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09-13 投稿


Chablis 发音

英:[???bli?]  美:[???bli?]

英:  美:

Chablis 中文意思翻译



Chablis 短语词组

1、chablis for one crossword ─── 一个填字游戏的夏布利酒

2、chablis aoc ─── 夏布利aoc

3、colombier chablis ─── 哥伦比亚夏布利酒

4、chablis fr ─── 夏布利葡萄酒

5、chablis ac ─── 夏布利酒ac

Chablis 相似词语短语

1、stablish ─── v.设立,创立(机构、制度等);建立(正式关系);确立,使坚固;获得接受,得到认可;查实,确定;(植物)定植;(通过出大牌)使(某)花色所剩的牌都能赢(等于establish)

2、chals ─── 圣杯

3、chadris ─── 查德里斯

4、chalks ─── n.粉笔;白垩地层(chalk的复数);v.用粉笔写(或画);用白垩粉擦;把(酒钱)记于……账上(chalk的第三人称单数)

5、channelise ─── 使形成沟渠(【美】channelize);通道化(【美】channelize);疏导(【美】channelize)

6、ghiblis ─── n.基布利风;朝向风(北非的一种含尘热沙漠风)

7、chabouks ─── n.用以体罚的一种长鞭

8、Chablis ─── n.夏布利酒

9、challis ─── n.丝毛轻软织物;n.(Challis)(美)查利斯(人名)

Chablis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Besides normal A.O.C. rank, CHABLIS also have higher classes, namely, Premier Cru and Grand Cru. ─── 除了普通的法定产区酒,莎比丽还有更高级别,分别是高级酒和特级酒。

2、More typically Chablis on the palate, showing white fruit and the lovely "stony" mineral and crisp, steely acidic structure that distinguishes Chablis. ─── 典型的雪比利村的风格,有明显的矿物味,酒体丰满。

3、How about a California Chablis? ─── 来点加利弗利亚葡萄酒怎样?

4、Josefh Drouhin Chablis Domaine de Vaudon ─── 夏布利-约瑟.杜华酒园

5、Chablis is very good wine,producing in Burgundy of France.And Chablis goes well with seafood. ─── 白葡萄酒是法国勃良地出产的好酒,配新鲜饮很好。

6、2007 Domaine Louis Michel Chablis (France, Burgundy, Chablis). 13.0%. 100% Chardonnay is crisp and clean with light citrus and weight. ─── 2006路易斯-米歇巴尔夏布利(法国,勃艮第,夏布利).13.0%酒精度.100%霞多丽.口中松脆,清净,和较少的柑属味.从2008至2009.10/20分

7、The following MDX query examines the unit sales of the various Chardonnay and Chablis wines in FoodMart 2000, the sample database for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services. ─── 下列MDX查询将检查FoodMart 2000(Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services示例数据库)中各种Chardonnay酒和Chablis酒的单位销售额。

8、His first choice was Chablis and the name he planned to look for was William Fevre. ─── 他的第一选择就是塞布利酒,他打算买的酒叫威廉热夜(WilliamFevre)。

9、W.S:Why don't you try Chablis for clams on half shell? ─── 你们为何不试饮一下白葡萄酒配半个蛤呢?

10、The equivalent in 2007 media dollars is probably a box of Chablis, but I still wanted evidence. ─── 在2007年,与这种报道新闻价值相等的可能是一箱夏布利白葡萄酒,但我仍然想得到来过此地的证据。

11、Would you like Scotch,bourbon,Chablis or fruit Juice? ─── 你喝苏格兰威士忌酒、波旁、啤酒、卡布利白葡萄酒,还是果汁?

12、While there are various levels of Chablis, including Grand Cru, John was more interested in basic Chablis, which is a better buy. ─── 虽然塞布利酒分各种级别,其中包括特级酒,但约翰对低档次的塞布利酒更感兴趣,因为它们更划算。

13、Beaune, Chablis, Auxerre and Macon are here. ─── 博纳,赛布利,欧塞尔和梅森都在这里。

14、Somsak: How about a California chablis? ─── (来一杯 California 白葡萄酒,好么?)

