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09-12 投稿


defunct 发音

英:[d?'f??(k)t]  美:[d?'f??kt]

英:  美:

defunct 中文意思翻译



defunct 短语词组

1、defunct books ─── 废书

2、defunct adult ─── 死虫

3、defunct entity ─── 失效实体

4、defunct regulation ─── 已失效的条例

5、defunct company ─── [经] 倒闭的公司

6、defunct websites ─── 失效网站

7、defunct missile ─── 失效的导弹

8、defunct definition ─── 失效定义

9、the defunct ─── 死者

10、defunct fast food ─── 废弃快餐

11、defunct department stores ─── 停业的百货公司

12、defunct dept stores ─── 废弃的百货公司

defunct 反义词


defunct 同义词

obsolete | outdated | extinct | shot | departed | expired | gone | exanimate | out-of-date | redundant | dead | invalid |deceased

defunct 词性/词形变化,defunct变形

形容词: defunctive |名词: defunctness |

defunct 相似词语短语

1、defence ─── n.防御;防卫;答辩;防卫设备

2、defund ─── 从…抽回资金

3、defunctions ─── 故障

4、defect ─── n.缺点,缺陷;不足之处;vi.变节;叛变

5、deflect ─── vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲;vi.转向;偏斜

6、defunds ─── 从…抽回资金

7、defunctness ─── 失效

8、defunctive ─── 无效的

9、defunction ─── 故障

defunct 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to his custom he made an autopsy of that dead passion, and anatomised his own defunct sensation for his poor little nurse. ─── 于是他按照习惯,对死去的爱情进行尸体检验,把可怜的小护士在他心头引起的,早已消失的感觉拿来解剖。

2、There are still shamans out there who picked their class for its (now defunct) tanking niche.Some hunters liked Survival because it was the melee hunter. ─── 以前(现在没了)有一小部分萨满觉得他们可以做坦克,而一些猎人选择生存天赋因为他们想做肉搏猎人。

3、PRACTICAL traders, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct mathematician. ─── 讲求实际的交易者自信能免受任何智者的影响,却常常沦为一些已经作古的数学家的奴隶。

4、the will of a defunct aunt; a defunct Indian tribe ─── 死去的姑妈的遗愿;一个不复存在的印度部落

5、But even before the Cyc project was spun off (to create Cycorp) by the now defunct MCC in 1994, it had to depend on custom database projects for revenue. ─── 但是1994年赛克计画从现在已经停摆的MCC独立出来,成立赛克公司,研究经费就仰赖公司出售资料库技术的收入了。

6、With new vigor, we began cleaning up the mess caused by our now defunct first business. ─── 带着新的希望,我们迅速清理了首次失败的生意所造成的混乱。

7、a defunct political organization. ─── 解散了的政治组织

8、Another possibility would be a defunct satellite tumbling out of space and eluding the Air Force's detection system. ─── 另外一个可能是一个在太空盘旋的废人造卫星躲过了美国军方的监控系统。

9、With that, Mike and I GOT excited again. With new vigor, we began cleaning up the mess caused by our now defunct first business. ─── 听到这番话,我和迈克又兴奋起来了。带着新的希望,我们迅速清理了首次失败的生意所造成的混乱。

10、1.Precious metals, the first universal equivalent, used in the manufacture of currency (now defunct), jewellery, and for preserving and increasing. ─── 1.贵金属,最早的一般等价物,用于制造货币(现已停止)、首饰,并用于保值。

11、mourning for the defunct Ming Dynasty ─── 故国之思

12、a defunct organization ─── 瘫痪的组织.

13、If you make this schema object defunct, you will not be allowed to make any further changes to it. Do you want to make this schema object defunct? ─── 如果您使此架构对象失去作用,将不允许您做进一步的改动。要使此架构对象失去作用吗?

