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09-12 投稿



inflected 发音

英:[?n?flekt?d]  美:[?n?flekt?d]

英:  美:

inflected 中文意思翻译



inflected 词性/词形变化,inflected变形

名词: inflector |形容词: inflective |动词过去分词: inflected |动词过去式: inflected |动词现在分词: inflecting |动词第三人称单数: inflects |

inflected 短语词组

1、inflected endings ─── 屈折结尾

2、inflected language ─── 屈折语言; ─── 屈折语;变形语

3、inflected ending ─── 屈折结尾

4、inflected arch ─── 仰拱,反弯拱

inflected 相似词语短语

1、deflected ─── v.(使)转向,(使)偏斜;(使)改向;(使)人改变目的(或想法);转移;阻止(某人做已决定的事);干扰(deflect的过去式及过去分词)

2、infecter ─── 传染

3、uninflected ─── adj.无屈折变化的

4、inflicted ─── 把…强加给;使承受(inflict的过去式和过去分词)

5、infectee ─── 感染

6、infarcted ─── adj.(血管)梗塞的

7、inflated ─── adj.通货膨胀的;充了气的;价格飞涨的;(植物)肿胀的;v.膨胀(inflate的过去式和过去分词);使充气;抬高(物价)

8、infected ─── adj.(身体部位或伤口)受感染的;(食品、水等)受细菌污染的;(计算机或磁盘)受病毒感染的;v.(受)传染(infect的过去式和过去分词)

9、-inflected ─── adj.屈折的;字尾有变化的;v.弯曲;曲折(inflect的过去式)

inflected 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The form of such an inflected word ─── 变形词这样一个词形发生屈折变化的词的形式

2、inflect a noun ─── 使名词发生变化, 变格

3、Different perspective and a new point of view, Dr Wen uses his own unique personality inflect more than 600 people. ─── 不同的视野,全新的角度,小文博士用自己独特的人格魅力感染着场内的600多人。

4、inflected word ─── 屈折词

5、Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form ─── 分析型的以两个或两个以上的词代替屈折变化来表达语法范畴的

6、Scientest couldn't find any conclusive witness to proof this medicine in allieviating the inflect till now. ─── 直到最近,科学家们也没有确凿的证据证明这种药物在减轻感染中的作用。

7、An affix, such as dis - in disbelieve, put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form. ─── 前缀词缀,如disbelieve中的dis-,加在一个词前面以产生一个派生词或词尾变化形式

8、Lacking one or more of the inflected forms normal for a particular category of word, as the verb may in English ─── 不完全变化的,变形不全的一特定词类缺乏一种或多种正常的词形变化形式的,如英语中的动词may

9、An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people. ─── 双数格用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形

10、Meanwhile the results expose influence of the latent period and inflected period to the epidemic. ─── 同时,结果揭示了潜伏期传染和染病期传染对流行病发展趋势的共同影响。

11、the max inflect moment ─── 弯矩

12、Since the universal method did not inflect the real and dynamical distribution of the resident oil in the reservoir,two new methods are developed to determine the resident oil distribution. ─── 目前国内外常用的方法尚不能准确反映油藏范围内剩余油(尤其是可动油)的真实分布和动态分布。

13、his southern Yorkshire voice was less inflected and singing than her northern one. ─── 他的南方约克口音比她的北方口音变调少一些,平直一些。

14、Verb may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood. ─── 动词随著人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。

15、A linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form. ─── 单词加上语言要素改变其形式。

16、Systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word. ─── 所有单词变形的系统排列。

17、OBJECTIVE To get a view of knowledge among the adult residents in Yangling,and to inflect their capacity to prevent AIDS,and to provide evidence for future health education. ─── 目的了解杨凌区成年居民对艾滋病知识的掌握情况,反映居民预防艾滋病的能力,为今后开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。

18、Doctors described the back of her head as a "boggy mass" and said the fatal injuries were inflected two or three days before her death. ─── 医生形容她的后脑像一块"沼泽地",并说致命伤是在其死前2-3天前发生的.

19、an inflected language/form/verb ─── 有屈折变化的语言;屈折变化形式/动词

20、"`boys' and `swam' are inflected English words"; ─── 注释列句:showing alteration in form (especially by the addition of affixes);

21、the scenery that two rivers inflect sunlight in the reservoir of BanJiang is wonderful; ─── 半江水库双江映日的美妙;

22、to inflect(a verb) in its forms for distinctions such as number,person,voice,mood,and tense ─── 对应动词的数、人称、发音、语气或时态的变化

23、the complete set of inflected forms of a noun or pronoun or adjective. ─── 一个名词、代词或形容词的一整套屈折形式。

24、This paper aims to call upon a sophisticated understanding of Virginia Woolf 's work in terms of philosophically inflected aesthetics. ─── 本文旨在探讨受哲学思维浸染的形式美学概念,如何牵引维吉妮尔?吴尔芙的小说创作。

25、7.Most English verbs are inflected with `-ed' in the past tense. ─── 英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式.

