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09-12 投稿


Gloucestershire 中文意思翻译



Gloucestershire 短语词组

1、thames head in gloucestershire ─── 泰晤士河首府格洛斯特郡

2、gloucestershire echo archives ─── 格洛斯特郡回声档案馆

3、gloucestershire gl ─── 格洛斯特郡

4、bream gloucestershire ─── 格洛斯特河豚

5、gloucestershire echo uk ─── 格洛斯特郡回声英国

6、gloucestershire bmd ─── 格洛斯特郡骨密度

7、gloucestershire echo ─── 格洛斯特郡回声

8、Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery ─── 格洛斯特郡志愿炮兵

9、gloucestershire funding portal ─── 格洛斯特郡资金门户

10、gloucestershire england ─── 英格兰格洛斯特郡

Gloucestershire 相似词语短语

1、Gloucester ─── n.格洛斯特(英国西南部的港市);格洛斯特硬干酪(产于英国)

2、South Gloucestershire ─── n.南格洛斯特郡(英国地名)

3、Worcestershire sauce ─── 辣酱油;伍斯特沙司(英国伍斯特市产的沙司,用葱、蒜、香料、胡椒等熬煮加糖、盐、白醋等制成)

4、Dorsetshire ─── n.多塞特郡(位于英格兰南部)

5、Worcestershire ─── n.乌斯特郡(英格兰中西部一郡)

6、Gloucestershire ─── n.格洛斯特郡(英格兰)

7、Somersetshire ─── n.索美塞特夏(英国英格兰郡名)

8、Leicestershire ─── n.莱斯特郡(英国爱尔兰东部的郡,等于Leicester)

9、Buteshire ─── n.比特郡(英国地名)

Gloucestershire 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Lydney mill, in Gloucestershire, southwest England, produces converted products including tea and coffee filters, vacuum cleaner bags, wet wipes, and substrates for double-sided tape. ─── 该利德尼轧机,在格洛斯特郡,英格兰西南部,生产转化产品,包括茶叶和咖啡过滤器,真空吸尘器袋,湿纸巾,和基板双面胶带。

2、The dark green tints in the south of Wales and the Gloucestershire area reflect high strontium values associated with evaporites. ─── 位于南威尔士和格洛斯特郡地区的暗绿色反映了与蒸发岩有关的高锶值。

3、The Gloucestershire Old Spots is a traditional breed suited to extensive production systems. ─── 格洛斯特郡斑点猪是一个古老的品种,它们非常适合广阔的户外养殖。

4、It was on offer at her secondary school in Gloucestershire, and she was able to start learning at the age of 12. ─── 她在格洛斯特郡中学就开始对中国感兴趣,12岁就开始学习说中国话。

5、He also has properties in London that he is waiting to develop and a 300-room Georgian Gothic mansion, Toddington Manor, in Gloucestershire, which he wants to turn into a gallery and showing space. ─── 他在伦敦有一些地产,尚需要开发;在英格兰格洛斯特郡还拥有一套300个房间的乔治时代的哥特式官邸,名为托丁顿庄园,他希望能把这里变成一个展览与展示作品的空间。

6、Even at St Andrew's University, Prince William has apparently had to take refuge for a large proportion of his time in Gloucestershire and London. ─── 身为王室继承人,他们常常要把自己的生活公诸于世,甚至父母的婚姻也成为他们需要面对的难题。

7、None of the packaging companies in Gloucestershire and the River Thames area contacted by Packaging News reported flooded premises. ─── 无包装公司在格洛斯特和泰晤士河地区联系的包装报道淹没房舍。

8、A keen chess player, the Duchess has also commissioned a Gloucestershire craftsman to carve a wooden chess set for Charles. ─── 作为一位国际象棋爱好者,卡米拉还请格洛斯特郡的工匠做了一副国际象棋给查尔斯。

9、Officers arrested seven people as they targeted homes and brothels in London, Surrey and Gloucestershire. ─── 警察在位于伦敦、萨里和格洛斯特郡的住家、妓院内逮捕了7人。

10、' Thames Water, which has eight million customers from Kent to Gloucestershire, will implement the ban starting on 3 April.It is its first ban for 15 years. ─── 为此从现在开始就采取更加有效的节水措施将是避免“水危机”进一步扩大的必要步骤。

