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09-13 投稿



vividness 发音

英:[?v?v?dn?s]  美:[?v?v?dn?s]

英:  美:

vividness 中文意思翻译



vividness 反义词


vividness 词性/词形变化,vividness变形

名词: vividness |形容词最高级: vividest |副词: vividly |形容词比较级: vivider |

vividness 同义词

creative | clear | realistic | dashing | lurid | powerful | garish | lively | resplendent | crystal clear | rich | dazzling | picturesque | graphic | distinct | active | flamboyant | glaring | exotic | lifelike | gay | brilliant | striking | pictorial | alive | dramatic | colorful | strong | emphatic | expressive |bright | splendid | fresh | intense

vividness 短语词组

1、vividness feng ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的冯

vividness 相似词语短语

1、lividness ─── 活血

2、validness ─── n.有效;正确

3、vildness ─── 野性

4、viscidness ─── 粘性

5、avidness ─── n.渴望;热心

6、vapidness ─── n.无趣

7、timidness ─── n.羞怯;胆小

8、rigidness ─── n.坚硬;严厉

9、voidness ─── 无效

vividness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They revived in me a vivid sense of my mother's suffering. ─── 它们使我真切地回想起我妈妈的痛苦。

2、Elementary school pupils like their stationery in vivid shapes. ─── 小学生喜欢造型活泼的学习用具。

3、A dark to deep or vivid red. ─── 大红颜色深至深红或鲜红

4、It seemed like a rehearsal of her own life, terrible in its vividness. ─── 它就象是她自己一生的一次排演,生动逼真得可怕。

5、The actresses were wearing vivid historical costumes. ─── 女演员们穿着鲜艳的古装。

6、My uncle gave a vivid account of foreign cities. ─── 叔叔对外国城市作一番生动的描述。

7、Long afterwards, many would remember those two days in the first week of October with vividness and anguish. ─── 好久以后,不少人仍忘不了十月第一周的那两天,住事还历历在目,回忆令人心酸。

8、He fell silent, while the vivid stars were spilt and danced always. ─── 他沉默下来,而明亮的星星却一直在闪闪烁烁。

9、The delicate colouring of her face seemed to gather a calm vividness, like flowers at evening. ─── 她脸上是一片淡淡的红色,包容着一种幽静的鲜艳,像黄昏里的花朵。

10、His fiancee is a vivid young dancer. ─── 他的未婚妻是个活泼的青年舞蹈家。

11、There are many vivid, lively people in The Hypocrite. ─── 伪君子》塑造了不少栩栩如生的人物形象。

12、The music is graceful and cheerful with a vivid cadence. ─── 乐曲轻盈欢快,节奏鲜明。

13、She was wearing a vivid pink skirt. ─── 她穿着一条色彩鲜艳的粉红色裙子。

14、The horse he painted is very vivid. ─── 他画的马很传神。

15、She gave a vivid description of the match. ─── 她对那场比赛做了生动的描述。

16、A vivid picture is present to our eye. ─── 一幅栩栩如生的画面出现在我们眼前。

17、Psychologists call this problem in belief formation the vividness effect (Stanovich, 2007). ─── 心理学家称这为“激动效应”。

18、She talked of all things with remarkable vividness of memory. ─── 她谈起过去的一切仍栩栩如生,记忆犹新。

19、If he sat behind her stiff with impotent rage it only made a trembling vividness come into her energy. ─── 如果他呆若木鸡地坐在她身后生闷气,反倒给她的精力中注入了一股震颤的勃勃生气。

20、It seemed like a rehearsal of her own life, terrible in its vividness. ─── 它就象是她自己一生的一次排演,生动逼真得可怕。

21、A vivid recollection of the accident. ─── 事件的清晰的回忆

22、When Lucifer appeared in the dawn, I dreamed a vivid dream. ─── 当金星在晨曦中升起,我正在栩栩如生的梦中。

23、Only the vivid red hair ever stood out. ─── 只有鲜艳的红头发非常令人注目。

24、They are ingenious, vivid, flexible and constitutional. ─── 它精巧奇异,生动活泼;既有章可循,又灵活多变。

25、Single-semidouble chimera vivid coral star/ purple stripe, fantasy. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣的星形缟花,亮眼的珊瑚色外缟,深紫色内缟及喷点。

