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09-05 投稿



wooer 发音

英:[['wu:?]]  美:[['wu:?]]

英:  美:

wooer 中文意思翻译



wooer 词性/词形变化,wooer变形

名词: wooer |动词过去式: wooed |动词现在分词: wooing |动词第三人称单数: woos |动词过去分词: wooed |

wooer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Woo Lee Chuan Spring is the wellspring of the “AER super mineral”. ─── 五里泉是阿尔山冷泉养身矿泉水的水源,该泉是世界三大冷泉之一!

2、A wooer he stands at the door out there. ─── 一个求婚者站在外面的门口。

3、In the woo l-carpeted master bedroom, Nicholas's walnut end table accompanies Kollar's linen-upholstered headboard. ─── 在羊毛地毯装饰的主卧室内,尼古拉斯设计的胡桃木茶几与科勒设计的亚麻面床头板相适配。

4、He said as big cities rev up their marketing to woo travelers, smaller cities may get some of the trickle down tourism. ─── 他说,大城市加大了营销活动来招揽游客;小一些的城市也从中受到了“旅游带动“

5、"As if the mere 'differently' didn't account for it! " the wooer insisted. ─── “好像这还不仅仅是‘与众不同’的问题!”阿切尔坚持说。

6、Before Bae Yong Joon, they used Kwon Sang Woo, Ko So Young, and Okuda Erica as their models and produced the posters. ─── 在裴勇俊之前,该公司曾聘请权相宇,高小英以及奥田惠梨华等人担任代言人。

7、They never have storyboard except Tsui Hark, John Woo. ─── 他们从来没有故事大纲,除了徐克和吴宇森。

8、Every tilt of the head, every smile and every move he made elicited screams of adoration from his fans and he knew just how to woo them. ─── 他的头动一下,他微笑一下,他做个的小动作都会引得宏迷们的尖叫,他知道怎样来带动他们。

9、Mr Woo added that most of the world’s large currency investors were now based in London. ─── 他补充称,目前,全球多数大型外汇投资者都驻扎伦敦。

10、Chinese Movie Database: Poster Gallery: Wong Kai-Wai, Jackie Chan, John Woo and Chow Yun Fat. ─── 中文电影资料库:电影海报馆。

11、Su Woo nothing is more importnat than power and money to him. ─── 善宇则只爱台力与金钱,其他事情则不值不晒。

12、A university is a place where those woo hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who pursue truth who strike to make others see. ─── 大学是憎恶无知的人求知之所,是寻求真理的人诲人之处。

13、He is trying to woo my sister. ─── 他试图向我姊姊求婚。

14、Woo, Barney does the ABCs. You know, I don't want to ruin the ending for you Cor, but Z. ─── 呜呜,巴尼又唱ABC歌了.瞧,我不想让你破坏你最后的好戏.

15、Mr Woo said he would not speculate on whether Mr Li's remarks were aimed at him. ─── 吴光正表示不会揣测李嘉诚的言论是否针对他。

16、In-show commercials will 'break the story flow,' says Woo Ji-sook, a 29-year-old office worker in Seoul. ─── 29岁的首尔职员WooJi-sook认为,插播的广告会打断剧情。

17、Grace: Woo! Those hips say someone had a good meeting with Harlin today. ─── 哦,从这屁股看来,今天某人跟哈林的会谈很顺利(威尔是一名律师,哈林是威尔的大客户)。

18、Hoo - Woo ran out of the trees to meet me. ─── “呼呜”从树林里跑出来迎接我。

19、Says Han Myung Woo, an expert on sports psychology at Sunmoon University:"A month from the competition is not the time to be putting snakes around your body. ─── 孙文大学的运动心理专家珲明雨说:“大赛前一个月可不是把蛇缠在身上的时候。

20、Welcome to Saltlightlove's world!I am Bernadette Woo from Beijing China. ─── 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹们,我是吴蓉,来自中国北京市,希望大家在这里旅行愉快!

