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09-12 投稿



tram 发音

英:[tr?m]  美:[tr?m]

英:  美:

tram 中文意思翻译





tram 词性/词形变化,tram变形


tram 短语词组

1、cay tram ─── 电车车站

2、tram-line n. ─── 有轨电车路线;(英)电车轨道

3、tram stop ─── 电车站

4、aerial tram ─── 空中缆车

5、aerial tram-way ─── [机] 架空车道

6、Kennedy Road (Peak Tram) ─── 坚尼地路(山顶电车)

7、Changchun Tram ─── 长春有轨电车

8、tram road ─── 矿车轨道

9、tram-stop ( ─── 有轨)电车站

10、Barker Road (Peak Tram) ─── 巴克路(山顶电车)

11、by tram ─── 乘坐有轨电车

12、tram-car ─── 有轨电车

13、bubble tram ─── 泡沫电车

14、tram-cars (tram-car ─── 的复数) 有轨电车

15、funicular tram ─── 缆车

16、Athens Tram ─── 雅典电车

17、TEDA Modern Guided Rail Tram ─── 泰达现代导轨有轨电车

18、tram rail ─── 电车轨道, 索道

19、horse drawn tram ─── 马拉有轨电车

tram 常用词组

peak tram ─── 山顶电车

tram 相似词语短语

1、Bram ─── n.布拉姆(男子名)

2、ram ─── abbr.随机存取存储器(randomaccessmemory的缩写);随机访问内存(random-accessmemory的缩写);n.公羊;撞锤;撞击装置;有撞角的军舰;(水压机的)[机]活塞;v.撞击;填塞;强迫通过或接受;n.(Ram)人名;(英、印、尼、不丹、瑞典)拉姆

3、trams ─── n.[车辆]有轨电车(tram的复数)

4、dram ─── n.打兰(重量名);微量;n.(Dram)人名;(罗)德拉姆

5、tramp ─── v.(尤指长时间地)重步行走;(艰难地)长途跋涉;踩,踏;n.流浪汉;沉重的脚步声;徒步旅行;(尤指令人疲惫的)长途跋涉;(航线不定的)货船;(非正式)淫妇;金属片;铲尖;n.(Tramp)(美)塔姆鄱(人名)

6、gram ─── n.克;鹰嘴豆(用作饲料);n.(Gram)人名;(英、法、德、丹、挪、瑞典)格拉姆

7、pram ─── n.婴儿车;送牛奶用的手推车

8、Aram ─── n.阿兰姆(人名)

9、Cram ─── v.填满,塞满;(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;(人)挤满;猛吃;n.(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;极度拥挤;n.(Cram)(美)克拉姆(人名)

tram 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tram was just arriving at the hill foot. ─── 一辆缆车刚到达山脚下。

2、From the train station The Hague Holland Spoor, take tram 8 or 9 to Scheveningen and get off at the Kurhaus tram stop. ─── 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的4岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。所有的2岁以下的儿童的加婴儿床不需付费。

3、A No. 1 tram running eastward towards the Bund to the end of Nanking Road was battling with the powerful head-wind, and its windows rattled noisily as if trembling with fear. ─── 从西面开来到南京路口的一路电车正冲着那对头风挣扎; 它那全身的窗子就像害怕了似的扑扑地跳个不

4、The monorail got us to the tram that got us to the parking lot. ─── 单轨列车把我们载到拖车站,拖车把我们送到停车场。

5、He was a light sleeper, and the tram-conductors' bells were probably ringing in his ears, summoning him to the meeting. ─── 康斯坦特先生通常都睡不深,可能现在康斯坦特先生的耳边已经回荡起火车工会领导人召唤他去开会的催命铃声了吧。

6、There are lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram. ─── 赶马车的,您知道,多得数不清,草料还挺贵,坐车的又小器,老是打算去坐公共马车。

7、The tram is an open-balcony design at the upper deck with maroon sofas. ─── 古董电车的上层为半开篷式设计,设有枣红色沙发;

8、Can we bring alcohol on the tram? ─── 可携带朱古力奶、橙汁和酒精类饮品。

9、L+M: Een tram van lijn 042 op het uitloopspoortje van eindpunt Edelstahlwerk Tor 3. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Lijn 042 op de Ostwall.

