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09-12 投稿


vanadium 发音

英:[v??ne?di?m]  美:[v??ne?di?m]

英:  美:

vanadium 中文意思翻译



vanadium 词性/词形变化,vanadium变形

简写符号: V |

vanadium 短语词组

1、vanadium dichloride ─── [建] 二氯化钒

2、vanadium oxychloride ─── [化] 氯氧化钒

3、bis (cyclopentadienyl) vanadium ─── [化] 双(环戊二烯基)钒

4、vanadium oxytrifluoride ─── [化] 三氟氧化钒; 三氟化氧钒

5、vanadium oxydichloride ─── [化] 二氯氧化钒; 二氯一氧化钒

6、vanadium oxybromide ─── [化] 溴氧化钒

7、vanadium oxytrichloride ─── [建] 三氯氧化钒

8、vanadium dioxymonochloride ─── [化] 氯化二氧二钒

9、ferro-vanadium ─── [机] 钒铁

10、vanadium oxytribromide ─── [化] 三溴氧化钒; 三溴化氧钒

11、vanadium nitride ─── [化] 一氮化钒

12、vanadium carbonyl ─── [化] 六羰基钒

13、vanadium family element ─── [化] 钒族元素

14、vanadium carbide ─── [化] 一碳化钒

15、chrome-vanadium steel ─── [建] 铬钒钢

16、vanadium oxide ─── [建] 氧化钒

17、vanadium family elements ─── [化] 钒族元素

18、vanadium catalysts ─── [化] 钒催化剂

19、vanadium catalyst ─── [化] 钒催化剂

vanadium 常用词组

vanadium steel ─── 钒钢

vanadium pentoxide ─── 五氧化二钒

vanadium oxide ─── 氧化钒

vanadium 相似词语短语

1、caladium ─── n.贝母

2、vanadiate ─── 钒

3、vanadic ─── adj.钒的

4、venidium ─── 我们出售

5、vanadious ─── 钒

6、Palladium ─── n.[化学]钯;守护神

7、caladiums ─── n.贝母

8、vanadous ─── adj.亚钒的

9、mazaedium ─── 孢丝粉体

vanadium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For stainless steel, high speed steel, vanadium steel, high hardness, toughness and deformation, easy to burn the workpiece grinding. ─── 适用于不锈钢,高钒钢速钢等硬度高,韧性大及易变形,易烧伤工件的磨削加工。

2、In this paper, the dual-wavelength standard addition method has ben applied to simultaneous determination of chromium and vanadium with 5-BrPADAP. ─── 应用双波长标准加入法,以5-Br-PADAP为显色剂,同时测定了铬和钒。

3、Various commercial methods preventing vanadium pollution of catalyst were expounded and suggestions were also proposed. ─── 对工业上应用的各种防止钒污染的方法分别作了阐述,并提出了建议。

4、High-quality chrome vanadium steel 50BV30 forged, is mainly used for removal of broken screws. ─── 优质铬钒钢50BV30锻造,主要用于取出断裂的螺丝。

5、The invention provides an additive and a method for extracting vanadium by roasting stone coal ores, and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明提供了一种用于石煤矿焙烧提钒的添加剂、制备方法及石煤矿焙烧提钒的方法。

6、Effect of Lithium-Intercalation on Optical Absorption of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Films[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吴广明,吴永刚,倪星元,周 箴,张慧琴,吴 翔,陈 炎.

