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09-12 投稿


pardonable 发音

[ 'pɑrdn?bl]

英:  美:

pardonable 中文意思翻译



pardonable 短语词组

1、pardonable meaning ─── 可原谅的意思

2、pardonable sin ─── 可饶恕的罪

3、pardonable ignorance ─── 可以原谅的无知

4、pardonable offense ─── 可饶恕的罪行

5、pardonable synonym ─── 可原谅同义词

6、pardonable define ─── 可原谅的定义

7、pardonable def ─── 可原谅的定义

8、pardonable lies ─── 可原谅的谎言

pardonable 词性/词形变化,pardonable变形

名词: pardonableness |动词现在分词: pardoning |形容词: par-donable |动词第三人称单数: pardons |动词过去式: pardoned |动词过去分词: pardoned |副词: pardonably |

pardonable 反义词


pardonable 同义词

excusable |allowable | forgivable | understandable | defensible | justifiable

pardonable 相似词语短语

1、unpardonably ─── 不可饶恕的

2、pardonably ─── adv.可原谅地;可宽恕地

3、personable ─── adj.品貌兼优的;英俊潇洒的;和蔼可亲的

4、parolable ─── adj.可假释的

5、card table ─── 牌桌(打牌用的轻便小桌)

6、portionable ─── 相称的

7、unpardonable ─── adj.不可原谅的;不可宽恕的

8、atonable ─── adj.可补偿的;可赎回的

9、pardonableness ─── n.原谅;赦免;宽恕(pardon的变形)

pardonable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He begged a pardon from the king. ─── 他恳求国王赦免自己的罪行。

2、You've just stepped on my foot! I beg your pardon. ─── 你刚才踩了我的脚!请原谅。

3、To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon. ─── 原谅容许失误或过失;原谅

4、I beg your pardon?./Beg your pardon?. ─── 1.请原谅(用于做了错事道歉时)

5、I beg your pardon, what you said is not correct. ─── 对不起,你说的不对。

6、"I beg your pardon," interposed Monte Cristo. ─── “对不起,我没听清楚。”基督山插嘴道。

7、A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon. ─── 不能宽恕故意犯下的错误。

8、Pardon me please. Would you speak more slowly? ─── 对不起,请您讲慢些好吗?

9、Sorry? =Pardon? = I beg your pardon. ─── 2(我没听清楚)请再说一遍好吗?

10、Beg pardon,did I tread on your foot,Miss? ─── 对不起,小姐,我踩到你的脚了吗?

11、Pardon?Could you speak a little slower? ─── 对不起,您能说得稍微慢一点吗?

12、She asked him to pardon her rudeness. ─── 她请求他原谅她的无礼。

13、There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon?. ─── 在那里院长把赦免令递给吉米。

14、Pardon me, what's the time by your watch? ─── 对不起,你知道现在几点吗?

15、Pardon, est-ce que Monsieur Martin habite ici? ─── 对不起,马丁先生住这儿吗?

16、She supplicated for pardon. ─── 她恳求原谅。

17、I have," he remarked with pardonable pride, "done what I set out to do." ─── 我已经,”他以可原谅的骄傲语气说,“完成了我要做的。”

18、Pardon Monsieur, o peut-on t l phoner ? ─── 对不起,先生,请问哪里可以打电话?

19、He could not lower himself by asking her pardon. ─── 他不能自贬身份,请求她宽

20、Pardon me, I have to use the john. ─── 对不起,我要到洗手间去一下。

21、Carol: Well pardon me while I pop my pantyhose. ─── 卡罗尔:我看太便宜你了,真是岂有此理。

22、Pardon me? Could you speak more slowly, Please? ─── 可以再说一次吗?请你说慢一点好吗?

23、"I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist. ─── “你说什么?”药剂师问。

24、"I beg Monsieur le Maire's pardon. ─── “我请市长先生原谅。

25、If I had offended you,I beg your pardon. ─── 如有冒犯之处,请多多原谅。

26、Pardon all men, but never yourself. ─── 严于律已,宽以待人。

27、Pardonable someone says, "80 hind " do not know real love, do not value the sort of not reversible loyalty, what they like is a gender only. ─── 难怪有人说,“80后”不懂真正的爱情,不珍惜那种不可逆的贞操,他们喜欢的只是性。

28、Pardonable those who become her is naked for begin makings exposing to the sun, zhang Ziyi has say not clear worry. ─── 难怪当她的裸替开始曝料,章子怡有说不清的苦恼。

29、At last, he obtained his father's pardon. ─── 他终于得到了父亲的原谅。

30、Have you finished reading the book? Beg your pardon? ─── 你看完那本书了吗?对不起,你说什么?

31、Mother: Well, good golly to heck, pardon my French. ─── 伊丽莎白:这么说,应该谢谢他的好意,见他的鬼。

32、BRIAN' LL NEVER FUCK HIM. PARDON MY FRENCH. ─── brian绝对不会和他作爱.请原谅我的修辞.

33、He begged her to pardon him (for his rudeness). ─── 他求她原谅他(无礼).

34、Pardon me, I didn't quite catch your meaning. ─── 对不起,我没听懂你的意思。

35、They all sued out a pardon for an offender. ─── 他们请求法院赦免一名罪犯。

36、Beg pardon ,did I tread on your foot ,Miss ? ─── 对不起,小姐,我踩到你的脚了吗?