10、Get off at the second stop and then change to the tram going north. ─── 到第2站下车,然后换乘往北的电车。

11、Take us to the Park Tram station. ─── 去佩克地铁站。

12、The city of Wuppertal in Northwestern Germany is the native place of the German philosopher Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and also renowned for its amazing tram! ─── 位于德国中北部的福本塔市是恩格斯的故乡,这个城市的电车很炫!

13、In addition, Waikiki Yet there is still a tram shed open the transport of passengers are free to Tiaoshangtiaoxia, which is very convenient. ─── 另外,还有一种叫威基基电车的敞棚交通工具,乘客可以自由的跳上跳下,十分方便。

14、I don't care for your company," and with a toss of her head, she abandoned her husband and crossed the street to the tram stop alone. ─── 不希罕你陪,”头一扭,撇下丈夫,独自过街到电车站去了。

15、From Tokyo to Yokosuka, the tram as long as 70 minutes. ─── 从东京市中心到横须贺,乘电车只要70分钟。

16、Some people walk and others get the school bus or the tram. ─── 一些人走着去;还有一些人坐校车或有轨电车。

17、Some of his best-loved characters were created as he rattled through the countryside aboard a steam tram, on his way to inspect the postal system in some far-flung place. ─── 他那最为读者喜爱的人物,有些是他去某些遥远地方检查邮局工作而乘坐蒸汽机车在农村嘎嘎行驶时创造出来的。

18、(Laughter) She said that the last time she had done it was on the Disneyland tram. ─── (众笑)她说距今天最近的一次是在迪斯尼乐园的有轨电车上

19、Do not cross immediately behind or in front of a tram. ─── 不可贴近电车前后横过马路。

20、From Termini Station take Metro A (red) as far as San Giovanni station.Then take tram number 3 till Scalo San Lorenzo. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

21、Being two means of transportation in all cities and towns in Republican China, rickshaw and tram produced continuous contradictions. ─── 作为民国城市的新旧两种交通工具,人力车与电车的矛盾接连不断。

22、A double-decker tram provides a bird's-eye view of neon signs twisted into huge Chinese characters, dwarfing the human parade below. ─── 从双层巴士上可以俯瞰印着巨大汉字的霓虹灯饰,下面的行人由此显得多么渺小。

23、How do you want to come, by tram, subway or bus? ─── 你打算怎样来这里?搭电车、地铁或是汽车?

24、Alternatively take Metro B (blu), stop at Policlinico Station and take tram number 19 till Scalo San Lorenzo. ─── 如果在入住日当天没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。

25、As we walked down Murray Road from the Peak Tram, I saw the ICAC logo proudly displayed. ─── 从山顶车站沿美利道往下走,我看到廉政公署的标志傲然展示。

26、I curse tram, train and the public transportation company, Connex.Actually it is even harder for me to pronounce 'curse' correctly in Mandarin... ─── "烦人,奶奶的,我还做不做Presentaion了...就没一次我做什么事儿是顺顺利利的,都说了讨厌好事儿多磨了...有本事给我脱轨,有本事别来了...

