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09-12 投稿



garner 发音

英:[?ɡɑ?rn?r]  美:[?ɡɑ?n?(r)]

英:  美:

garner 中文意思翻译




garner 网络释义

vt. 获得;储存;把…储入谷仓n. 谷仓

garner 词性/词形变化,garner变形


garner 短语词组

garner up

1. 收割并贮藏

When the potatoes had been garnered up, the ground was plowed over for sowing.

收藏了马铃薯之后, 翻土准备播种。

1、alex garner ─── 亚历克斯·加纳

2、holly garner ─── 霍莉·加纳

garner 相似词语短语

1、earner ─── n.赚钱的人

2、girner ─── 吉尔纳

3、yarner ─── 雅纳

4、garter ─── n.袜带;绣箍;吊袜带;嘉德勋章;v.吊袜带吊住

5、garners ─── vt.获得;储存;把…储入谷仓;n.谷仓

6、darner ─── n.缝补台;缝补针;缝补的人

7、Garner ─── n.加纳(姓氏)

8、garnet ─── n.[矿物]石榴石;深红色;装货用的滑车;adj.深红色的;暗红色的;n.(Garnet)人名;(西)加内特;(罗)加尔内特

9、warner ─── n.警告者;报警器;n.(Warner)人名;(英)沃纳;(德、瑞典)瓦尔纳

garner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、garner up ─── vt. 收藏

2、Or little pitted speck in garner'd fruit, ─── 或是所储果物上的小疵瑕,

3、Conservative Jim Garner presents us with an amateurish politician unqualified for the vice presidency, yet also a shrewd legal opportunist swimming in cash. ─── 属于保守派的吉姆·纳让我们看到的爱德华兹是一个当副总统还不够格的外行政客,一个在钱海中游泳的精明的机会主义律师。

4、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; ─── 12他手里拿着簸箕,要扬净他的场,把麦子收在仓里,把糠用不灭的火烧尽了。

5、"I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in, " Emery added. ─── 埃默里加上一句,"我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。"

6、Reports made by Garner and colleagues and of Silverstein and colleagues in the first article prove that years of research had been done to study body image in fashion magazines. ─── 加纳和他的同仁们所作的报告以及斯维斯泰因和他的同事在第一次证明了多年的研究,那个研究已经做了时尚杂志人体形象的调查。

7、Garner "s approach is to emphasize that handsome John used to be a trial lawyer; hence the cash, some of it even stuck in his ears. " ─── 加纳的讽刺方式是强调英俊的爱德华兹以前曾是一名辩护律师,因而在漫画中出现了钞票,有些钞票甚至塞进了他的耳朵。

8、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor, and gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire. ─── 他手里拿著扇子,他要扬净它的打榖场,把麦子收到榖仓里,而将粗糠用不灭之火烧尽。

9、Some possibilities: Mary Tyler Moore, Elizabeth Montgomery, Robert Young, James Garner, Harry Morgan, Bill Cosby. ─── 一些选择:玛丽?泰勒?摩尔、伊莉莎白?蒙哥马利、罗伯特?扬、詹姆斯?加纳、哈?堙E摩根、比尔?科斯比。

10、But dealmakers say that any foreign institution mulling a stake sale will have to weigh carefully the potential downside, at a time when Beijing is trying to garner support for its largest banks. ─── 但交易撮合者表示,在中国政府正试图为各大银行提供支持之际,任何有意出售股份的外国机构,都将不得不认真权衡潜在的不利因素。

11、Any step towards promoting better food safety standards has the potential to provide a major boost for exporters looking to garner a bigger slice of the global food markets. ─── 任何致力于促进食品安全标准完善的步骤对于希望在国际食品市场上分到更大一杯羹的出口商都是一个巨大的推动。

12、(Beyan A. Garner 'A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage' Oxford University Press,1987). ─── 为了证明这一推论,我们找到了牛津大学出版社于1987年出版的《现代法律惯用词典》

13、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner;but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. ─── 他手里拿著簸箕、要扬净他的场、把麦子收在仓里、把糠用不灭的火烧尽了。