26、He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot. ─── 他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。

27、A vivid picture was present to his mind. ─── 一幅生动的画面出现在他的脑海里。

28、The use of approximate numbers is of great significance in achieving the vividness of language and also a requirement for its exactness . ─── 概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。

29、I can remember each of the roastings I've received with a vividness that inevitably attaches itself to such humiliating events. ─── 我能回忆起每次挨骂的场景,而且不可避免的是,这种丢人事件总是历历在目。

30、It抯 characteristic lies in its vividness and latent logic. ─── 形象性和潜逻辑性是其特征。

31、One feature of her writing is vivid. ─── 她写作的一个特点就是生动.

32、Her face looked vivid and happy. ─── 她的面孔看上去生气勃勃,喜气洋洋。

33、Their vivid creations point the way for the development of art. ─── 他们生动的创造指出了文艺发展的道路。

34、Semidouble-double vivid pink pansy/thin raspberry sparkled edge. ─── 半重瓣-重瓣的?型花,艳丽的粉红色,有细覆盆子色染边。

35、Dispelled early shadows, the sky stocks vivid atmosphere. ─── 一扫前期阴霾,港股牛气冲天。

36、The vision concussion of war is vivid for an artist. ─── 对于艺术家,战争的视觉冲击是活生生的。

37、His drama language can be characterised by strong artistic passionateness, vividness and philosophicalness. ─── 强烈的艺术激情、生动的形象性和深刻的哲理性构成夏衍戏剧语言的特色。

38、She gave me a vivid account of that accident. ─── 她向我绘声绘色地讲述那场事故。

39、An understanding of this point is helpful for us to discover the vividness aspects of our cultural traditions instead of a dying heritage. ─── 理解这一点,对于如何发掘影响我们的生活的活生生的而不是死去的民族文化并利用其正面因素大有裨益。

40、Semidouble-double vivid pink pansy/ thin raspberry sparkled edge. ─── 半重瓣-重瓣的菫型花,艳丽的粉红色,有细覆盆子色染边。

41、In order to attract more children,they made a lot of vivid program. ─── 为了吸引更多的孩子,他们制作了很多生动活泼的节目。

42、When can I walk through the gorgeous greenery of vivid charm? ─── 到底何时,才能走过娇绕稔色的田畦?

43、What strikes at a first reading is its vividness and terseness. ─── 初读时它给人的印象是生动和简洁。

44、Everything is so painfully vivid. ─── 一切是如此痛苦地清晰。

45、In order to enhance the vividness and attraction of the courseware,flash,super-linking,vide... ─── 恰当地应用动画、超级链接和音频等,可增强课件的直观性和吸引力。

46、Its premise should be the reality,its base should be the accuracy and its proof should be the vividness. ─── 可读性必须以真实性为前提,以准确性为基础,以生动性为保证。

47、The Donald Duck he drew is very vivid. ─── 他勾绘的唐老鸭栩栩如生。

48、His talk was spiced with vivid examples. ─── 他在报告中穿插了一些生动的例子。

49、She was not at all vivid, and had little sex magnetism. ─── 她不大有生气,不大有女性的魅力。

50、Firstly, Zhiying Chinese writing method solves the problem of lack of vividness. ─── “直映作文”首先解决作文“不生动”的问题。

51、Anna has vivid recollections of a holiday in Beijing. ─── 安娜对在北京度假的情况保有清晰的记忆。

52、His novel is a vivid portrayal of life in a mining community. ─── 他的小说生动地描绘了矿区的生活。

53、What strikes at a first reading is its vivid images. ─── 初读时它给人的印象是形象生动。

54、The fairy tales he tells are vivid and fascinating. ─── 他讲的童话故事绘声绘色,引人入胜。

55、What a vivid flash of lightning! ─── 多么明亮的一道闪光!

56、I have a vivid memory of her face. ─── 她的容貌栩栩如生地印在我脑海里。

57、All things can be known in the vivid light of the intuition. ─── 依托于直觉之光的生动显现,所有的事物均可知晓。

58、He sketched the situation in a few vivid words. ─── 他用几句生动的语言简述了局势。

59、She had the vivid intellect and the healthy human passion. ─── 她有生气勃勃的智慧,有健康正常的感情。

60、Should I smile or cry if the memory is still vivid there? ─── 如果回忆象钢铁般坚硬那么我是该微笑还是哭泣?

