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09-12 投稿



despising 发音

英:[d??spa?z??]  美:[d??spa?z??]

英:  美:

despising 中文意思翻译



despising 短语词组

1、despising definition ─── 轻视定义

2、despising shame ─── 鄙视耻辱

3、despising means ─── 鄙视手段

4、despising draco ─── 戏剧性的不屈不挠

5、despising define ─── 轻视定义

6、despising look ─── 鄙视的样子

despising 同义词

deride | abhor | hate | dislike | look down on | detest | contemn | look down upon | spurn | abominate |scorn | disdain | loathe

despising 反义词

appreciate | value |esteem | respect | admire

despising 词性/词形变化,despising变形

动词过去分词: despised |名词: despisal |动词过去式: despised |动词第三人称单数: despises |动词现在分词: despising |

despising 相似词语短语

1、despisingly ─── 鄙视地

2、demonising ─── v.把……妖魔化;使成为魔鬼(同demonize)(demonize的现在分词形式)

3、despairing ─── adj.感到绝望的;表现绝望的;无望的;v.绝望;失望(despair的ing形式)

4、despiting ─── 鄙视

5、despoiling ─── vt.掠夺,剥夺;夺取

6、deputising ─── vt.委...为代表;vi.担任代表

7、demising ─── n.死亡,终止;转让;传位;vt.遗赠;禅让

8、devising ─── 发明

9、debruising ─── 清创

despising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He stayed there two weeks, dismayed at its ferocious indifference to the drums of his destiny, to destiny itself, and despising the janitor's work with which he was to pay his way through. ─── 他在那里只待了两个星期,一方面由于学院对他的命运的鼓声、对命运本身麻木不忙而感到沮丧,一方面鄙视他为了挣钱作为学习费用而干的勤杂工工作。

2、fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. ─── 仰望为我们信心创始成终的耶稣。(或作仰望那将真道创始成终的耶稣)他因那摆在前头的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦难,便坐在神宝座的右边。

3、Viewing the Long - Last Trend of Despising Physical Education with the Confucious Idea as mirror ─── 以孔子体育教育思想为镜观中国教育思想中轻体的痼疾

4、Despising is an art, but discrimination shows the unwisdom. ─── 鄙视是一种艺术,而歧视表现了无知。

5、We're in the habit of despising foreigners; the scorn we have for them is nothing to the scorn they have for us. ─── 我们有一种轻视外国人的习惯;其实我们对他们的轻视比他们对我们的轻视,真是微不足道的。

6、The despising of manual labour, a vestige of the ideology of the exploiting classes, is an obstacle to the progress of our new society. ─── 轻视体力劳动的剥削阶级思想的残余,是我们的新社会前进的障碍物。

7、As we envy a student better achievement than us, we are despising ourselves. ─── 当我们嫉妒一个成绩更好的学生时,我们正在自我诋毁。

8、looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. ─── 专一注视耶稣,就是我们信心的创始者和完成者。他因为那摆在面前的喜乐,就忍受了十字架,轻看了羞辱,现在就坐在神宝座的右边。

9、It's the teardrop for despising eyes and bone-chilling nights. ─── 他的泪珠,滑落在鄙视的眼光与寒风刺骨的夜里。

10、For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives put men in mind of their wives and children; and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks maketh the vulgar soldier more base. ─── 至于军人,窃见将帅激厉士卒时,多使他们忆及他们底妻子儿女;又窃以为土耳其人之不尊重婚姻使一般士兵更为卑贱也。

11、Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee--and then my state, Like to the lark at Break of day arising From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven's gate; ─── 可是,当我正要这样看轻自己,忽然想起了你,于是我的精神,便像云雀破晓从阴霾的大地振翮上升,高唱着圣歌在天门:

12、The writer of Hebrews tells us the reason, “For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, despising its shame. ─── 希伯来书的作者告诉我们:靠著在他前面的喜乐,他忍受十字架的痛苦和羞辱。

13、" (Ch. 44.) Here again appears the idea of despising things and valuing life. ─── (第四十四章)都表现出轻物重生的思想。

14、"a poor, infirm, weak, and despis'd old man" (Shakespeare). ─── “一个可怜的、蹒跚的、虚弱的且被人看不起的老人” (莎士比亚)。

15、The Policy of Despising Culture and Torsion of the Abuses in the Five Dynasties ─── 虚文政策与五代时弊的扭转

