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09-12 投稿



hamel 发音

英:  美:

hamel 中文意思翻译



hamel 短语词组

1、thomas hamel ─── 托马斯·哈默尔

2、veronica hamel ─── 维罗妮卡·哈梅尔

3、Hamel's tests ─── [医] 哈默耳氏试验(检轻度黄疸)

hamel 相似词语短语

1、hazel ─── n.淡褐色;榛子;adj.淡褐色的;榛树的;n.(Hazel)人名;(英)黑兹尔

2、hames ─── n.马颈轭(hame的复数形式);n.(Hames)人名;(法)阿姆;(英)黑姆斯;(德)哈梅斯

3、hamals ─── n.男仆;搬运工;n.(Hamal)人名;(捷)哈马尔

4、samel ─── adj.(窑内最外层的砖)未烧透的,半烧的;n.(Samel)(美、意、德)扎梅尔(人名)

5、hame ─── n.马颈轭(常用复数);不愉快的工作

6、hamal ─── n.男仆;搬运工;n.(Hamal)人名;(捷)哈马尔

7、enamel ─── n.搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;釉质;指甲油;vt.彩饰;涂以瓷釉

8、Duhamel ─── n.(Duhamel)人名;(法)迪阿梅尔

9、camel ─── n.[畜牧][脊椎]骆驼;打捞浮筒;工作作风官僚;adj.驼色的;暗棕色的;vi.工作刻板平庸;n.(Camel)人名;(法)卡梅尔;(阿拉伯)卡迈勒

hamel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hamel dimension ─── Hamel维数

2、I was very late for school that morning, and I was afraid that our teacher, Mr. Hamel, would scold me, ─── 那天早上我很晚才上学,我很害怕老师海模尔先生会责骂我,

3、I saw Monsieur Hamel sitting motionless in his chair and staring at the objects about him as if he wished to carry away in his glance the whole of his little schoolhouse. ─── 只要想想:四十年来,他一直在这里,窗外是他的小院子,面前是他的学生;

4、Hamel and Prahalad describe how Kamatsu's thirty-year strategy to overtake Caterpillar consisted of a series of almost annual targets. ─── 哈默尔和普拉德描述小松30年战胜卡特彼勒的战略,它包括一系列目标,几乎每年都有。

5、Under this kind of circumstance, this research will focus on two parts: the first part is proposing a new business model of digital content distributor based on Gary Hamel's theory; ─── 基于在这样的大环境之下,本论文将着重于两个部份的研究:第一部份将设计一个新的商业模式,可以当作数位内容的发行商或通路商;

6、hamel spiral ─── 哈梅尔螺线

7、Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair. ─── 阿麦尔先生从椅子上站了起来,面色十分苍白。

8、Hamel base ─── Hamel

9、I thought that he was making fun of me, and I ran into Monsieur Hamel's little yard all out of breath. ─── 我以为他在跟我开玩笑,便上气不接下气地跑进阿麦尔先生的小教室。

10、Hamel bases ─── Hamcl基

11、Prahalad and Gary Hamel in1990.Since then experts in management put forward many diverse opinions from different aspects. ─── Prahalad和Gary Hamel于1990年提出,之后,管理专家们从不同的角度提出许多不同的见解。

12、It uses same principle as the "Hamel Spinner". ─── 它使用同样的原则为“哈梅尔旋转”。

13、In 1980s, Hamel, Prahalad and Doz spent more than 5 years to make a study on 15 international SAs. ─── 20世纪80年代,Hamel,Prahalad和Doz1利用5年多的时间对15家联盟做了研究。 结果发现,日本企业通过合作加强了自身技术和能力;

14、4.The monoplane, so long as it was near the earth, was thrown about like a small boat on an angry sea.But Hamel gave a splendid exhibition of airmanship; ─── 这架单翼飞机,只要一靠近地面就颠簸得像怒海中的一只小船,但是哈梅尔充分展示了他出色的驾驶技巧。

15、Ambitious and imaginative managers have little to fear from the brave new world that Hamel describes so well in this book. ─── 对于哈默尔在这本书中描绘的美丽新世界,志向远大、富于想象的管理者没有什么可担心的。