27、The tram (train)* to Ciu (Tiu)* Keng Leng is arriving ; Please let passenger exit first , thank you. ─── 列车到达车站往调景岭列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。

28、Two mountain bikers cross the Kennicott River via a hand-drawn tram in Wrangell-St. ─── 在兰格尔-圣.埃利亚斯国家公园里,两名山地车手正搭乘一架手动缆车横过肯尼科特河。

29、When they meet again three years later, the shot that reintroduces Kuang Yu Min to the story has a tram passing in the background. ─── 三年后当他们重逢,旷裕民重新出现在镜头中的时候,背影正是一辆缓缓驶去的有轨电车。

30、The only remaining tram in the city, a nationally (201,202,203). ─── 市内还有全国仅存的有轨电车(201,202,203)。

31、Jens commuted to Parliament by bike or tram and does not take out bodyguards on weekends and holidays. ─── 延斯去国会上班都是骑自行车或者坐有轨电车,周末和节假日出门也不带保镖。

32、Be careful when taking Tram. Tram is not available24 hours a day, make a good time arrangement is recommended! ─── 上下缆车时应注意安全,金顶索道有时间限制,请注意安排时间。

33、The lorry swerved and ran into the tram. ─── 卡车突然转弯,与电车相撞。

34、How will you be coming, by taxi or by tram? ─── 你怎样来这里?坐出租车还是电车?

35、The Peak Tram whisks you to The Peak. ─── 乘坐山顶缆车,登上太平山顶。

36、Two mountain bikers cross the Kennicott River via a hand-drawn tram in Wrangell-St.Elias National Park. ─── 兰格尔-圣伊利亚斯国家公园里,两位山地车手通过手摇缆车穿越肯尼科特河。

37、English: A tram in Hong Kong enerring the North Point Market. ─── 中文(香港):一架香港电车正在进入北角街市。

38、Because he had no money with him with which to pay the fare , Carnegie was once put off a London tram . ─── 有一次他因为没有钱买车票,被从伦敦的一辆电车上轰了下来。

39、You soon start to recognise a few faces, even the city tram 19 start to become familiar. ─── 你很快就能够辨认出一些面孔,甚至对这个城市的流浪汉也变得熟悉起来。

40、Yet when he walked with me he kept close to my side, supporting me, in fact, for fear I might be knocked down by a car or a tram. ─── 但他和我一同走路的时候,可就走得近了,简直是扶住我,因为怕我被汽车或电车撞死;

41、If Chongwenmen from Chongwenmen East (108,111 tram terminus to the east) take into account the outer Deshengmen under 44. ─── 如果是崇文门,从崇文门东(108、111电车总站东边)坐44外环到德胜门下。

42、Another tram,in operation since 1888,stumbles 396m.straight up Victoria Peak . ─── 另一辆有轨电车,从1888年就启动运行,慢行396米直达维多利亚顶。

43、Introduces the character of linking member conector in tram, analyses resonable of structure. ─── 介绍了矿车连杆式自动连接装置的特点,并对其结构进行了分析。

44、Tram leaders, on their part, should be willing to let their cadres improve themselves at other posts. ─── 宣传队的负责同志也要舍得让干部出去发展。

45、Vehicle-km other than tram and light rail vehicle obtained from TTSD Traffic Census Section. ─── 其他类别的车辆行驶里数由运输署之交通及运输调查部提供。

46、The Star Ferry service has connected Hong Kong Island and Kowloon since 1898, while the electric tram system has been in place since 1904. ─── 1898年始天星渡轮就将港岛与九龙连在了一起,而1904年以来电车就存在了。

47、In the early 1900s, many American cities had fully functioning electric tram systems.Millions of citizens rode them from home to work each day. ─── 1900年初,许多美国城市拥有功能完整的有轨电车系统,数百万人每天从家里乘有轨电车去上班。

48、Get off at the third stop and then change to the tram go north. ─── 到第三站下车,然后换乘往北的电车。

49、Thus cooperation between college and factory is earned out to tram and assess rigorously,which results in good effect. ─── 实行厂校合作,严格训练,严格考核,实施以后效果明显。

50、From the past right until today the streetcar or tram, whatever you prefer, has been one of the most important urban transport systems. ─── 从至今的电车或有轨电车,无论你喜欢过去的权利,一直是最重要的城市交通系统之一。

51、Looking down the street, he could see the tram coming. ─── 他顺街望去,看见电车开了过来。

52、There is nothing left of the town today, except an old boiler and the tram line, the remnants of the gold rush. ─── 如今除了一个陈旧的锅炉和一条矿车轨道这些淘金热时的遗物,曾经的小镇空空如也。

