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09-12 投稿



fumigate 发音

英:['fju?m?ge?t]  美:['fjum?ɡet]

英:  美:

fumigate 中文意思翻译



fumigate 网络释义

vt. 熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

fumigate 词性/词形变化,fumigate变形

动词过去式: fumigated |名词: fumigation |动词第三人称单数: fumigates |动词现在分词: fumigating |动词过去分词: fumigated |

fumigate 短语词组

1、fumigate garden soil ─── 熏蒸花园土壤

2、fumigate garage ─── 熏蒸车库

3、fumigate mtg ─── 熏蒸mtg

4、fumigate ants ─── 熏蒸蚂蚁

5、fumigate idh ─── 熏蒸idh

6、fumigate area ─── 熏蒸区

7、fumigate tcg ─── 熏蒸tcg

fumigate 相似词语短语

1、fumigates ─── vt.熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

2、frigate ─── n.护卫舰;三帆快速战舰

3、fumigated ─── vt.熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

4、fumarate ─── n.[有化]延胡索酸盐;[有化]延胡索酸酯

5、fustigate ─── vt.用棍棒打;抨击

6、fatigate ─── 催肥

7、fumigator ─── n.熏蒸消毒器;烟熏器

8、fumigant ─── n.熏剂;熏蒸消毒剂

9、fumigants ─── 熏剂;[农药]熏蒸剂(fumigant的复数)

fumigate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chinese medicine fumigate ─── 中药熏洗

2、Keywords Sprain and strain;Psoas;Fumigate;Pain spot blockage; ─── 扭伤和劳损;腰肌;熏蒸;痛点阻滞;

3、Keywords middle size silo;common duct;fumigate to kill pest insect;ventilate to cool grain;fumigant liquid heater.; ─── 中型立筒仓;共用管道;熏蒸杀虫;通风降温;液态熏蒸剂气化器;

4、fumigate and washing ─── 熏洗

5、fumigate with anger ─── 七窍生烟

6、There are machines that prepare beds, fertilize, fumigate, and apply mulch in separate or combined operations.It is also possible to adapt existing equipment to achieve these objectives. ─── 现在已有了准备苗床、施肥、烟熏和铺放薄膜的单独作业或联合作业的机械,也可以调整现有的设备达到这些目的。

7、Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides emerged in 1950's.Dichlorvos could kill and fumigate insects, but it was unsafe for family use. ─── 有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类高效有机杀虫剂在20世纪50年代问世.在有机磷杀虫剂中,敌敌畏对昆虫既有胃毒,触杀,又有熏杀作用,但毒性大,在家庭中使用不安全;

8、Keywords Traditional Chinese medicine;Fumigate eyes;Anterior uveitis; ─── 中药;熏眼;前葡萄膜炎;

9、a poisonous gas or liquid (CH3Br) used to fumigate rodents, worms, etc.. ─── 一种有毒气体或液体(CHBr),用于熏蒸杀灭啮齿动物和虫等。

10、Repeatedly touch,press and rub the affected part.Then fumigate again. ─── 在痛处,反复压力点、按、揉,然后再反复熏灼。

11、to fumigate ─── 熏蒸

12、Keywords finger anchylosis;Chinese medicine fumigate;Joint functional exercise; ─── 手指关节僵硬;中药熏洗;关节功能锻炼;

13、Objective To research on the efficacy of the fumigate instrument in high mosquito environment of Beiwan. ─── 目的通过熏蒸器杀虫实验,研究在北湾蚊虫高密度地区室内快速杀灭蚊虫的方法。

14、These are only the most basic functions?In addition to the products based on different scent?Fumigate have different functions. ─── 这些只是最基本的功能?熏此外根据不同的产品档次?熏还有不同的功能项目。

15、To pluck Beauty and fumigate fragrance ─── 摘艳薰香

16、72 Cases of Cervicalspondylotic Radiculopathy with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigate ─── 针灸合中药熏蒸治疗神经根型颈椎病72例

