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09-13 投稿



gabelle 发音

英:[[g?'bel]]  美:[[g?'bel]]

英:  美:

gabelle 中文意思翻译



gabelle 相似词语短语

1、Mabelle ─── n.玛贝尔(钻饰有限公司)

2、gabellers ─── 叉子

3、gabelled ─── 山墙

4、Isabelle ─── n.伊莎贝尔(女子名)

5、gabeller ─── 叉子

6、gabelles ─── n.(法国1789年大革命前的)盐税;税

7、Amabelle ─── 垃圾桶

8、gazelle ─── n.瞪羚;小羚羊;vi.似瞪羚般跳跃;n.(Gazelle)人名;(西)加塞列

9、glabellae ─── n.印堂,眉间(glabella的变形)

gabelle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Monsieur Gabelle, chief functionary of the place, became uneasy; went out on his house-top alone, and looked in that direction too; ─── 当地的主要官员加伯尔先生不放心了,一个人爬上自己的屋顶,也往那个方向看;

2、Anderson, R. D., & Mitchener, C. P. (1994). Research on science teacher education. In D. L. Gabel (Ed.), Handbook of research on science teaching and learning (pp.3-44). New York: MacMillan. ─── 林振春(1996)。小区学院的课程与教学设计。载于中华民国小区教育学会主编,小区学校化(页64-104)。台北:师大学苑。

3、Monsieur Gabelle called loudly for help, ─── 加贝尔先生大声地喊着救命,

4、“Calm down, dear,” Gabel replied. ─── “别抱怨了,宝贝儿,”加贝尔回答。

5、All around Gabel, “there was the blood-freezing sound of fourteen bayonets drawn from scabbard and clicking home on their studs under the rifle barrels. ─── 加贝尔周围,“一阵冷血的,14把刺刀拔出刀鞘,安上步枪的喀啦声。”

6、As soon as he had left the bank , Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle , who had been arrested and taken to Paris . ─── 一离开银行,代尔那就打开了信。信是加贝尔先生写来的,他已经被抓了起来而且被送到了巴黎。

7、Gabel and his baddy Jake dug their foxhole between two white marble headstones, as did other members of the 513th. ─── 一如513团其他士兵所为,在两块白色大理石墓碑之间,甘贝尔列兵和他的伙伴杰克大挖散兵坑。

8、Anderson, R. D., &Mitchener, C. P. (1994). Research on science teacher education. In D. L. Gabel (Ed.), Handbook of research on science teaching and learning (pp. 3-44). New York: MacMillan. ─── 林振春(1996)。社区学院的课程与教学设计。载于中华民国社区教育学会主编,社区学校化(页64-104)。台北:师大书苑。

9、Nehmen Sie auch das Messer in die rechte Hand und die Gabel in die linke Hand, und dann Guten Appetit! ─── 您也可品尝一些特色菜,请您右手拿刀,左手拿叉,然后说声:“祝您胃口好!”

10、what is the message to the unfortunate Gabelle in prison? ─── 要我给关在牢里的不幸的加伯尔带什么口信?

11、After a morning's work, Gabel and his buddies had a large stack. ─── 一上午工作后,甘贝尔列兵和他的伙伴们堆积起一个巨大的尸体堆。

12、There was spurring and splashing through the darkness, and bridle was drawn in the space by the village fountain, and the horse in a foam stood at Monsieur Gabelle's door. ─── 驱马声、溅水声穿过了黑暗,在村里的泉水边停住了。 那马喷着白沫站在加伯尔先生的大门口,“加伯尔先生,救火呀!

13、During the third week of December, Private Gabel and the 513th PIR moved into the front line in Belgium. ─── 12月第三个星期中,加贝尔列兵与513团开赴比利时前线。

14、It was from Monsieur Gabelle, ─── 信是加贝尔先生写来的,

15、Gabel, Charles B.Wheeler, Anthony D. ─── 放大图片 作者: John B.

16、Casting his eyes over Gabelle's letter, the same personage in authority showed some disorder and surprise, and looked at Darnay with a close attention. ─── 那人看了看加伯尔的信,表现出几分惊诧和意外,仔细地打量了达尔内一会几。

17、Gabelle. And what is the message to the unfortunate Gabelle inprison? ─── 伯尔。要我给关在牢里的不幸的加伯尔带什么口信?

18、Gabel felt the shock of the order jerk his body. ─── 加贝尔身体因此狠毒命令而战抖。

19、Probably, Monsieur Gabelle passed a long night up there, with the distant chateau for fire and candle, and the beating at his door, combined with the joy-ringing, for music; ─── 加伯尔先生在屋顶度过了一个漫长的黑夜。 他很可能是把远处的府第当作了蜡烛,把打门声和快活的钟声当作了音乐的。

20、6. Monsieur Gabelle was the Postmaster, and some other taxing functionary united; ─── 加伯尔先生是邮务所所长,也办点税务。

21、As soon as he had left the bank, Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle, who had been arrested and taken to Paris. ─── 一离开银行,代尔那就打开了信。信是加贝尔先生写来的,他已经被抓了起来而且被送到了巴黎。

22、Rico Gabel, a farmer in Lohsa, northeast of Dresden, is claiming $6,450 in damages for the alleged antics of the three youths, ages 17-18, between Dec. 27 and 29, 2005. ─── 住在德勒斯登东北洛萨镇的农场主人加贝尔,要求3名年龄在17到18岁之间的青少年,为2005年12月27日至29日之间涉及的乖张行为,支付4,900欧元损害赔偿金。

23、Steck alles in den Schnabel, es geht auch ohne Gabel, ─── 这里没叉子,就全都塞进嘴巴。

24、The Marquis turned to speak to another man. This was Monsieur Gabelle, the Marquis's official in the village. ─── 侯爵转过身去和另外一个人说话。那是加贝尔先生,是侯爵在村子里的官员。

25、The general scarcity of everything, occasioned candles to be borrowed in a rather peremptory manner of Monsieur Gabelle; ─── 这儿物品普遍匮乏,大家便颇不客气地去向加伯尔先生借。

26、Put him aside, Monsieur Gabelle! ─── 把他放了,加伯尔先生!

27、said Monsieur Gabelle. ─── 加伯尔先生说。

28、Gabel screamed with the others. ─── *加贝尔与别人一起喊叫。

29、One was in the temple of Edfu between Luxor and Cairo in the ruins of El Tuna Gabel; ─── 一条在Edfu与Luxor之间以及在ElTunaGabel开罗遗址的神庙里;

30、Gabel turned, jabbing Jake with his elbow. ─── 加贝尔翻身,胳膊肘撞碰到杰克。

31、Understanding public support for British membership of the single currency; Matthew Gabel and Simon Hix ─── 理解对英国单一货币身份资格的公共支持

32、salt gabelle ─── 盐税

33、After the death of the Marquis, he had told Gabelle to do his best for the people. ─── 侯爵死后,他就告诉过加贝尔要尽自己最大的努力去帮助人民,

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