21、Summary: Sound engineer Sang Woo meets local DJ Eun Soo on a recording trip in the quest of the nature's voice... ─── 冬日早上,录音师尚优和DJ恩素结伴四处记录大自然声音。

22、I came out of a theater, where I used to spend every evening in the proscenium boxes in the role of an ardent wooer. ─── 我走出剧院,过去我习惯每天晚上以热情的追求者身份出现在前台包厢里。(注十七)

23、Prof Woo was the first Chinese to head a mainstream US university. ─── 吴家玮教授也是首位担任美国主流大学校长的华人。

24、A wooer should opens his ears more than his eyes. ─── 找对象要多用耳,少用眼。

25、In Mr Cameron the Tories have a disturbingly presentable front man, able to woo the southern types whom his harsher, balder predecessors alienated. ─── 在卡梅伦身上,保守党找到了一个令人不安却又拿得出手的领军人物,头发比卡梅伦更少的前任们比他更严厉,疏远了南方选民,而卡梅伦却能讨这些选民欢心。

26、Are you and Woo the De Niro and Scorsese of Hong Kong gangster movies? ─── 你与吴宇森是不是就好像罗伯特德尼罗和马丁史柯西斯合作黑帮电影?

27、That has boosted the emirate's position in what has become a race among wealthy Gulf states to woo prestigious seats of learning. ─── 在富有的海湾国家面对教育的竞争中,以上这些投资都让这个酋长国的地位得到提升。

28、They shrink together when Tizzu shout with ah ah ah woo. ─── 厕狼的可爱叫声终于出现,把他们吓得畏缩在一起。

29、Miss Cat went downstairs and sent the wooer away. ─── 猫小姐下楼把求婚者打发走了。

30、Leva Woo and also participated in her joint exhibition at the Vancouver Central Public Library in 2001. ─── 2001年参与由老师于温市中央图书馆主办之国画联展,展出作品有金鱼及鲤鱼等。

31、In the first big action scene, most reminiscent of Woo's earlier SFX-free brute heroics, Gen. ─── 在第一幕打斗现场,大将赵云(胡军饰)孤身奋战救阿斗。

32、Lysander: Why should you think that I should woo in scorn? I just hope you could love me. ─── 为什麽你要以为我的求爱不过是嘲笑你呢?我只是希望你爱我罢了。

33、He attempts to woo her in a characteristically extravagant manner. ─── 他尝试过用挥金如土的阔绰方式去取悦于她。

34、He was trying to woo the daughter of a Missouri aris-tocrat. ─── 他正试图追求一位密苏里的豪门小姐。

35、Iago. Did Michael Cassio, when you woo'd my lady, Know of your love? ─── 伊阿古?您向夫人求婚的?候,唼克???西?也知道你?在????

36、I wonder at this haste; that I must wed ere he, that should be husband, comes to woo. ─── 世间哪有这样匆促的事情,人家还没有来向我求过婚,我倒先做了他的妻子了!

37、Jayce: Woo long time did not play LEGO already. This fellow so expensive one ah? ─── 人生总是有那么一点遗憾,有遗憾回忆里的日子才会比现实美好。

38、Director John Woo said the stars will join the entourage in the coming week. ─── 吴宇森导演说其他的演员将在下周投入拍摄。

39、Steven,did you check up on Patricia Woo before you hired her? ─── 史蒂文,你雇帕特里夏.吴之前核对过她的材料吗?

40、It was largely in an effort to woo him back that Mr Zardari agreed to Mr Sharif's other main demand: to impeach Mr Musharraf. ─── 为了挽回盟友谢里夫,扎尔达里做出了很大程度的努力,即同意前者另一主要要求:弹劾穆沙拉夫。

41、English: A wooer should opens his ears more than his eyes. ─── 中文:找对象要多用耳,少用眼。

42、With a kiss you can strip me defenseless,With a touch I completely lose control,til all that's left of my strength is a memory, woo... ─── 一个吻就让我弃甲投降,一靠近你就丧失自制力,自制矜持面对你如烟云。

43、Pictured here is Chinese American Mike Woo (third from right) campaigning in a black neighborhood during Los Angeles City mayoral elections. ─── 图为华裔美人胡绍基(右三)竞选洛杉矶市长时,赴黑人社区拉票情形。