14、Karzai is still favored to garner the most votes in the first round of voting, but analysts have predicted that the growing challenge from Abdullah and Ghani could force a second round. ─── 卡尔扎伊仍旧可能在第一轮投票中受到多数人的青睐,但分析人士预测来自阿卜杜拉和盖尼越来越强的挑战能够将选举拖入第二轮。

15、We have no problem understanding a movie where somebody goes to sleep as a teenager and wakes up as Jennifer Garner, as an older person. ─── 我们完全能够看懂电影中一个少女睡去,一觉醒来却变成了老年人詹妮弗·加纳。

16、So prevalent was the good feeling that Roosevelt and Garner were nominated by a mighy shout on the first ballot. ─── 愉快情绪如此普遍,使得第一次投票时,罗斯福和加纳就在狂叫声中被提名为候选人。

17、So prevalent was the good feeling that Roosevelt and Garner were nominated by a mighty shout on the first ballot. ─── 愉快情绪如此普遍,使得第一次投票时,罗斯福和加纳就在狂叫声中被提名为候选人。

18、de Oliveira、Rayya Elias &Gigi Madl、Susan Freddie、 Devin Friedman、Dwight Garner&Cree LeFavour、John &Carole... ─── 一辈子做女孩下载 一辈子做女孩下载 支持正版, 保护知识产权:...

19、Garner Peggy Ann ─── 佩吉·安·加纳

20、And it was only after they failed to garner real support in the Arab world that they ran back to Afghanistan and began to target the West. ─── 而正是由于没有获得阿拉伯世界的支持,他们才跑到阿富汗,开始针对西方的恐怖袭击。

21、Flower-child Violet Affleck is obviously blossoming into a darling little version of her mommy Jennifer Garner. ─── “花童”薇奥莱特·阿弗莱克很明显长成其母詹妮弗·加纳的小可爱版了。

22、Blue diamonds have been known to garner high prices. ─── 蓝钻众所周知价格很高。

23、MR. GARNER: Today's technology? ─── 加纳:今天的技术?

24、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. ─── 他手里拿着簸箕,要扬净他的场,把麦子收在仓里,把糠用不灭的火烧尽了。

25、The corn has been reaped: HARVEST, garner, gather in, bring in. ─── 收割,获得,收获;收割;遭到报应;收获;得到报偿。

26、He again worked with Edwards for his sophomore effort playing cowboy star Tom Mix opposite James Garner's Wyatt Earp in the Western spoof Sunset (1988). ─── 他再次与Edwards合作在西部滑稽片(落日)中出演西部牛仔明星TomMix,与JamesGarner(扮演WyattEarp)演对手戏。

27、nickcook69 I was ging to mention th Bill Garner goal, so instead I'll go for the last minute United equaliser from a penalty given for a fake handball in 1978. ─── 我没看到比尔.加纳的那个超快入球,但是却看到了曼联在最后一分钟因为一个莫须有的手球而得到一个点球,最终扳平了比分。

28、Good thing I'm like james garner from "the great escape. " Hey, fellas! Who's ready to deal? ─── 问得好我有里的詹姆斯加纳的技术嘿伙计们!谁想做个交易?。

29、Although Garner's findings fit with previous work that tentatively suggests that fish feel pain, some experts remain unconvinced that the reaction was not an instinctive escape behavior. ─── 尽管加纳的发现与之前的一些工作吻合,能够试验性地表明鱼类能够感知到疼痛,然而一些专家仍然认为这种反应不是一种本能行为。

30、Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too. ─── 成功往往带来金钱和吹捧,但最惨烈的失败也能带来知名度。

31、It is of course true that it would be much easier for America to garner international support for a policy aimed solely at forcing Mr Hussein to accept intrusive international inspection. ─── 当然,如果美国的目标只是迫使侯赛因接受外来的国际武器检查,那么要获得国际力量的支持就容易得多。

