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09-12 投稿



husbanding 发音

英:[?h?zb?nd??]  美:[?h?zb?nd??]

英:  美:

husbanding 中文意思翻译




husbanding 反义词


husbanding 短语词组

1、husbanding agent ─── [法] 委托代理人

husbanding 词性/词形变化,husbanding变形

动词第三人称单数: husbands |动词现在分词: husbanding |动词过去分词: husbanded |动词过去式: husbanded |

husbanding 同义词

hubby | conserve | man | married |spouse | preserve | married man | other half | significant other | save | reserve | mate | economise | economize | skimp | partner | keep | scrimp

husbanding 相似词语短语

1、misbranding ─── vt.贴错标签;贴假商标于

2、disbanding ─── vi.解散;vt.解散;遣散

3、biobanding ─── 生物带

4、husbandland ─── 耕地

5、banding ─── n.捆扎;[电子]条带;v.联合,结合(band的现在分词)

6、husbandlike ─── adj.符合妥善管理农事方法的;丈夫似的

7、abanding ─── 优先

8、-standing ─── v.站立;站起来;移动到特定位置;(使)直立;位于(某处)(stand的现在分词);adj.长期存在的;(跳高或赛跑起跑时)未经助跑的;站着的;(水)不流动的;(玉米)尚未收割的;(金属字)排好后保留的;长期有效的;(由法律或习俗)建立的;不能移动的;n.地位;声望;持续时间;马厩;站立处;n.(Standing)(美)施坦丁(人名)

9、outstanding ─── adj.杰出的;显著的;未解决的;未偿付的;n.未偿贷款

husbanding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A year after her husband died her father suggested to her that she had worn the willow for long enough. ─── 丈夫死去一年后,她的父亲劝她守节已够久,不要再悲伤了。

2、Her husband is a very handsome young man. ─── 她丈夫是一个非常英俊的年轻人。

3、Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. ─── 有些企业可能是因为信贷危机而更注意节约现金;

4、Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. Others may simply be more pessimistic about an eventual recovery. ─── 因为信贷紧缩的缘故,一些公司可能更为仔细的节约现金,另一些可能只是对最终到来的经济恢复更加悲观。

5、A wife is to thank God her husband has faults; a husband without fault is a dangerous observer. ─── 做妻子的应以其丈夫有缺点而感谢上帝,因为没有缺点的丈夫是个危险的观察者嘛。

6、She dedicated her first book to her husband. ─── 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。

7、He overacts the part of the loving husband. ─── 他扮演一个体贴的丈夫的角色,演得肉麻。

8、Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. Others may simply be more pessimistic about an eventual recovery. ─── 有一些公司可能出于信贷紧缩的考虑而更谨慎地管理资金,而另一些则只是出于对复苏前景持悲观态度。

9、When her husband died, she received 50000 in insurance. ─── 她丈夫去世後,她得到50000英镑的保险金。

10、Your husband hasn't yet come round after the anaesthetic. ─── 你丈夫麻醉后还没有苏醒。

11、Her husband was so ill that she had to stay by his bedside all night. ─── 她丈夫病得很重,她不得不整夜守在他床边。

12、Now she waited, husbanding strength for the first of many visitors. ─── 现在她等着,为接待众多拜访者中的第一个节省一点力气。

13、Her husband is a brick layer. ─── 她丈夫是个砌砖匠。

14、She split on her husband to police. ─── 她向警方告发了她的丈夫。

15、Her husband is a demon for work. ─── 她丈夫工作起来精力过人。

16、Her husband debited all the money against her account and then escaped to America. ─── 她丈夫把她存折上所有的钱都取走了然后逃亡美国。

17、She didn't speak of her husband at all. ─── 她完全没谈到她丈夫。

18、She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce. ─── 她与原来的丈夫离婚十年后又复婚了。

19、Mary raised hob with her husband for being back late. ─── 丈夫回来晚了,玛丽就对他大发脾气。

20、Husband and wife have reversed roles. ─── 丈夫和妻子互换了责任。

21、Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally. ─── 夫妻间应该偶尔(彼此)对调充当的角色。