14、The defunct Whitehead detention centre ─── 前白石羁留中心

15、The problem today with Wall Street, and with many banks, is that they don't quite realize their business models are defunct, that they don't have an independent life absent government support. ─── 华尔街以及许多银行目前面临的问题是,他们还没认识到他们的商业模式行不通,没有政府的支持,他们是无法独立支撑下去的。

16、The government of the PRC has decided not to recognize as Binding on China the Protocol ratified by the defunct government of China. ─── 对于旧中国批准的协议书,中华人民共和国决定不予承认。

17、Libya’s two mobile-phone networks is defunct and the other works only patchily. ─── 利比亚有两家移动电话网络提供商,其中一家已经完全毁坏,另一家也几近瘫痪。

18、When China shot down a defunct weather satellite last January, there were protests from western governments. ─── 去年一月,当中国击落一颗出故障的气象卫星时,西方国家表示了抗议。

19、Its Hunter's Point area is home to two polluting power plants and a highly contaminated Naval Shipyard, now defunct. ─── 其地区的两个污染发电厂和一个高度污染的海军船厂,现已不复存在。

20、Centuries of defending their territory and their herds has made them fierce.One Afar custom, now defunct, declared a man could not marry without first killing an enemy tribesman. ─── 数个世纪,保卫领地和牧群,使得他们变得异常勇猛,甚至以前按照风俗(现已废除)本族男子需要首先杀死一个敌族部落的男子才能宣布结婚。

21、Retrieves all of the defunct Active Directory properties in the schema. ─── 检索架构中所有失去作用的Active Directory属性。

22、The author,editor of The Nineties,a defunct Hong Kong-based magazine,is senior political commentator. The Chinese original was published in Ming Pao Monthly,March 2000. ─── 作者是前《九十年代》主编,资深政治评论家,本文原载香港《明报月刊》今年3月号。

23、Retrieves the defunct class that has the specified common name. ─── 检索具有指定公用名的失去作用的类。

24、For example, making a filegroup defunct is an option for resolving deferred transactions that were caused by an offline filegroup that you no longer want in the database. ─── 例如,可以选择让文件组失效来解决由于数据库中不再需要的离线文件组而导致的事务延迟。

25、Most of the time of the defunct had been passed in helping himself ─── 死者生前大部分时间都是用来造福自己。

26、According to his custom he made an autopsy of that dead passion, and anatomised his own defunct sensation for his poor little nurse ─── 于是他按照习惯,对死去的爱情进行尸体检验,把可怜的小护士在他心头引起的,早已消失的感觉拿来解剖。

27、Any unrestored read-write filegroups are marked as defunct and cannot subsequently be restored into the resulting database. ─── 任何未还原的读写文件组将被标记为失效,而且以后无法被还原到最终的数据库中。

28、But the religion disappeared first from the West in 10th century, and from China in the 14th century, and today it is believed defunct. ─── 但宗教从十世纪起首先从西方消失,十四世纪从中国消失,今天被认为是已经死了。

29、The exteriors were filmed at the defunct Mansfield State Reformatory in Ohio. ─── 外景是在俄亥俄州已经荒废的MansfieldStateReformatory拍摄的。

30、If bulk changes exist in the database, all files must be either online or defunct. ─── 如果数据库中存在大容量更改,则所有文件必须是在线或defunct055f9c6a-5c18-4942-98e7-ec918f0ff975。

31、defunct company ─── 已停业的公司

32、It is to my generation that I speak,to those for whom the theories of Monsieur de Voltaire are,happily,defunct,to those who,like myself,can see that humanity has,these fifteen years past,been engaged in one of its boldest leaps forward. ─── 我这是在向我同时代的人呼吁,向那些伏尔泰先生的理论幸而对之已经不起作用的人们呼吁,向那些像我一样地懂得十五年以来人道主义正在突飞猛进的人呼吁。

33、Banks' balance sheets are at once weakened by large losses on subprime-related products and swollen with unwanted assets from defunct structured-investment vehicles. ─── 次级抵押贷款相关产品使银行的资产负债表立即恶化,而奄奄一息的结构性投资载体又使这些报表雪上加霜。

