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09-05 投稿



endosteal 发音

英:[[en'd?st??l]]  美:[[en'd?st?rl]]

英:  美:

endosteal 中文意思翻译



endosteal 短语词组

1、muco-endosteal ─── [医] 粘膜骨内膜的

2、endosteal lamella ─── [医] 骨内板

3、endosteal scalloping ─── 骨内扇贝

4、endosteal layer ─── 骨内膜层

endosteal 相似词语短语

1、end of steel ─── 钢的端部

2、endoskeletal ─── [动]内骨骼的

3、periosteal ─── adj.骨膜的

4、ectosteal ─── 异位骨

5、endostea ─── n.骨内膜(endosteum的变形)

6、endosteally ─── 硬脂内

7、endossed ─── 赋予

8、endosteum ─── n.[解剖]骨内膜

9、endosperm ─── n.[植]胚乳

endosteal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods: 48 failure implants was observed of 482 endosteal dental implants in 422 cases during 1993.7 to 2001.6. ─── 方法:1993年7月至2001年6月共完成种植义齿422例, 植入种植体482颗,其中有48颗种植体失败脱落。

2、endosteal cell ─── 骨内膜细胞

3、Clinical Study of Complete Dentures Supported by Two Endosteal Magnetic-attachment Implants ─── 种植磁附着体在全口义齿修复中的临床应用

4、Long-term effect of endosteal implant using modified operative method ─── 骨内人工种植牙改良术式的远期效果

5、Objective: to investigate the influence of load location to the strains at the tissue around endosteal implant for posterior single tooth replacement. ─── 目的:探讨不同载荷条件对后牙单种植体周围组织的力学影响。

6、unidentified endosteal marrow cell ─── 性质未定的骨内(膜)的骨髓细胞

7、To fulfill these requirements, implants must be designed to fit the endosteal cavity of the proximal femur as closely as possible. ─── 为了达到这些要求,所设计的假体必须尽可能紧密地填充股骨近端的髓腔。

8、Normal endosteal bone formation ─── 正常骨内膜骨形成

9、Methods: 48 failure implants was observed of 482 endosteal dental implants in 422 cases during 1993.7 to 2001.6. ─── 方法:1993年7月至2001年6月共完成种植义齿422例,植入种植体482颗,其中有48颗种植体失败脱落。

10、endosteal dental implant ─── 骨内牙种植

11、Geometric analysis of the proximal endosteal curvature on humerus in Chinese ─── 国人肱骨近端髓腔形态曲线的几何学分析

12、This rat model of endosteum ossification was successful. ─── 该动物模型是成功的。

13、Five Years Clinic Therapeutic Effectiveness Observation of Using One Stage Endosteal Implants ─── 应用一段式骨内种植体的五年临床疗效观察

14、The new bone that closed the marrow cavity could only be formed by the endosteum. ─── 结论关闭髓腔的骨质只能来自于骨内膜成骨。

15、The endosteum lining the marrow cavity is therefore continuous with the endosteal linning of Haversian canals. ─── 骨髓腔的骨内膜与骨组织中的管腔内膜也是相连续的(包括中央管)。

16、anchor endosteal implant ─── 锚状骨内种植体

17、The initial osseous healing involves the bone modeling at the periosteal and endosteal surfaces followed by the bone remodeling occurred at the non-vital osseous interface. ─── 初期骨头愈合的反应主要包括了在骨膜及骨内膜表面进行的骨塑形以及随即发生于后的种植体-骨头交介面的骨重塑生长。

18、Clincal usage of titanium membrane for the guided bone regeneration in the endosteal implants placement ─── 钛膜引导骨再生在骨内种植体植入中的应用

19、expansile infrastructure endosteal implant ─── 扩张式骨内植入体

20、So-called anatomical stems hae a slight proximal posterior bow to reproduce the contour of the femoral endosteum, thereby predetermining the rotational alignment of the implant. ─── 所谓的解剖型股骨柄近端有一略微向后的弓形,以重现股骨内部的轮廓,从而预先固定了假体的旋转方向。