7、Methods Vanadium content in cassia seed was measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. ─── 方法应用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定富钒决明子芽中钒含量。

8、All vanadium redox flow battery(VRB) is a novel electrochemical apparatus which can transfer and store electricity effectively. ─── 全钒液流电池是一种新型高效电能转化与储存装置。

9、Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better-balanced diet. ─── 极低浓度的钒在肉类中很少见,在坚果中的含量也比在其他植物资源中较少,这很好地证明了吃肉的好处,从而使得饮食也更加均衡。

10、The proven vanadium-titanium magnetite up to 10 billion tons of reserves, the country is one of the four major iron ore. ─── 已探明的钒钛磁铁矿储量达一百亿吨,是全国四大铁矿之一。

11、This paper introduces the process of coated vanadium carbide with powder method in place of coated metal vanadium carbide with salt bath treatment. ─── 介绍了用粉末法被覆碳化铌工艺代替盐浴被覆金属碳化铌工艺,并给出实验结果。

12、Some views on the current situation of scientific research and production of vanadium trioxide are presented. ─── 对三氧化二钒的科研生产现状提出了看法。

13、Sodium polysulfide/bromide redox flow battery(PSB) and vanadium ion redox flow battery(VRB) were the leading ones in redox flow batteries. ─── 在液流电池体系中,多硫化钠溴液流电池与全钒液流电池处于主导地位。

14、WT5BZ]Based on the mechanism of vanadium poisioning,a type of novel anti vanadium additive has been designed for fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)catalyst. ─── 从流化催化裂化催化剂的钒中毒机理出发 ,研制出一种高岭土型抗钒助催化剂。

15、The vanadium phase and valence state of stone-coal with low carbon in Guizhou province were analyzed by electron probe,and a pressure acid leach experiment was carried out. ─── 利用电子探针分析方法对贵州某地低碳石煤中钒矿物和价态进行了分析,并对该矿石进行了加压酸浸试验研究。

16、Zheng Xiang-ming.Study on technique of recovering vanadium pentoxide from stone coal[A]:[Master Thesis].Xiangtan University,2003. ─── [3]郑祥明,田学达.石煤提钒新工艺研究[A]:[硕士学位论文].湘潭大学化工学院,2003.

17、Suggested method for the micro-determinalion of indium,bismuth and vanadium is given. ─── 从中找出了某些规律,并对此进行了讨论。

18、The county has advantages resources of tungsten, vanadium, gold and marble, as well as has special resources of quartz, feldspar, kaolin, bluestone and limestone. ─── 主要是钨、钒、金、大理石,石英、长石、高岭土、青石板、水泥用灰岩等矿种。

19、The industrial scale production of sodiumization-vanadium extraction from primary vanadium ores was realized for the first time in China with wheel kiln as the roasting equipment. ─── 在国内首先采用轮窑作为焙烧设备实现了从原生钒矿中钠化提钒工业化生产。

20、Higher than normal levels of manganese, strontium, and vanadium probably indicate a less nutritious diet heavily dependent on edible plants. ─── 锰、锶和钒的含量高于正常水平,可能表明严重依赖可食用植物的饮食缺乏营养。

21、Result showed that 70% recovery for vanadium was obtained when amount of Na2CO3 and CaCO3 were 4% and 1.5%, respectively. ─── 实验显示,加入4%碳酸钠,1.5%的碳酸钙混合焙烧、酸浸后,钒的转化率提高至70%。

22、The effect of vanadium on the strength and toughness of wheel steel normalized at different temperatures were studied. ─── 摘要研究了不同正火加热温度下钒对车轮钢强韧性的影响。

23、It is possible that numerous organic complexes of vanadium are used in treatment for they are more effective and less toxic. ─── 目前合成出的有机钒化合物毒性小,作用强,使得钒应用于临床成为可能。

24、The technology of fast fluidized beds to exploit vanadium bearing titaniferous ma... ─── 提出了综合利用钒钛铁矿所需采用的快速流化床氯化技术。

25、They include niobium and vanadium micro-alloying technology,microalloy slab quality ... ─── 提出了实施精品生产战略的技术措施。

26、In fact, from another angle, a new vanadium steel stock may also be a reasonable price in more than 8. ─── 事实上,从另外一个角度来分析,新钢钒的股票合理价格也可能在8元以上。

27、Vanadium redox flow battery system as electrochemical system has been very good development now in foreign countries. ─── 摘要全钒氧化还原液流电池系统作为电化学系统现已在国外得到了很好的发展。