16、It is a company, Hamel says, “that is capable of evolving as fast as the web itself”. ─── 哈默尔表示,这是一家“能够像互联网本身一样快速成长”的公司。

17、I first heard this question from strategy guru Gary Hamel, and I ask it of myself all the time. ─── 我最早是从策略大师加里·哈默尔处听到这个问题,我也一直在问自己这个问题。

18、Hamel now picked up a French grammar book and started to teach. ─── 哈默尔拿起一本法语语法书开始教书。

19、Prahalad, C.K. and G. Hamel (1990), “The Core Competence of the Corporation”, Harvard Business Review, May-June. ─── 节录自战略管理思想史,P.9,复旦大学出版社,周三多、邹统钎着。

20、Hamel: Single Covering Machine for Filament Sector ─── 用于长丝的单头包覆机

21、“Command and control isnt an option when your ‘employees are some of the smartest people on the planet,” Hamel writes. ─── “当你的‘雇员是一些地球上最聪明的人时,命令与控制就不适用了,”哈默尔写道。

22、From time to time, when I looked up from my paper, I saw Mr. Hamel sitting motionless in his chair. ─── 偶尔,我从考卷纸上抬起头来时,我就看到海模尔先生动也不动地坐在他的椅子上。

23、Hamel basis ─── 哈茂耳基

24、Prof Hamel wrote this celebrated article partly out of frustration at the corporate world's reluctance to embrace the lessons of the then fashionable “new economy”. ─── 哈默尔教授撰写这篇著名文章的部分原因是,企业界不愿从当时流行的“新经济”中吸取教训,这让他感到失望。

25、It is pretty clear what Hamel thinks the future of management needs to look like. ─── 很显然,哈默尔认为未来的管理就应该是这个样子。

26、Hamel's tests ─── [医] 哈默耳氏试验(检轻度黄疸)

27、“Command and control isn't an option when your ‘employees' are some of the smartest people on the planet,” Hamel writes. ─── “当你的‘雇员'是一些地球上最聪明的人时,命令与控制就不适用了,”哈默尔写道。

28、I heard Monsieur Hamel speaking to me:“I will not scold you, my little Frantz;you must be punished enough;that is the way it goes; ─── 我听见韩麦尔先生对我说:“我也不责备你,小弗郎士,你自己一定够难受的了这就是了。

29、With Hamel, G., “Competing for the Future”, Harvard Business School Press, 1994 ─── 与加里?汉莫尔合著,“为未来而竞争”,哈佛商学院出版社,1994

30、Prahalad C.K.,Hamel Gary The core competence of the corporation Havard Business Review May/Jun 1990,Vol.68,Iss.3. ─── 卢福财.核心竞争力与企业创新[M].北京:经济管理出版社,2002.

31、'The single biggest reason companies fail , ' says Mr. Hamel, 'is that they overinvest in what is, as opposed to what might be . ' ─── “企业失败的一个最大原因在于,它们把资源过多配置在已知的东西上,而不是具有不确定性的创新项目。”哈默尔说道。

32、Monsieur Hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said very gently: “Go at once to your seat, my little Frantz; we were going to begin without you. ─── 阿麦尔先生看着我,没有生气,而是非常温和地对我说:“快点回到座位上,我的小弗朗茨;我们就要开始上课了。”

33、While I was wondering about it all, M. Hamel mounted his chair, ─── 我诧异所有这一切时,韩麦尔先生已经坐到椅子上,

34、Prahalad , C. K. &Hamel, G. (1990). The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68(3), 79-91. ─── 廖玉琳(2001)。知识管理策略之分析。铭传大学经济学研究所未出版硕士论文。

35、This paper ,firstly, discusses the evolvement of strategic management and competence theory, then discusses the core capability theory from Prahalad &Hamel and other scholars' research. ─── 本文从核心能力产生的背景出发,首先探讨了战略管理理论的演变过程和能力理论的演变过程,通过对这两个过程的分析可以更好的理解核心能力理论。

36、Prahlad,C.K and Gary Hamel, G.”The Core Competence of the Corporation" [J]. Harvard Business Review,May一June 1990. ─── 陈友学.浅谈企业核心竞争力的培育[J].全球科技经济嘹望.2004.(4).

