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09-12 投稿


behoof 发音


英:  美:

behoof 中文意思翻译



behoof 词性/词形变化,behoof变形


behoof 短语词组

1、behoof or behoove ─── 理所当然的

2、behoof forever ─── 永远

3、behoof def ─── 信用

4、behoof synonym ─── 理应同义词

5、behoof definition ─── 应有的定义

6、behoof in a sentence ─── 属于

behoof 相似词语短语

1、behooves ─── vt.理应;对……有此必要;vi.有必要;理所当然;n.适宜

2、behowl ─── 猫头鹰

3、reroof ─── 重排

4、choof ─── 乔夫

5、behold ─── vt.看;注视;把...视为;vi.看;int.瞧;看呀

6、behove ─── vi.理所当然;vt.应该;理应(等于behoove)

7、behalf ─── n.代表;利益

8、behooved ─── vt.理应;对……有此必要;vi.有必要;理所当然;n.适宜

9、behoove ─── vt.理应;对……有此必要;vi.有必要;理所当然;n.适宜

behoof 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3.All expenditure in the instruction of youth,the promotion of justice, defence of nations, &c. is a consumption of present values for the behoof of the productive powers. ─── 所有关于下一代的教养、公道的促进、国家的防卫等等支出都是对于现有价值的消耗,而目的是在于生产力的增长。

2、Mr Smith toiled for this children's behoof. ─── 先生为他的儿女辛劳。

3、How to safeguard the behoof of the victim becomes the topic that people concern very much. ─── 如何保护受害人的利益,成为人们十分关心的话题。

4、Mr Smith toiled for this children's behoof. ─── 史密斯先生为他的儿女辛劳。

5、The money was spent for his own behoof . ─── 那笔钱是为他自己花掉的。

6、Mr Smith toiled for this children's behoof. ─── 史密斯先生为他的儿女辛劳。

7、Men call me wise. If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this. ─── 人们都认为我聪明,假如智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。

8、a sitting room that had been converted to a bedroom on my behoof ─── 依我意而改成卧室的起居室

9、The behoof of having a lot of friends is,you`ll get another lots of friends. ─── 朋友多的好处就是,你总会认识更多各种各样的朋友。

10、Someone will be blind in front of the behoof and some other will be more bright. ─── 利益让一些人瞎了眼睛,却让另外一些人心明眼亮。

11、But, in the first place, how about the vicars, who do more for us than the singing of mass for our behoof for a scanty stipend? ─── 但是,首先,关于教区牧师,谁为我们比唱歌更我们的好处的大量一不足的俸给的?

12、for the behoof of ─── 为了, 为了 ... 的利益

13、to one's behoof ─── 为one原因

14、It would be greatly for the public behoof if we women, being of mature age and church-members in good repute , should have the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne. ─── 要是我们这些上了一把年纪、名声又好的教会会友,能够处置海丝特白兰那种坏女人,倒是给大伙办了件好事。

15、for one's behoof ─── 为one's缘故

16、The current joint liability system of our country is extremely full to the keeping of the obligee behoof,but the joint liability guarantee of personal rights lacks very. ─── 我国现行连带责任制度对债权人利益的保护极为充分,但对债务人即连带责任人的权利保障却十分欠缺。

17、Men call me wise.If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this. ─── 人们都认为我聪明,如果智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。

18、The form and evolution of the network include shape variety of the network, alteration of the people behavior, and the behoof shifting of the people. ─── 这种系统的基本要素是人和人们之间的社会关系,网络系统的形成与演化至少包括网络结构的变化、成员行为的改变以及成员收益的变化。

19、We have needed to grasp condition to actualize the system and vindicate the creditor's behoof as well as the company's behoof. ─── 司法实践中,既要保护公司运营中的债权人的合法利益,又要维护公司的人格独立,以达到公司人格独立与公司人格否认二者和谐的功能互补。

20、1. The money was spent for his own behoof . ─── 那笔钱是为他自己花的。

21、in one's behoof ─── 为其之故

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