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09-13 投稿



hedging 发音

英:[?hed???]  美:[?hed???]

英:  美:

hedging 中文意思翻译




hedging 词性/词形变化,hedging变形

现在分词:hedging 原型:hedge

hedging 常用词组

hedge fund ─── 避险基金;套保基金

hedge against ─── 避免损失的措施

hedge against inflation ─── [经]为防通货膨胀而套购

hedging 短语词组

1、buyer's hedging ─── [经] 购进者套购保值, 购进者套期保值

2、hedging reserve ─── [经] 秘密准备

3、seller's hedging ─── [经] 售出者套购

4、hedging language technic ─── 模糊限制语技巧

5、hedging transaction ─── [经] 套头交易(平衡交易)

6、hedging operation ─── [经] 套头交易(平衡交易)业务

7、hedging language ─── 模糊语

8、anticipatory hedging ─── 预期套期保值

9、hedging contract ─── [经] 套头交易(平衡交易)契约(合同)

hedging 相似词语短语

1、hedgingly ─── 愉快地

2、wedging ─── v.楔入;挤进(wedge的ing形式)

3、pledging ─── v.保证;(使)保证;承诺给予(或提供);抵押;宣誓参加美国大学生联谊会;为健康祝酒(pledge的现在分词)

4、kedging ─── v.抛小锚移船;n.小锚;n.(Kedge)(英、美、加、印、法)凯德杰(人名)

5、edging ─── v.加边于;徐徐移动;(使)悄悄移动;险胜;(使)尖锐;用球拍边击球;倾斜滑雪;变好(或坏);修剪(草地边缘)(edge的现在分词);n.边缘,饰边;轧边

6、dredging ─── n.挖泥;清淤;v.疏浚;挖掘(dredge的ing形式)

7、gledging ─── 潜育

8、sledging ─── n.二次破碎;v.用雪橇搬运(sledge的ing形式)

9、fledging ─── v.幼鸟长出飞羽;把……养至长出飞羽;以飞羽装饰(fledge的现在分词)

hedging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stop hedging and answer my question directly ! ─── 不要规避,直接回答我的问题!

2、Stop hedging and answer my question! ─── 不要规避,快回答我的问题!

3、Sasac wants state-owned companies to be far more cautious about the trades they sign up to and has already taken measures to ensure derivatives are only used for hedging, rather than speculation. ─── 国资委要求国有企业在签署交易协议时要采取审慎得多的态度,并已采取相关措施,以确保衍生品仅用于对冲,而非投机。

4、The result shows there is significant relationship between market capitalization and the influence of order imbalance to its stock return.This result can help us to screen hedging stock. ─── 使用简单迴归模型,结果发现,的确有正向关系存在,这结果可帮助投资人挑选具有避险特质的公司。

5、We do not know the answer, and the US, quite sensibly, is combining a policy of engagement with one of hedging. ─── 对此,我们不得而知,而美国则相当明智地将接触与防范政策结合起来。

6、Whether establishing a short or a long hedge, the main objective of hedging is to effect the price risk associated with buying, selling, or holding grain. ─── 不论是建立空头套期保值头寸还是建立多头套期保值头寸,进行套期保值交易的主要目的均为对冲伴随买入、卖出或持有商品而引发的价格风险。

7、The airline emphasised, however, that despite the hedging losses, it would still benefit from lower prices for fuel. ─── 不过,国泰航空表示,虽然对冲合约出现亏损,但公司将继续受惠于燃油价格回落。

8、The "effectiveness of hedging" shall refer to the extent that the changes in the fair value or cash flow of a hedging instrument may offset the changes resulted from the hedging risks in the fair value or cash flow of a hedged item. ─── 套期有效性,是指套期工具的公允价值或现金流量变动能够抵销被套期风险引起的被套期项目公允价值或现金流量变动的程度。

9、Option Hedging Strategy Based on Robust Control ─── 基于鲁棒控制的期权套期保值策略

10、The term “hedge” (from hedging your bets) derives from the aim of making money whether a market goes up or down. ─── “对冲”(来自为你的赌注两面都下注)这个术语取自不论市场风向如何都能获利这个目标。

