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09-13 投稿


honeybee 发音

英:[?h?nibi?]  美:[?h?nibi?]

英:  美:

honeybee 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 蜜蜂


honeybee 网络释义

n. [蜂] 蜜蜂

honeybee 短语词组

1、honeybee app ─── 蜜蜂应用程序

2、honeybee hub ─── 蜜蜂中心

3、honeybee rx ─── 蜜蜂rx

4、honeybee population ─── 蜜蜂种群

5、worker honeybee ─── 工蜂

6、honeybee society ─── 蜜蜂协会

7、honeybee populations ─── 蜜蜂种群

8、honeybee health pharmacy ─── 蜜蜂保健药房

9、the honeybee ─── 蜜蜂

10、honeybee eating ─── 蜜蜂进食

11、honeybee zhangling ─── 蜜蜂张玲

12、honeybee bee ─── 蜜蜂 ─── 蜜蜂

13、honeybee field trip ─── 蜜蜂野外旅行

honeybee 词性/词形变化,honeybee变形


honeybee 相似词语短语

1、honeydewed ─── 蜜露的

2、honeybees ─── [蜂]蜜蜂

3、honeydew ─── n.蜜露;蜜汁;甘汁

4、honeybun ─── 亲爱的

5、honeydews ─── n.蜜露;蜜汁;甘汁

6、honey bees ─── n.蜜蜂

7、honeyed ─── adj.甜如蜜的;多蜜的;逢迎的;亲昵的

8、honey bee ─── n.蜜蜂

9、honey bear ─── 蜜熊

honeybee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A 47-year-old man was delivered to the emergency department with no vital signs after an anaphylactic collapse resulting from a honeybee sting. ─── 本个案报告是描述一位47岁病患,两年内曾有两次蜂螫经验,而此次发生严重过敏性休克;

2、The rise and fall of the managed honeybee, then, owes as much to the economics of supply and demand as it does to the forces of nature. ─── 蜜蜂数量的起起落落,与其说是大自然的力量还不若归之为经济供给与需求关系的变化。

3、This paper summarized the advances in the studies of structures of honeybee exocrine glands, types of honeybee pheromones and related chemistry and fuactions. ─── 本文综述国内外关于蜜蜂外分泌腺体组成、蜜蜂信息素的种类、化学成份及其功能上的研究进展,并提出了信息素在养蜂业上运有的可能性。

4、Comparison of the Head Acetylcholinesterase Sensitivity to Insecticides between Two Honeybee Populations ─── 两种蜜蜂头部乙酰胆碱酯酶对杀虫药剂敏感度比较

5、How to choose good breed honeybee in product bee field ─── 生产蜂场应如何选育蜜蜂良种

6、a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas ─── 在十九世纪五十年代出现在巴西的一种蜜蜂,由一种具有攻击性的非洲蜜蜂和普通蜜蜂杂交而得;保留非洲蜜蜂的大部分特征;现在散布到北方

7、N. ceranae was found in the honeybee population collected from South America, European, and Taiwan, it implied that N. ceranae has been worldwide dispersed. ─── 另于法国病蜂中发现有一未定种之存在,显示西方蜂族群中的微孢子虫,可能有两种以上。

8、The first several months, he also successfully directs a nest wild honeybee in the garden to build the nest, when autumn time, these fruit trees could be covered with the fruit. ─── 前几个月,他还成功地把一窝野蜜蜂引到花园里筑巢,等到秋天的时候,这些果树就会长满了果实。

9、According to German zoologist Frisch's research on honeybee's dance behavior, brought forward nectar source localization model based on honeybee dance. ─── 摘要根据德国动物学家弗里希对蜜蜂舞蹈行为的研究成果,提出了基于蜜蜂舞蹈的蜜源定位模型。

10、A fatal disease of honeybee larvae caused by one of several types of bacteria, including Bacillus alvei. ─── 污仔病,幼虫腐败病蜜蜂幼虫的毁灭性疾病,由几种细菌的一种引起,包括:芽孢杆菌

