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collative 发音

英:[[k?'le?t?v]]  美:[[k?'le?t?v]]

英:  美:

collative 中文意思翻译



collative 短语词组

1、collative care ─── 整理护理

2、collative learning youtube ─── 整理学习youtube

3、collative learning kubrick ─── 整理学习库布里克

4、collative advowson ─── [法] 主教继承者的推荐权

5、collative definition ─── 排序规则定义

6、collative learning ─── 整理学习

7、collative variables ─── 对照变量

collative 相似词语短语

1、corelative ─── adj.有相互关系的,相关的(等于correlative)

2、collation ─── n.校对;便餐;斋日的点心;牧师职务;排列规则

3、collate ─── vt.核对,校对;校勘

4、colligative ─── adj.取决于分子的;依数的

5、collective ─── adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词

6、collating ─── v.校对;整理;授予(牧师)有俸圣职(collate的现在分词)

7、allative ─── n.向格;adj.向格的

8、copulative ─── adj.交媾的;连结的;n.连系词

9、collusive ─── adj.共谋的

collative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Describes the maintaining methods and discuses the causes of COLL interlock in Varian LINAC 2300C/D linear accelerator. ─── 介绍和讨论瓦里安2300C/D直线加速器COLL联锁故障的发生原因和检修。

2、on the ball amer.;coll. ─── 把忘扼找抉把抉扭扶抑抄;

3、Li SS, Gan SX, Jin J, et al.Analysis on levonorgestrel tablets applied to emergency contraceprion in 100 cases [J ].J Luoyang Med Coll, 2000, 18(3): 193-4. ─── [1]李苏森,甘师秀,金健,等左炔诺孕酮用于事后紧急避孕100例分析[J].洛阳医专学报,2000,18(3):193-4.

4、Joseph A,Ackeman D,et al.Manifestation of coronary atherosclerosis in young trauma victims-an autopsy study.J Am Coll Cardio.1993 ;459-467. ─── 中华心血管病杂志编委会.血脂异常防治建议.中华心血管病杂志,1997,25:169-172.

5、fifty-fifty adv. coll. ─── 扭抉把抉志扶批;

6、The proposal of originality of educational theories is a coll ec tive attempt to pursue the sanctity of educational theories in the pedagogic cir cles. ─── “教育理论原创”的提出是教育学界谋求教育理论自身尊严的一种群体性努力。

7、Given a sequence coll and an integer n, concatenating the results of coll.Take(n) and coll.Skip(n) yields the same sequence as coll. ─── 如果给定一个序列coll和一个整数n,则连接coll.Take(n)和coll.Skip(n)的结果会生成与coll相同的序列。

8、Author XU Wen-lin FU Xiang-lin WANG Ya-qiong LI Min ZHANG Xiao-xing (Coll of Chem &Chem Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou;225002;China); ─── 作者许文林;傅相林;王雅琼;李敏;张小兴;

9、Texas A&M University - Coll Station ─── n. 德克萨斯农机大学-卡城(美)

10、COLL CO ─── (=collecting company) (伤员)收集连

11、collative semantics ─── 对照语义学

12、wet one's bed 2) coll. ─── 志扼扭把抑扼扶批找抆;

13、Wang LD,Gao WJ,Yang WC,et al.Analysis of 3933 case esophageal or cardin carcinoma in nine years of Linzhou People's Hospital[J].JHenan Med Coll,1997,32(1):9-12. ─── [7]王立东,高文俊,杨万才,等.林州市人民医院9年食管、贲门癌3933例分析[J].河南医科大学学报,1997,32(1):9-12.

14、The results in the paper should give us important information on how trachea adapt growth and coll... ─── 文章结果为分析气管在特定力学环境中的适应性生长和塌陷特性提供重要的信息。

15、remodeling and function after myocardial infarction:the GISSI trial.J Am Coll Cardiol,1989,14:1149. ─── 5曾勇,朱文玲,倪超,等.急性心肌梗塞静脉溶栓治疗改善左心室功能的作用.中华心血管病杂志,1997,25:192-194.

