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09-12 投稿


arenation 发音

英:[??r??ne??n]  美:[??r??ne???n]

英:  美:

arenation 中文意思翻译



arenation 相似词语短语

1、crenations ─── n.圆锯齿状

2、carination ─── 船骨状;嵴状

3、catenation ─── n.连锁

4、crenation ─── n.圆锯齿状

5、alienation ─── n.异化;疏远;转让;[内科]精神错乱;间离效果(alienationeffect)

6、areolation ─── n.形成网眼状空隙;网眼状结构

7、arefaction ─── 除湿;干燥

8、marination ─── 浸泡

9、adnation ─── n.合生,侧生

arenation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Children' s shoes aren' t cheap quite the reverse. ─── 儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵.

3、Female fetuses aren’t swayed by testosterone and so they stick with the fallback blueprint that calls for ovaries and a vagina. ─── 女性胚胎不会受睾丸激素的影响,她们会一直延续原有的特征并生长出卵巢和阴道。

4、Genealogies aren’t fun to read.In fact, they can be downright boring, but Matthew seeks to clearly demonstrate that Jesus Christ was the Son of David and the Son of Abraham. ─── 家谱读起来没什麽趣味,事实上还很烦人,但马太想要清楚的表明耶稣基督是亚伯拉罕和大卫的子孙。

5、Unlike other experimental therapies, retinoids may be effective in premenopausal women and in those whose tumors aren"t estrogen-positive. ─── 不像其他的实验疗法,维甲酸可有效地在绝经前妇女和在那些肿瘤是不是雌激素阳性。

6、You are an American, aren not you? ─── 你是一名美国人,是吗?

7、Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn ´t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren ´t full yet, and the world needs more children. ─── 同行婚姻,不能生育的夫妇,以及老人都不该被允许结婚,因为我们的孤儿院还没有装满,而且我们需要更多小孩。

8、You"ve spent four years or more building your knowledge and perhaps even earned a high GPA.So why aren"t employers clamoring for your services? ─── 传统的按时间顺序排列的履历模式主要目的是强调就业历程,通常不适用于毕业新生。

9、People simply aren’t well prepared to answer such questions accurately. ─── 其实人们仅仅是对这些问题没有充分的准备,因此无法精确地回答。

10、Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficult to find. ─── 在学校中不难发现广泛存在的反学识现象。

11、on the other hand, we aren’t anxious to change NVP according to patient’s hemoglobin, and he will stop drugs in seven days. ─── 另外该患者CD4低,对磺胺过敏(确定吗) We will change NVP into EFV after the rash totally disappears and his conditions are stable, and see if the mucosa in his mouth and perineum rankled.

12、Healthy knees aren’t the main consideration in choosing high heels, but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos(高跟鞋). ─── 参考答案: 在选择高跟鞋时,膝盖健康不是主要考虑因素,但有新的研究表明,宽厚的高跟鞋和细尖的高跟鞋一样糟糕。

13、If the senders answer correctly, their e-mail is moved to your inbox and their addresses are added to your whitelist so they aren’t challenged again. ─── 如果发信人回答正确,该邮件就被移入您的收件箱,它们的地址就被加入您的白名单中。而这些邮件以后就不会再受到质询。

14、But the switch is being considered a downgrade, and users aren’t happy about it. ─── 但是调整被认为是一种降级,因此用户感到很不满意。

15、The Colosseum and Trevi Fountain aren’t even mentioned in a hot-off-the-press guide to Rome. ─── " 一本新鲜出炉的罗马指南中对罗马竞技场和许愿池只字未提。

16、If you aren’t interested in history, Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast is a good starting point. ─── 如果你对历史不敢兴趣,那么在历史课的广播里错过的东西的这个观点就是一个很好的开头。

17、Your charm will help you get who and what you want.As long as you aren t pushy you will have nothing to worry about and everything to gain. ─── 天蝎:你的魅力让人无法抵挡,只要你不穷追猛打,根本不用担心得不到爱情。

18、Its really a bummer for me since I wanted to arrogantly tease people who aren’t in share about the Warhammer Online Beta. ─── 其目的是实现仪器仪表的小型化,减轻重量、降低生产成本和更便于使用与维修等。

19、Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn′ t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren′ t full yet, and the world needs more children. ─── 同性婚姻,不能生育的夫妇,以及老人都不该被允许结婚,因为我们的孤儿院还没有装满,而且我们需要更多小孩。

20、Under penalty of arrest, the editor issued following retraction: HALF THE CITY COUNCIL AREN'T CROOKS. ─── 在被罚以拘留后,编辑发表了以下声明:市议会里有一半人不是骗子。

21、It’s important to create scenarios that are within the realm of technical possibility, but at this stage the details of reality aren’t yet important. ─── 在技术允许的范围内创建场景剧本是重要的,但在这一阶段,现实状况的细节内容还不是太重要。

22、Aren''t you a religion or a rival to religion? ─── 你们是否宗教或宗教的竞争者?