32、Three-Star General Jay Garner presented Don McLean with an army medal as a thank you for his music. ─── 为了感谢其在音乐上的贡献,唐麦克林还曾为三星将军杰伊迦纳获颁勋章。

33、In an uncharacteristic display, Federer argued with chair umpire Jake Garner during a changeover in the U.S.Open final Monday. ─── 在一场非典型的比赛上,费德勒和裁判长JakeGarner在周一美网男单决赛中争论。

34、Unable to garner much support from their elected representatives, TIs have started their own PR campaign. ─── 因为无法从议员中获得支持,受害者们已经开始了自己的运动。

35、Dianne Garner, Susan O.Mercer, editors. ─── 书名 :Women as they age /J.

36、There are few wines in the world that garner almost universal recognition among oneophiles and casual consumers alike, and Chateau Latour tops that list. ─── 世界上能够赢得葡萄酒专家与葡萄酒消费者一致认同的葡萄酒并不多,拉图城堡就是其中的翘楚。

37、Majority rule holds that only those policies that collectively garner the consent of a majority of citizens will become law. ─── 多数决原则,唯有大多数公民共同地获取同意的那些政策将成为法律。

38、Garner compliments ─── 得到称赞

39、Meadows began to garner attention when a film scout took him on as an amateur film director. ─── 一个电影侦探发掘了Meadows做一个业余电影导演,从此他开始引起关注。

40、Garner's approach is to emphasize that handsome John used to be a trial lawyer; hence the cash, some of it even stuck in his ears. ─── 加纳的讽刺方式是强调英俊的爱德华兹以前曾是一名辩护律师,因而在漫画中出现了钞票,有些钞票甚至塞进了他的耳朵。

41、Going out is a lot more fun when you've got the good-looking pass (i.e., my boyfriend) to garner VIP treatment. ─── 出去有很多有趣的事,当你有漂亮的可以获得贵宾待遇的VIP卡(就是我的男朋友)时。

42、I've gotten to a point where I trust the decisions he makes because of my experiences with him and his past experiences with other teams, and the success he's been able to garner as a coach. ─── 我已经知道,我相信他的决定,只因为那些和他在一起成功的经验,他以前对待其他球队的经验,和所有他作为一个教练的成功。”

43、A good wine package designing, not only make people feeling beauty and garner, but let consumers to buy it. ─── 一个精美别致的酒包装,不仅能给人以美的享受,具有收藏价值,而且在市场不断出现和销售方式改变的今天,能直接刺激消费者的购买欲望,达到促进销售的目的。

44、For treatment of brain cancer alone, Marucci said the vaccine could garner annual U.S. sales of at least $500 million and have significant sales potential in overseas markets. ─── 对于仅治疗脑瘤而言,莫路西说该疫苗可以实现美国市场年销售额至少5亿美元的目标,而海外市场销售潜力也十分巨大。

45、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; ─── 他手里扬起扇子,他将彻底洁净他的地面,将小麦收集起来装进他的谷仓;

46、So, apologies to Joey Jones, Dennis Wise, Peter Osgood, Bill Garner and a few more for not getting them into the final side. ─── 对于这个结果,我要向乔伊-约翰斯,丹尼斯-坏斯,彼得-奥斯古德,比尔-加纳以及其他一些没有入选名单的球员表示道歉。

47、Kwame ? Again, another guy that should garner co-player of the game honors. ─── 另一个为球队整体打球做出贡献的人。

48、" I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in, " Emery added. ─── 埃默里加上一句,“我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。”

49、Since the grid now has more than one owner, it is often hard to know who will bear the risks and who will garner the rewards. ─── 由于电网如今有着一个以上的业主,所以我们经常很难知道谁会去承担风险,而谁又去积蓄收获。

50、These movies usually rely upon critical praise or niche marketing to garner an audience. ─── 为了获得观众,影片通常依赖于关键性的称赞和定位好的市场。

51、garner compliments; ─── 得到称赞;

52、All of these opportunities can help an AE garner a large share of an Agency's budget for their client advertiser. ─── 所有这些机会都帮助客户经理在代理公司为客户准备的预算中保留非常大的份额。