44、Politicians try to woo the voters before an election. ─── 在选举前政治家们都力争选民的支持。

45、WHO Director-General Jong Woo Lee said the organization believes there will be a human influenza pandemic. ─── 世卫总干事李钟郁说,该组织认为,人类将爆发一场大规模流感疫情。

46、WoO 59, a piece of music for solo piano by Ludwig van Beethoven, written approximately in 1810. ─── 哩首音乐我真系由细细个黑胶碟时代已经听,一只真系好好听既音乐。

47、City and provincial governments, seeing the chance to woo prestigious industries that employed large numbers, chipped in funds or policy support. ─── 各省市政府看到这个扶植知名产业、提供大量就业岗位的良机,纷纷在资金或政策上加以支持。

48、He must woo and flatter the official because without his goodwill he will be deprived of information. ─── 他必须讨好和奉承这个官员,因为没有官员的善意,他就搞不到情况。

49、That would be the way of the wooer whose mind runs on his mistress's money. ─── 如果这样的话,那就是一心贪图钱财的追求者的恶劣行径了。

50、How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years. ─── 一个热情但却失败的求婚者该是多么愚蠢啊,尤其是如果他已经上了年纪。

51、Woo, $5,700 is a very good price. R1's performance is very good. I guess H5 will be selling at around $4,000. ─── 今日去睇过H5重未有得卖,而R1我见到最平卖5,700,确实好抵用,搅到我都好想买番部

52、Part deux of John Woo’s epic astutely places its emphasis on the mind play between the two brilliant thinkers and Cao Cao himself. ─── 吴宇森的武戏毋庸置疑:草船借箭、火烧连环船、借东风、攻打曹营的战争华丽而残酷。

53、Earl March look'd on his dying child,And, smit with grief to view her--'The youth,' he cried,'whom I exiledShall be restored to woo her. ─── '马奇伯爵在临死的女儿前,看着她就悲伤的心疼;他喊到,“召回我流放的青年,让他来向我女儿求婚...

54、Your passionate love is helped Choi Ji Woo and the staff who work with her and give a smile to us. ─── 你们热情的爱帮助崔智友以及一起和她工作的职员,用你的笑容给我们打气吧。

55、A band of suitors is destroying his property as they woo( attract or court) his wife Penelope. ─── 一群追求者们在向他的妻子珀涅罗珀求爱,乘机来侵占他的财产。

56、Starred by Korean idol Kwon Sang Woo! ─── 人气偶像权相佑主演!

57、A man may woo where he will, but he will wed where his hap is. ─── 向谁求爱由自己,与谁结婚靠机遇.

58、He barnstormed across the southern states in an attempt to woo the voters. ─── 他在南方各州作巡回演说,企图拉选票。

59、Woo,that's really cool,and that's how it happened. ─── 哇,这太酷了。 这就是它的由来。

60、The press, which he had tried to woo in opposition over regular lunches of sea cucumber, breathed freer air. ─── 他曾经呼吁媒体起来反对把海参作为午餐,而在他的治下媒体们也呼吸着更自由的空气。

61、Welcome to Saltlightlove's world!I am Bernadette Woo from Beijing China.Thanks be to God to let us to be friend of each other. ─── 你好,我是吴蓉,来自中国北京市,希望大家在这里愉快的旅行并与我共同赞美天主!

62、But in the face of homosexuality wooer, female showed remarkably higher percentage of rejection than male. ─── 但对同性恋的求爱,女生拒绝的比例明显高于男生。

63、Sport Bild believes a Red Bull-BMW linkup would be a perfect bid to eventually woo Sebastian Vettel back to the Hinwil based team in the future. ─── 体育画报相信红牛和宝马的联合会成有一个理想的报价,最后瓦特尔会在未来回到西维尔的车队。

64、Hip Woo Trade Mark Printing Co. ─── 协和商标印刷公司。

65、Woo, I couldn't wait to get upstairs to write. ─── 喔,我等不及要上楼去写下今晚的故事了.

66、Before John Woo did it, who would bring pigeons to the set? ─── 吴宇森拍戏之前,有没有人放白鸽?

