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09-12 投稿



jakes 发音

英:[d?e?ks]  美:[d?e?ks]

英:  美:

jakes 中文意思翻译



jakes 网络释义

n. 厕所(位于户外)

jakes 短语词组

1、cora jakes coleman ─── 科拉·杰克· ─── 科尔曼

2、incubate your dreams td jakes ─── 孵化你的梦想

3、rejoicing in rejection td jakes ─── 为被拒绝而欢欣鼓舞

jakes 词性/词形变化,jakes变形

异体字: Djakarta |

jakes 相似词语短语

1、jake ─── adj.(非正式)顺利的,令人满意的;n.家伙;消防队员;n.(Jake)杰克(人名)

2、hakes ─── n.狗鳕,鳕鱼类;n.(Hake)人名;(英)黑克;(瑞典、德)哈克

3、jakeys ─── 杰克。

4、jades ─── n.翡翠;[宝]碧玉;老马;adj.玉制的;绿玉色的;vi.疲倦;vt.使疲倦;n.(Jade)人名;(英)杰德;(法)雅德

5、Lakes ─── n.[地理]湖泊,湖畔;[涂料]色淀;n.(Lakes)人名;(德)拉克斯

6、fakes ─── n.赝品;云母板状岩;假冒商品(fake的复数);v.佯装;假装(fake的三单形式);n.(Fakes)人名;(法)法克

7、cakes ─── n.糕饼;饼状食物;块状物(尤指肥皂)(cake的复数);v.(用厚厚一层干后即变硬的软东西)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块;(厚物,粘物)结块(cake的第三人称单数)

8、bakes ─── v.烤,烘焙(bake的第三人称单数形式);n.(Bakes)人名;(英)贝克斯

9、akes ─── 轴线

jakes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The last time I caught him straying I used it on little Jake. ─── 最后一次抓到走失的小杰克时,我用了那个法子。

2、Good morning.My name is Jake Seltzer.I'm your host. ─── 早上好,我叫杰克.萨尔茨。我是你们的主播。

3、Jakes spoke of the biblical Good Samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs. ─── 撒玛利亚人曾经为一个遭到一群恶棍毒打和抢掠的人提供了关爱。

4、Jake: Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. ─── 杰克:美丽的花送给美丽的女士.

5、Rita: Yeah. Jake is a newscaster too. ─── 丽塔:噢,杰克也是新闻播音员。

6、Jake, Steven, Mike &Connie : Yes? ─── 杰克、史蒂文、迈克和康妮:什么事?

7、Rayleigh/Rician fading channel based on Jakes model is implemented by FPGA hardware in this thesis. ─── 中文摘要在本论文中,我们主要目的是以场效可规划逻辑闸为基础,来实现杰克斯通道模型的硬体模拟。

8、Christine:Mr. Jakes Assistant Manager candidates decision? ─── 克里斯汀:“杰克斯先生,助理经理的人选决定了吗?”

9、And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. ─── 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。

10、She said the whole college seemed jake to her. ─── 她说大学的一切对她来说都是美好的。

11、Chris: Jake, you can't get out now. You have to stay there. ─── 克丽丝:杰克,你现在不能下船,你必须呆在这儿。

12、What is wrong with your kite, Jake? ─── 你的风筝怎么啦?

13、Jake had worked in Taiwan and Singapore. ─── jake曾在台湾和新加坡工作过。

14、Connie : Jake did very well. ─── 康妮:杰克干得非常漂亮。

15、He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the jakes and came forth from the gloom into the air. ─── 他将那摇摇晃晃关不紧的门拽上,从昏暗中走进大千世界。

16、Jake: OK. Thanks for the directions, Rita. ─── 杰克:好的.谢谢你为我指路,丽塔.

17、Oct 9th 9pm Jam fo Jake, Haley's on hewitt Ave. ─── Come out for a good cause 心情: 热爱 昨天。

18、Have a heart, Jake, and help me to get away now. ─── 做做好事吧,杰克,帮我离开这里。

19、saying is true, "The empty vessel jakes the greatest sound. " ( ─── 响,半壶叮当”的说法是正确的。

20、Jakes took the rein, and I put down my head and moved on. I pulled the cart up the hill, then stopped to take a breath. ─── 贾克拾起缰绳,我低下头拉起来。我把车拉上了山顶,停下来喘着气。

21、He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology. ─── 他不能看杰克的考古报道了。

22、But it would have to wait until later--Jake and his kittens were fast asleep. ─── 但是,这番话有待以后再说了--杰克和它的猫仔已经熟睡了。

23、Then she married Jake Grimes and he had to be fed. ─── 她嫁给吉克格里姆斯还是必须饲养牲畜。

24、Jake: Right. I hate to sail. I go near a boat and I get seasick. ─── 是的。但我不喜欢帆船运动,只要走到船边我就晕船。杰克:不过老师倒是好极了。

25、Well,hello.My name is Jake Seltzer. ─── 你好,我叫杰克.萨尔茨。

26、All work and no play makes Jake a dall boy. ─── 只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。

27、Mom: Jake, can you use chopsticks? ─── 妈妈:杰克,你会用筷子吗?