16、Zhang wei:Here it is.It will be sunny and cool until Wednesday.It will rain on Thursday morning,and the temperature will be coll all day. ─── 张伟说:这里,会晴天和凉爽直到星期3。星期4早上下雨,温度会一整天凉。

17、The practical applications show that the evaluation results accord with the collative data by aircraft, so this system has very high engineering value. ─── 实际应用表明:该系统评估结果与校飞数据相吻合,具有很高的工程应用价值。

18、After more than 20 years of work, unfortunately, I am now under my job crisis. All troubles hit me in turn. Many of my coll... ─── 工作20余年,再遇危机,苍凉无限。适金融海啸未退,又职业危机新袭。频闻同事离职,狐死兔悲心切。

19、I had two elder Brothers, one of which was Lieutenant Collonel to an English Regiment of Foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Coll. ─── 我有两个哥哥。大哥是驻佛兰德的英国步兵团中校。著名的洛克哈特上校曾带领过这支部队。

20、Vasan RS,Benjam in EJ Levy D.Prvalence,clinical featurse and propnosis of diastolic heart failure an epidemiologic perspective[J].J Am Coll Cardio,1995(26):1 565-1 574. ─── 刘志高,熊正明,余细勇.黄芪注射液对充血性心力衰竭患者免疫功能的影响[J].中国中西医结合杂志,2003,23(5):351-353.

21、Van Hare GF, Lesh MD, Scheinman M, et al.Percutanous radiofrequency catheter ablation for supraventricular arrhythmia in children.J Am Coll Cardiol,1991 ; ─── 丁燕生,胡大一,李小梅,等.射频消融治疗小儿室上性心动过速安全性及疗效评价.中华心律失常杂志,1998;

22、one-liner noun coll. ─── 抉扼找把抉找忘;

23、Author ZHANG Bao-ping GONG Wei-juan PAN Xing-yuan Jl Ming-chun (Coll of Medi;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou;225001;China); ─── 作者张保平;龚卫娟;潘兴元;季明春;

24、collative stimulus property ─── 对照刺激特点

25、load coll spacing ─── 加感节距

26、white-collar adj. coll. ─── 抗抉扶找抉把扼抗我抄;

27、Author Liu Fulin Zhu Lili Yang Wenxia et al (Dept of Food Sciense;Engin Coll;Shihezi Univ;Shihezi 832003); ─── 作者刘福林;朱丽莉;杨文侠;童怀英;柳中海;杨飞;

28、collative variables ─── 对照变量

29、Foreign hot-money speculated in our stock market and the share prices carzy rose, which lead the Chinese common people coll in stock mardet. And then... ─── 先是镜外热钱爆炒中国股市,股价飙升,引起"全民炒股",中国老百姓全面接盘,之后......

30、in coll a boration with ─── 与

31、cord injury[J ] . Am Coll Sury ,1999 ,188 :550. ─── 张光铂1进一步加强脊髓损伤修复研究[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志

32、Xue Yafeng; Zhou Mingyao; Xu Ying; Zhou Chunlin (Coll of Hydr Sci &Engin; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou 225009 China); ─── 扬州大学水利科学与工程学院;

33、To process/verifying sales contract/order/agreement from order collecting/approval, product allocating , payment coll...... ... ─── 公司名称:百特医疗用品贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-12

34、Zhao M. Profound structrual alterations of the extracellular collagen matrix in postischemic dysfuntional(stunned)but viable myocardium[J].J Am Coll Cardial,1987,10;1322. ─── 樊宏,刘维永,晏培松.风湿性心脏病二间瓣和心肌间质病理组织学及免疫组化观察[J].中华医学杂志,1996,76(3):183-186.

35、pl. china bor. coll. ─── 命名来源:[enum.