23、Poor Rube.It was a shame because Bert would have to organise another heist before I could get hold of that sort of stuff again.Just the same, some people are unfortunate, aren' t they? ─── 可怜的鲁布。真可惜,我想再得到这样的东西还需要伯特再组织一次打劫。总是这样,一些人很不走运,不是吗?

24、They aren’t afraid of humans,” Ludmilla says, gleefully recalling how one polar bear ripped the scalp from a Russian scientist living in the Franz Josef Land archipelago. ─── 她说,并且兴奋地向我们讲述了一只北极熊如何将一位住在法兰士约瑟夫地群岛的俄罗斯科学家的头皮揭下来的故事。

25、An Aston Martin they aren’t, but they are just begging for Xzibit to be pimped out. ─── 他们不是阿斯顿 马丁,但是他们祈求埃勒比出山。

26、Just as soldiers who don’t want to become generals aren’t necessarily bad soldiers, designers who don’t want to become master of their trade aren’t necessarily untalented designers. ─── 不想做将军的士兵不一定不是好士兵,不想做大师的设计师也未见得不优秀。

27、But further traits like her inner psychological mechanism aren't easily perceivable at a glance. ─── 但是,再深一层的东西,比如十娘形象的深层心理机制,就不是泛泛的欣赏所能参悟的了。

28、His eyes aren' t quite as blue as they look in the film ─── 他的眼睛不像在电影里见到的那麽蓝

29、It’s a big, whopping reminder that the human mind is continually trying to perceive things that aren’t true, and not perceiving them takes enormous effort. ─── 它是一个巨大的警钟,提醒我们人类的头脑总是使人们接受一些假象,通过很大的努力,才能使人们不接受它们。

30、They aren’t fun to talk to because they always want to bring up the Stamp Act or Vietnam or some other depressingly unfunny thing from the past. ─── 他们交谈起来不有趣,因为他们总是想实施印花税法案或者提越南或者其他一些过去的压抑无趣的事情。

31、But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. ─── 但有些他的最爱,比如马齿苋、番石榴和枸杞并不是常常能在杂货店买到。

32、We draw a conclusion that the induced eddy-currents under common gradient fields and switching frequency of several thousand Hz aren t strong... ─── 人体在常用的梯度场和几千赫兹的切换频率下感应出的电流不足以引发心室震颤,但是,梯度场切换频率的提高可能会引发心室震颤。

33、FANDOM: Harry Potter DISCLAIMER: The characters of HP aren---'t mine, and no copyright infringement is intended. Please don---'t hurt me! ─── 声明:所有HP的人物都不属于我,所有侵犯版权的行为都不是有意的,请不要伤害我。

34、"Besides, aren’t you the same guy who once did me on an open hill in a public campground five klicks from a military tower filled with men and binoculars? ─── "此外, 你不是一次做我在一个公众的野营地的一个开放的小山上来自一个充满男人和双眼望远镜的军事塔的五 klicks 的相同傢伙"?

35、Just because you aren’t getting complaints from your users doesn’t mean that they are happy getting error messages. ─── 不是因为你没听到用户的抱怨,就意味着他们很高兴收到错误消息。

36、No, there aren"t vegetable and fruit. ─── 不,没有蔬菜和水果。

37、If that’s true, then there really aren’t any stupid people.Just people running DOS.” -... ─── 原作者: projectririan | 译者: 小狼诺夫 “I just found out that the brain is like a computer.

38、29. Aren‘t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food. ─── 你不饿吗?你只吃了一丁点东西。

39、And if the more than 60 wineries aren’t enough, Barossa also offers an artisanal cheese trail, and nearby Adelaide is a foodie destination in its own right. ─── 如果说60多家葡萄酿酒厂还不足够的话,那么此地还盛产一种手工制品奶酪,而且在阿德雷德附近也有美食家们独有的好去处。

40、But they’re not all like that.Some of them are looking for mother figures: dependable women who aren’t flaky or airheaded like women of their own age. ─── 也不是所有的小男人都这样,有些人寻找的是那种母亲式的感觉,因为成熟的女人没有年经女孩的脆弱和无知。

41、In the drawing application, the clip art facility should be very easy to access but, because it involves a whole suite of tools that aren’t normally needed, it should be placed in a separate facility: a dialog box. ─── 在程序中剪贴画工具应该易于获取,但因为它不属于通常需要的工具,所以应该放在单独的设施,如对话框中实现。

42、There aren’t any tigers here, you say? ─── “这里没有老虎啊,你说呢?