34、Russia is neither exporting a defunct ideology nor fighting proxy wars with America, as it did during the cold war. ─── 俄罗斯既没有出口意识形态也不像先前的冷战时期那样存在与美国之间的代理战争。

35、China’s unannounced shooting apart of one of its own defunct weather satellites in January 2007 “demonstrated the PLA’s ability to attack satellites operating in low Earth orbit,” he said. ─── 中国的未经宣布的拍摄,除了一个它自己的停业天气卫星在2007年1月“展示了解放军的攻击能力,以经营卫星在地球低轨道上, ”他说。

36、According to active condition, it can be divided into active surface, dormant surface, exotic surface and defunct surface. ─── 依据夷平面的活动状态可分为活动面、休眠面、外来面和废止面;

37、widely thought defunct after the Tigers' rout. ─── 普遍认为TNA在猛虎组织溃败后便形同虚设。

38、ratio of defunct embryo ─── 死胚率

39、21. A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son. ─── 唯一的后嗣去世没有任何子孙那么就代表一个姓氏灭亡。

40、SYS ADM: What creates a defunct or zombie process? ─── 系统管理:为什么会产生已死亡的进程?

41、Some people told us that large scale, collective agriculture in Cuba, as represented by the defunct feedlot, simply doesn't work well. ─── 有人告诉我们说在古巴,大规模的集体农业,以那荒废的饲育场为代表,效果并不好。

42、Retrieves all of the defunct Active Directory classes in the schema. ─── 检索架构中所有失去作用的Active Directory类。

43、a defunct law ─── 已废除的法规

44、When you create a database snapshot, the CREATE DATABASE statement cannot reference log files, offline files, restoring files, and defunct files. ─── 创建数据库快照时,CREATE DATABASE语句不能引用日志文件、脱机文件、还原文件和不存在的文件。

45、Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. ─── 实干家自以为不受任何理论的羁绊,可他们却常常是某位已故经济学家的奴隶。

46、Yasuyuki Kitano and Harumi Sakamoto, both in their 40s, invited hundreds of guests, including Japanese celebrities, to a wedding reception in 2003, saying that Kitano was a member of a defunct branch of the imperial family. ─── 周一,一对日本夫妇的皇族童话在监狱里终结,这对夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚礼来欺骗宾客,最终落得身陷囹圄的下场。

47、His head leaned back so far that it rested against the face of a defunct mantelpiece clock, and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy, who was sitting, frightened but graceful, on the edge of a stiff chair. ─── 他的头往后仰,一直碰到一架早已报废的大台钟的钟面上。 他那双显得心神错乱的眼睛从这个位置向下盯着黛西,她坐在一张硬背椅子的边上,神色惶恐,姿态倒很优美。

48、a defunct (or dead) law; a defunct organization. ─── 被废止了的法律;不复存在的机构。

49、Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. ─── 讲求实际的人们自以为能够与所有精神世界中的影响绝缘,到头来不过是某位已故经济学家的奴隶。

50、Congressman S.S. Brunne said that just as the Protocol is being put aside right now, it would have become defunct before getting to the Senate, and the US Senate will not approve the Protocol. ─── 森森布伦纳众议员说,正如协议目前被搁置一旁一样,协议在送达参议院的时候就已经死亡了,美国国会参议院是不会批准这一协议的。

51、Just based on consolidation and excess IT gear purchased by defunct banks you could argue for a larger decline. ─── 看看倒闭的银行的固定资产和过剩的IT设施,你可能会争辩说会有一个更大的跌幅。

52、defunct journal ─── 已停刊的刊物

53、Despite its untimely exit, the child process is still in the process table as a defunct process, otherwise known as a zombie. ─── 尽管子进程提前退出,但它仍然在进程表中作为失效(defunct)进程存在,或称为僵死(zombie)进程。