36、juggins noun coll. ─── 忱批把忘抗;

37、V.I.P. very important person noun coll. ─── 扶忘折忘抖抆扼找志抉;

38、pinch coll ─── 摩擦辊

39、In sum reaction, the amplitude of P wave in FOK and amplitude of N wave in SOK was significantly different in the early stage, middle stage and late stage glaucoma groups, normal collative group ( P

40、METHODS: Platelet aggregations induced by adenosine diphosphate(ADP), epinephrine(EPI), collagen(Coll), arachidonic acid(ACA) in CHD group before and after ticlopidine treatment were measured by turbidity assay. ─── 方法 :应用比浊法测量冠心病患者服药前后 ,由二磷酸腺苷 (ADP)、肾上腺素 (EPI)、胶原 (Coll)和磷酯花生四烯酸 (ACA)诱导的血小板聚集功能。

41、It is too hot to think.I need to find someplace to coll off. ─── 热的我没法思考,我需要找个地方凉快凉快。

42、The Categorization and Engineering Characteristics of Coll uvial Deposit ─── 崩积层之分类与工程特性研究

43、we are recruiting experienced developers to join global development teams, working closely with coll... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1-49人

44、Meilman PW,Hacker DS,Kraus-Zeilmann D.Use of the mental health on-call system on a university campus.J A m Coll Health 1993;42(3):105-9 ─── 李权超,王应立,蓝新友,等.社会支持和应对方式与军人心理应激的相关性研究[J].健康心理学杂志,2004,12(2):107-8

45、invasive Escherichia coll ─── 侵袭性大肠杆菌

46、 双语使用场景

47、Saidi F,Keshoofy M,Abbassi DA,et al.A new approach to the palliation of advanced proximal gastric cancer.J Am Coll Surg,1999;189(3):259 ─── 中国实用外科杂志2000年第10期第20卷专题笔谈-晚期消化系肿瘤的治疗作者:詹文华单位:中山医科大学附属第一医院广州,510080...

48、Miller M,Seidler A,Moalemi A,et al.Normal triglyceride levels and coronary artery disease events:the Baltimore Coronary Observational Long-Term Study.J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31:1252-7 ─── 国家"九五"科技攻关课题协作组.我国中年人群心血管病主要危险因素流行现状及从80年代初至90年代末的变化趋势[J].中华心血管病杂志,2001.29(2):74-9

49、Our factory is a professional Fireworks display material&equipment manufacturer.By using international advanced equipment and technology out products are second to none in the coll eague industry. ─── 我厂是焰火器材的专业生产厂家,采用国际先进的技术、设备、所生产的产品在同行业中首屈一指。

50、On the basis of quasi -static axial crushing experiments of single-hat thin-walled sections ,a variety of weld models were est ablished for the quasi-static coll apse simulations of hat thin-walle d tubes. ─── 以单帽薄壁管轴向准静态压溃试验为基础 ,研究了帽型薄壁管准静态压溃有限元分析中焊点的建模方式。

51、Healey JS, Barancuk A, Crystal E, et al. Revertion of atrial fibrillation with angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotension receptor blocks[J].J Am Coll Cardiol, 2005, 45: 1832. ─── 殷跃辉,刘增长,吴近近,等.胺碘酮与氯沙坦、培哚普利联合治疗阵发性心房颤动的前瞻、随机开放研究[J].中华心血管病杂志,2006,34(4):299.

52、The promoter functional elements (-35 , -10 box andarchaeal DPE) were related. Site-directed mutagenesis of RM07 was performed in Escherichia coll. ─── RM07片段中的-35区、-10区特征序列和嗜盐古生菌启动子特征序列DPE在启动子功能上具有一定的相关性。

53、Keywords Chymase;Chronic hepatitis;Mast coll;hepatic fibrosis; ─── 慢性肝炎;肥大细胞;肝纤维化;

54、E. coll ─── 大肠杆菌

55、tol-lol adj. coll. ─── 扼扶抉扼扶抑抄;

56、Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 Oct 19; ─── 中国心血管病研究杂志,2004;

57、Earthquake of Sichuan of China, the school coll... ─── 中国四川地震,学校倒塌,学生惨遭活埋.