22、She was having it off with a neighbour while her husband was away on business. ─── 她在丈夫出差时跟邻居发生了性关系。

23、She offered (up) a prayer to God for her husband's safe return. ─── 她向上帝祷告保佑她丈夫平安回来。

24、Her husband is reaching after a more lucrative situation. ─── 她丈夫正在谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。

25、Japan has called the husbanding of such property a national priority. ─── 日本把对知识产权的管理作为国家的首要事务来抓。

26、Did you ever think of discussing these problems heart to heart with your husband? ─── 你可曾想过诚恳地和你丈夫讨论一下这些事情?

27、Her husband's such a chauvinist that he tries to tell her how to vote. ─── 她丈夫可真是个大男子主义者,她该投谁的票,他也要左右她。

28、It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife. ─── 夫妻间的事最好不要管。

29、He noted the disharmony between husband and wife. ─── 他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦。

30、She gets knocked about by her husband. ─── 她常受丈夫虐待。

31、A good husband makes a good wife. ─── [谚]夫善则妻贤。

32、Her husband was taken to hospital during the night. ─── 她丈夫在夜间被送进医院。

33、She's fed up with being her husband's stooge. ─── 她再也不愿意当丈夫的附属品了。

34、When her husband died, she put an announcement in the newspaper. ─── 她丈夫去世时,她在报纸上登了讣告。

35、In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband. ─── 在桌上的银相框里有张她丈夫的照片。

36、She has told them nothing that could shed light on her husband's whereabouts. ─── 她没向他们提供任何有关她丈夫下落的线索。

37、The discovery that her husband was unfaithful to her was a rude (ie shocking) awakening. ─── 她发觉丈夫对自己不忠而猛醒。

38、How many children did Elizabeth have by her second husband? ─── 伊莉莎白和第二个丈夫生了多少孩子?

39、For Americans, husbanding power rather than squandering it is the order of the day. ─── 对于美国人,保持实力而不是将其挥霍才是议事日程。

40、Her husband felt ashamed of her behavior. ─── 她丈夫为她的行为感到羞愧。

41、Her husband found out that she's been running around with another man. ─── 她丈夫发现她一直跟另一个男人在一起。

42、She leans on her husband for advice. ─── 她依靠她的丈夫获得忠告。

43、She tried to intervene between her husband and son, but she was roughly pushed aside. ─── 她想调解丈夫和儿子之间的争吵,但是被粗暴地推开了。

44、In our family both my husband and I are wage earners. ─── 在我们家里,丈夫和我都挣工资。

45、The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack. ─── 士兵们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。

46、She entered the political arena after her husband's death. ─── 她丈夫死后,她进入了政界。

47、She showed great stoicism during her husband's final illness. ─── 她在丈夫患病临终期间表现出了坚强的毅力。

48、Her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him. ─── 她丈夫很粗暴,没人喜欢他。

49、She decided he must have a bad influence upon her husband. ─── 她断定他一定对她丈夫产生了很坏的影响。

50、She closed her eyes to her husband's infidelities. ─── 她丈夫有不忠行为,她却视而不见。

51、They lived together as husband and wife for years. ─── 他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。

52、She passed him off as (ie pretended that he was) her husband. ─── 她把他假充作自己的丈夫。

53、Her husband went climbing mountains last weekend.It gave her the collywobbles even to think about it. ─── 她丈夫上周末去登山了,只要一想到这,她就会感到忧虑不安。

54、After suffering silently, she decide to have it out with her husband. ─── 在默默地忍受之後,她决定向丈夫摊牌。

55、The only time most women give their orate husband undivided attention is when the old boy mumbles in their sleep. ─── 大多数女人对丈夫的说话最专心倾听的,就是老公在睡梦中咕哝的话。

56、Her husband is on the late shift, so she has turned night into day. ─── 她丈夫上晚班,听以她把白天和夜晚颠倒过来。