53、Jens, as he is known among the Norwegians, commuted to Parliament by bike or tram and was without security on weekends and holidays. ─── 延斯去国会上班都是骑自行车或者坐有轨电车,周末和节假日出门也不带保镖,这是挪威人都知道的事。

54、DOAN NGOC TRAM of Hanoi, on the return of her daughter's diary, decades after her death in the Vietnam War. ─── “重要的是,日记拿在手里,我感觉是把握着我女儿的灵魂。”

55、They are switching the tram . ─── 他们使电车换了轨道。

56、The lorry swerved and ran into the tram . ─── 卡车突然转弯,与电车相撞?

57、Is riding the tram included in the admission fee? ─── 坐电车包括在入场费里吗?

58、The conductor blew his whistle, and the tram stopped. ─── 售票员吹哨子, 电车停了下来。

59、Depressing the expression of TLR3,MyD88,TRAM and TRIF mRNA may be the elementary basis of Shensu Yin to play heat-clearing and detoxicating effect. ─── 参苏饮清热解毒的药效学作用可能与抑制TLR3,MyD88,TRAM和TR IF等细胞因子的表达有关。

60、Tram Journey & Leopard Trail followed by 9.30pm Creatures of the Night show. ─── 先坐游览车去云豹小径然后再去看9:30的秀。

61、If a tram has stopped look out for pedestrians who may appear from behind the tram. ─── 如电车已停下来,须留意是否有行人从电车后面走出来。

62、If he did not catch the last tram he had to walk, and that made him very late. ─── 他如果没赶上最后一趟有轨电车就得走着回家,那样的话,到家就会很晚了。

63、You may enjoy a pleasant walk in the park for a few hours and then take the tram. ─── 你可以在这个公园漫步几个时辰,然后乘坐电车。

64、Hong Kong lives much of its life in public and the open windows of summer, in particular, make every tram passenger an unwitting eavesdropper on everyday living. ─── 仲夏时分,香港人都喜欢打开窗户,电车乘客不知不觉间便能窥探人们日常的生活细节。

65、Location: Not very convenient for a long stay but easy to get around - the tram is a 5 minute walk away and you can go anywhere for HKD$2. ─── 地点:不非常方便长的逗留,而且容易坐上电车,走路用5分钟的步行,并且您可以在任何地方得到求助。

66、When using marked traffic lanes and wishing to pass a tram - but not a stationary tram at a tram stop where there is no tram stop island. ─── 在划有行车界的路面时,可超越电车。但不可超越停在没有安全岛车站的电车。

67、It would be unusual not to overhear at least one conversation being held in Mandarin on almost any train, tram or bus in Australia's main cities. ─── 在澳大利亚的各大城市的任何一辆火车、电车或者公共汽车上,如果你没有听到至少一段普通话对话,那都是极不寻常的。

68、Drive of power bogies with different types and structures for EMUs, LRV and tram are studied, with stress laid on lectotypeanalysis. ─── 主要介绍了国内外电动车组、轻轨车和电车动力转向架不同类型的驱动装置。

69、A lot of tourists crowding the Tram Station of Victoria Peak. Majority are tourists from Indonesia. ─── 到了太平山下,见到很多游客。大多数都是印尼人,随团的。

70、To reach a tram stop located on an island, use the Road Crossing Code to cross to the island. ─── 如电车站设在安全岛上,行人应依照过马路守则横过马路前往安全岛。

71、Twenty minutes after the tram started the two beys found that they had got on a train heading for hongzhou instead of their hometown Suzhou . ─── 2火车开动20分钟后两个男孩才发现他们登上的是一辆开往杭州,而不是他们的家乡苏州的火车。

72、The AC drive control system of the tram supplied by super capacitor in Beijing Qianmen is presented. ─── 介绍了北京前门超级电容有轨电车交流传动控制系统。