28、Prevents corrosion of metal surfaces when using fuels with high vanadium and sulfur content . ─── 抑制油料中的硫、钒等对管路的腐蚀。

29、Application of Intelligent Arc-suppression System and Low Current Earthing Device in Panzhihua New Steel %26 Vanadium Co., Ltd. ─── 智能消弧系统及小电流接地选线装置在攀钢的应用。

30、Potentiometric titration analysis method for determining oxidation states of van adium in the electrolyte of all vanadium redox flow battery (vanadium battery) w as established. ─── 介绍了全钒氧化还原液流电池(以下简称钒电池)电解液中钒价态的电位滴定分析方法。

31、Today (11) V-E Steel is the last line on the right, as of today has not the right line of vanadium steel GFC1 warrants will be canceled. ─── 今天(11日)是钢钒权证的最后行权日,截至今日仍未行权的钢钒GFC1认股权证将予以注销。

32、Tangshan Iron &Steel, Handan Iron &Steel and Chengde Xinxin Vanadium &Titanium confirmed that Tangshan would acquire the two sister companies through a share swap. ─── 唐钢股份、邯郸钢铁和承德钒钛证实,唐钢股份将以换股合并的方式,收购两家姊妹公司。

33、Many factors influence performance of vanadium battery, in which properties of electrode materials, positive and negative reactions are important. ─── 影响钒电池性能的因素有很多,其中电极材料性能、正负极电极反应是重要因素。

34、XPS analysis shows that the vanadium on the surface can be stabilized mainly in the state of V(IV). ─── 通过XPS分析,证实钒元素主要以V(IV)价态存在于催化剂的表面。

35、Panzhihua Vanadium Steel, Titanium Pan Yu, Qi Great Wall shares today issued a notice on a pledge to freeze the shares to declare the cash option-related matters described. ─── 攀钢钢钒、攀渝钛业、长城股份今日齐发公告,就质押、冻结股份申报现金选择权相关事宜进行了说明。

36、Extraction technology of vanadium from the sodium roasting,the non-salt oxidizing roasting,the stone coal soaking by acid (alkali) and its evolvement process were introduced. ─── 介绍了钠化焙烧、无盐氧化焙烧、酸(碱)浸石煤等提钒的工艺及其演变过程。

37、With different percentage of vanadium/cesium, vanadium shows different oxidation-reductibility ability. ─── 在不同的钒/铯比下,钒显示出不同的氧化-还原性。

38、Oxidation of various alcohols(benzyl alcohol,1-phenylethanol,and cyclohexanol) was studied over vanadium catalysts using tert-butyl hydroperoxide as an oxidant. ─── 以过氧化叔丁醇作为氧化剂,研究了醇类(苯甲醇、1-苯基乙醇和环己醇)在钒基催化剂上的氧化反应。

39、The leaching rates of vanadium of oxidizing acid leaching at atmospheric pressure and oxidizing acid pressure leaching were studied separately by contrasting conclusion. ─── 分别考察石煤常压氧化酸浸和加压氧化酸浸过程中的钒浸取率。

40、The testing method of determining of element vanadium in tungesten products by phosphatic-tungstic-vanadic acid photometry is introduced. ─── 介绍了用磷钨钒酸光度法测定钨制品中钒的实验方法,结果能满足钨制品生产的要求。

41、Oxidation of various alcohols (benzyl alcohol, 1-phenylethanol, and cyclohexanol) was studied over vanadium catalysts using tert-butyl hydroperoxide as an oxidant. ─── 摘要以过氧化叔丁醇作为氧化剂,研究了醇类(苯甲醇、1-苯基乙醇和环己醇)在钒基催化剂上的氧化反应。

42、In the die steels of CrMoSoV series, the precipitation was formed mainly by vanadium carbides. ─── 在铬钼硅钒系合工钢中,无论在何种温度下,均以碳化钒的析出为主。