11、Visitors to Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire enjoy the autumn colours along the trails. ─── 前往韦斯顿比特植物园的游客们在小径间欣赏秋天的颜色。

12、However, Gloucestershire has its own connections to the boy wizard ... ─── 然而,格洛斯特郡却与这个少年巫师有着独特的联系。

13、Caption :Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waves as she arrives for the final day of the Cheltenham Festival horse racing meeting in Gloucestershire, western England March 13, 2009. ─── 描述:英国女王伊丽莎白二世:女王的着装十分保守,喜欢单色外套和各种不同的帽子。(2009年3月13日,格洛斯特郡,伊丽莎白女王出席切尔滕纳姆赛马会。

14、Gloucestershire have notched up their second successive victory in the County Championship. ─── 格洛斯特郡已经夺取了他们连续第二场英格兰郡冠军赛的胜利。

15、Gloucestershire Ray Hale open prison is located in the city of Berkeley Cotswold hills and valleys Belt, a very large area. ─── 犯人们最不缺的是什么?当然是时间。如何打发时间是每一位犯人都很头痛的事。

16、The Duke of Beaufort had a tidy bit of property ten miles in circumference in Gloucestershire, England. ─── 杜克大学的波弗特了整洁位的财产在十英里的格洛斯特郡围,英格兰。

17、One Gloucestershire farmer farms 2, 500 acres but does not own any of it. ─── 英国格洛斯特郡的士兵在战斗间隙中喝下午茶。

18、Simpson told the Gloucestershire News, "When I opened it, to my amazement it was a note written in pencil, in old French. " ─── 辛普森告诉《格鲁斯特日报》,“我打开它吃惊的发现它是用铅笔写的,而且是古法语。”

19、Prince Charles and his wife Camilla Parker Bowles, will also host a private party at Highgrove, their Gloucestershire home, at which Rod Stewart will perform. ─── 此外,白金汉宫还举办了盛大的生日音乐会和晚宴。

20、It will seem strange that we boys never met, but in those days Gloucestershire was as far removed, in travelling time, from Suffolk, as New York is today. ─── 让人觉得不可思议的是我们两个男孩子从来没见过面,不过那时从萨福克郡到格罗斯特郡所需的时间,和今天从萨福克到纽约的时间一样多。

21、The interviews were conducted at the Prince of Wales' Home Farm, in Highgrove, Gloucestershire. ─── 媒体见面会在威尔士亲王位于英格兰格洛斯特郡的海格罗夫庄园举行。

22、The Gloucestershire Old Spot or Orchard Pig has been around for about 200 years. ─── 带有斑点的格洛斯特郡猪也叫做果园猪,它已经有200年的历史。

23、It rises in the Cotswolds in Gloucestershire and winds 210 mi (338 km) eastward across southern central England into a great estuary, through which it empties into the North Sea. ─── 发源于格洛斯特郡科兹窝德,蜿蜒向东,穿过英格兰中南部注入北海,河口宽阔,全长338公里。

24、1.A Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol. ─── 格洛斯特郡的一个村庄,离布里斯托尔大约北25英里。

25、The dark green tints in the south of Wales and the Gloucestershire area reflect high strontium values associated with evaporites. ─── 位于南威尔士和格洛斯特郡地区的暗绿色反映了与蒸发岩有关的高锶值。

26、In the Gloucestershire countryside he leases two wartime aircraft hangers for the manufacture of the spot paintings, the spin works and the formaldehyde tanks. ─── 在英国格洛斯特郡,赫斯特先生租到两架战机悬挂工具,以制作“散点”绘画作品、“旋转”作品以及甲醛罐。

27、Tread softly: last week I saw roe deer and muntjac deer, their tales wagging like dogs, as well as lizards and a bank vole in woods in Gloucestershire. ─── 轻轻漫步:上周在格鲁斯特郡,我曾看到麆鹿和麂鹿,它们像狗一样摇着尾巴,还曾看到蜥蜴和土堤地鼠。我个人最喜欢的是诺福克的福克斯莱林地。

28、File photo dated 18/06/2007 of a young Eurasian Crane eats from a litter picker disguised as an adult crane at WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire. ─── 分说明:2007年6月18日,英国斯林布里奇,一个工作人员使用成年鹤外形的喂食器给一只年幼的欧亚大陆鹤喂食。