73、In order to determine the optimal design scheme of a exported tram vehicle,a comfort evaluation methodology based on multi-vehicle trainset was presented. ─── 为了确定某出口地铁车辆的最佳设计方案,提出了一种基于一列多车的舒适度评价方法。

74、It’s at the Messe in Oerlikon, and is easily reachable by tram or train. ─── 可乘坐火车或有轨电车到达。

75、Take tram no. 10 in the direction of Rodersdorf and get off at the Binningen stop. ─── 00后到达的旅客请提前与酒店联系。酒店前台于20:00停止服务。

76、When leaving a tram, wait on the island and use the Road Crossing Code to return to the pavement. ─── 下车后,应先在安全岛上稍候,再依照过马路守则返回行人路。

77、The tram ridens an old-fashioned thrill along a narrow-gauge raft that at times is almost scarily steep-- and it goes down backward. ─── 乘缆车是一种老式的令人刺激的活动。 缆车沿着时而急转直下、叫人惊恐万状的窄轨行驶,而且是倒退着向下行驶的。

78、If The Hague Central Station is your starting point, take tram 1 or 9 to Scheveningen and get off at the Kurhaus tram stop. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

79、Construction of railway &tram switchpoints Insulating cemented joints Components for primary,... ─── 分类标题:导槽轨道和架|铁路器材和装置...

80、This evening, daddy and I took a tram to Westwood shopping centre to buy my food as usual.Hey! ─── 今天晚上,爸爸一如往常带我乘电车到西宝城商场去买我明天的食物。

81、The buzz of excitement about WWF's Earth Hour is sweeping across Hong Kong.You can now find the Earth Hour tram and buses running around Hong Kong. ─── 在香港,地球一小时同样获得社会各界广泛的支持,地球一小时的电车和巴士广告正穿梭于香港的大街小巷。

82、A new-type hydraulic pusher is designed in order to improve the automation of tram operation in coal mine, which rises the reliability and efficiency of the original cage pusher. ─── 为了提高副井提升井口、底车场操车自动化程度,设计了一种新型液压推车机,提高了推车机的安全性和工作效率.

83、Indeed, there are only a few cities remaining that still use the tram, or street car as it is known in the United States. ─── 事实上,今天仍有电车(在美国则称市内有轨电车)的城市,已寥寥无几了。

84、The authorities are also encouraging big employers to match up to 15 percent of workers' monthly bus and tram passes. ─── 市政当局还鼓励一些大的雇主,每月为雇员报销多达15%的公共汽车和电车票费。

85、No money can be spent on the construction and operation of the tram. ─── 没有钱可以用于有轨电车的建设和运行。

86、"Kids did not have much fun in old days. It was exciting for us to take a tram," Wang added. ─── “过去孩子们没有多少娱乐项目。坐电车对我们来说就是很开心的事了。”他补充说。

87、The project will also upgrade existing tram lines and bicycle paths. ─── 该项目还将改善现有的电车线和自行车道。

88、If you go to Melbourne, you can travel by tram. ─── 如果你要去墨尔本,你可以做有轨电车。

89、You should take Tram No. 12. ─── 你应该坐12路有轨电车。

为何只有北京地铁官方上用英文单词 「subway」,但其他城市地铁却用「metro」?

Metro,字面的语义其实和地铁无关,来自于法语中的metropolitan,本意为大都会,比如美国纽约的大都会博物馆就叫Metropolitan Museum。英国修建了世界第一条正式运营的城市地铁,取名为Metropolitan Railway, 意为大都会铁路。subway美国英语,underground英国英语望文生义,这两个单词的本义为地下的道路。现代广义上的地铁已经不仅仅指在地下的轨道系统,因此除英美外,反倒是Metro这个单词更多的被世界各国采用来指代城市中包含地铁在内的轨道交通系统。除此之外,很多城市的tram则是有轨电车的意思。

为何只有北京地铁官方上用英文单词 「subway」,但其他城市地铁却用「metro」?





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