16、The present unhealthy trend in the gymnastics circle of the world-more attention to difficulties and despising beauty,should be understood clearly.Otherwise,gymnastics will be led astray. ─── 对于当今世界体操界出现的“重难(度)、轻视美(感)”的不健康的潮流,必须有一个清醒的认识,否则,会把体操运动引向岐路;

17、She suffered agonies of guilt for neglecting and despising her father. ─── 她因为过去忽视和看不起父亲而受到良心责备,现在为此感到极大痛苦。

18、treasuring morality while despising benefits ─── 重义轻利

19、But I despising the man what not man. ─── 但是我鄙视不是爷儿们的男人。

20、There are good reasons for despising each of them. ─── 我们有足够的理由鄙视它们每一个。

21、Some decadent, backward practices related to feudal serfdom and despising laboring people have been discarded and replaced with modern, civilized and healthy fashions. ─── 与此同时,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后、蔑视劳动群众的旧习俗,随着社会的进步与发展而被群众所摒弃,代之以现代、文明、健康的新风尚。

22、For the best couple team, the two-human team achieved perfection in mutual cooperation. Without formal training, they closely walked the way, despising the stadium, so that we admire greatly. ─── 而对于最佳情侣队,两个人的队伍更是在相互合作上做到了极致。未经正规训练的他们相携走来,傲视赛场,让大家称羡不已。

23、Ciweige once pledged to strive for fairness and renounce prejudice in his works by rejecting words praising any war or despising any nation. ─── 茨威格曾经说过:永远也不写一句赞美战争或贬低别的民族的话,在任何一部作品中做到公正和不抱偏见。

24、Their most bitter complaint, and a very serious offense, was despising the heavenly manna, thus spurning God’s gracious provision. ─── 他们最苦毒的抱怨,和对上帝最严重的侮辱就是厌恶那天上的吗哪,藐视上帝仁慈的供应。

25、There were some problems such as ignoring mentality literacy and despising to have a good habit in the higher vocational chemistry experiment education. ─── 指出了目前高职的化学实验教学中存在忽视心理素质、轻视养成良好实验习惯的问题。

26、Pharaoh’s attitude showed despising and ignorance toward God. ─── 法老的态度表现出对上帝的轻视和无知。

27、Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, ─── 然而,耽溺于这些我亦鄙夷的思绪,

28、slighting and despising God and his commands; ─── 抵挡、消灭圣灵的感动;

29、“a poor, infirm, weak, and despis'd old man” (Shakespeare). ─── “一个可怜的、蹒跚的、虚弱的且被人看不起的老人”(莎士比亚)。

30、'Sharpened to make a slaughter, Polished to flash like lightning!' Or shall we rejoice, the rod of My son despising every tree? ─── 我设立这恐吓人的刀、攻击他们的一切城门、使他们的心消化、加增他们跌倒的事.哎、这刀造得像闪电、磨得尖利、要行杀戮。

31、Despising the “drab uniformity of the modern world”, Sir Wilfred slogged across Africa and Asia, especially Arabia, on animals and on foot, immersing himself in tribal societies. ─── 威福瑞爵士厌恶这个“单一乏味的现代世界”,于是或兽力或徒步,长途跋涉,穿越非洲和亚洲,非凡是阿拉伯半岛,完全将自己沉浸在了部落社会中。

32、For this reason, those who would know the Way of victory and defeat, must first figure out the relationship between fearing and despising. ─── 如果不能以爱使士卒悦服、士卒就不会为我所用;

33、Despising death is a heroic deed, but when being alive is more horrible than being dead, daring to live is the utmost courage. ─── 1蔑视死亡是一种英勇的行为,但是当活着比死亡更加可怕的时候,那么敢于生活下去才是至高无上的勇气。

34、" The perception of police in the cities is changing from one that greatly feared them to one of despising them because of corruption. ─── 因为贪腐现象普遍,城市人对公安的态度从惧怕变成现在的鄙视。

35、She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising. ─── 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。

36、who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ─── (或作仰望那将真道创始成终的耶稣)他因那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦难,便坐在神宝座的右边。

37、excessively seeking ease and comfort but despising adventures, hardships and their challenge to Nature and to themselves. ─── 过分追求娱乐过程中的舒适安逸,相对轻冒险、磨炼及对自然、自我的挑战;

38、despising knowledge ─── 轻视知识

39、" "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ─── “他因那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦难,便坐在上帝宝座的右边。”