43、The structure of homogeneous and stable lath martensite as matrix with stable fine vanadium carbides on is of advantage to resist thermal fatigue and wear. ─── 基体组织为均一、稳定的板条马氏体,且在其上分布着弥散、稳定的钒的碳化物,有利于抗热疲劳和抗磨损。

44、In the past six trading days, vanadium steel GFC1 increase more than doubled, while that in the previous 9 sessions, vanadium steel GFC1 the largest decline was 48.67 percent. ─── 在过去的六个交易日内,钢钒GFC1的涨幅超过了一倍,而在那之前的9个交易日中,钢钒GFC1的最大跌幅则是48.67%。

45、Any of various oxyacids of vanadium; known mostly in the form of its salts. ─── 各种钒的含氧酸,已知主要以其盐的形式存在。

46、The effects of quality of diatomite as carrier on vanadium catalyst in sulphuric acid production are discussed. ─── 探讨了作为载体的硅藻土的性能对硫酸生产钒催化剂质量的影响。

47、That is the name given to the emerald green variety from Tanzania, coloured by vanadium and chrome. ─── 产于坦桑尼亚。它的颜色是由钒元素和铬元素引起。

48、The role of vanadium in low and microalloyed steels and the main products of vanadium microalloyed steels were introduced. ─── 介绍了钒在低、微合金化钢中的作用以及钒微合金化钢的重点产品;

49、The kinetic parameters of vanadium catalytic oxidation of azomethine H by bromate have been determined by using spectrophotometric method. ─── 以酸性介质中痕量钒催化溴酸钾氧化甲亚胺H显色反应为对象,利用光度法研究了反应的动力学参数。

50、A set of conventional processing methods of vanadium and vanadium alloy specimens, including mechanical polishing, mechanical chemical polishing, chemical etching as well as relevant techniques and experiences is introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了一种钒及钒基合金金相试样的常规制样方法,即试样的机械磨光,机械化学抛光,化学侵蚀等技术和经验。

51、The insulin-mimetic effect of vanadium is the most remarkable and important function among its several biological actions. ─── 摘要钒的胰岛素样活性是它的所有生物学活性中最显著和最重要的。

52、December 5, 2008, the C of E before the resumption of the final transaction referred to as ( "Steel Vanadium GFC1") until the C of E delisted. ─── 2008年12月5日起,权证恢复最后交易日前的简称(“钢钒GFC1”)直至权证摘牌。

53、Rock coal was used as raw material and Na2CO3 and CaCO3 were used as composite additive, vanadium was extracted via soaking with acidity solution after mixture was baked. ─── 摘要以石煤为原料,加入碳酸钠和碳酸钙组成的复合添加剂,经焙烧、酸浸后提取石煤中的钒。

54、Sodium polysulfide/bromide redox flow battery(PSB) and vanadium ion redox flow battery(VRB) are taking the leading role in redox flow batteries. ─── 在液流电池体系中,多硫化钠溴液流电池与全钒液流电池处于主导地位。

55、The skimming efficiency and flow rate of hot metal are 97.6% and 14. 9t/min respectively so as to meet the reguirements of vanadium recovery from hot metal. The content of calcium oxide in vanadium slag decreases to 1.28%. ─── 撇渣效率达到97.6%,铁水流量为14.9t/min,满足了后序提钒工艺的要求,使钒渣中CaO含量下降到1.28%。

56、When operation shut down, the valency of vanadium in some catalysts rose owing to penetration of air through the catalyst bed. ─── 有些催化剂在停车状况下,空气通过催化剂床层而导致催化剂中钒价态升高,催化剂活性下降。

57、This paper briefly introduces the geochemical nature of vanadium, selenium, molybdenum elements. ─── 摘要本文简要介绍了钒、硒、钼的地球化学性质。