43、But these days the thing about incomprehensibility is that people aren’t supposed to get it. ─── 但如今的无厘头,其意义在于人们不必懂它说什么。

44、And to let goof old thoughts that aren’t useful to you anymore. ─── 举例来说,你可以尝试着培养一下凡事从更为积极和乐观的角度思考的习惯,这会对你大有帮助。

45、These services aren’t truly free;you pay for the songs when you purchase a new cell phone, or for signing a contract for broadband intern. ─── 但这些服务并非名副其实地“免费”,因为在购买新手机的时候,你同时也就为歌曲或者签署的宽带服务协议掏了腰包。

46、Our applications can easily remember the names and locations of the files they have worked on, so they aren’t the ones who need a retrieval system: It’s for us human users. ─── 因为我们的应用程序也可以很容易地记住所用文件的名字和位置,它们并不需要检索系统,需要检索系统的是我们人类使用者。

47、On a mission to locate his biological parents, a tightly wound professional (Livingston) is befuddled to find that the couple who conceived him aren exactly upper-class. ─── 声明:本站所有影视来源于互连网,版权归原公司所有,本站不对版权、合法性以及健康性负任何法律责任,请购买正版影像制品。

48、Spend some time looking at your own application and see if you can find functions that seem as if they should be undoable, but currently aren’t. ─── 对前一类行动,用户也许会对之后发生的状态觉得惊讶和沮丧,但至少能够回到原来的工作;

49、Bravo: You? re still so young, and already so mega successful, aren? t you afraid to lose the ground? ─── 你现在还这么年轻,已经成就这么高,你不怕以后发展没这么好么?

50、Aren not you hungry? ─── 你不饿吗?

51、As a failsafe to keep yourself from staying up too late, give yourself a bedtime deadline, and even if you aren’t totally sleepy, go to bed by that time no matter what. ─── 为了防止你睡的过晚,给自己划定一个最晚睡觉时间,即使这时候你完全不瞌睡,无论如何你也要在那个时间上床睡觉。

52、If the glasses aren’t labeled with a specific UV claim then DON’T BUY THEM because it’s impossible to know how much protection they will provide. ─── 如果太阳镜上没有说明防护某某紫外线的标签,那么坚决不要买,因为你没法知道这样的太阳镜能提供多少防护。

53、Under penalty of arrest, the editor issued following retraction: "HALF THE CITY COUNCIL AREN'T CROOKS." ─── 在被罚以拘留后,编辑发表了以下声明:"市议会里有一半人不是骗子。"

54、Maybe such kind of life is something like an ascetic, but we should work hard and try hard in our youth, aren’t we? ─── 也许这样的生活是什么样的禁欲主义,但我们应该努力工作,努力在我们的青年,不是吗?

55、In fact stretches of the wall aren‘t even visible from China. ─── 事实上很多长城的城墙甚至在中国也看不到了。

56、They’re snacky.They aren’t lox, but they aren’t cat food. ─── 它们不是烟熏鲑鱼,但也不是猫食。

57、It takes a skilled and talented visual designer to be able to create an icon that is sufficiently recognizable and memorable that users aren’t required to rely upon ToolTips every time they look for a butcon. ─── 如果没有工具提示,视觉设计者就必须绞尽脑汁设计出容易理解和记忆的图标,这样使用者每次看到图标按钮时才不必依赖工具提示。

58、In publishing the information, CNET editors note the data aren’t meant to imply that cellphone radiation poses a risk, nor is it meant to say that the phones are safe. ─── 在公布这个信息时,CNET的编辑指出这些数据不旨在暗示手机辐射会造成危险,也不是为了说明手机是安全的。

59、Her mother knew about this thing, saying to her that when the sun fallen, moon and star will light up so that you aren’t afraid of change. ─── 她的母亲知道了这件事,就对她说,当太阳落下时,月亮和星星会亮起,所以不要怕变。

60、Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats. ─── 女人稀饭猫。男人说他们稀饭猫,但当女人看不见的时刻,他们就会踢猫。

61、"She‘s magnificent," said Leymarie."Aren’t you worried about coming back? ─── "她真漂亮,"莱马里说,"难道你现在回去不担心吗?