61、She's given a vivid description of her beautiful village. ─── 她如实地把自己美丽的村庄进行了一番描述。

62、Ricky has a vivid imagination, you can tell by his writing. ─── 他的小说是被批评为缺乏想象力。

63、Annie: What a vivid description! ─── 安妮:玛丽形容得真恰当。

64、His vivid touch added salt to the story. ─── 他生动的笔法给故事增添了兴味。

65、He gave a vivid and spirited description of what he had seen. ─── 他有声有色地描述了一番他看到的情景。

66、Briony is a 13 year old with a vivid imagination. ─── 1935年的一个异常燥热的下午,满脑子想像力的13岁少女贝安妮在房间外望,目睹姐姐和仆人的儿子在庭园似是争执又像调情的交锋。

67、The artist sketched in a few trees to show a vividness in its surroundings. ─── 画家粗略地添加了几棵树,使画面环境颇显生动。

68、An old soldier gave us a vivid account of the Long March. ─── 一位老战士有声有色地给我们叙述了长征的故事。

69、She gave the police a vivid description of the accident. ─── 她对警察生动地描述了这次事故。

70、They will become vivid and unforgettable experiences. ─── 它们会成为生动的和难忘的经验。

71、Society is replete with examples of the vividness effect. ─── 社会里充满了激动效应的例子。

72、But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. ─── 但根据大小和清晰度也有可能会看不到。

73、That episode was still so vivid to her. ─── 当时的情景却仍然历历在目。

74、Almost all of them have vivid dance scenes. ─── 其中几乎普遍都有舞蹈的生动画面。

75、Her dress was a vivid colour. ─── 她的服装颜色很鲜艳。

76、The compulsive vividness of Mr Amis's style may have annoyed his father, but he puts it to good use here. ─── 埃米斯一向行文生动,气势逼人,而也许正是这种风格让他的父亲不胜其烦,不过在这部著作中他的行文技巧得到了出色的施展。

77、For some youngsters, the vividness of a sensational news story can be internalized and transformed into something that might happen to them. ─── 一些较小的孩子会将惊人的新闻故事的生动鲜明内在化并将它转变成可能会发生在他们身上的事情。

78、Skin with abundant hydro can retain moisture and vivid appearance. ─── 喝饱水的肌肤,才能保持水润柔亮,神采飞扬。

79、Another finding was that older participants reported black and white dreams and colour dreams to be of equal vividness. ─── 另外一项发现是,年长参与者称他们的黑白梦与彩色梦一样生动。

80、He was electrifying for me too. He conducted with an energy and vividness that completely conveyed his every musical intention. ─── 史特拉汶斯基个人也令我激赏,他充满活力与生动的指挥完整传达了他对音乐的热衷。

81、His diction is noted for its freshness and vividness. ─── 他以用字遣词清新生动见长。

82、Semidouble vivid fuchsia-red two-tone/ darker eye, sparkle edge. ─── 半重瓣花,深浅不一的樱红色,有较深色的眼,宽晕边。

83、Being visual and vivid is not omissible things to good picture. ─── 几种和协的颜色在一起可能很上像,而互不相关的几种强烈的颜色混杂在一起却是华而不实、不上像的。

84、Palate: Nice on the palate, great freshness and vividness with mirabelle and lemon flavours. ─── 口感:口感很好,带有香醇清新的李子柠檬香味.

85、She loved to wear vivid characterization. ─── 她喜欢穿鲜明的颜色。

86、Chroma: A quality of colour. It refers to the purity, saturation, vividness, intensity or strength of a colour. ─── 彩度:彩度是颜色的一个特质。它描述颜色的纯度、饱和度、鲜明度、量度和强度。

87、Do you feel living tired? Vivid happy? ─── 你觉得活着累吗?活的开心吗?

88、Clare was the most vivid member of the family. ─── 克莱尔是家庭中最活跃的成员。

89、Such carvings are vivid and lifelike. ─── 它的雕刻艺术形象逼真。

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