58、deuced 1. adj. coll. ─── 折快把找抉志扼抗我抄;

59、The aircraft planed down before landing. 3) coll. ─── 扭抖忘扶我把抉志忘找抆;

60、Author Sun Jianxin Wang Weibing Wu Jie Zhang Lixin (Dept of Machinery and Electric Engin;Engin Coll;Shihezi Univ;Shihezi 832003); ─── 作者孙建新;王卫兵;吴杰;张立新;

61、Job Responsibilities: ? Responsible for Cisco WebEx Connect Platform development, by work independently and coll...... ... ─── 公司名称:网迅(中国)软件有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-4-26

62、7 Schein M,Wittman DH,Aprahamian CC,et al.The abdominal compartment syndrome:The physiological and clinical consequences of elevated intra-abdominal pressure.J Am Coll Surg,1995,180(6):745-753. ─── 9汤耀卿,雷若庆.提高对重症急性胰腺炎合并腹腔间隔室综合征的认识。好医生网站继续教育,2003-2-9。

63、kiddy noun coll. ─── 把快忌快扶抉抗;

64、College Coll. ─── 学会,

65、[2]Zhou MY, Li LX, Liu J,et al.Clinical applicational value of iliac-femur venous obstructive diseases with spiral computed tomography venography[J].J Weifang Med Coll,2000,22(4):272-274. ─── 周茂义,李丽新,刘静,等.螺旋CT静脉血管造影对髂股静脉阻塞性病变的诊断价值[J]. 潍坊医学院学报,2000,22(4):272-274.

66、Author WANG Jie;WANG Shu-jing;ZHANG Ning;et al (Center Laboratory;Ningxia Med. Coll;Yinchuan 750004); ─── 作者王洁;王淑静;张宁;张焱;赵承军;

67、Intravesical instillation of IL-2 together with pirarubiein in the prevention of bladder canoer recurrence[J].J Bengbu Med Coll,2001,26(6):483-484. ─── IL-2联合吡柔比星膀胱灌注预防膀胱癌复发[J].蚌埠医学院学报,2001,26(6):483-484.

68、Today in the morning I want to study for my new job and then I went to the tea shop I don't know how to say my job so I just call my part time job [tea shop ] My coll... ─── 有时候遇感很准 真的超准的 开心的是到好 但不开心的 我又无法改变 先知道又有什麽用 缘份总来来去去的 我无法控制 今天遇见朋友 告诉我 她要回家了 我突然有一种感觉 忽视 ...

69、Anhui Normal Univ, Anhui Key Lab Funct Mol Solids, Coll Chem &Mat Sci, Wuhu 241000, Peoples R China ─── 安徽师范大学,化学与材料科学学院,安徽,芜湖,241000

70、Mintz G,Pichard J.Pichard A,Atheroscierosis in angiographically"normal"coronary artery reference segments:an intravascular ultrasound study with clinical correlations.J Am Coll Cardiol 1995.25 ─── 姚依群,简文豪,黄小琴,等.颈动脉粥样硬化斑块与冠心病.中国超声医学杂志,1997,13:19

71、This paper points o nt the point of the problem of how to streng then the cohesive force of the coll ective. ─── 本文着重指出了增强集体凝聚力的着眼点,着力处及关键问题。

72、Methods: Analysis and research risk incide nts of clinical supporting system by designed questionnaire and information coll ection. ─── 方法:设计调查表及收集临床风险事件资料,对支持系统发生的风险事件进行分析、探讨。

73、getaway noun 1) coll. ─── 忌快忍扼找志抉;

74、They demonstrated the spirit of patriotism, coll ectivism and serving the people whole?heartedly. ─── 在他们身上,凝聚着共同的精神品格,那就是爱国主义、集体主义和全心全意为人民服务的精神。

75、collative advowson ─── [法] 主教继承者的推荐权

77、1{HEIGHT: 14.25pt} .at_0{WIDTH: 385pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: coll... ─── 广州格科家电清洁用品有限公司>>类别:家用电器产品代理广东省-广州市2008-07-3107:59

78、Job Responsibility:1) Communicate with tax authorities or other government organizations2) Internal report and data coll...... ... ─── 公司名称:麦当劳公司(中国总部)工作地点:上海市黄浦区发布时间:2009-7-12

79、scare up amer.;coll. ─── 抉找抑扼抗忘找抆;

80、Coll and Anthony C.Arend. ─── 作者 edited by Alberto R.

81、At least 3 years work experience in Trading-company,Excellent in English both written &spoken;2、Junior coll...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市钛力进出口贸易有限公司工作地点:广东省佛山市发布时间:2009-4-25

82、Analysing and Restraining the Surge Current of TSC ARC Suppression Coll ─── TSC式消弧线圈的涌入电流及其抑制

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