54、Former events include the defunct Formula One Argentine Grand Prix and World Sportscar Championship's 1000 km Buenos Aires. ─── 从前的赛事包括已经停办了的一级方程式阿根廷大奖赛和世界跑车锦标赛的1000公里布宜诺斯艾利斯站。

55、part, is undergoing as much upheaval as News International, which owned the now-defunct newspaper. ─── 而言,它所遭受的巨变不亚于现已关闭报纸的新闻国际。

56、The immediate vicinity of the ranch house featured old tires, the burned-out chassis of a '50s-era sedan, the bed of a pickup truck, propane tanks, and a defunct furnace. ─── 牧场的房子旁边很近的地方堆放着旧轮胎,被烧毁的50年代小轿车的车架,敞篷卡车的车底,丙烷坦克以及一个废火炉。

57、In this case, all files must be either online or defunct when the log backups are performed. ─── 在此情况下,执行日志备份时,所有文件必须处于在线状态或不起作用。

58、However, there are also opposing views pointing out that an inactive or defunct OC will not be conducive to proper building management and maintenance. ─── 不过,反对的意见则指出,有名无实的法团无助于楼宇的妥善管理和维修。

59、Other countries in transition could benefit from its advice on how to set aside old enmities, open up to the world and reform defunct economies. ─── 其他转型中的国家可以从它的建议中得到许多有益的经验,比如如何搁置过去的敌意,向外界开放和改革僵死的经济。

60、As Keynes pointed out, the economists who most influence practical men of action are the defunct ones whose scribblings have had time to percolate from the seminar room to wider conversations. ─── 正如凯恩斯指出的,对实际操作者影响最大的经济学家是那些逝者,时间使他们的原始构想穿越研讨会的会议室,引起更为广泛的讨论。

61、He also paid for 100 three-room houses for the refinery workers, and has offered aid to restart defunct industrial plants, such as a rusting fertiliser factory near the refinery. ─── 查韦斯总统还为炼油厂的工人们买下了100套三房套间,而且还提供了援助来重新启用那些废弃的工业工厂,如炼油厂附近的一个荒废的肥料制造工厂。

62、In a few cases, a Walmart or Target has replaced a defunct department store as an anchor. ─── 这也就是为什么去年区域性购物中心的市场份额下降的原因。

63、Are there plans for an online service similar to the defunct Boneyards to allow Galactic Battles and rankings? ─── 你们打算提供什么像消失的Boneyards一样的在线服务来允许银河战争或者排名么?

64、Pacific Western University was also the name of a once affiliated, now defunct, university in Hawaii (Pacific Western University (Hawaii)). ─── 西太平洋大学也曾经是一个附属的但现已解散的大学名字,西太平洋大学(夏威夷)。

65、Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and/or only defunct erythrocytes. ─── 由于不含血色素或者说红细胞已死,鳄形冰鱼的血是透明的。

66、The area is too small, easily assimilated the color, not people's attention and the defunct. ─── 背积过小,则难被边际的色彩所搀杂,不被人们夺目而获得息用。

67、A best practice is to delete defunct backups, or set them aside and clearly mark them as defunct. ─── 最佳方法是删除失效备份,或者保留这些备份,并将其清晰地标记为失效。

68、This includes the checking of accounting statements, verification of capital, survey of economic cases, and clearing for defunct of bankrupt enterprises. ─── 承办审计会计报表、验证资本、经济案件鉴定、停业破产清算等业务。

69、A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son. ─── 当唯一的继承人死去了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。

70、The scene drew added intimacy from its setting, the wee, now defunct Taipei Theater deep in the basement of the McGraw-Hill Building. ─── 现场提请补充亲密从其设置,壬现已解散台北剧场深藏于地下室的麦克劳-希尔大楼。

71、Now, a Unladen swallow retrospective confirms that the project is defunct and is no longer being developed. ─── 现在,一篇回顾unladenswallow的文章已经确认了这个项目的死亡,不会再进行开发。