53、GARNER: Well, Army XXI is a process by which the Army is looking at a lot of things and a lot of concepts. ─── 加纳:“21世纪陆军”的研究是一个要进行大量理论和实际探索的过程。

54、Top "I think her unseemlyrush to always garner headlines has finally done her in," Emery added. ─── 埃默里加上一句,"我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。

55、You garner rock star adulation from us. ─── 你获得的摇滚明星奉承我们。

56、In the next 12 years, the pair's creation would garner them 12 nominations and seven Oscars over the course of more than 100 cartoons. ─── 在此后12年里,他们共创作出100多部动画片,12次获得提名,7次获得奥斯卡奖。

57、Although government action across the board is required, Popkin pointed out that it is much easier to garner political will and public support to address hunger than obesity. ─── 尽管全世界需要采取措施来应对肥胖问题,但波普金指出解决饥饿问题比解决肥胖问题更容易得到各国政府和公众的支持。

58、Helped garner public support for the democracy movement ─── 协助争取民众支持民主运动

59、With the acclaimed Downey and the Oscar-winning Paltrow in leading roles and mostly favorable reviews expected, "Iron Man" should also garner positive responses from more discriminating moviegoers. ─── 托尼和奥斯卡获奖者帕特罗加入该剧制作的消息一经传出,‘钢铁侠’有望得到不错的评论。这部影片同样是对有鉴赏能力的观众的回报。

60、With regular savings and reasonable investment returns, even ordinary investors can garner surprising wealth. ─── 只要做到按时储蓄及合理投资,即使是普通人也能积攒下惊人的财富。

61、After that a 60-day offer-period begins during which Kraft may revise the terms of its bid to garner enough support from shareholders for a deal and Cadbury can argue against the offer. ─── 之后,将展开为期60天的要约期,卡夫公司可能需要在此期间修正其开出的条件来赢得足够多的股东支持,同时吉百利方面则可以据理力驳。

62、The three harmonic wave(355nm) of a Q-switch yttrium-aluminium garner laser is directed into the microscope and focused by the objective. ─── 工作波长355nm是由电子调Q Nd:YAG激光经KDP倍频和混频后得到的.

63、For poor ones, it is a chance to garner information from one of the world's best-informed chancelleries. ─── 对穷国来说,这是一个从身为世上最见多识广的大使之一的人那里获取信息的机会;

64、But more recently, the man who was initially written off as an annoyance has begun to garner respect because his site is just too important to ignore. ─── 但最近,该名男子谁最初注销作为一个烦扰,已开始获得尊重,因为他的网站,只是太重要了忽视。

65、Fueled by an advance single( I Can Love You Better) that became the group's first Top l0 single, the album managed to garner quadruple-platinum sales within a year of its release. ─── 她们提前发行的单曲(能更好地爱你)为乐队第一首进人排行榜前十名的歌曲,在其推动下,"天地大开"第一年便达到四倍白金销量。

66、Okay, well, let me rephrase the question. Do you expect Sony to garner a larger share of the SLR market than they achieved? ─── 好,让我们改变一下问题。你期待索尼获得比他们更大的SLR市场份额吗?

67、This phone will garner lots of wows when you take it out of your pocket. ─── 但是如果你买了它,不要让人们知道,内侧相当呆滞。

68、First, though, plans call for a team led by retired United States Army General Jay Garner to have administrative responsibility. ─── 但是,计划要求先由已退休美国将军杰伊?加纳领导的团队来执行行政职责。

69、Bukeni soon formed AJEDI-Ka to garner more resources in his effort to protect and promote children's rights in conflict situations. ─── 因此很快的,他成立了青少年发展整合组织,希望能藉此获得更多儿权提倡与儿童保护的资源。

70、The Multiple Intelligence Theory put forward by Dr. Garner is a full doctrine on human being's cognition. ─── 加德纳提出的多元智能理论是关于人类认知范畴最完整的论述。

71、MR. GARNER : I know you've talked to Dr. Marshall and others on RMA. ─── 加纳:我知道你已就军事革命问题采访了马歇尔博士和其他一些人。

72、Garner Ron.Rifkin Michael. ─── 主要演员:Jennifer.

