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09-12 投稿



historicize 发音

英:[[h?s't?:r?sa?z]]  美:[[h?'stɑ:r??sa?z]]

英:  美:

historicize 中文意思翻译



historicize 词性/词形变化,historicize变形

动词过去分词: historicized |动词第三人称单数: historicizes |动词过去式: historicized |名词: historicization |动词现在分词: historicizing |

historicize 相似词语短语

1、historicise ─── 历史主义

2、historicizes ─── vt.使历史化;把…作为史实记录;vi.使用历史资料;运用历史事实

3、historicist ─── 历史主义

4、historicised ─── 历史的

5、historicity ─── n.史实性;确有其事

6、historicism ─── n.历史决定论(社会和文化现象由历史决定);历史事件规律论;历史第一轮;(艺术、建筑)传统崇拜,复古主义

7、historicized ─── vt.使历史化;把…作为史实记录;vi.使用历史资料;运用历史事实

8、historicises ─── 历史

9、to historicize ─── 使历史化

historicize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The setting up and operation of the PLC have exceptional historic significance. ─── 临时立法会的成立和它的运作,有着特殊的历史意义。

2、Today we are also at a historic inflection point in Canada's North. ─── 今天在加拿大北部,我们正处在一个历史转折点。

3、Don't miss this historic event as China's No.1 RnB artist debuts in London. ─── 不要错过了中国第一节奏蓝调歌手在伦敦首映这个历史性的活动。

4、Today is a very historic day for Tasmania. ─── 今天正是塔州具有历史性的一天。

5、Did Aristotle Lack the Sense of Historic Development? ─── 亚里士多德历史观性质浅说?

6、In 1972, President Nixon departed on his historic trip to China. ─── 1972年的今天,美国总统尼克松开始了他的具有历史意义的中国之行。

7、Jes T. Kirk begins historic five-yearission on Enterprise. ─── 寇克开始历史上著名的企业号五年任务。

8、The place or setting of something: a historic site; a job site. ─── 地点,地基:建筑或建筑群的地皮、地基或选址

9、In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable. ─── 从这个意义上来说,敦煌百科全书般的文化价值和历史重量是无法估计的。

10、This is a great historic change. ─── 伟大的历史性转变。

11、It is also a historic meeting place. ─── 它还是一个历史的聚会场所。

12、Tyler Durden : OK: any historic figure. ─── 好的。好的。任何历史人物。

13、May 4, 1919 is a historic day. ─── 1919年5月4日是有历史意义的一天。

14、Would you recommend some places of historic interest? ─── 你能推荐一些历史遗迹吗?

15、Yellow fever can be recognized from historic texts stretching back 400 years. ─── 可在400年前的历史书籍中发现黄热病的存在。

16、By way of an introduction, I shall explain some of the historic background. ─── 作为开场白,我想解释某些历史背景。

17、China is attractive to tourists for its beautiful scenery and historic sites. ─── 中国的风景名胜和历史古迹对旅游者很有吸引力。

18、It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ─── 保护古迹并不那么容易

19、It attracts the travelers for the Grand Canal and other historic sites. ─── 它以大运河和其他一些古迹吸引着旅游者。

20、They saw a series of historic Lincolns and Marks. ─── 他们看到了一系列的具有历史价值的老林肯车和马克车。

21、You have doning the historic report from before the breakfast,it would be better to hereto. ─── 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。

22、Easy access to the White House, Smithsonian Museum and other historic areas. ─── 可轻松抵达白宫、史密森博物馆和其它历史名胜。

23、The streets about the castle are full of places of historic interest. ─── 城堡周围的街道上净是名胜古迹。

24、The PLA has performed great historic feats. ─── 中国人民解放军立下了伟大的历史功绩。

25、A historic transition has been achieved in the population reproduction pattern. ─── 实现了人口再生产类型的历史性转变。

26、The end of cold war gave EU a very rare historic opportunity to reunite Europe. ─── 冷战的终结使欧盟获得了再次统一欧洲的千载难逢的历史性机遇。

27、They visited some historic ruins in Mexico. ─── 他们在墨西哥参观了一些历史古迹。

28、He really did not understand the value of the historic relics. ─── 他根本不懂得这历史文物的价值。

29、Columbus made his historic voyage in 1492 . ─── 哥伦布在1492年进行了一次历史性的航行。

30、His hat-trick of election victories is historic. ─── 他连续三次赢得大选的纪录足以载入史册。

31、As a foreigner, I cannot but be proud of your historic achievement. ─── 作为一个外国人,我不能不以你的历史成就而骄傲;

32、Perhaps we are only vaguely aware of the historic significance of this flight. ─── 也许我们只是模糊地意识到这次飞行的历史意义。

33、Anyang has many wonderful historic attractions that are worth visiting. ─── 安阳有众多值得游览的名胜。

34、Historic sights Jo: People want to see places most people have heard of. ─── 人们想去他们听说过的地方。

35、The historic market town of Pickering is situated between York and Scarborough. ─── 历史上著名的皮克林集镇位于约克和斯卡布罗之间。

36、The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't come every day. ─── 参加这样一个伟大的、有历史意义的运动的机会真是千载难逢。

37、The Princess arrived in a blaze of sunshine at the start of an historic day. ─── 在这具有历史意义的一天开始时,公主伴着灿烂的阳光驾临。

38、This historic publication is a must-have for all Yam Jie fans worldwide. ─── [长天落彩霞-任剑辉的剧艺世界]应是任姐迷誓必拥有的珍宝!