72、I had experience in every defunct programming language out there and back in the early Commodore days, you really have to program something to use computers as they aren't that complex and functional. ─── 我有经验,在每一个在那里不存在编程语言和早期准将日子,你真的要计划使用电脑的东西,因为他们没有那么复杂和功能。

73、defunct regulation ─── 已废除规则

74、Pseudogenes may analogously be vestiges of old code associated with defunct routines, but they also constitute a fascinating record contained within the overall program of how it has grown and diversified over time. ─── 不过,在这些旧程式码中,却隐藏了一些有趣的记录,可以告诉我们基因组在悠远的演化史中,扩增且变得多样化的历程。

75、Quote:Sally Doherty is a singer and flautist whose works embraces both the more esoteric worlds of artists associated with the defunct World Serpent label, as well as Latin and Jazz styles. ─── 时而钢琴零落时而竖琴婉转"这个阳光肆意的春日午后""听着这样的女声"体会着每一寸温暖也感受每一丝伤悲"话多无力"阿星还是因为长智齿而疼痛""听歌吧"?

76、The scheme for building an airport seems to be completely defunct now. ─── 建造新机场的计划看来整个完蛋了。

77、In 1936, Keynes wrote, “Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slave of some defunct economist. ─── 1936年,凯恩斯这样写道:“那些认为自己完全不受任何知识影响的实干家,通常是某位已故的经济学家的奴隶。”

78、Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ActiveDirectorySchemaClass object is defunct. ─── 获取或设置一个值,该值指示ActiveDirectorySchemaClass对象是否失去作用。

79、One U.S. communications satellite has collided with one defunct Russian satellite in space, NASA said Wednesday. ─── 美国国家航空与航天管理局周三对外报,国内一通讯卫星在空间与俄国一报废的卫星撞击了。

80、1. the will of a defunct aunt; a defunct Indian tribe. ─── 死去的姑妈的遗愿;一个不复存在的印度部落。

81、"With that, Mike and I got excited again. With new vigor, we began cleaning up the mess caused by our now defunct first business. " ─── 听到这番话,我和迈克又兴奋起来了。带着新的希望,我们迅速清理了首次失败的生意所造成的混乱。

82、However, the employees believe that the work committee is a defunct process. ─── 然而,工人们认为工作委员会是名存实亡的。

83、Note: If the process that holds the open file descriptor becomes defunct, it will also hold those data blocks until the system is rebooted. ─── 注意: 如果占用该打开文件描述符的进程异常中止,它还会占用这些数据块, 直到系统重新引导。

84、The rats were no longer afraid when he played the sound.Nader said, ”The memory linking sound and pain which was supposed to be permanent was now defunct. ─── 然后他向老鼠体内注射了一种药,这种药在记忆研究领域内用了好多年了,这样做是为了阻断老鼠的记忆。

85、Alec Empire and his seminal, but sadly defunct, outfit Atari Teenage Riot have always been polarizing figures. ─── 蒙古人没见过什么海,大小是个水泡他们就叫海子,北京有许多地方以海命名的,而后海就是其中之一。

86、In Ireland, the economy continues to reel from a housing collapse and a defunct banking sector with liabilities that surpass the country's gross domestic product. ─── 在爱尔兰,房市崩跌加上金融体系破产使经济持续摇摇欲坠,金融体系负债已超过其国内生产毛额。

87、The chassis underpinning the new SUV is also the same design found in the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, one of the lasting legacies from the now defunct DaimlerChrysler. ─── 底盘基础的新的SUV也发现同样的设计在2011年吉普大切诺基,一个持久的遗产由现已解散的戴姆勒克莱斯勒。

88、!So...I guess this group is defunct now right? ─── 任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

89、The now defunct Methodist Bookstore in Singapore helped me get most of the English translations of Kierkegaard's works. ─── 已经停业的新加坡一间卫理书店,帮我买到大部分齐克果著作的英译本。

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