11、Because I had bought fifty hedging plants the salesman threw in a couple of rose bushes free. ─── 因为我买了50棵矮树,所以推销员免费添加了两棵玫瑰丛。

12、The Theory of Modigliani-Miller(MM) tells us that hedging is not necessary for firms in a perfect market. ─── MM定理告诉人们,在一个完美的市场中,企业是没有必要进行套期保值的。

13、Single lognormal performs better absolute hedging results and double lognormal has better dollar hedging ones. ─── 单一对数机率分配在绝对避险的表现较佳,双重对数机率分配在净值避险的表现较佳。

14、Through my investigation, it has been found that hedging, a linguistic resource expressing uncertainty, tentativeness or probability, is a central feature of SJAs. ─── 其主要原因是由于这两种体裁的特定读者不同,作者和读者之间的权力差距也不同,从而导致交际目的上的差异。

15、Cross Hedge The act of hedging ones position by taking an offsetting position in another good with similar price movements. ─── 交叉对冲投资对冲策略,指对价格动向相似的另一种货品进行抵消性的投资。

16、Basis Change and Effect of Hedging in Futures ─── 基差的变化与商品期货套期保值的效果

17、The classical dynamic programming approach leads to the partial differential equation that satisfies utility indifference pricing, and obtains the indifference hedging strategy. ─── 利用动态规划方法,得到了效用无差别定价满足的偏微分方程以及效用无差别套期保值策略。

18、Students in the MFE program learn to employ theoretical finance and computer modeling skills to make pricing, hedging, trading and portfolio management decisions. ─── 学生在学习财经部计划资金运用的理论和计算机模拟技术,使价格,规避风险,交易和投资组合管理的决定。

19、Hedging a cash market position in a futures contract for a different but price-related commodity. ─── 利用品种不同但价格相关性强的期货合约为现货市场的头寸进行套期保值。

20、Similarly, the sale and hedging operations, the reduction of the Group of publicly traded equity portfolio. ─── 与之相似,通过出售和对冲操作,集团减持了上市交易股票组合”。

21、They are an essential part of a global investment fabric if it is for hedging. ─── 如果对冲基金是作对冲之用,它们是全球投资活动所不可缺少的一环。

22、The hydropower company can use the function of hedging to avoid risk and ally with the traders and the retails to share risk. ─── 将期货与期权的交易模式运用于电力市场中,水电商可以利用期货的套期保值功能规避风险,让购电商和投机商分担电价风险;

23、Interest Rate Swap Pricing on the Basis of Hedging ─── 利用对冲原理进行利率互换定价

24、And index futures is just a effective hedging tool, by hedging ETF with index futures to reach the goal of avoiding risk and locking yield. ─── 股指期货恰恰是一种有效的套期保值工具,通过对ETF进行套期保值操作可以达到规避风险和锁定收益的目的。

25、One gauge of the tension is the difference between the prices of mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by Fannie or Freddie and Treasurys, adjusted for the cost of hedging against prepayment risk. ─── 判断其严峻程度的一个指标是经过预付款风险对冲成本调整后的房地美和房利美担保的抵押贷款支持证券与美国国债之间的价差。

26、At the super high speed grinding machine, which is developed by Hunan University, this paper carries on the experimental study of AE about two kinds of engineering ceramic materials: PSZ and Al_2O_3, in HEDG. ─── 在湖南大学自己研制的超高速磨削实验台上,对PSZ和Al_2O_3两种工程陶瓷材料进行高效深磨声发射实验研究。

27、Stoll,H.R.“Commodity Futures and spot Price Determination and Hedging in Capital Market Equilibrium.” [J]Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis,(Nov. 1979),pp.873-894. ─── 刘军峰,“基于协整理论的中国商品期货市场与现货市场长期均衡关系的研究”[D]2004年,天津大学硕士学位论文。

28、Stop hedging and tell me! ─── 别吱吱唔唔的。快告诉我。

29、From the perspective of interpersonal function, the declarative mood is predominant and some hedging including modal words play a v... ─── 主位结构和衔接系统体现了语篇意义,使前后连贯,语义完整。