58、The oxidation and acid washing methods were used to investigate the vanadium removal from RMS-8 fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts. ─── 以钒含量较高的RMS 8流化催化裂化催化剂为原料 ,考察了氧化法和酸洗法的脱钒效果。

59、Oxidation of various alcohols (benzyl alcohol, 1phenylethanol, and cyclohexanol) was studied over vanadium catalysts using tertbutyl hydroperoxide as an oxidant. ─── 摘要以过氧化叔丁醇作为氧化剂,研究了醇类(苯甲醇、1苯基乙醇和环己醇)在钒基催化剂上的氧化反应。

60、Effects of Na +,heavy metal nickel and vanadium,sulfur and viscosity of residue on activity of catalyst for S-RHT were investigated on a residue hydrotreating pilot unit. ─── 在中型渣油加氢试验装置上考察了钠离子、镍、钒、硫和渣油粘度对S-RHT催化剂活性的影响。

61、As expected, vanadium was found in considerably greater quantities in skeletons in the burials of lower-status groups. ─── 正如预期的那样,在较低地位群体墓葬的骨骼中发现的钒要多得多。

62、This paper intrduced the experiment work of calcified roast picking-up Vanadium from some mineral. ─── 摘要介绍了某钒矿采用无污染钙化焙烧提钒的试验工作。

63、When the mass fraction of vanadium exceeds 4%, a large amount of VC precipitates occur, which make the cast iron have potentially favorable wear resistance. ─── 当V的加入量增加至4%(质量分数)时,基体上弥散分布大量VC颗粒,使得材料有潜在的良好的耐磨性能。

64、The combustion of fuel of vanadium containing residual oil may induce severe accelerated oxidation or deterioration of metallic materials. ─── 以含V渣油为燃料的高温设备的灰份能引起金属材料的加速腐蚀 .

65、Vanadium containing steels obtain their properties from a combination of fine grain size and precipitation strengthening,the presence of vanadium promoting strong and good weld ability. ─── 含钒钢具有细化晶粒尺寸与沉淀强化相结合的特性,加入钒可以促进强度的提高和具有良好的焊接性。

66、More than 99% of vanadium was absorbed on resin from pulp. ─── 利用该工艺,树脂对浆液中钒的吸附率大于99%。

67、An inquiry is made into the analytical method for vanadium in the Benfield solution. ─── 对苯菲尔溶液中钒的分析测定方法进行了探讨。

68、The catalyst prepared by impregnation method had good performance in both activity and selectivity,and contained 0.8 molar ratio of chrome and vanadium and 1.2 molar ratio of phosphorus and vanadium and with activated alumina as support. ─── 在铬钒摩尔比为0.8、磷钒摩尔比为1.2、以活性氧化铝为载体的条件下,采用浸渍法得到的CrVPO型催化剂性能最好.

69、I long product containing vanadium plant, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, platinum, Spent palladium catalyst. ─── 我厂长期求购含钒,钼,镍,钴,铂,钯废催化剂.

70、The key materials for vanadium redox flow battery,such as electrode materials and bipolar plate materials,have been becoming the emphasis of the research. ─── 全钒氧化还原液流储能电池是一种新型的储能装置,电极及双极板是其关键材料。

71、The large amount of vanadium in Orimulsion may cause unexpected problems in the prevention of high-temperature corrosion of furnace. ─── 奥里油中含钒量较多,是锅炉预防高温腐蚀设计中的大难题。

72、Ai zbuloi vanadium duke analizuar vanadinite mineral. ─── Ai e em毛roi at毛 erythonium ...