67、Before Henry left Arsenal for the Nou Camp, there were even rumours that Gerrard tried to woo him to Merseyside. ─── 在亨利离开阿森纳去巴塞罗那之前,有传闻杰拉德曾力邀他来到默西塞德。

68、His effort to woo her to his side prove fruitless. ─── 他试图说服她站到自己一边的努力徒劳无功。

69、British banks have no option these days but to woo their customers. ─── 如今英国的银行别无选择,只能取悦客户。

70、And Woo injects humor and a modern sensibility into his characters, removing any feeling that these are outdated personalities hundreds of years old. ─── 吴还将幽默和现代化的感性注入到他的人物中,消除“这些都是过时了几百年的人物”的感觉。

71、If a wooer came she gave him some riddle to guess, and if he could not guess it, he was sent contemptuously away. ─── 每当有人求婚时,她总要出个谜语让他猜,如果猜不中,她就会轻蔑地把他赶走。

72、To woo students, colleges in the U.S. choose names that sell. ─── 为吸引生源,美国许多院校纷纷更名,以求叫座.

73、There is a cozy atmosphere and if you have romantic plans, this is the time. You can take a hesitant step forward to woo loved ones. ─── 今天有着惬意的气氛,如果你有浪漫的安排再好不过了。提起你犹豫不决的脚步追求你心爱的人吧。

74、Pairs of male lance-tailed manakins perform complex dances of "leapfrog" stunts and flight displays to woo interested females. ─── 两只雄长尾侏儒鸟一起表演高难度的“跳背舞”及特技飞行,以吸引雌鸟。

75、But for all his efforts to woo the anti-war wing, he is free of the isolationist flavour of most populist politicians. ─── 不过,从他种种向反战派示好的努力来看,爱德华兹没有大多数政客身上那股孤立主义的体味。

76、To woo or pay court to(a lady). ─── 向(女士)求爱或献殷勤

77、A ban on internet campaigning during the election hardly helps woo young voters. ─── 在大选期间,网络竞选的禁令也无法争取多少年轻选民。

78、He immediately begins to woo her, while at the same time attending to his duties as the head of the Knights Of Aragon, a secret ancient fraternity. ─── 但是当危机发生,亚力汉卓不得不再度戴上面罩拯救世人,伊莲娜觉得被他欺骗,于是把他赶出家门,而且很快就向他提出离婚要求。

79、If something could disenchant voters, it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes. ─── 一个依赖以往的成绩和无所不能的形象来争取选票的政治领导人,只会使选民感到失望。

80、Tres Quarto 07. gi da rim - Lee Seung Yul 08. goo reum woo san 09. ─── Tres Quarto(纯音乐) 07.waiting等待(男声) 08.cloud umbrella云伞(纯音乐) 09.

81、She tried to woo electoral support with promises of tax reduction. ─── 她试图以减税之承诺争取选民的支持。

82、How you own three cars but you don't own your own name? (woo! ─── 你连自己的名字都不能让别人记住,你那三辆轿车又是哪来的啊?(哦!)

83、I have really come to know Woo from Face Off, one of the best movies in my list.I'm gl... ─── 因为在我最初看电影的时候实在没有看出来它是这样一部深刻的...

84、One of the most active groups in this project has been the Woo Ching Integrated Service Centre for the Elderly at Yan Oi Tong, Tuen Mun. ─── 因此,道路安全组安排多个区内的长者团体参与道路安全活动。而屯门仁爱堂胡忠老人社区服务中心是最积极参与这类活动的团体之一。

85、Woo's business partner, Terrence Chang, told Sina.com, a Chinese news website, that Chow had demanded the addition of 73 clauses. ─── 吴导的工作伙伴张家振告诉新浪(一家中国新闻网站),周润发提出了73条附加条款。

86、A passage in Plutarch, where a Spartan woman refers an importunate wooer to her husband, seems to indicate, according to Schamann, even greater freedom. ─── 在普卢塔克的作品中,有一个地方谈到一个斯巴达妇女,叫一个向她求爱的人,去取得她的丈夫的许可,按照舍曼的看法,可以认为在习俗上甚至存在着更大的自由。

87、Such is the case with Los Angeles mayoral candidate, Mike Woo. ─── 例如第二代华裔美人胡绍基,今年参加洛杉矶市长的竞选。

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