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09-13 投稿


calumet 发音

英:['k?lj?met]  美:['k?lj?,m?t]

英:  美:

calumet 中文意思翻译



calumet 网络释义

n. 北美土人所用之一种烟斗;和平的象征

calumet 短语词组

1、calumet ravine rdr2 treasure ─── 卡鲁米特峡谷rdr2宝藏

2、calumet heights chicago ─── 芝加哥calumet高地

3、calumet inn ─── 卡卢梅特酒店

4、calumet county scanner facebook ─── 卡鲁米特县扫描仪facebook

5、calumet park ─── 卡卢梅特公园

6、smoke the calumet together v. ─── 和睦相处

7、calumet farm calumet ─── 农场

calumet 习惯用语

1、smoke the calumet together ─── 和睦相处

2、calumet of peace (=pipe of peace) ─── 和平烟(北美印第安人在 媾和时, 用一个烟袋轮流吸烟, 表示友谊和亲善)

calumet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thank you for your interest in attending Purdue University Calumet (PUC). ─── 感谢您有兴趣参加美国普渡大学卡鲁梅(市局)。We are conveniently located 25 miles southeast of Chicago, Illinois in the United States.我们正在位于东南25英里伊利诺斯州芝加哥,在美国。

2、by campfires in Assiniboia, the snow powdering his shoulders, the wind plucking his blanket, as he sits, passing the ceremonial calumet and uttering his grave opinions like a Roman senator; ─── 在阿西尼博亚的营火旁,他的肩膀上覆盖着一层风霜,北风卷着毛毯,他坐在那里,抽着烟犹如仪式般肃穆,像罗马议员般发表着古老的演说;

3、Calumet College of St. ─── 海事研究生毕业论文;

4、calumet dance ─── 烟管舞

5、Communion among china nation. Know the different culture and life of each nation, improve the smoke the calumet together. ─── 谈论、了解中华各族人民的文化和生活习性,增进彼此的文化交流。

6、The calumet, also known as peace pipe, seals their decisions. ─── 他们使用的烟斗叫做“和睦烟斗”,“和睦烟斗”意味着会议决定已形成。

7、, starfish).He developed and supervised what became the world's foremost copper mine (Calumet, Mich.). ─── 密西根州(Michigan)的卡柳梅特(Calumet)铜矿在他的监督和开发下,成为世界第一流的铜矿。

8、A city of northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan in the Calumet region south-southeast of Chicago, Illinois. It is an industrial center. Population, 33,892. ─── 印第安纳州西北部一城市,位于密歇根湖湖畔,在,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市东南偏南方向的卡路美地区内,是一个工业中心。人口为33,892。

9、Furthermore, humor also helps us to communicate with others smoke the calumet together. ─── 此外,幽默还有助于我们与他人和睦相处。

10、Old Metal Calumet Pastry Cutters set of 3 Cookies or? ─── 旧金属卡吕梅糕点刀具集饼干或?

11、Communion among china nation. Know the different culture and life of each nation, improve the smoke the calumet together. ─── 谈论、了解中华各族人民的文化和生活习性,增进彼此的文化交流。

12、To smoke the calumet together ─── 和睦相处

13、smoke the calumet together ─── vi. 讲和(言归于好)

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