly in love. ─── 它真实地展示了农村文化与城市文化的差异,这种文化冲突在爱情生活中表现得最典型。

53、How about to the swimming pool at the central Gymnasium? ─── 到中心体育馆的游泳池去怎么样?

54、TO currency training ,ADD may be arrange the centralize time to process. ─── 2对于一些通识性的培训项目可能会安排在同一时间来集中培训。

55、The obvious solution for this issue is to centralize your application's cached data into a single tier and through a single collection. ─── 该问题的一个明显的解决方案是将应用程序的缓存数据集中到单个层中并使用单个集合。

56、Money give by central government to local government to help pay for a project. ─── 中央政府为帮助项目所需资金给地方政府的钱。

57、A town of southern Alaska north of Anchorage. It has been proposed as a new state capital because of its central location. ─── 威洛阿拉斯加州南部、安克雷奇以北的城镇。因位于中心位置曾被申请做新的州府。

58、The central forward portion of the lower jaw. ─── 下巴下颚中间向前突出的部分

59、Super-strengthen spring steel is applied to centralize casing in wellbore, and improves cementing quality. ─── 利用高强度弹簧钢支撑套管,使套管居中,提高固井质量。

60、The area code for central London is0171. ─── 伦敦中心的电话区号为0171。

61、It must decide whether to delegate authority to subsidiaries or centralize. ─── 它必须决定是委授权力给公司,还是采取集中办法。

62、The author characterizes the central figure as a weakling. ─── 作者把书中的中心人物描绘成一个懦弱的人。

63、He has arrived in the barren upland of central Spain. ─── 他已经到了西班牙中部的贫瘠高地。

64、Smith banked $10000 at the Central Bank. ─── 史密斯在中央银行存款1万美元。

65、The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States. ─── 协约国在第一次世界大战期间与欧洲同盟国对抗的结盟国家,有俄国、法国、英国,后来又有包括美国的其它很多国家,

66、The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome. ─── 中央行政管理部门罗马帝国时期中央行政管理部门

67、Making development the central theme. ─── 坚持把发展作为主题。

68、Stored procedures are often used to consolidate and centralize logic that was originally implemented in applications. ─── 存储过程常常用来整合和集中那些原来在应用程序中实现的逻辑。

69、The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheral and remote devices. ─── 主机计算机除了外部和分离的装置以外的中心运作部件

70、Located near the central area of the abdomen. ─── 位于腹部中央附近的

71、The shops are in a central position in the city. ─── 商店都开设在城市的中心。

72、Above them was a central bureau of cooperatives. ─── 它们的上面则是合作社总局。

73、Cleared to taxi out follow central taxi strip. ─── 可以沿中央联络道滑出。

74、One thing NIS does is to centralize E-mailsorting. ─── NIS所做的事情之一便是电子邮件分类集中化。

75、The capital of Delaware, in the central part of the state. Founded in1683 on orders from William Penn, it became capital in1777. Population, 27,630. ─── 多佛尔位于美国特拉华州中部的首府。建城于1683年,当时受威廉·潘管辖,1777年成为首府。人口27, 630

76、Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. ─── 传入的传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经

77、It's the abbreviation of China Central Television. ─── 它是中国中央电视台的缩写。

78、Ramqvist decided on a radical overhaul that would centralize sales of all products in each country unit. ─── 兰科维斯特决定进行一次彻底调整,他将中央化销售(爱立信公司)在任何一个国家集团中制造的所有产品。

79、To transfer data or programs to a central computer. ─── 上载数据传递数据或程序到中央计算上

80、Get the driver to drop you off at the central station. ─── 叫司机在中央车站停车,让你下车。

81、Central heating is bad news for indoor plants. ─── 中央供暖系统可能不利于室内植物。

82、The central heating goes off at9 o'clock. ─── 中央供暖设备9点停止供暖。

83、Application of GPS centralize diffierential in intelligent vehicle transport system. ─── GPS集中差分技术在城市车辆智能交通管理中的应用。

84、In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to centralize the management of water resources. ─── 为了提高供水效率,应采取集中管理水资源的措施。

85、The central supporting element of a whole. ─── 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则

86、She stay in a small hotel near Central park. ─── 她住在中央公园附近的一家小旅馆。

87、The doctors shall operate on his central nervous system. ─── 医生们将要对他的中枢神经系统动手术。

88、In a small hotel near Central Park. ─── 住在中央公园附近一家小旅馆。

89、Do you know the central idea of this article? ─── 你知道这篇文章的中心思想吗?

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