30、As a general rule, we prefer to see a higher proportion of trades with individuals and non-financial corporations who are likely trading to meet hedging or investment needs rather than seeking to exploit informational advantage. ─── 作为一般的原则,我们喜欢和要满足对冲或者投资需求的个人和非金融机构做生意,而不是到我们这里发挥信息优势的职业交易员。

31、This is a region where Russia and China are engaging and hedging the United States, and is also a meeting place, if not a fault line, between all major civilizations. ─── 中亚这个地区,是俄国和中国正在努力阻止美国力量的插足和扩大的重要地方,也是个战略缓冲区,是各种文化的隔离带。

32、Conceived in the 1990s as a hedging tool, CDSs soon took off as a way to speculate on the likelihood of a firm going bust without having to trade its underlying bonds. ─── 信用违约互换(CDSs)作为安全保险工具产生于90年代。不久,CDSs就成为对某公司破产的可能性进行投机而不必买卖该公司债券的一种手段。

33、Of course all of that is a lot of hedging with “may”s and “maybe”s. ─── 但显然这份去意已决在这一大堆的“也许”“可能”之后。

34、The function of market in future can better solve the problem.The function is price discovery, price risk hedging and efficiency improvement of market. ─── 农产品期货市场能通过套期保值来转移商品价格风险,能发现合理的价格预期,从而稳定农产品的长期供求关系。

35、Why would hedging be good, but speculating bad and how might one draw the line between them? ─── 为何对冲是好的,而投机是不好的,人们如何才能划定两者之间的界限?

36、Alright, the second part of our double whammy, companies are getting slapped with higher hedging cost... ─── 好的,我们双重打击的第二部分是企业受到更高对冲成本的打击...

37、"They are hedging their bets - they are seeing which side is going to win - purely driven from a sense of desperation. ─── 他们在保护他们的赌注,他们仅仅是在用一种绝望的心理来猜测哪一方将会获胜。”

38、The company is one of a few cash-rich foreign investors hedging bets on western China. ─── 目前,一些现金充沛的外国投资者冒险在中国西部进行了投资,而英特尔便是其中之一。

39、Generally in a market where interest rates fluctuate occasionally, there is usually little concern about funding risk or the need to consider hedging. ─── 一般来说,在一个利率偶然波动的市场里,通常不太关心筹资风险或考虑套期保值的需求。

40、Friday's trade wiped out those gains in the 30-year bond, which was sold in large volumes by mortgage originators as part of energetic hedging activity ahead of the three-day Presidents Day weekend. ─── 上周五的交易抹去了30年期国债的涨幅。按揭贷款发放机构在3天的总统日长周末前夕活跃的对冲活动中卖出了大量此类国债。

41、Just answer 'yes' or 'no',and stop hedging. ─── 就回答“是”或“否”,别再闪烁其词了。

42、Selling Hedge A hedging strategy used in futures markets whereby the sale of futures contracts are meant to offset a long underlying commodity position. ─── 卖出对冲期货市场的对冲策略,指卖出期货合约的目的在于抵消相关商品的买空头寸。

43、Under the current system of the arrangement, investors in the stock market to do more than rely on unilateral, is still a lack of systematic mechanism for hedging and risk aversion means. ─── 在当前的制度安排下,投资者在证券市场只能依靠单边做多,依然缺乏系统性的对冲机制和风险规避手段。

44、This company, the bank already familiar with the various hedging techniques to offset risks. ─── 对此,信孚银行只需以其早已轻车熟路的各种避险技术来冲销风险。

45、Hedging his bets, he ordered half of his men back to the Louvre perimeter.The other half he sent to guard the only location in Paris where Robert Langdon could find safe harbor. ─── 他把赌注一分为二,将一半人派回卢浮宫把守出口,将另一半人派往兰登在巴黎可以找到的惟一的避风港。