26、inflected language ─── 屈折语言

27、To inflect(a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective) for number and case. ─── 字尾变化使(名词,代词或形容词)的数和格发生变化

28、Lemmatization is the process of identifying the base, non-inflected form of a word. ─── 词元化 是确定一个单词的固定的基本部分的过程。

29、Technology can inflect, effect, and transform actual politics situation of society as a political phenomenon; ─── 技术作为一种政治现象,能反映、影响并改变着现实的社会政治状况;

30、Suprisingly, the word hello is also used to express surprise and it can be used as a verb, with the inflected forms being helloed, helloing, and helloes. ─── 但你可能不知道的是,“hello”也可以用来表达惊奇的语气,此外,还能用作动词,词形变化分别为helloed,helloing和helloes。

31、A class of verbs having similar inflected forms. ─── 变形相似的一类动词

32、A presentation of the complete set of inflected forms of a verb. ─── 变形一个动词的一系列的变形组合

33、Akkadian is an inflected language, and as a Semitic language its grammatical features are highly similar to those found in Classical Arabic. ─── 阿卡德语是一种有影响力的语言,作为一种闪族语言,它的语法特征也与古典阿拉伯语高度相似。

34、“Dose he?” said Snape, his voice delicately inflected to suggest his disbelief. “Dose he still, after the fiasco at the Ministry?” ─── “他是吗?”石内普说,他的声音略微变了变,表示他的怀疑。“经过魔法部的惨败后,他还是吗?”

35、Most English verbs are inflected with `-ed' in the past tense. ─── 英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式。

36、Inflectional morphology which studies the way in which words inflect in order to express grammatical meanings in sentence such as singular/plural, perfect/imperfect, comparative. ─── 胡裕树(1962)“词是代表一定意义、具有固定的语音形式、可以独立运用的最小结构单位。”

37、The form of such an inflected word. ─── 这样一个词形发生屈折变化的词的形式。

38、44. In particular, tools that technically minded people rely on for a significant portion of their professional responsibilities should be inflected towards a high degree of proficiency. ─── 特别地,掌握软件对于技术工作者来说,是反映其专业职责和能力的一个重要方面,他们渴望向着高的熟练程度努力。

39、inflect one's throat ─── 咽喉感染

40、An affix,such as dis - in disbelieve,put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form. ─── 前缀词缀,如

41、The objective case , ie ( in Latin and other inflected languages) the form of a word used when it is the object of a verb or a preposition . ─── 宾格(词的一种形式,在拉丁语和其他屈折语中作动词或介词的宾语)。

42、Once you feel something, the voice will inflect naturally. ─── 一旦感觉到异常,声音自然会发生变化。

43、a presentation of the complete set of inflected forms of a verb ─── 一个动词的一系列的变形组合

44、It becomes more and more obvious that the reservoirs of infection reside completely, or almost completely, in the inflected pigs. ─── 已愈明显的是,传染贮所完全或几乎完全存在于受传染猪内。

45、Nouns and verbs are highly inflected. ─── 尽管没有人称结尾,布里亚特的动词形态还是非常复杂。

46、is a more inflected language than English. ─── 拉丁语比英语词尾变化多.

47、an inflected language ─── 有字形变化的文字

48、When inflected improperly, its name in Chinese becomes an expletive involving one's mother and the term for "river crabs" becomes a term for "censors. ─── 它的名字在中文中的意思是一个涉及别人母亲的语气词(美国人也内涵),而河蟹借指检查员。

49、a grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agreement between nouns and pronouns and adjectives; in some languages it is quite arbitrary but in Indo-European languages it is usually based on sex or animateness. ─── 在有屈折变化的语言中控制名词、代词和形容词一致的语法范畴;在一些语言中它是随机的,但是在印欧语系种,它通常是建立在性别或动作的基础上。

50、Nowadays those people in Ka-aluan has faced the changes of the environment and history which do inflect the alteration of the meaning of land. ─── 在排湾的文献中,土地代表著头目的权贵象徵与声望地位的由来,而历经环境与历史变迁的嘉兰人,对于土地所代表声望的意义是否产生改变?