15、During production a Chablis style handling and wine making is used. ─── 采用夏布丽风格酒的采摘酿造工艺制造。

16、That sounds good. We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis. ─── 听起来不错。我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。

17、Bouquet: Harmonious floral and mineral blend (gun-flint, which is typical of Chablis wines). ─── 香味:和谐的花香和矿质感的结合。

18、I think that Chablis or a Muscatel would go very well with your oysters. ─── 我想白葡萄酒或者麝香葡萄酒和您点的牡蛎都很相配。

19、Chablis Premier Cru has very attractive and intense aromas reminiscent of coriander, orange, lemon and many other intriguing flavors. ─── 雪比利一级园的酒是充满了强烈诱人的芫荽、香橙、柠檬等多种香味。

20、More typically Chablis on the palate, showing lemon ang floral noses and the lovely "stony" mineral and crisp, steely acidic structure that distinguishes Chablis. ─── 最流行的布根地白葡萄酒。有柠檬香和花香,口感矿物味明显,酒体丰满。

21、I think that a Chablis or a Muscatel would go very well with your oysters. ─── 我想白葡萄或是麝香葡萄酒和您点的牡蛎会很相配。

22、Here's a glass of Chablis, some quarters and change ─── 这儿有杯夏布利酒,一些硬币和零钱

23、Chablis Premier Cru has very attractive and intense aromas reminiscent of coriander, orange, lemon and many other intriguing flavors. ─── 雪比利一级园的酒是充满了强烈诱人的芫荽、香橙、柠檬等多种香味。

24、W.S:Why don't you try Chablis for clams on half shell?Chablis is very good wine,producing in Burgundy of France.And Chablis goes well with seafood. ─── 你们为何不试饮一下白葡萄酒配半个蛤呢?白葡萄酒是法国勃良地出产的好酒,配新鲜饮很好。

25、Michel Laroche is the king of Chablis, but he has also championed the potential of the South of France for well over a decade. ─── 酒色带著如鲑鱼般漂亮的粉红色,口感清爽带有动人的新鲜草莓与红色水果的香气。

26、The Chablis vineyard is the northernmost in Burgundy. ─── 沙布利葡萄园在勃艮第的最北边。

27、In the Chablis region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, flinty " wine. ─── 在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。

28、Typical "Chablis" chardonnay style fruit with mineral, hints of apple, white fruits and scented herbs. Long after-taste. ─── 独特的水果香伴随矿物质,香草味道衬托出丰富的果肉酒体,清新且回味悠长。

29、Yes, I have a bottle of Chablis. ─── 是的,有一瓶白葡萄酒。

30、In the Chablis region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, flinty" wine. ─── 在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。

31、is used to describe the fragrance or taste of some white wines, especially a White Bordeaux and Chablis. ─── 用来形容白酒的芳香气味,特别是波尔多白酒、夏布利酒的香味。

32、The content of this page is from the CHABLIS port or CHABLIS customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自CHABLIS港口或CHABLIS海关的进出口公司目录;

33、We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis. ─── 我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布利白葡萄酒。

34、Palate: More typically Chablis on the palate, showing white fruit and the lovely "stony" mineral and crisp, steely acidic structure that distinguishes Chablis. ─── 口感:典型的雪比利村的风格,有明显的矿物味,酒体丰满。

35、French Emilie Durand - Chablis AOC Dry White Wine from ─── 法国杜让-夏布利干白葡萄酒

36、dry white table wine of Chablis France or resembling that wine. ─── 法国Chablis地区制造的一种干白葡萄酒或类似的酒。

37、That sounds good. We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis. ─── 听起来不错。我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。

38、Chablis is fine. ─── 卡布利白葡萄酒就行。

39、Chablis A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California. ─── 夏布利酒:最初指法国中东部地区产的一种干白葡萄酒,现在也指美加州产的一种混合佐餐白葡萄酒。

40、dry white table wine of Chablis France or resembling that wine ─── 法国Chablis地区制造的一种干白葡萄酒或类似的酒

41、A roasted mallard duck with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert, a demi-tasse and a cigar would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter refuge. ─── 要一只烤野鸭,再加一瓶夏布利葡萄酒,一块坎门贝干酪,一小杯清咖啡和一支雪茄,就可以让他饱餐一顿而高高兴兴地上路到他的冬季避难所去了。

42、Why don't you try Chablis for clams on half shell? ─── 你们为何不试饮一下白葡萄酒配半个蛤呢?

43、Would you like Scotch, bourbon, Chablis or fruit Juice? ─── 哦,你喝苏格兰威士忌酒、旁、酒、布利白葡萄酒,还是果汁?

44、This Chablis Premier Cru is made by DAUVISSAT, one of the big names in the whole of Bourgogne. ─── 这莎比丽高级酒由DAUVISSAT酿制,是整个布根地的大品牌之一。

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