28、Jake: I hate doing experiments. They always go wrong for me. ─── 杰克:我最恨做实验,我每次做都出岔错。

29、Hello,America.My name is Jake Seltzer.. ─── “你好,美国”。我是杰克.萨尔茨..

30、I love Jake, but I need to leave. ─── 我爱杰克,但是我不得不离开了。

31、Rita: Jake gets seasick on boats. ─── 丽塔:杰克晕船吗?

32、We want to tell them before Jake finds out and does a big story on it. ─── 我们得在杰克抓住这事大做文章之前告诉他们。

33、Will Jake pour the offee for me,or do I need someone else? ─── 是杰克为我倒咖啡,还是让其他人为我倒?

34、When you go after Jake Kane, you take backup. ─── (你跟踪Jake Kane的时候,要带上后援。

35、Christine:Stewart? That new guy? Jakes:Stewart was hard to make a choice under the heart. ─── 克里斯汀:“斯图?新来的那个?”杰克斯:“斯图狠得下心来做出选择。”克里斯汀:“这对我来说也不是一个问题。”

36、He kicked open the crazy door of the jakes . ─── 他一脚踢开厕所那扇关不严的门。

37、Hello, Jake! Haven't seen you for ages. ─── 喂,杰克!好些时间没见你了,

38、Jakes frequency selective fading channel model complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):杰克斯频率选择性衰落信道模型的完整的源代码,已经过测试。

39、Go to Jake's party of you wish. It's no skin off my nose. ─── 你喜欢参加杰克的聚会你就去,这跟我毫不相干。

40、He can learn. Susan,Jake is our star. The viewers love him. ─── 他能学会.苏珊,灰克是我们的明星,观众喜欢他.

41、Jake: I'm Jake Seltzer. And now Susan Webster and John P. Banks. ─── 杰克:我是杰克.萨尔茨.这是苏珊.韦伯斯特和约翰.P.班克斯.

42、That Jake was the first guy that brought her crystal meth. ─── Jake是第一个给她带兴奋剂的人。

43、Hi,John. Hi,A lollipop? Thanks Why Jake? John,you're wonderful. ─── 嗨,约翰。嗨。来个棒棒糖?谢谢.为什么主播是杰克?约翰,你很不错。

44、Yeah,Jake is a newscaster too. ─── 噢,杰克也是新闻播音员。

45、Yes,I think Jake's going to interview Abbott Larkin. ─── 是的,我想杰克要去采访阿尔伯特.拉金.

46、Jake: Hi, girls! What time is the movie I have the popcorn! ─── 杰克:嗨,姑娘们!电影什么时候开始我有爆米花.

47、Jake is working at his desk. ─── 杰克伏案工作。

48、Jake: I shouldn't laugh. But I'm thinking of us working together. ─── 我不应该笑,但我正在想我们一起工作的情形。约翰:是的挺可笑的。

49、Jakes: I decided to tell you, will you? ─── 杰克斯:“我决定下来就告诉你,好吗?”

50、Chris: After the show. Jake. ─── 克丽丝:等节目完了,杰克。

51、Jakes spoke of the biblical Good Samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs. ─── 撒玛利亚人曾经为一个遭到一群恶棍毒打和抢掠的人提供了关爱。

52、Los Angeles Fire Department official said Jakes , a fire burned at least three models of buildings and structures. ─── 洛杉矶消防局负责人杰克斯透露,大火烧毁了至少一座建筑物和三座模型建筑物。

53、Jake went out to the supermarket, while his roommate cleaned the apartment. ─── 杰克去了超市,而他的室友则在打扫公寓。

54、Pictures by kind permission of Jake Lyall. ─── 图片由实物许可杰克lyall 。

55、Larkin : Jake, I think you cover the business world very well. ─── 拉金:杰克,我认为你的财经报道节目做得非常好。

56、Gabel turned, jabbing Jake with his elbow. ─── 加贝尔翻身,胳膊肘撞碰到杰克。

57、I'm Jake Seltzer.Now a commercial. ─── 我是杰克.萨尔茨。现在是广告时间。

58、Yes, Jake, I know. But how did it become an industrial city? ─── 对,杰克,这个我知道。但是它是怎么变成一个工业城市的?