11、Conparing the ultrastructure of the active hypopharyngeal glands with that of the inactive one of the worker honeybee(Apis cerana cerana)in autumn ─── 秋季中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)工蜂有分泌活性的舌腺和无分泌活性的舌腺的超微结构比较

12、One of the most amazing of living things, the honeybee, has recently been shown to possess still another remarkable skill. ─── 生物中最令人惊奇的东西之一是蜜蜂,在最近的研究里它又显示出它持有的另一种非凡本领。

13、Despite the importance of the honeybee, none of this is evidence of a wide-scale pollination crisis or a threat that is specific to pollinators. ─── 尽管蜜蜂很重要,但没有证据显示由于某种特定的授粉动物的突然减少引发了大规模的授粉危机或授粉威胁。

14、Research Which the Bumblebee and Honeybee Pollinate for the Sweet Pepper of Sunlight Greenhouse ─── 熊蜂和蜜蜂为日光温室甜椒授粉的研究

15、Yellowish honeybee resembled the Carniolan bee in its habits. ─── 微黄色的蜜蜂,在习性上象卡尼奥拉蜜蜂。

16、Honey bee sacbrood virus (SBV) is a kind of picornavirus, a small positive strand RNA virus, which is greatly threatened to the Chinese honeybee breeding. ─── 摘要蜜蜂的囊状幼虫病是中华蜜蜂常见且危害严重的疾病,病原为一小正链RNA病毒。

17、And yet, Dudley avers, “you are more likely to be killed here by a European honeybee than by any native animal. ─── 一年之中至少有一段时间,公园里同时栖息了280种鸟类,这也对46种淡水鱼类的生活造成威胁。

18、HUANG Qiang; ZENG Zhi-Jiang(Honeybee Research Institute of Jiangxi Agricultural University; Nanchang 330045; China); ─── 江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所;

19、Method of operation about pollination of two greenhouses of strawberries with one colony of honeybee ─── 一群蜜蜂为二个草莓大棚授粉的操作方法

20、Inquisition of the Digestive Enxyme Activity in the Midgut of the Honeybee(Apis cerana cerana Fab.) ─── 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana Fabricius)中肠消化酶活性的探讨

21、Hung, Y.S., Yang, E.C. (2006) Intensity-dependence of the color opponent cells in the lobula of honeybee, Apis mellifera. ─── 台湾昆虫学会九十五年(第二十七届)年会:洪于善、 杨恩诚 (2006) 蜜蜂视叶颜色拮抗神经的光强度依变。

22、One of the most amazing of living things, the honeybee, has recently been shown to possess still another remarkable skill. ─── 生物中最令人惊异的东西之一是蜜蜂,在最近的研究里它又显示出它持有的另一种非凡本领。

23、honeybee pupae protein hydrolysis ─── 水解蜂蛹蛋白

24、In honeybee populations, males are a dime adozen. Thousands vie for a shot to be with a virgin queen, but only a lucky fewsucceed. ─── 在蜜蜂世界,雄蜂数量多如牛毛,数千只雄蜂要展开竞争,争取与“处女”蜂王交配,但最后只有很少的雄蜂成为幸运儿。

25、Now a British scientist is hoping to read the dance in order to reverse the honeybee's critical decline. ─── 现在一个英国的科学家正在希望通过解读它来逆转蜜蜂数量急剧下降的趋势。

26、Why did Lao Grandpa Niu, frog elder brother, the honeybee elder sistersay is dissimilar? ─── 为什么老牛爷爷、青蛙哥哥、蜜蜂姐姐说的不一样呢?

