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09-13 投稿



frailties 发音

英:[?fre?ltiz]  美:[?fre?ltiz]

英:  美:

frailties 中文意思翻译



frailties 词性/词形变化,frailties变形

名词复数: frailties |

frailties 短语词组

1、frailties meaning ─── 脆弱的意义

2、frailties mean ─── 脆弱意味着

3、frailties def ─── 弱点定义

4、frailties syn ─── 虚弱综合征

5、frailties synonym ─── 弱点同义词

frailties 相似词语短语

1、fasties ─── 快

2、fifties ─── n.五十;五十个;编号为50的东西;adj.五十的;五十个的;众多的

3、fatties ─── adj.脂肪的;肥胖的;多脂肪的;脂肪过多的;n.胖子

4、faculties ─── n.系,学院;才能,能力;全体教员(faculty的复数形式)

5、fixities ─── n.固定性,不变性;固定物

6、ferities ─── n.野性;凶残

7、dainties ─── adj.美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的;n.美味

8、cruelties ─── n.残酷;残忍;残酷的行为

9、fealties ─── n.忠诚;忠实

frailties 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sir Alex Ferguson had started his winger surprisingly on the left, perhaps to expose his compatriot Paulo Ferreira's perceived frailties. ─── 阿历克斯.弗格森爵士意外地把他的边锋放在左路上,也许是为了暴露他的同乡保罗.费雷拉被认定的脆弱。

2、And the Book of Genesis does not seek to cover up the frailties of Abraham and Sarah but includes them right along with the moments of shining faith and obedience. ─── 创世记理并未刻意掩饰亚伯拉罕的软弱,而只宣扬他的优点与信心、顺服,为什麽呢?

3、The best we can do, I think, is to acknowledge its frailties, that stem from its fundamental complicatedness. ─── 我认为,我们能做的最好的就是,知道它的难理解性的弱点。

4、Start telling yourself a new story: a heroic story in which, despite your human frailties, you do everything in your power to be a forgiving person. ─── 要开始跟自己讲一个新的故事:一个英雄式的故事,你可以忽视身为人类的不足,你尽了自己的最大努力去做一个宽大的人。

5、About one of humanity is frailties Thomas Wolfe wrote, “He talks of the future and he wastes it as it comes. ─── 关于人类的一个弱点,托马斯-沃尔夫是这样写的:“他总是谈论着未来,但未来来临的时候,他却往往把它浪费了。”

6、You are, upon my life, a strange instance of the little frailties that beset a mighty mind. ─── 说句天地良心话,你这人真是一个奇怪的典型,一方面有坚强的精神,一方面又摆脱不掉许多小缺点。

7、We must seek out and expose their frailties without conceding a precious away goal at the Delle Alpi. ─── 我们必须撕开对方的防线,寻找破绽以在阿尔皮球场取得至少一个的主场进球。”

8、She continued to love him despite his many frailties. ─── 尽管他有很多缺点,但她仍爱他.

9、Underneath his genius,Einstein was an ordinary person, with human frailties and weaknesses, but also with charm, modesty,a wry sense of humor, and idiosyncrasies. ─── 同时,我们将在历史氛围中去理解爱因斯坦,也将在现实情境中去悄然接受爱因斯坦的精神感召。

10、It's reassuring to learn that even the most elite athletes can suffer from mental frailties. ─── 原来就连奥运会运动员也会遭遇精神脆弱的阶段.

11、Yan made great contributions to current literary world with his concern of the masses, his criticism of frailties of our people as well as his exploration and experiments in his literary creation. ─── 阎连科对底层劳苦大众的关注,对人们遗忘底层的反抗,对国民性弱点的批判,以及他对多种创作方法的探索和实验,都对新时期文学发展做出了重要贡献。

12、Being human we are host to a number of frailties, each one of which disturbs and depresses us, and makes us doubt our worth. ─── 人都有许多弱点,这些弱点都会让我们感到困扰沮丧,对自身价值产生怀疑。

13、We all have our little frailties. ─── 我们自身都有小小的弱点。

14、It's a great relief to allow ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties and pursuing more honest relationships with others. ─── 让自己享受承认人类弱点和追求更多与人的诚实关系的快乐,是一大慰藉。

15、Advisers spend their time covering up their boss's frailties and jockeying for influence. ─── 各类顾问们整日忙着掩盖他们老板的病情,而且还不择手段地为自身谋求影响力。

16、Whatever the frailties of these calculations, they are the best we have. ─── 不管这些计算存在何种缺陷,它们都是我们所拥有的最佳方法。

17、Iverson's athletic abilities armored him like a bullet proof vest and teams overlooked his frailties because of his production on the court. ─── 艾弗森的运动能力,他像一个装甲防弹背心和团队的忽视,因为他在球场上生产的弱点。

18、Canadians have no wish to play armchair quarterback or to sit in judgment of U. S. frailties . ─── 加拿大人不希望纸上谈兵或对美国的失误指手划脚。

19、“Stop being conscious of your frailties, therefore; ─── “因此,别再顾虑自己的不足;

20、The missteps and frailties of every one else in the world were canvassed here with the most shameless publicity. ─── 在这里,人们毫无顾忌地公开谈论世上他人的失误和过失。

21、But some frailties are emerging. ─── 但是,有些弱点也慢慢暴露。

22、Feature and mechanism of the social-economic system in poverty-stricken areas characterized by ecological frailties--Taken Longnan District as a case ─── 生态脆弱型贫困区社会经济地域系统的特征与作用机制--以陇南地区为例

23、I could make the admittedly self-serving argument that it's easier to find common cause with your patients when you understand their frailties. ─── 我可以做出一个显然地服务我自身的论点,当你了解你病人的缺点时,你可以很容易地从他们那找到通用的诱因。

24、It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties. ─── 让我们自己享受承认人类的弱点的快乐是一大慰藉。

25、Mutual Respect.No matter how divided you are in your positions, always remember the humanity of the other person.Keep in mind their weaknesses and frailties. ─── 2 相互尊重不论你处于什么位置,时刻要记得尊重他人,记着他们也是脆弱的。

26、It would be easy to blame our defensive frailties, but what did the six players in front of the back four do to counteract those weaknesses? ─── 也许后卫很容易就成为了被批判的对象,但四个后卫前面的其他六个人对于我们的弱势又做了哪些贡献哪?