57、She tried to intervene between her husband and son. ─── 她想调解丈夫和儿子之间的争吵。

58、It shows that the good ship Gaia, planet Earth, is traumatising its passengers into husbanding its scarce resources. ─── 这表明我们的行星——地球,这艘盖亚之舟,正在遭受那些持有它的稀缺资源的乘客的伤害。

59、She does not care about her husband at all. ─── 她根本不关心她的丈夫。

60、Don't let your husband walk over you like that. ─── 可别让你的丈夫对你那样盛气凌人。

61、She is an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing. ─── 她是个很有趣的人,但是她的先生却一无是处。

62、Don't deny there's nothing between you; I saw you making eyes at my husband at the party last night! ─── 别否认你们之间不是毫无瓜葛,在昨晚的聚会上我看到你向我丈夫暗送秋波!

63、In the husband wisdom, in the wife gentleness. ─── 丈夫贵明智,妻子尚温柔。

64、Now we have renovated our old bathroom my husband has taken to having a shower every morning. ─── 因为我们已整修翻新了我们的旧浴室,我丈夫习惯于每天早晨淋浴。

65、What time does your husband return from work? ─── 你丈夫什么时候下班回家?

66、The husband didn't plug in to what the wife was talking about. ─── 丈夫根本没有留意听妻子在说些什么。

67、Every time her husband won an argument, she would retire to bed and refuse to speak to him until the next day. ─── 她每次同丈夫争论输了,就上床睡觉,直到第二天才跟丈夫说话。

68、And firms have been unusually quick to slash payrolls. Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. ─── 受信贷危机影响,各公司通常会快速削减薪水支出。有的可能更加注重储存现金。

69、She's a widow. Her husband died in an accident last month. ─── 她是一个寡妇。她的丈夫上个月在事故中去世了。

70、Nellie thinks the world of her husband and would do anything to please him. ─── 内莉很崇拜她的丈夫,因而尽力去取悦于他。

71、After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life. ─── 她丈夫去世后,她终生都穿着黑色丧服。

72、The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat. ─── 大使的妻子继续问了好多问题,突然她发现丈夫帽子上有个洞。

73、She divorced with her husband because she found him a drunkard. ─── 她和丈夫离婚了,因为她发现他是个酒鬼。

74、She is hungry for news of her husband working abroad. ─── 她渴望得到国外工作的丈夫的消息。

75、She grappled with her assailant but her husband got away. ─── 她与袭击者扭打,而她丈夫却逃走了。

76、Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed. ─── 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。

77、After her husband died, she dressed in black for six months. ─── 她丈夫死后,她穿黑衣服守丧六个月。

78、Her husband's cruelty amazed and confounded her. ─── 她丈夫的残忍让她既惊愕又惶惑。

79、She was completely unmanned by the loss of her husband. ─── 她因丧夫而整个儿丧魂失魄的。

80、She is tired of her husband's stock jokes. ─── 她听厌了她丈夫那些陈腐的笑话。

81、Because my husband has gone to a stag dinner, I have to stay at home alone. ─── 因为我丈夫去参加一个只许男人参加的宴会,我只好独自待在家里。

82、Her husband was sound asleep. ─── 她丈夫睡得很熟。

83、He is a husband of constancy. ─── 他是个忠贞不渝的丈夫。

84、Doreen really annoys me. Just because her husband has been on television a few times it's given her a swollen head. ─── 多琳实在使我生气,仅仅因为她丈夫上了几次电视,她就骄傲自大了。

85、Her husband's been on the booze again. ─── 她丈夫又不停地喝起酒来。

86、Poor thing, her husband has left her with three children to bring up. ─── 可怜的人,她丈夫给她遗下3个未成年的孩子。

87、Her husband's failure to notice her new hairstyle displeased her very much. ─── 她丈夫没注意到她的新发型,这使她大为不快。

88、She refused to sit in the car till her husband promised to wear his safety belt. ─── 她拒绝上车,除非她丈夫答应系好安全带。

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