27、For example, a worker honeybee that has found a rich source of nectar and pollen flies rapidly home to the hive to report. ─── 例如,一只工蜂找到了花圃蜜园,急忙飞回蜂房报信。

28、a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas. ─── 在十九世纪五十年代出现在巴西的一种蜜蜂,由一种具有攻击性的非洲蜜蜂和普通蜜蜂杂交而得;保留非洲蜜蜂的大部分特征;现在散布到北方。

29、The game is introduced: It is the same as little honeybee's game, the fair and fat sheep is more lovely in the sky. ─── 游戏介绍:和小蜜蜂游戏是一样的,白白胖胖的绵羊在空中,更可爱哦。

30、Population Diversity of Honeybee Apis Cerana in China ─── 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)群体多样性的研究

31、It is estimated that half of the honeybee population has disappeared in the U.S. and Britain, according to an April report from the International Bee Research Association. ─── 据国际蜜蜂研究协会四月的一项报告指出,英美两国估计约有一半蜜蜂消失。

32、54. grayish quiet-dispositioned highly productive European honeybee. ─── 略带灰色且性情安静的欧洲蜜蜂,繁殖率高。

33、worker honeybee ─── n. 工蜂

34、Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee. ─── 狼蛛毒液的毒性比蜜蜂的都弱。

35、The extraction technology and physical-chemical properties of honeybee pupae SOD were studied in this research. ─── 对蜂蛹超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的提取工艺及理化性质进行了研究。

36、The research advance of bioactive constituents and pharemacological functions of honeybee pollen were reviewed in this paper. ─── 本文综述了蜂花粉中的生物活性物质及其生理功能的研究进展。

37、Over the past couple of years, nearly one-third of all honeybee colonies have collapsed this way, which led to a straightforward name for the phenomenon: colony collapse disorder (CCD). ─── 在过去的几年里,有将近三分之一的蜂群就这样的消失了,为直观起见,人们称这种现象为:蜂群崩溃紊乱(简称CCD)。

38、Kauffeld NM.Sorensen EL Interrelations of Honeybee Preference and Alfalfa Clones and Flower Color,Aroma,Nectar Volume,and Sugar Concentration 1971 ─── 姜华.毕玉芬.何承刚.张军苜蓿授粉机理及其与传粉昆虫的关系[期刊论文]-昆虫学报2003(1

39、And yet, Dudley avers , "you are more likely to be killed here by a European honeybee than by any native animal. " ─── 即使如此,达德利仍然坚持道:「比较起来,你在这里被来自欧洲的蜜蜂螫死的机会,还是大过于因任一种本土动物而死的可能。」

40、In fact, about one-third of the human diet comes from insect-pollinated plants, and the honeybee is responsible for 80 percent of that pollination, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ─── 事实上,据美国农业部表示,人类摄取的食物中,约三分之一来自昆虫传授花粉的植物,而蜜蜂又占其中百分之八十。

41、For the past year, experts have observed a marked decline in the honeybee population, with entire colonies collapsing without warning. ─── 昆虫学家经过仔细研究发现,可能成为蜜蜂杀手的包括病毒、真菌和杀虫剂。

42、The tau fluvalinate is one kind of high efficient acaricides for honeybee. ─── 氟胺氰菊酯是一种用于蜜蜂的高效杀螨剂。

43、Or what else is packed into the hive that has not yet appeared because there haven't been enough honeybee hives in a row all at once? ─── 或者,蜂巢内部还裹藏着什么,因为没有足够的蜂巢同时展示,所以还没有显露出来?

44、Studies on the morpha and structure of brood-food gland of honeybee, Apis mellifera L ─── 意大利蜂营养腺的形态结构研究


46、The analysis method for the determination of fatty acids in worker bee larvae and honeybee pupae by GC was established. ─── 摘要建立了一种测定工蜂幼虫和蛹中脂肪酸的气相色谱分析方法。

47、A novel honeybee adenine nucleotide translocator gene (Am ant) cDNA (GenBank Accession, AY332626) was cloned by blasting the honeybee EST database with the fruit fly homologous ant gene cDNA sequence information as a querying probe. ─── 以果蝇腺苷酸转移载体基因cDNA序列为信息探针,对蜜蜂EST数据库进行同源检索筛选,克隆了蜜蜂腺苷酸转移载体基因(Am ant)的cDNA序列(GenBank登记号为AY332626),该基因全长1 251bp。

48、Chinese honeybee ─── 中华蜜蜂

49、1. A fatal disease of honeybee larvae caused by one of several types of bacteria, including Bacillus alvei. ─── 污仔病,幼虫腐败病:蜜蜂幼虫的毁灭性疾病,由几种细菌的一种引起,包括:芽孢杆菌