37、I beg your pardon, I never said that at all. ─── 别乱讲话,我从来没那么说。

38、Pardon is the most glorious revenge. ─── 宽恕是最伟大的报复。

39、Decker: I beg your pardon, Colonel? ─── 先生:我不太明白你的意思,上校。

40、I only know that I never yet heard her admit any instance of a second attachment's being pardonable. ─── 我只知道,我从未听她说过有哪一起二次恋爱是可以宽恕的。

41、"I beg your pardon," said Mr Mekee with dignity. ─── “对不起,”麦基先生盛气凌人地回了他一句。

42、Sorry, Can you repeat that?(Pardon! ─── 对不起,你能再说一遍吗?

43、When the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. ─── 当不朽的众神干预此事时,我怀着心满意足的心情观察结局。

44、He knelt before the King and asked for pardon. ─── 他跪在国王面前请求宽恕。

45、Pardonable also the catchword this year is particularly popular. ─── 也难怪今年的流行语非凡流行。

46、Pardonable woman croaks , "With its endure hardships, still care oneself as oneself, oneself satisfy oneself. " ─── 难怪女人发牢骚,“与其受罪,还不如自己关心自己,自己满足自己。”

47、He asked her pardon for having deceived her. ─── 他欺骗了她,向她请求原谅。

48、Pardon? Could you say it a little slower? ─── 对不起,你能稍微说得慢一点吗?

49、Such a small mistake is pardonable. ─── 不会追究犯了那么小的错误的。

50、Pardonable I like to see a movie so. ─── 难怪我这么喜欢看电影。

51、Pardon the bad is injure the good. ─── 宽容坏人,必伤好人。

52、Good sir, I beg for mercy and beg your pardon. ─── 仁慈的先生,我乞求你的饶恕和原谅。

53、Pardon me,Sir,I wonder if we can make a start. ─── 对不起,先生,不知我们能否出发了。

54、There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon. ─── 在那里,加长把赦免令递给吉米。

55、He knelt before the King and asked for pardon?. ─── 他跪在国王面前请求赦免。

56、Pardon all men, but never thyself. ─── [谚]严以律已,宽以待人。

57、Pardon? Do I turn left at the bank? ─── 再说一遍?我要在银行左转吗?

58、Pardon, je me suis tromp de num ro. ─── 对不起,我把号码搞错了。

59、I beg your pardon for being so late. ─── 对不起,我来迟了。

60、Pardon me, sir. I did not do it on purpose. ─── 原谅我,先生。我不是故意这样做的。

61、"I beg your pardon?" the girl says. ─── “你在说什么呀?”那女孩说。

62、I do beg your pardon. ─── 一定请您原谅。

63、Pardon, what kind of joint venture? ─── 对不起,什么合资企业。

64、Beg pardon, I did not quite catch your. ─── 对不起,我没听清楚你的意思。

65、He begged my pardon for stepping on my foot. ─── 他因踩到我的脚而求我宽恕。

66、"I beg your pardon," said Alice very humbly. ─── “请原谅,”阿丽思很恭顺地说。

67、"Hell's afire-- Well, I beg your pardon again. ─── "那才丢你三辈子的脸呢----唔,再一次请你原谅。

68、Eh, pardon me, gentlemen... -A customer! ─── 嗯,请原谅,先生们...-一个顾客!

69、He implored her to pardon him. ─── 他苦求她宽恕他。

70、I hope you'll pardon me if I speak bluntly. ─── 如果我说话有冒犯之处敬请原谅。

71、I beg your pardon./Beg your pardon. ─── 1. 请原谅(用于做了错事道歉时)

72、"I beg your pardon, sir, " said Oliver. ─── “对不起,先生”,奥立弗说。

73、They expect a pardon by course of law. ─── 他们希望照法律的惯例得到宽恕。

74、God pardon sin! Wast thou with Rosaline? ─── 上帝饶恕我们的罪恶!你是跟罗瑟琳在一起吗?

75、I beg your pardon, but is there a bank near here? ─── 对不起,请问这附近有银行吗?

76、Mercy pretty woman, won't you pardon me. ─── 原谅漂亮女士,但你不会宽恕我的.

77、"I beg your pardon," said Rhett with mock humility. ─── "请原谅,"瑞德用假意谦卑的口吻说。

78、A thousand pardon for take up so much of your tine. ─── 占了你这么多时间,抱歉,抱歉。

79、Pardon me my clumsiness. ─── 原谅我的笨拙。

80、Pardon me, sir, I wonder if we could make a start. ─── 对不起,先生,不知我们能否出发了。

81、You have my pardon for your recent actions. ─── 你近来的行为得到了我的谅解。

82、Pardon me for interrupting ( you ). ─── 对不起打扰(你)了。

83、Beg pardon, did I tread on your foot, miss? ─── 对不起,小姐,我是不是踩了你的脚了?

84、Pardon me, Miss, but may I sit here? ─── 对不起,小姐,我可以坐这里吗?

85、God will pardon me, that's his line of work. ─── 上帝会原谅我的,这是他的职业。

86、Pardon me for [Pardon my] contradicting you. ─── 原谅我反驳你。

87、Pardon me! Would you repeat that again, please? ─── 对不起,可不可以请你再说一次?

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