21、second, the endosteal surface, being rather rough and irregular, should be remoed to ensure good contact of the graft with the host bone. ─── 其二是由于内骨膜面租糙不规整,切除后能使植骨块与受区骨更好地接触。

22、The influence of load location posterior single tooth replacement on the strains around endosteal implant ─── 后牙单种植体支持式义齿载荷点对种植体周围组织的力学影响

23、Objective: To provide endosteal parameters of the proximal humerus for designing of humeral prosthesis stem fitting Chinese. ─── 目的:为设计适合国人的肱骨头假体柄提供相关髓腔参数。

24、Geometric analysis of the proximal endosteal curvature on humerus in Chinese ─── 国人肱骨近端髓腔形态曲线的几何学分析

25、The influence of load location posterior single tooth replacement on the strains around endosteal implant ─── 后牙单种植体支持式义齿载荷点对种植体周围组织的力学影响

26、endosteal blade vent implant ─── 骨内叶状开口种植体

27、A Clinical Observation of Endosteal Dental Implants for Six Years ─── 骨内牙种植体六年临床观察

28、endosteal blade close implant ─── 骨内叶状闭口种植体

29、1.Our practice is to remove the endosteal side of the graft for two reasons: first, the thin endosteal portion provides a graft to be placed across from the cortical graft; ─── 由于两个原因我们常规切除骨块的内骨膜面部分:其一是较窄的内骨膜面部分可以用作植骨架于皮质骨连接骨块;

30、endosteal implant ─── 骨内种植体, 骨内植入体

31、The influence of single-or-double-implant restoration of the first mandibular molar on the strains around endosteal implant ─── 单、双种植体修复下颌第一磨牙载荷状态下种植体周围组织应变及受力的实验研究

32、Keywords Endosteal implant Implantation Successful rate; ─── 骨内种植体;种植术;成功率;

33、Five Years Clinic Therapeutic Effectiveness Observation of Using One Stage Endosteal Implants ─── 应用一段式骨内种植体的五年临床疗效观察

34、Longitudinal cutting flutes and extensie porous coatings that “scratch” the diaphyseal endosteum improe rotational stability in the absence of cement. ─── 无骨水泥固定时假体上的纵向凹槽和能挂住骨干骨内膜的广泛多孔表面也可增加柄的旋转稳定性。

35、Abnormal endosteal bone formation ─── 异常骨内膜骨形成

36、Other types of tissue found in bones include marrow, endosteum and periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage. ─── 另外,骨中还有骨髓、骨内膜和骨外膜、神经、血管和软骨等。

37、To fulfill these requirements, implants must be designed to fit the endosteal caity of the proximal femur as closely as possible. ─── 为了达到这些要求,所设计的假体必须尽可能紧密地填充股骨近端的髓腔。

38、Methods:From 1992 to 1996,we have restored 201 cases involving 127 patients in three implantation ways by using CDIC pure tianinum one stage endosteal implants. ─── 方法:自1992年9月至1996年11月间应用CDIC纯钛一段式骨内种植体对127例患者采用3种植入方法进行了201颗人工牙种植修复。

39、chondroma endosteal ─── 骨内软骨瘤

40、endosteal lamella ─── 骨内板

41、blade endosteal implant ─── 叶状骨内种植体

42、Objective:To investigate the clinic therapeutic effectiveness of one stage endosteal implant. ─── 目的:观察一段式骨内种植体种植后的临床疗效。

43、Long-term effect of endosteal implant using modified operative method ─── 骨内人工种植牙改良术式的远期效果

44、The influence of single-or-double-implant restoration of the first mandibular molar on the strains around endosteal implant ─── 单、双种植体修复下颌第一磨牙载荷状态下种植体周围组织应变及受力的实验研究

45、Endosteal bone formation ─── 骨内膜骨形成

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