73、The garner can help the old remember things for longer. ─── 储存能帮助老年人更长久地记住事情。

74、If I tell you all the secrets, it makes it too easy for those who are trying to garner our favor, right? ─── 如果我告诉你所有的秘密,这对那些想要得到我们赞许的人就太容易了不是吗?

75、Foreign films and Asian cinema especially, have their audience in the West, but if you want to garner mass appeal, it's going to require familiar faces and storylines that Westerners can relate to. ─── 外国影片,特别是亚洲影片在西方是有观众的。不过,如果想要吸引更多的观众,翻拍片就必须动用西方观众熟悉的演员来拍摄能让他们产生共鸣的故事。

76、The preseason lists and rankings are just to garner talk and publicity, which I suppose is good. ─── 季前名单和球队只是公开出来给我们一个问题,这我认为是好的。

77、garner the grain for the winter ─── 储粮以备过冬

78、Well, to garner more traffic, over two dozen bars have rolled out Theater Nights where customers show up in costumes to become actors for the evening. ─── 当然,为了吸引更多的顾客,有二十多家酒吧推出了剧场之夜,在那里人们穿着戏服变身演员。

79、Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable. ─── 17他手里拿着簸箕,要扬净他的场,把麦子收在仓里,把糠用不灭的火烧尽了。

80、The crops were about to be harvested when snowstorms struck. Disappointed but upbeat, farmers were quick to garner the remains to cut loss. ─── 快要收成的菜蔬,却因连日大雪而冻死,农民正在抢收农作物以减低损失。

81、With the help of some magic wishing dust, 13 year-old Jenna Rink (Garner) becomes 30 and gorgeous overnight, with everything she ever wanted, except for her best friend Matt (Ruffalo). ─── 刚满13岁的珍妮终日渴望自己快点长大,人见人爱。某天醒来,她竟然梦想成真,成为30岁的杂志编辑,事业有成,还有亲密男友,但她对此亳无头绪。

82、If thats true, Im going to garner my favorite clothes and save them for the future. ─── 假如真的是那样,我要储藏我最喜欢的衣服,留作未来之用。

83、Working with the first of China's four-biggest banks to sell shares publicly might also garner future business from a government that may sell$50 billion of assets overseas in the next decade. ─── 参与到中国第一家四大国有银行的上市,将有助于未来10年来在中国赢得更多的业务,中国政府可能会向海外投资人出售500亿美元的资产。

84、MR. GARNER: Information, the use of information. ─── 加纳:信息,以及对信息的运用。

85、Taiwan's first ever motion to recall a president was not expected to garner sufficient support to get through the legislature. ─── 台湾首次的总统罢免案从不被预期会得到足够立委的支持而通过。

86、RANDALL GARNER: Ask the question. I'll be healed, and you may take the grail. Just ask the question, Sir Knight. ─── 快问那个问题,这样我就会痊愈了,你也能拿走圣杯了,快问吧骑士先生。

87、No disarmament measure will be able to garner universal support or have lasting viability if it is taken at the expense of the economic or scientific development of most countries. ─── 如果裁军措施是以牺牲大多数国家的经济或科技发展为代价,那就不可能得到国际社会的普遍支持,也不会有长久的生命力。

88、"Halle and me want to be married, Mrs. Garner." "So I heard." She smiled. "He talked to Mr. Garner about it. Are you already expecting?" ─── “我想与霍尔结婚,咖腊夫人。”“听说了,”她含笑回答,“他已经同咖腊先生说过了,你是不是着急了?”

89、By the late 1990s he had become quite popular in Korea, but he also became one of the very first Korean stars to garner a fan following in other parts of Asia. ─── 上世纪90年代末,张东健在韩国已相当受欢迎,但他也成为为数不多的在亚洲其他地区也受欢迎的韩国明星中的一员。

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