59、Please don't invite Tom, he is a jake flake. ─── 不要邀请汤姆,他太乏味了,大家都不愿和他在一起。

60、Jake: Coming up: a report on America's favorite sport. ─── 杰克:接下来将要报道的是:在美国最受欢迎的运动。

61、The story isn't big enough to have two reporters working on it, Jake. ─── 杰克,这个题材没有大到得两个人一起做的地步。

62、Love Jake &Amir.Love your show. ─── 好嗨啊,爱得轰轰烈烈。

63、Yes.I'm Jake Seltzer.And now Susan Webster and John P.Banks. ─── 是的。我是杰克.萨尔茨。这是苏珊.韦伯斯特和约翰.P.班克斯。

64、Jakes: Stewart was hard to make a choice under the heart. ─── 杰克斯:“斯图狠得得下心来做出选择。”

65、A month passed as Jake proved the doctor wrong. ─── 一个月过去了,杰克依然活着,证明兽医的诊断有误。

66、By Susan Jakes Chinese showbiz rarely produces icons. ─── 中国的影像工业造星乏术。

67、Her idea was to take counsel with Jake. ─── 她是想跟杰克商量商量。

68、It's jake with me. ─── 我很满意。

69、But I seldom feed Jake with carrots. ─── 但我不经常给杰克胡萝卜吃。

70、Jake van der Kamp is an independent market analyst in Hong Kong. ─── 冯-德尔-坎普是香港的独立市场分析人员,

71、Jake: The ratings will go up. ─── 杰克:收视率会上升的。

72、I can take this thing back to Smiling Jakes Rv and get our money back. ─── 我可以把这辆车退给他们,再把买车的钱要回来。

73、Jake saw any man who spoke to his wife as a potential threat. ─── Jake把每个和他妻子说话的男人看作潜在的威胁。

74、Good morning.This is "Hello America."I'm Jake Seltzer. ─── 早上好,这里是“你好,美国”节目,我是杰克.萨尔茨。

75、I had to stop several times to rest, which didn't please Jakes. ─── 我不得不几次停下来休息,这让贾克很不高兴。

76、We persuaded Jake to sing tenor. ─── 我们说服杰克唱男高音。

77、Because Jake always wants to be the star. ─── 困为杰克总想做明星。

78、Bishop Jakes says neighbors are not always those nearest us, those who look like us, or vote like us, or drive the same kind of car. ─── 杰克斯主教说,邻里并非总是那些离我们最近的人、他们还是那些同我们长相类似的人,那些同我们选举方式一样的人,或者是那些同我们开同一类车的人。

79、Jake is Super Hot in Jarhead! ─── 对!移情是最好的解脱方法!

80、Christine:This for me is not a problem. Jakes:I decided to tell you, will you? ─── 克里斯汀:“这对我来说也不是一个问题。”杰克斯:“我决定下来就告诉你,好吗?”

81、Christine: Stewart? That new guy? Jakes: Stewart was hard to make a choice under the heart. ─── 克里斯汀:“斯图?新来的那个?”杰克斯:“斯图狠得下心来做出选择。”

82、He tosses Jake through the bars. The crow flaps away. ─── 他把杰克往栏外一扔,它拍着翅膀飞走了。

83、Jake: And maybe we can learn how to make rice dumplings as well. ─── 或许我们还可以学学怎样包粽子呢。

84、Vernon: Garfield and Jake seemed to be particularly aggressive to one another. ─── 威尔南:加菲尔德和杰克互相攻击似乎特别厉害。

85、Jake, there's a business story Maria and I would like you to do. ─── 杰克,确实有个商业新闻,我和玛丽亚想要你来做。

86、Jake: Yes. Maybe I should put it back and we can have dinner together. ─── 杰克:是的。或许我应该把它放回去。然后我们一起去吃饭。

87、Jake : So you finally got your MBA. Congratulations! ─── 杰克:你终于取得工商管理学硕士学位,恭喜恭喜!

88、Jake, I think you cover the business world very well. ─── 杰克,我认为你的财经报道节目做得非常好。

89、It' s simple:My dog Jake worked miracles with his love. ─── 其实并不难理解:我的狗用爱创造了奇迹。

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