62、The elasticity mechanic theory for the shell under non-axisymmetrical loading is complicated and cockamamie,so these ideas aren’t discussed in the article. ─── 对于受非轴对称荷载的壳体,其弹性力学的理论计算比较复杂、繁琐,计算结果精度不是很好,所以没有进一步的进行讨论。

63、In Germany, they take sausage form and collards in the U.S. just aren’t the same without some ham hocks thrown in, although eating hog jowls is also believed to ensure good health. ─── 在德国,他们采取的形式和羽衣香肠和美国不相同的只是有没有放入一些火腿,而吃猪肉在那里也是被认为是可以让身体健康的。

64、The police were called, and the car moved on, but the folks of Broughton aren’t happy. ─── 他们甚至报警了,但是这丝毫不能解决问题,由于并没有触犯法律,所以无济于事,拍摄车继续前行,显然,当地居民十分恼火,贼拉子生气!

65、Unlike what you would normally expect from a street circuit, Valencia has a lot of corners but they aren’t tight and twisty, but quite fast and flowing so the whole lap is quite quick. ─── 不像你一般能够想到的街道赛,瓦伦西亚有很多弯角,但是并不狭窄、也不曲折,反而很快速流畅,因此一整圈都是很高速的。

66、But we are here today not to be lectured by my mundane story, aren’t we, ladies and gentlemen. ─── 但是,我们今天在这里不是普通的演讲,我的故事,不是我们,女士们,先生们。

67、For electrical circuits like doorbells, the milliseconds the bounce takes aren’t meaningful, but in modern electronics, those extra clicks can be significant. ─── 对于门铃这样的电路,颤动花去几个毫秒不会有什么关系。 但在现代的电子仪器中,这种额外的点击问题重大。

68、The low-energy electrical pulses your implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) gives off aren’t painful. ─── ICD对心脏所发出的低能量电脉冲并不会导致患者的痛感。

69、"By hosting the Digital Ad Lab and BPIF Digital Interest Group meetings, which aren’t open to all visitors, we are positioning the event as the London meeting point for the industry," says Gayle. ─── “通过举办数字广告实验室和BPIF数字兴趣小组会议,这是不开放给所有游客,我们的活动定位在伦敦会议上指出的行业, ”盖尔说。

70、Choosy aren’t get you nowhere. ─── 不过挑剔也没啥不好滴。

71、For example, you might use one momentum indicator and one volume indicator successfully, but two momentum indicators aren’t better than one. ─── 例如, 你可能成功地使用一要素指数和一成交量指数, 但是2要素指数不是更好与比一个。

72、But humans in general are highly suggestible, especially when things aren’t falling into place. ─── 但是在不明事理的时候,人类是如此容易陷入盲从。

73、8、You are the Purser,aren’t you? ─── 你是事务员,是不是?

74、There aren’t many traditional city blocks.In the days when Beijing was famous for swarms of cyclists, its unsuitability for automobiles didn’t matter; ─── 在多数人以自行车代步的年代,城区不适合汽车行走还不成其为问题;

75、Most people memorize it the first time because if you do it a second time, there usually aren’t any lollies left. ─── 为要确保房间没有细菌,所有内进者都必须经过消毒,天堂亦然。当好人得救了,神是公平的,会按他们在世所行的赏赐他们。

76、A: Both are alcoholic cocktails, aren"t they? ─── 两杯含酒精的鸡尾酒,对吗?

77、It is really a historic Opera/Playhouse that plays movies on the weekends they aren’t having live shows. ─── 事实上,它是个有着悠久历史的歌剧院,只在周末没有表演的时候放些电影。

78、Like served personas, they aren’t users of the product. ─── 与被服务的人物角色一样,负面人物角色不是产品的用户。

79、“ Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over (缓解) issues than those who aren’t so friendly , “said professor Stephen Hoch. ─── “负责任,态度友好的零售商比那些态度不是很好的零售商更容易很好地解决问题。”史帝芬 霍克教授说。

80、Using products with UV absorbers can help a little bit, but focus on leave in products because rinse out products aren’t very effective at depositing significant amounts of sunscreening agents. ─── 你可以把它们想成是极小的用蛋白质做成的三明治。

81、The SGML declaration establishes the basic rules for which characters are considered to be markup characters and which aren’t. ─── SGML声明确立了基础规则,以确定哪些字符是标记字符而哪些不是。

82、 双语使用场景

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