50、Honeybee got honey from flowers and expressed his appreciation when he leaved.Butterfly with coxcombry believed that flowers should say thank you to him. ─── 1蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。/浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。


52、'The honeybee said that,"Flies round for the flower dissemination pollen,Joyful." ─── ‘蜜蜂说:“飞来飞去给花儿传播花粉,就快乐了。”

53、Cut the cardboard into a wing pattern. Ask students to wear the wing to imitate a worker honeybee. ─── 把颜色咭纸剪成翅膀形状,让学生戴上翅膀扮演工蜂。

54、honeybee disease ─── 密蜂疾病

55、The human genome was officially completed in 2003 (ScienceNOW, 14 April 2003), and since then scientists have sequenced everything from the mouse to the chimpanzee to, most recently, the honeybee and sea urchin (ScienceNOW, 25 October). ─── 人类基因组计划于2003年完成(2003年4月14日现代科学杂志),自从科学家们将小鼠到猩猩的序列测定出来以后,最近,将测定蜜蜂和海胆的序列(10月25日现代科学杂志)。

56、Biomimetic Mechanics of Micro-air Vehicles-Dynamic Flight Stability of a Hovering Honeybee ─── 微型飞行器的仿生力学--蜜蜂悬停飞行的动稳定性研究

57、A set of efficient research method is found, and the relative length, arm ratio and G - band idiogram of Italian honeybee chromosome is obtained too. ─── 并对意大利蜜蜂单倍体雄蜂的染色体组进行了排列,获得了意大利蜜蜂染色体的臂比、相对长度和G-带模式图。

58、Study of the Condition of Extracting Oil from Honeybee Pupae ─── 浸提法提取蜂蛹油脂的研究

59、The Effect of Temperature during Sealed Brood Period on the Vein of the Honeybee Forewing ─── 封盖期发育温度对蜜蜂前翅翅脉增加的影响

60、Selective breeding a sort of honeybee for royal jelley of theft proof variety ─── 浆蜂防盗品系的选育

61、The influence of honeybee pupae flavonoids on the activities of several anti-oxidative enzymes in the subacute aging mice induced by alloxanate was studied in thid test. ─── 研究了蜂蛹黄酮对四氧嘧啶致亚急性衰老小鼠体内几种抗氧化酶活性的影响。

62、Key words The tissue and subcelluar distribution of carboxylesterase (CarE) and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) were investigated in two honeybee species-Apis cerana cerana Fabricusand Apis mellifera L. . ─── 对东方蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricus和西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)和羧酸酯酶(CarE)的组织和亚细胞分布进行了研究。

63、The bumblebee, unlike its more sophisticated honeybee relatives, did not indicate the food's location. ─── 与更为老练的近亲蜜蜂不同,熊蜂不会指示食物的位置。

64、dance of the honeybee communicates the location of flowers to other members of the hive. ─── 蜜蜂的舞蹈可以将花朵的位置传达给蜂巢的其他成员。

65、Luo yue-xiong Li qi Zhang xue-feng Huang wen-zhong Chen hua-sheng (Research center of honeybee and bees products; Guangdong Entomological Institute.Guanhzhou China 510260); ─── 广东省昆虫研究所蜜蜂与蜂产品研究中心;

66、Since the traditional detections of honeybee disease are laborious and time-consuming,it is very important to develop a rapid method for detecting bee's diseases. ─── 由于蜜蜂疾病的传统诊断方法费时、费力,因此开发快速诊断技术非常重要。

67、The game is introduced: The wings of the little honeybee are broken, can't fly, the hateful crow comes to bully it too. Let's help the little honeybee! ─── 游戏介绍:小蜜蜂的翅膀断啦,不能飞啦,可恶的乌鸦也来欺负它。让我们来帮助小蜜蜂吧!