37、The Hamel brothers couldn't be happier about the attention. ─── 而一时间名声大嘈的哈默尔兄弟则乐不可支。

38、Monsieur Hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said very gently: “Go at once to your seat, my little Frantz; ─── 阿麦尔先生看着我,没有生气,而是非常温和地对我说:“快点回到座位上,我的小弗朗茨;

39、Ambitious and imaginative managers have little to fear from the brave new world that Hamel describes so well in this book. ─── 对于哈默尔在这本书中描绘的美丽新世界,志向远大、富于想象的管理者没有什么可担心的。

40、This is a neat idea, and a fitting one, since in a sense this book offers us a vision of Hamel 2.0. ─── 这是一个精妙的想法,一个符合时宜的想法,因为从某种意义上讲,这本书为我们提供一个哈默尔2.0版本。

41、This collection draws from the Review’s best pieces on managing uncertainty, including the landmark article "Competing for the Future" by Gary Hamel and C.K.Prahalad. ─── 主人公和他们的故事会让你联想起当下某些叱咤风云的地产精英、媒体力捧的创业楷模以及被引为经典的奋斗传奇。

42、Prahalad and Hamel draw the analogy of a diversified corporation and a large tree (Figure 1.9). ─── 哈默尔和普拉哈拉德把一个多元化的企业承包和一个大树比较(见图1.9)。

43、Prahalad C K, Hamel G. The Core Competence of the Corporation [J]. Havard Business Review, 1990 ─── 吴敬琏等.核心竞争力:企业重组中的一个新概念.经济工作者学习资料,1999(17

44、And it was the same about Monsieur Hamel. ─── 还有阿麦尔先生。

45、I thought that he was making fun of me, and I ran into Monsieur Hamel's little yard all out of breath. ─── 我想他在拿我开玩笑,就上气不接下气地赶到韩麦尔先生的小院子里。

46、“Big companies are not markets, they're hierarchies,” Prof Hamel wrote. ─── “大公司不是市场,它们等级森严。”

47、HeKaiLai and hamel cable, with a particular time of the mean thought ridiculous, but also vary. ─── 何开来与默尔索一样,都带着某个特定时代烙下的荒谬的意味,但却又各有不同。

48、Third, find the soil of core competence, and modified the “Big Tree” hypothesis made by C.K.Prahalad & Gary Hamel. ─── (3) 找到了核心能力的本源,对普拉哈拉德“大树”的比喻进行了修正。

49、One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel, flying a Beriot monoplane, and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail. ─── 著名的古斯塔夫·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之一,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。

50、That day M. Hamel had new copies for us, ─── 那一天,韩麦尔先生发给我们新的字帖,

51、hamel flow ─── 哈梅尔流对数螺线怜

52、Billiam's appearance drew a cheer from the Hamel household, titters from the audience and scorn from some others. ─── 比廉的亮相引起了哈默尔家人的喝彩,而观众则反应不一,有些人觉得好笑,有些则不屑一顾。

53、”The process,in Hamel's view,will likely take longer and lead to far more corporate divorces after 1992 than most managers now expect. ─── 哈摩尔认为这个过程可能需要更长时间,并且在一九九二年后引致公司拆伙的数量将比现在大多数经理人员所预期的为多。

54、The Hamel brothers, for their part, say they aren't particularly political. ─── 哈默尔兄弟则表示他们并不热衷于政治。

55、From time to time, when I looked up from my paper, I saw Mr. Hamel sitting motionless in his chair. ─── 偶尔,我从考卷纸上抬起头来时,我就看到海模尔先生动也不动地坐在他的椅子上。

56、It was this article that drew practicing managers’ attention to the importance of the resources and capabilities, i.e. core competences in Prahalad and Hamel’s term, within the firm. ─── 该文将经理们的注意力引导了企业内部资源和能力,即普拉哈拉德和哈默所谓的核心竞争力的重要性上。

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