73、S30V contains carbon as well as high amounts of chromium, molybdenum and vanadium. ─── S30V含有碳元素,此外还有很高含量的铬、钼和钒。

74、The test for producing ferrovanadium-titanium-silicon with un-chemically treated atomized vanadium slag as materials is conducted in Panzhihua I &S Co. ─── 对以攀钢雾化钒渣为原料不经化学处理直接冶炼钒钛硅铁复合合金的试验进行了研究。

75、Therefore, the vanadium content in high chromium cast iron used for metallurgical spare parts is seriously controlled. ─── 因此,必须严格控制用于冶金备件上的高铬铸铁中的钒含量。

76、The metallic combustion catalyst ATOM-IX-950 changes the nature of the vanadium oxides formed during the combustion process . ─── 950含有金属催化燃烧剂,燃烧过程可催化促进处理钒的氧化物。

77、Yesterday, with the Panzhihua Steel Vanadium issued a notice, "Steel Vanadium E protect their rights" could eventually be drawing to an end. ─── 昨日,随着攀钢钢钒发布的一份公告,“钢钒权证维权事件”最终可以画上一个句号。

78、The professor talked about the applications and outlook of vanadium. ─── 教授讲了关于钒的应用与展望。

79、Industrial products: refined minerals, iron and steel, other main metals(gold, chromium, vanadium, the outputs of the three metals rank first in the world), automobiles, metalwork, uranium, corn, metalwork. ─── 主要工业产品:精选矿石,钢铁和其它金属(黄金,铬和钒产量居世界第一位)、汽车,金属制品,纺织品,化学制品。

80、The result showed that the contents of sulfur,nitrogen,carbon residue,nickel and vanadium in products were reduced through above mentioned residue hydrotreating. ─── 利用渣油加氢处理中试装置,获得了经过脱金属催化剂、脱硫催化剂和脱氮催化剂的系列渣油加氢处理产物,分析了各产物的性质。

81、Vanadium mainly combines with aluminosilicate and iron-manganese oxides. ─── 主要与铝硅酸盐和铁锰氧化物结合;

82、Some sea animals accumulate elements like vanadium within their cells. ─── 一些海洋动物在其细胞内积累像钒一类的元素。

83、ESR spectrum with no superfine structure confirms the presence of V 4+ and the average valence of vanadium in the product is +4.30 on the basis of TG and XPS. ─── 无明显精细结构的室温 ESR谱证明了 V4 +的存在 ,根据 TGA和 XPS求得产物中 V的平均化合价约为 + 4 .3 0 .VOx-NTs正极材料初始充电容量达到 40 4m A.

84、The paper presents a novel method for the separation and preconcentration of vanadium with microcrystalline phenolphthalein as the sorbent. ─── 建立了以微晶酚酞作为吸附剂分离富集环境水样中痕量钒的新方法。

85、To remove dissolved oxygen in the molten metal prior to pouring, elements have been added which have high affinity for oxygen such as titanium, vanadium, niobium and magnesium. ─── 为了在浇铸之前消除熔化金属中的溶解氧,需要在金属中添加具有很高的氧亲合力的元素,如钛,钒,铌和镁。

86、Zheng Xiang-ming, Zhang xiao-yun.A new technique of leaching vanadium pentoxide from stone coal[J].Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University,2003,25(1):43-56. ─── [2]郑祥明,张小云.湿法提取石煤中钒的新工艺研究[J].湘潭大学自然科学学报,2003,25(1):43-56.

87、The domestic mineral resources are abundant, there are coal, iron, copper, gold, aluminium vanadium and soil, etc., Welcome the knowledgeable people make the investment to develop. ─── 境内矿产资源丰富,有煤、铁、铜、金、铝钒土等,热忱欢迎各界有识之士投资开发!

88、Cecil had very small capacity in P retention. Vanadium seam ed more competitive than phosphorous for the retention p ositions in Cecil loamy sand. ─── Cecil对P的吸附能力非常弱,V在Cecil沙壤土中的竞争吸附能力大于P。

89、The domestic mineral resources are abundant , there are coal, iron, copper, gold, aluminium vanadium and soil,etc., Welcome the knowledgeable people make the investment to develop. ─── 境内矿产资源丰富,有煤、铁、铜、金、铝钒土等,热忱欢迎各界有识之士投资开发!

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