39、We visited historic monuments and buildings on our trip to England. ─── 去英国旅行时,我们参观了历史上有名的建筑物和古迹。

40、As an Oriental, I cannot but be proud of your historic achievement. ─── 作为一个东方人,我不禁为你们所取得的历史成就感到骄傲。

41、But are there places of historic interest on the way? ─── 外宾: 途中有没有什么历史古迹?

42、Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. ─── 南京发生过许多重大的历史事件。

43、He saluted the historic achievement of the government. ─── 他赞扬政府的成就具有历史意义。

44、I like visiting these historic sites. ─── 外宾: 我喜欢游览名胜古迹。

45、Tainan is one of the historic spots that you should visit. ─── 台南是你应该造访的古迹之一。

46、They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot. ─── 他们被好奇心驱使去看古迹。

47、What about some places of historic figures and culture heritage? ─── 一些人文景观,如何?

48、China's takeover of Hong Kong was a historic event. ─── 中国收回香港是一件具有历史意义的大事。

49、India and Pakistan open a historic bus link across divided Kashmir today. ─── 印度及巴基斯坦于今日开通一条倍具历史意义的巴士行驶路线,此路衔接了分裂的喀什米尔。

50、Historic documents attest to the truth of this legend. ─── 历史文件见证这个传说的真实性。

51、Beijing is a place rich in historic relics. ─── 北京是一个具有丰富历史遗产的地方。

52、 双语使用场景

53、More money is needed for the upkeep of the historic buildings. ─── 历史性建筑的保存需要更多的资金投入。

54、Ningbo has a strong historic character as a city of culture. ─── 宁波拥有浓厚的历史气息和文化传统。

55、Inside 911 reveals a clear picture of the events of that historic day. ─── 《透视911》为您揭露那历史性的一天中,所有事件的清楚面貌。

56、There are many historic spots and interest places is China. ─── 中国有许多名胜古迹。

57、Emotion, it is true, had become with her rather historic. ─── 不错,感情在她来说,已成为明日黄花。

58、He would like to play a part in this historic process. ─── 他愿意在这一历史进程中扮演一个角色。

60、Percentage of forest cover in different historic periods of China. ─── 中国历代森林覆盖率的探讨。

61、A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment. ─── 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生。

62、The Chinese people have performed great historic feats. ─── 中国人民立下了伟大的历史功绩。

63、In remembering historic events, the mistake you tend to make is anachronistic. ─── 在记历史事件时,你容易犯的错误是时代错误。

64、Are there many historic interests in your hometown? ─── 你家乡有许多名胜古迹吗?

65、Tainan is a very old city, and it has many historic buildings. ─── 台南是座非常古老的城市,有许多历史悠久的建筑。

66、There are many cultural relics and historic sites Both on and under the ground. ─── 地上地下保存的文物古迹很多。

67、If you like historic sites, I'd suggest you see the Imperial Palace. ─── 如果你对历史名胜感兴趣的话,我建议你去参观故宫。

68、Beijing has many historic spots and interest places. ─── 北京有许多名胜古迹。

69、Can you name some historic festivals? ─── 你能说出一些历史节日吗?

70、It is at Honaunau Bay, just north of the National Historic Park. ─── 它位于火奴鲁鲁湾,美国国家历史公园的北部。

71、Thus wrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China. ─── 从而结束中国工作组的工作。

72、Some historic papers have been seriously damaged by time. ─── 一些具有历史意义的文件由于年代久远,已被严重损坏。

73、Should historic buildings be preserved or be replaced with modern buildings? ─── 保护历史建筑还是该用现代的建筑取而代之?

74、The price lowed down to the historic level. ─── 价格跌落到了最低水平。

75、There are a lot of historic spots in China. ─── 中国有许多古迹。

76、Will you join in that historic effort? ─── 你们愿意参加这具有历史意义的事业吗

77、Beijing has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. ─── 北京有很多历史名胜和景点。

78、It is an exciting, modern and historic city. ─── 她是一座令人激动的、现代的、历史性的城市。

79、If you feel like seeing historic places can go to Gdansk. ─── 定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。

80、Are you interested in seeing newer tourist attractions or older historic sites? ─── 你是对新的名胜有兴趣,还是对古迹有兴趣?

81、The closure of Croydon airport rang down the curtain on a historic phase in British civil aviation. ─── 克罗伊登机场的关闭,是英国民航史上的一个历史阶段的结束。

82、The invaders gutted the historic building. ─── 侵略者们将那幢历史上有名的建筑洗劫一空。

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