46、Pivoting Algorithm for a Cross Hedging Model ─── 复合套期保值模型的旋转算法

47、Politicians are past masters at sitting on the fence, hedging their bets, and never giving a straight answer. ─── 一般的政治家都是事后清,他们往往骑墙,见风驶舵,谈问题向来不直接了当。

48、But in the second half of last year, such hedging declined for the first time since 2001, according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, an industry group. ─── 但是依据产业组织国际互换和衍生品协会的数据,从去年下半年开始,此类套期保值从2001年以来第一次开始下降。

49、Currency hedging is even more difficult for investments in a jurisdiction with a non-convertible currency. ─── 对于本身货币是不可自由兑换的地方来说,为所持投资进行货币对冲就更加困难。

50、The higher risk-taking by Glencore is partly explained by the physical nature of its business, which makes price hedging difficult. ─── 嘉能可风险偏好较高的原因之一是,它从事实货交易,从而难以进行价格对冲。

51、International Risk Sharing: Through Equity Diversification or Exchange Rate Hedging? ─── 国际风险之分担应借助投资分散还是汇率避险?

52、Hedging is a common risk management measure amongst bookmakers offering fixed-odds bets. ─── 对冲是进行固定赔率投注的收受赌注者普遍采用的风险管理措施。

53、On the other hand, a recent paper by researchers at the European Central Bank says part of the problem with CDSs is that they are used for speculation, as well as hedging. ─── 另一方面,由欧洲央行的研究人员近期提出的一份报告指出大额定期存单的部分问题在于它们被用于投机,而不单是保值。

54、But just as America is hedging its relationship with China by maintaining a strong military presencein Asia, so China is tryingto strengthen its relationships in Asia andfarther afield. ─── 但就如同美国通过在亚洲部署强大军力以与中国保持距离一样,中国也试图加强与亚洲及其他国家的联系。

55、High-intensity-type chimeric hedging may be gas-tight syringe safety connections, never loose. ─── 产品说明 Description;高强度嵌合式套头,可与针筒安全气密式连接,绝不松脱。

56、Starting from CAPM (Capital Assets Pricing Model) analysis, a new method for hedging portfolio risk with stock index futures is proposed. ─── 从分析CAPM(资本资产定价模型)入手,提出了用股票指数期货来对冲股票组合风险的一种方法。

57、Lawn services generally charge $20 to $40 for aweekly cutting for an average lawn, and as much as $90 if you throw inleaf blowing and hedging, etc. ─── 一般来说,除草服务公司每周修剪一次面积一般的草坪,收费在20-40美元,收拾树叶要90美元。如果你需要的话,费用可能高达90美元。

58、They did not like the dark shade of the thickets hedging the pasture creek, and they twitched their ears at Scarlett as if appreciative of human companionship. ─── 它们不喜欢牧场溪畔树丛的黑暗阴影,它们向斯卡利特抖动着耳朵,仿佛感激有人类相伴。

59、People are happy because they have succeeded in hedging the king in. ─── 人民非常高兴,因为他们成功地限制了国王的权力。

60、The other way is through hedging. ─── 另一个方法是通过套期保值。

61、The hedging shall be relevant to the designated specific identifiable risk, and will ultimately affect the profits and losses of the enterprise. ─── 套期必须与具体可辨认并被指定的风险有关,且最终影响企业的损益。

62、If I were you, I'd do some hedging: ask to work part-time or take a year off. ─── 如果我是你,我会作权宜之计:要求转成兼职工作,或休假一年。

63、In the futures and options to avoid this kind of risk is called hedging. ─── 在期货期权中的此类规避风险的方法叫套期保值。

64、Trading principles and policies: shall include types of underlyings traded, trading or hedging strategies, setting of position limits. ─── 一、交易原则与方针:应包括交易标的种类、交易或避险策略、部位限额设定。

65、You are hedging again ; have you or have not you got the money . ─── 你又在闪烁其词,你到底有没有钱。

66、An enterprise may deal with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging. ─── 对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期,企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理。

67、Answer `yes' or `no' stop hedging! ─── 回答`是'或`不是'--不要再闪烁其词了!