51、the complete set of inflected forms of a verb ─── 动词的一整套屈折形式

52、'swam' and 'boys' are inflected words; German is an inflected language. ─── ‘swam(游泳,过去式)’和‘boys(男孩,复数)’是屈折词;德语是屈折语。

53、inflected forms ─── 屈折形式

54、a word or word element from which another word is derived by morphological or historical processes or from which inflected forms are derived. ─── 原词,根词通过词法或历史过程派生出另一个词或词的屈折变化的词或词素

55、Designating a clause, a sentence, or in some languages an inflected verb form that expresses desire. ─── 愿望的指明在一个从句、句子或某种语言中一个表示愿望的词尾变化了的动词形式的

56、The objective case, ie (in Latin and other inflected languages) the form of a word used when it is the object of a verb or a preposition. ─── 宾格(词的一种形式,在拉丁语和其他屈折语中作动词或介词的宾语)。

57、Inflect the interface for typical navigation. ─── 为常见的导航调整界面。

58、A synthetic language is “ characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”. ─── 分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。

59、000 indexed translations, inflected forms, verb conjugator,expandable, number to text converter, multilingual interface,personalise, history. ─── 8万词条索引注释、词汇屈折形式、动词变化、词汇扩展,数字文字转换,多语言界面,个性化设置、查找历史。

60、To be inflected. ─── 使动词变化

61、Verb may be inflect for person, tense, voice, and mood ─── 动词随著人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化

62、Adjust the factors to the best state which have confirmed inflect the imaging quality, and then make experiments to validate the other factors. ─── 在试验研究过程中将已确定的几个因素首先调试到最佳状态,然后对不确定因素进行试验设计,通过试验确定出对制版质量的影响因素。

63、The principle of commensurate effort allows us to inflect interfaces so that simple, commonly used functions are immediately at hand at all times. ─── 相称的努力的原则允许我们这样调整界面,即将简单而经常使用的功能一直放在手边,随时可以访问。

64、In the early stage of building fire, the indoor smoke motion directly inflect the scheme and way of the person dispersal. ─── 体育馆内气流组织形式不同 ,对火灾中火源产生的烟气运动影响也不同。

65、the complete set of inflected forms of a verb. ─── 动词的一整套屈折形式。

66、inflected infinitive ─── 屈折不定式

67、If a dictionary entry consists of multiple terms, each individual term might be inflected. ─── 如果一个字典条目包含多个术语,那么每一个单个术语都可能存在词形变化。

68、Of, relating to, or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected. ─── 无词形变化的无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化

69、To inflect(a noun,a pronoun,or an adjective)for number and case. ─── 字尾变化使(名词,代词或形容词)的数和格发生变化

70、These two documents have been inflected with the virus, you have to clean them with anti-virus program. ─── 你这两个文件感染了病毒,你得用防病毒程序清除。

71、Often, the journalists presenting information inflect their personal opinions into the story. ─── 经常地新闻记者们所报道的消息多含有他们的一些主观意识。

72、inflected word-form ─── 屈折词形

73、When he says "take care" the words are inflected with humanity. ─── 当他说‘一路小心’,言语间充满了人性。

74、Abnormal change of ArE/PON1and dyslipidosis in patients with DN_CRF was more se-rious than that in CHN_CFR. Serum ArE/PON1was one of the good indexes to early inflect the disorder of lipid metabolism of CRF especially for DN_CRF. ─── DN_CFR组ArE/PON1和脂代谢紊乱严重于CHN_CFR ,ArE/PON1活性测定是一种能反映CFR脂代谢紊乱和肾功能损害的指标。

75、"Does he?" said Snape, his voice delicately inflected to suggest his disbelief. "Does he still, after the fiasco at the Ministry?" ─── “是吗?”斯内普说,微微变了声调,表示不相信,“在遭遇了魔法部的那场失败之后,他仍然这么说吗?”

76、the complete set of inflected forms of a noun or pronoun or adjective ─── 一个名词、代词或形容词的一整套屈折形式

77、of,relating to,or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected ─── 无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化

78、The inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached. ─── 单词形式的变化可由词干和所附的变位表表示。

79、inflected arch ─── 仰拱反弯拱倒拱

80、5. the complete set of inflected forms of a verb. ─── 不过现在已发展出一整套规矩。

81、"an inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people." ─── 用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形.

82、buildInflectString is called with the user's query to build a alphanumeric inflected string for searching the vector space. ─── 通过用户的查询调用buildInflectString,可以构建用于搜索向量空间的字母数字变形字符串。

83、English nouns are not usually inflected. ─── 英语名词通常没有屈折变化。

84、The adjective is not inflected at all and does not agree with its head noun. ─── 动词系统的特点在于其大量的祈使形式,指示形式,分词以及变形。

85、An inflected form of a noun , adjective , pronoun, or verb used with two items or people . ─── 双数格用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形。

86、There are scores of the doctors and nurses inflected in fighting against the disease of SARS. ─── 有许多医生和护士在抗击非典中被感染。

87、Therefore, it needs the learners to understand no matter what kind of idioms they learn, they should not be inflected by their mother language and their own culture. ─── 因此,这就要求学习者在学习语言时,不管是哪种语言及语言中的习语,都不应该受母语及本土文化的影响。

88、Verbs may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood. ─── 动词随着人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。

89、To inflect(a verb) in its forms for distinctions such as number, person, voice, mood, and tense. ─── 动词的变化对应动词的数、人称、发音、语气或时态的变化

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