68、Honeybee pollination for field crop can push agriculture sustainable development ─── 开展大田作物蜜蜂授粉促进现代农业可持续发展

69、"But, " he said of the Beehaus, "we support anything that helps promote the honeybee. " ─── “不过,”他谈到新型蜂巢时说:“我们支持任何有助于促进蜜蜂生存的事情。”

70、Traffic noise, honeybee traffic that is, can be a bane for caterpillars and a boon for plants. ─── 植物的叶、花和果实都能成为毛虫的食物。但是毛虫也有自己的天敌:黄蜂。

71、The physical structure of the honeybee is further suited for the defence of the entire colony rather than for its own defense. ─── 此外,蜜蜂的身体结构应于整个群体的防御,而不是个体的防御。

72、This training will work only if the experiment follows the honeybee's natural 24-hour rhythm. ─── 只有当实验遵循蜜蜂24小时的自然节拍时,这种训练才能奏效。


74、He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee. ─── 他对蜜蜂的生活规律知之甚多。

75、A new annotation on the theories of sex determination and queen caste establishment in honeybee (Apis) ─── 对蜜蜂性别决定和蜂王级型确立理论的新诠释

76、Beewax is a kind of adipose substance secreted by wax gland in honeybee workers. ─── 本试验研究了西方蜜蜂五个亚种和Ea与之正反交组合的泌蜡量 ,并分析了影响泌蜡量的主要因素与泌蜡量的关系。

77、The organization of a tiny honeybee yields a pattern for its tinier one-tenth of a gram of wing cells, tissue, and chitin. ─── 一只小蜜蜂的细胞组织,能够产生分别适用于其十分之一克重的更细小的翅室[5]、组织和几丁质的某种样式。

78、The honeybee quarantine in Australia and its enlightenment ─── 澳大利亚蜜蜂检疫及启示

79、The density becomed smaller in proper order according to crude Ramules Cinnamomi, product processed with honeybee and product processed by frying. ─── 密度也随贮存时间的延长而降低,并按生桂枝、蜜制桂枝、炒桂枝的顺序依次减小。

80、One speck of a honeybee brain operates with a memory of six days;the hive as a whole operates with a memory of three months, twice as long as the average bee lives. ─── 一个斑点大的蜜蜂大脑,只有6天的记忆,而作为整体的蜂巢所拥有的记忆时间是3个月,是一只蜜蜂平均寿命的两倍。

81、Chinese honeybee (Apis cerana cerana)is a vital economic insect,it is largely bred in China. ─── 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)是一种重要的经济昆虫,在国内有大量饲养。

82、If there were a single, remediable cause of the honeybee die-off, the question of possible extinction would lose much of its force. ─── 如果导致蜜蜂消亡是一个单一的、可补救的原因,那么蜜蜂可能灭绝这个问题就将失去很多影响力。

83、WU Xiao-Bo; YAN Wei-Yu; HUANG Kang; ZENG Zhi-Jiang (Institute of Honeybee Research; Jiangxi Agricultural University; Nanchang 330045; China); ─── 江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所;江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所南昌;

84、A compared study of SOD and POD isoenzymes of queen bee, spado and drone in Italian honeybee ─── 意蜂SOD和POD同工酶在工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王之间的比较

85、When a honeybee takes its first flight, it immediately releases its strong-smelling meconium. ─── 当蜜蜂第一次飞行时,它会立刻释放出气味浓烈的胎粪。

86、The enzyme hydrolyzation technology of honeybee pupa protein and strengthening effect of honeybee pupa drink for mice were studied in this test. ─── 研究了蜂蛹蛋白质的酶解工艺以及蜂蛹氨基酸口服液对小鼠的强壮作用。

87、Karyotype Analysis on Italian Honeybee(Apis Mellifera Ligustica) ─── 意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera Ligustica)的染色体组型分析研究初报

88、Effects of Collection of Venom by Electric Shocking on Honeybee Population, Production of Royal Jelly and Honey ─── 电取蜂毒对蜜蜂群势和蜂王浆、蜂蜜生产的影响

89、"Successful honeybee foragers carry out waggle dances when they return to the hive. ─── 当那些成功寻找到食物的蜜蜂回到蜂窝时,它们就会开始跳摇摆舞。

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