17、If there's anybody at that magazine you can't trust, it's time to fumigate. ─── 如果杂志社有你无法信任的人,是时候让他们消失了。

18、Study on ZXX-65 vacuum circulatory fumigation equipment to fumigate wood borer ─── 利用ZXX-65真空循环熏蒸设备熏蒸蛀干害虫的研究

19、Treating Whirbone Cartilaginification with Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigate and Sodium Hyaluronate Intraarticular Injection ─── 中药加透明质酸钠治疗髌骨软骨软化症

20、As preventive , spray plants with systemic insecticide or fumigate them regularly. ─── 作为预防措施,要用内吸杀虫剂对植物定期喷洒,或熏蒸。

21、A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air . ─── 芳香剂含有香料,燃烧后可用来进行空气消毒或防嗅的片剂。

22、The hospital ward is fumigate after the outbreak of typhus. ─── 发现斑疹伤寒以後, 医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。

23、Study on ZXX-65 vacuum circulatory fumigation equipment to fumigate storage pests ─── 利用ZXX-65真空循环熏蒸设备熏蒸仓储害虫的研究

24、It is allowed to fumigate organic products only the case it's necessary. ─── 只有在必要的情况下才允许熏蒸有机产品。

25、Methyl bromide is an insecticide that is primarily used to fumigate stored produce and grain, soil, and structures. ─── 甲基溴化物是一种杀虫剂,主要用于以烟熏方式保存农产品,保护谷物,土壤和建筑物。

26、46 Cases of Old Age Knee Joint Osteoarthritis in Autonomic Activities and Fumigate of the Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中药熏洗并自主活动治疗老年膝关节骨性关节炎46例

27、Clinical Observation of Chronimunicipal Lumbar Muscle Strain with Combined Fumigate of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Pain Spot Blockage ─── 中药熏蒸配合痛点阻滞治疗慢性腰肌劳损疗效观察

28、Fumigate therapy; ─── 熏蒸疗法;

29、Keywords painful heel;Fugujianbu tablet;fumigate and washing;fenbid; ─── 跟痛症;复骨健步片;熏洗;芬必得;

30、Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigate ─── 中药熏蒸

31、As preventive, spray plants with systemic insecticide or fumigate them regularly ─── 作为预防措施,要用内吸杀虫剂对植物定期喷洒,或熏蒸。

32、Clinical Observation of Chronimunicipal Lumbar Muscle Strain with Combined Fumigate of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Pain Spot Blockage ─── 中药熏蒸配合痛点阻滞治疗慢性腰肌劳损疗效观察

33、fumigate instrument ─── 熏蒸器

34、Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of SNMC (Stronger Neo-Minophagen C) combined traditional chinese medicine fumigate in treatment of Pityriasis rosea. ─── 摘要目的:观察美能注射液配合中药熏蒸治疗玫瑰糠疹临床的疗效。

35、Begin female boss said that the evening banquet arranged two officers fumigate cockroaches. 9:30, two types of watch keeping personnel lit smoke cockroaches eat out Yexiao. ─── 餐吧女老板介绍说,当晚餐吧安排了两名人员熏蟑螂。9时30分,两名值班员点燃熏蟑螂烟剂后出去吃夜宵。

36、a poisonous gas or liquid (CH3Br) used to fumigate rodents,worms,etc ─── 一种有毒气体或液体(CHBr),用于熏蒸杀灭啮齿动物和虫等

37、fumigate a room ─── 熏房子

38、Investigation Report of Using Fumigate Poisonous Stick to Prevent Injurious Insecte of Decayed Stem ─── 采用熏蒸毒签防治蛀干害虫的调查报告