29、Royal Gloucestershire Hussars ─── 皇家格洛斯特郡轻骑兵团

30、One Gloucestershire farmer farms 2,500 acres but does not own any of it. ─── 一位格洛斯特郡农民耕种着2500英亩但没有一丁点是属于他的农田。

31、*At the time of Strange and Arabella's marriage Henry had been Rector of Grace Adieu in Gloucestershire. ─── 斯特兰奇和阿拉贝拉结婚的时候,亨利(阿拉贝拉的哥哥)还在格洛斯特郡的格雷斯奥都村担任副牧师。

32、Gloucestershire, UK: A hare sticking his tongue out at the Slimbridge Wetlands Centre. ─── 英国格鲁斯特郡,斯林布里奇湿地中心,一只吐舌头的野兔。

33、As part of a pilot programme, Cadbury has advised farmers in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire on a range of farm management practices. ─── 作为试验项目的一部分,吉百利给威尔特郡和格洛斯特郡的农民提出了农场管理操作建议。

34、Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery ─── 格鲁斯特郡志愿炮兵

35、Gloucestershire police said everything possible had been done and the woman and babies were transferred to Cheltenham hospital faster than an ambulance would have been able to do in normal circumstances. ─── 格洛斯特警方说:在正常情况下,我们已竭尽全力让救护车以最快的速度将妇女和婴儿送往医院.

36、Our supply area covers 5000 square miles across London and the Thames Valley: from Kent in the east to Gloucestershire in the west. ─── 提供高水平的管理技术,致力于开发长久合作关系的伙伴,为当地协会和环境谋福利;

37、Funnily enough, the hometown of Hengist of Woodcroft (fw11). Woodcroft is a tiny village located in Gloucestershire, England. ─── 有趣的是,这里是名巫亨吉斯特·伍得克夫特的故乡(巫师卡片第十一张)。伍得克夫特是英格兰格罗西斯特郡里一个极小的村庄。

38、Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology ─── 格罗斯特郡艺术与科技学院

39、Meet the future Forest Green Rovers stars and follow their progress in the South West Counties Youth League, the Gloucestershire County Youth League and junior leagues. ─── 应付未来的森林绿色流浪颗星,并依循其进展,在西南县共青团,格洛斯特郡共青团和青年联赛。

40、At the time of Strange and Arabella' s marriage Henry had been Rector of Grace Adieu in Gloucestershire. ─── 斯特兰奇和阿拉贝拉结婚的时候,亨利(拉贝拉的哥哥)在格洛斯特郡的格雷斯奥都村担任副牧师。

41、It began along time ago, around 1860, in Gloucestershire, England. ─── 1860年前后,羽毛球运动首先在英国的格洛斯特郡兴起。

42、K.Rowling was born in Gloucestershire and she went to school in the county. ─── K.罗琳出生在格洛斯特郡,并在那里上学。

43、The 2nd round of the BRCA British Nationals were held at the weekend at the Cotswolds track in Gloucestershire. ─── 在第二轮的brca英国国民举行了上周末在科茨沃尔德的轨道在格洛斯特郡。

44、Police also raided a property belonging to the couple in Dursley, Gloucestershire, accompanied by colleagues from Gloucestershire police. ─── 警方还连同格洛斯特警方一起,搜查了这对夫妇的另一产业。

45、They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in Tyne and Wear,Northumberland,Lancashire,Gloucestershire and the West Midlands. ─── 他们精心挑选了20所英国小学(分别位于泰恩·威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地),将其中4岁至9岁的几百名小学生作为研究对象。

46、' Thames Water, which has eight million customers from Kent to Gloucestershire, will implement the ban starting on 3 April. ─── 机构和人士还建议在英国实施北水南调工程,将降水较多地区的河水逐步引入降水较少的东南部地区,以缓解那里的“水危机”。

47、The following night, there will be a party for 75 of Charles's closest friends at Highgrove, the Prince's Gloucestershire residence, which will include a five-course dinner followed by dancing. ─── 当晚,查尔斯王子位于格鲁斯特郡的海格洛夫庄园将会迎来查尔斯和卡米拉的75名密友参加一场派对,派对上提供包括五道菜的正餐,随后便是舞会。

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