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09-12 投稿



gorget 发音

英:[?ɡ??rd??t]  美:[?ɡ??d??t]

英:  美:

gorget 中文意思翻译




gorget 网络释义

n. 颈甲;饰领;(14-15世纪)妇女用护肩布;(鸟、兽类的)颈部斑纹n. (Gorget)人名;(法)戈尔热

gorget 反义词


gorget 同义词

superb | striking | resplendent | magnificent | splendid | elegant | stunning | exquisite | glorious | good-looking | ravishing | brilliant |beautiful | lovely | attractive | purple | adorable | divine | dazzling

gorget 词性/词形变化,gorget变形

动词现在分词: gorging |动词第三人称单数: gorges |动词过去分词: gorged |名词: gorger |动词过去式: gorged |

gorget 短语词组

1、gorget probe ─── [医] 试探用有槽导子

gorget 相似词语短语

1、gorgeted ─── 狼吞虎咽

2、forget ─── vt.忘记;忽略;vi.忘记;

3、gorgets ─── n.颈甲;饰领;(14-15世纪)妇女用护肩布;(鸟、兽类的)颈部斑纹;n.(Gorget)人名;(法)戈尔热

4、garget ─── n.咽喉肿胀;乳房炎

5、gorged ─── n.峡谷;胃;暴食;咽喉;障碍物;vt.使吃饱;吞下;使扩张;vi.拚命吃;狼吞虎咽;n.(Gorge)人名;(西)戈赫;(法)戈尔热

6、forgets ─── vt.忘记;忽略;vi.忘记;

7、gorge ─── n.峡谷;胃;暴食;咽喉;障碍物;vt.使吃饱;吞下;使扩张;vi.拚命吃;狼吞虎咽;n.(Gorge)人名;(西)戈赫;(法)戈尔热

8、gorger ─── 峡谷

9、gorges ─── 戈格斯;n.(Gorges)人名;(德)戈格斯;(英)戈杰斯;(法)戈尔热

gorget 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、very well,but don't gorget your duty. ─── 很好,不过别忘了你的职责。

2、bladder operation gorget ─── 膀胱手术用有槽导子

3、Will you gorget these stupid copies? ! There are lives going on in here! ─── 你就不能别管那些该死的复印件了吗? !我们这里正到紧要关头呢!

4、When they had reached this point where the spark is on the brink of darting forth, an officer in a gorget extended his sword and said:-- "Lay down your arms!" ─── 正在这一触即发的时刻,一个高领阔肩章的军官举起军刀喊道:“放下武器!”

5、It was paul's first importent lessons as a student of chemistry and he never gorget it. ─── 这就是他这个化学的学生所上的重要的第一课,而他一直没有忘记这堂课。

6、Never gorget tha until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words - "Wait and hope". ─── 永远不要忘记这一点,直至上帝向人类揭露未来图景的那一天,人类的一切智慧就包含在这两个词里面:“等待”和“希望”。

7、may forget, I will not gorget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. ─── 即或有忘记的,我却不忘记你,看呐,我将你铭刻在我掌上。

8、could you tell me how to gorget something ? ─── 你可以告诉我怎么忘记一些事吗?

9、we never gorget the summer vocation we spend together. ─── 我们永远不会忘记在农村度过的那个暑假。

10、3.we will never gorget the happy time. ─── 我们不会忘记那快乐时光.

11、Thompson's lithotomy gorget ─── 汤普森(氏)膀胱结石取出用有槽导针

12、lithotomy gorget ─── 膀胱结石取出有槽导针

13、it's so late,we might as well gorget about seeing the movie. ─── 太晚了,我们不如不要去看电影了吧!

14、Teal's lithotomy gorget ─── 替尔(氏)膀胱取石用有槽导针

15、Will you gorget these stupid copies? ─── 你就不能别管那些该死的复印件了吗?

16、ye it it quite right. at first I want to answer that :life is like a box ofcholocate, you never know what you will go to get.however I gorget hot to spell cholocate and the eother word. so I give up. ─── 每次出去吃饭走的总是很靠近,随便说些什么问题,一次两次不觉得,直到某一天我发现每一次都是走在一起,我认识到了问题。

17、Don't gorget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. ─── 不要忘记一个人最伟大的情感是受人赞赏。

18、Don't gorget to take the garbage out. ─── 别忘了扔垃圾呀。

19、However,I can't learn how to gorget you. ─── 可是,我却学不会对你的遗忘...

20、The people who have already watched this match will never gorget it. ─── 看了这场比赛的人都不会忘记它。

21、gorget patch ─── 领章

22、With more than 12 movies and TV shows under her belt,this formers Disney star(Who can gorget "Lizzie McGuire?" ─── 拍摄过12部影片以及许多电视节目的这位前迪士尼影星(谁能忘记《平民天后》?)

23、She motioned, and two Spherians came forward with a gorgeous jeweled collar, a kind of regal gorget. ─── 她挥手示意,两个史菲利思人捧着一只美轮美奂的项圈走上前来。

24、gorget probe ─── [医] 试探用有槽导子

25、I'm a kind of table.But I have no legs.I can tell you what to do when you gorget what to do. ─── 我是表格中的一类,但是我没有腿,当你忘记的时候我会告诉你,你该做什么。

26、probe gorget ─── 探查用有槽导子


forget的第三人称单数: forgets 、过去分词: forgotten、现在分词: forgetting 。forget

读音:英 [f??get] 美 [f?r?get]






v. 1)忘记,遗忘;忘做;2)忽略,不再关注;3)不再打算做,放弃;4)忘乎所以,举止不得体




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