68、Dyanmic Methods for Interest Rate Risk Pricing and Hedging II. ─── 对利率风险进行定价和套期保值的动态方法2。

69、HSBC is hedging its bets. ─── 汇丰银行则是两面下注。

70、Foreign currency management, include the hedging of foreign currency items. ─── 外汇管理,包括外汇项目的锁定汇率事宜。

71、The country's airline industry has been buffeted by falling passenger numbers and huge hedging losses caused by plummeting oil prices, with China Eastern the worst performer of the major carriers. ─── 中国航空业遭受旅客数量减少以及油价大跌造成的巨额对冲亏损的冲击,其中东航是主要航空公司中业绩表现最差的航空公司。

72、Financial markets haven't created hedging tools that are good enough and cheap enough to provide protection, he said. ─── 他说,金融市场还没有发明出可为企业保值的足够好、足够便宜的避险工具。

73、There is no reason to levy hefty charges with a buy-and-hold strategy featuring little trading or hedging, especially when the profit potential looks so huge. ─── 对于不进行多少交易或对冲的买入并持有战略而言,没有任何理由收取高额费用,尤其是当潜在利润看起来如此巨大的时候。

74、Citic Pacific, the Hong Kong-listed arm of China's largest investment conglomerate, is one of many companies where hedging went spectacularly wrong. ─── 中信泰富(CiticPacific)是中国最大投资集团旗下的香港上市公司,也是众多在对冲交易中遭受巨额亏损的公司之一。

75、Asian Option Pricing and its Hedging Strategy ─── 亚式期权定价及其套期保值策略


77、How to use SWAPS for hedging? ─── 在规避风险中如何使用掉期

78、In China, with the constant expansion of the stock market and the increasing importance of the role it plays in the socail and economical life, the demand for hedging with SIF keeps growing. ─── 在我国,随着证券市场规模的不断扩大及其在社会经济生活中地位的不断提高,利用股指期货进行套期保值的需求越来越大;

79、Widespread garden shrub, also used as hedging, flowers single or double-petalled, mostly scarlet but also in shades of yellow, or pink. ─── 多处可见的花园灌木,亦用来作矮篱笆.单层或双层花瓣,多作深红色,但亦有黄或粉红的色彩

80、Main Responsibilities: Complete the month/quarter/year closing timely and smoothly according to the deadline of SLC. Arrange the hedging of foreign c... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:4年以上最低学历:专科及同等学历

81、Hedging or preselling gold that hasn't yet been mined has historically been a good way to lock in a steady stream of revenue and fund new, capital-intensive mining projects. ─── 对冲或预售尚未开采出的黄金在历史上一直是锁定稳定收入流和为资本密集型的新开采项目筹集资金的好办法。

82、Hard-knuckled Clinton operatives are still trying to prevent people from wavering or hedging their bets by hinting that “You are either with us or against us. ─── 她那坚韧不屈的智囊团仍在努力向人们传达这一态度:不支持,即反对,催促人们不要犹豫不决,摇摆不定。

83、Hedging does not necessarily remove all of a company's financial risk. ─── 套做并不能消除公司全部财务风险。

84、China too is hedging its bets between Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai. ─── 中国也是在穆加贝先生和茨万吉拉伊先生之间下对冲赌注。

85、In order to avoid the risk of oil up, aviation fuel companies to carry out hedging operations. ─── 为了规避油价大涨的风险,公司开展航油套期保值业务。

86、CFTC acknowledged that with the passage of time, this dealer does not have an accurate method to distinguish between, because the main categories will engage in hedging and speculation. ─── CFTC承认,随着时间的推移,这种对交易商的区分方法已经不准确,因为两类主体都会从事套期保值和投机活动。

87、South African shrub having forked spines and plumlike fruit; frequently used as hedging. ─── 南非的灌木,有叉状的刺和象李子的果实;常被用做树篱。

88、America is still hedging its bets. ─── 美国依然一直在两面投机。

89、Managers of the affected units must then develop and apply new budgets and incentives and reconsider hedging strategies, capital allocations, and funding. ─── 受影响的商业部门必须推行和应用全新的预算,激励并且重估避险策略,资金配置和筹资。

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