39、Compared with old stainless steel, aluminum alloy, glass cabinets, fumigate box has advantages of light weight, flexibility, durability, stylish appearance,other features. ─── 与老式的不锈钢、铝合金、玻璃橱、熏药箱相比,具有轻便、灵活,经久耐用,造型美观,省电省时,密封杀菌,不锈不腐等优点。

40、The Effect of Acupuncture Combined Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigate in Treating 80 Cases of Lubar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion ─── 针刺配合中药熏蒸治疗腰椎间盘突出症80例

41、Heat the vinegar, close doors and windows, fumigate in the room from time to time, which can effectively kill the flu virus. ─── 把陈醋加热,关上门窗,隔一段时间在房间里熏蒸一次,可有效杀除感冒等病毒。

42、However, when locals dry wolfberry and honeysuckle, they mostly fumigate them with sulfur in order to make them look bright in color. ─── 不过人们在晾晒枸杞、银花时,为了使其色泽鲜艳,大都采用硫磺熏蒸。

43、Fumigate wood packaging has been exported to countries around the world. ─── 熏蒸木包装已远销世界各国。

44、All of the four kinds of essential oils could effectively fumigate T. castaneum larvae, but they couldn't fumigate T. castaneum adults. ─── 4种精油对赤拟谷盗成虫无明显的熏蒸作用,而对赤拟谷盗幼虫均有显著的熏蒸效果。

45、There are only orchids and irises fumigate your great soul of poetry. ─── 只有幽兰和蕙芷,芬芳着一个伟大的诗魂。

46、Fumigate therapy ─── 熏蒸疗法

47、Keywords Cervical syndrome;Traditional Chinese medicine fumigate;Acupuncture therapy; ─── 颈椎病;中药熏蒸;针灸疗法;

48、46 Cases of Old Age Knee Joint Osteoarthritis in Autonomic Activities and Fumigate of the Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中药熏洗并自主活动治疗老年膝关节骨性关节炎46例

49、Keywords Whirbone cartilaginification;Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigate;Sodium Hyaluronate; ─── 髌骨软骨软化症;中药熏蒸;透明质酸钠;

50、A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air. ─── 芳香剂含有香料,燃烧后可用来进行空气消毒或防嗅的片剂

51、Physiotherapy massage system is mainly through the walls of her massage relax the Housing Kong water?Fumigate water pressure on the human body for massage. ─── 理疗按摩系统则主要是通过蒸汽浴房壁上的针刺按摩孔出水?熏用水的压力对人体进行按摩。

52、Study on realization of intelligent network controller of control system in grain fumigate ─── 粮食仓储库熏蒸控制系统智能网络控制器研究

53、Keywords phosphine;carbon dioxide;cylinder fumigant;fumigate; ─── 磷化氢;二氧化碳;混合钢瓶剂型;熏蒸;

54、( ) It is allowed to fumigate organic products only the case it's necessary. ─── 只有在必要的情况下才允许熏蒸有机产品。

55、There are only orchids and irises fumigate your great soul of poetry. ─── 只有幽兰和蕙芷,芬芳着一个伟大的诗魂。

56、Combination oral with fumigate ─── 内服并熏蒸法

57、1.to smoke; to smudge; to fumigate 2.smoking; fumigatio ─── 烟熏

58、In order to ensure the moisture content of timber reach to the standard, all inacceptable timber need fumigate for two weeks, and can be used after all the examination indexes are eligible. ─── 大风范拥有自已的木材烘干设备,为确保木材的含水率达标,所有含水率未达标的木材都要进行为期两周的熏蒸,待所有相关检测指标合格后方能使用。

59、to fumigate a room ─── 用熏蒸的方法给房间消毒

60、Do not leave any old clothes in your locker.Smelly socks from gym will not endear you to your classmates.Take it home and fumigate it. ─── 5旧衣服,你的同学会讨厌你因体育锻炼而带着气味的袜子,把它带回家,清洗掉臭味。

61、Fumigate the center received more than 30 telephone counselling. ─── 熏该中心就接到咨询电话30多个。

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