27、A liking for flattering is one of his frailties. ─── 喜欢听奉承话是他的一个弱点。

28、Over the years I've watched China emerge as an economic dynamo, but I've also seen the frailties underpinning its system. ─── 多年来我已经看到中国崛起成为经济发电机,但我也看到其体系支柱的脆弱。

29、All systems of law, however wise, are administered through men, and therefore may occasionally disclose the frailties of men. ─── 无论多么明智的法律体系都是通过人来管理,这就不可避免的会暴露人类的弱点。

30、our vanities and frailties ─── 我们的虚荣和弱点

31、She continued to love him despite his many frailties ─── 尽管他有很多缺点, 但她仍爱他.

32、He loved her in spite of her little frailties. ─── 虽然她品德上有小小的弱点,他还是爱她。

33、Our frailties are invincible, our virtues barren(Robert Louis Stevenson.Even weaker in imputing censure is foible, which refers to a minor defect that is easily overlooked and may even be endearing: ─── 我们的错误看不到,我们的美德贫乏(罗伯特 路易斯 斯蒂文森)。指责语气更弱的是foible,它指易被忽视并有可能被人喜爱的小毛病:

34、In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analysing its commercial frailties. ─── 冷战期间,西方战略家们可能把太多的时间花在对苏联军事实力过分担忧上了,而忽略了其在商业上脆弱的一面。

35、The fact indicates the economic frailties of this type of farming ─── 这一事实表明,这种类型的农业在经济上有其脆弱性。

36、In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analyzing its commercial frailties. ─── 冷战中西方战略家们花了太多时间担心苏联的军事力量,却忽略了其经济上的脆弱。

37、Never believe though in my nature reign'd, All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, That it could so preposterously be stain'd, To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; ─── 其他报刊、杂志、网络媒体欲转载、链接、转贴或者以其他方式复制本文,务必注明“酷酷英语网”字样。

38、Canadians have no wish to play armchair quarterback or to sit in judgment of U.S. frailties. ─── 加拿大人不希望纸上谈兵或对美国的失误指手划脚。

39、1.But too often, human frailties gum up the works by leaving unforeseen breaches in otherwise secure systems. ─── 但情况经常是,人为过失在原本安全的系统中留下意外的漏洞,把事情弄糟。

40、All systems of law, however wise, are administered through men, and therefore may occasionally disclose the frailties of men. ─── 无论多么明智的法律体系都是通过人来管理,这就不可避免的会暴露人类的弱点。

41、He did not conceive of her body as a body, subject to the ills and frailties of bodies. ─── 他并没有把她的身子看作身子,带邪恶的有种种弱点的身子。

42、Nevertheless, while Anakin's human frailties lead him to the dark side, he is redeemed by love. ─── 然而,当阿纳金的人性弱点让他投向黑暗面的时候,又是爱将他拯救。

43、Eliot has here tried out such a form and thereby reverted to the frailties of his nativity. ─── 说句公道话,不管这些形式在进一步运用时是否合适,这纯粹是一个经验主义的问题。

44、Like humans, they suffered all the ravages of human emotional and spiritual frailties: love, lust, hatred, anger, regret. ─── 作为人类,他们受到所有人类复仇的情感和品质脆弱的磨难:爱,欲望,憎恨,愤怒,和懊悔。

45、Love of a mate provides us with another soul to feel kinship, with someone to share life with, someone to be loved, in spite of shortcomings and human frailties. ─── 对配偶的爱让我们拥有另一个可以感受亲情的灵魂,可以共渡今生,可以去爱而不去计较缺点和不足,可以一同分享有意义的谈话,一同勾画明天;

46、These frailties are a threat to the stability of the euro area as a whole. ─── 这些软肋对于欧元区的总体稳定造成威胁。

47、Threading, for example, has frailties that have been known for many years. ─── 举例来说,线程存在很多年来人们已经知道的脆弱性。

48、Is it because I am used to hide my frailties??? ─── 这是因为我已经习惯将弱点隐藏了吗??

49、The missteps and frailties of every one else in the world were canvassed here with the most shameless publicity. ─── 在这里,人们毫无顾忌地公开谈论世上他人的失误和过失。

50、Behind the glowing headlines are fundamental frailties rooted in the Chinese neo-Leninist state. ─── 在醒目的新闻标题下,隐藏着中国的新列宁主义国家的基本缺陷。

51、The fact indicates the economic frailties of this type of farming. ─── 这一事实表明,这种类型的农业在经济上有其脆弱性。

52、The full scale workout respondes of the emergency services at a bank station 18 month ago, identified some of our frailties in the event of a sudden impact event. ─── 18个月前发生在银行的紧急部队的全面机动测试暴露了我们在应对突发事故时的弱点。

53、The downturn is emphasising the frailties of China's model. ─── 数字掩盖了不平等。

54、Laziness is one of his frailties. ─── 他的弱点之一是懒惰。

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