40、The despising of manual labour, a vestige of the ideology of the exploiting classes, is an obstacle to the progress of our new society. ─── 轻视体力劳动的剥削阶级思想的残余,是我们的新社会前进的障碍物。

41、Despising the "drab uniformity of the modern world", Sir Wilfred slogged across Africa and Asia, especially Arabia, on animals and on foot, immersing himself in tribal societies. ─── 威福瑞爵士厌恶这个“单一乏味的现代世界”,于是或兽力或徒步,长途跋涉,穿越非洲和亚洲,特别是阿拉伯半岛,完全将自己沉浸在了部落社会中。

42、valuing living while despising death ─── 重生轻死

43、She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising. ─── 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。

44、Without formal training, they closely walked the way, despising the stadium, so that we admire greatly. ─── 未经正规训练的他们相携走来,傲视赛场,让大家称羡不已。

45、David's sin was classified as despising the commandment of Yahweh and doing evil. ─── 大卫的罪是明显的,他不顾耶和华的命令做恶事。

46、He did not answer my question, but all at once I felt that he was not even despising me, but was laughing at me and had no compassion for me, and that our journey had an unknown and mysterious object that concerned me only. ─── 我忽然不顾体面地对我的旅伴提出问题说,这问题含有自我表白的意味,因而我的心底像被针刺一样感到屈辱。

47、Despising should be paid to the person who done bad thing, but discrimination should be never existed. ─── 鄙视应该是投给干了坏事的人,而歧视本来就不应该存在。

48、Not Despising Starter Carbon Brush ─── 不要轻视起动机电刷

49、Should He acquit the woman, He might be charged with despising the law of Moses. ─── 若宣判这妇人该死,他们就要到罗马人那里去,告他擅越罗马政府的司法权。

50、You wanted me, I know, to say "Yes," that you might have the pleasure of despising my taste; but I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. ─── 当然,我知道你希望我回答一声‘是的’那你就会蔑视我的低级趣味,好让你自己得意一番,只可惜我一向喜欢戳穿人家的诡计,作弄一下那些存心想要蔑视人的人。

51、0n the other hand, they want to surpass the death, despising the death by self-indulgent and ridiculous existence. ─── 因而躲避死亡、隐匿或消释死亡,又不断地想超越死亡,以生存的放纵和荒谬来蔑视死亡。

52、I was like being good at golf, but despising the game. ─── 不管你打或不打,都应付自如毫无闪失。

53、The new culture was essentially pagan, admiring Greece and Rome, and despising the Middle Ages. ─── 此一新文化,崇希腊,法罗马,恶中古之僧侣,创人本主义之文明。

54、Do it this year, and the next, and the public will go back to despising them. ─── 今年努力拿到吧,还有明年,如果那样的话,公众又会掉过头来藐视他们了。

55、Heaven, why did you give me a handle for despising you more by informing me of your descent! ─── 老天啊,你为什么要告诉我你的身世,给我一个把柄,让我更加瞧不起你呢?

56、They are passing through to US and the artistic pursue to utilitarianism despising, their road of art is one from remembers past times, romantically to the symbol, only the US developing process. ─── 他们对美与艺术的追求贯穿着对实利主义的蔑视,他们的艺术之路是一个由怀旧、浪漫到象征、唯美发展过程。

57、So I told Jackson that for all his curmudgeonly talk about despising the All-Star weekend that he was right in tune with its spirit: fun and entertainment. ─── 因此我就小小的提醒了一下杰克逊,即使你再怎么讨厌和不喜欢全明星这样的活动,但是你可不能忘记全明星“娱乐第一”的宗旨噢。

58、enjoying death while despising living ─── 厌生乐死

59、For despising him as a bumpkin from the countryside, Marquis Wu thought that he spared time to give an audience, Xu Wugui should feel that it is a supreme honorable. ─── 武侯完全没有将这个乡下土包子放在眼里,他只觉得自己拨空接见这件事本身,对徐无鬼已经是一个无上光荣的面子了。

60、on the other hand, the fact of Europe"s great development, esp.Germany strength"s fast expanding, made Hegel despising the east and eastern drama with brigheness and superiority complex. ─── 而欧洲大发展特别是普鲁士实力急剧膨胀的事实又使他在欣喜之余开始鄙视东方,以一种优越的眼光打量东方戏剧。

61、He gave me a despising glance did not say anything more! ─── 他不屑地瞟了我一眼,不再言语。

62、In the traditional socialty of China, the Confucianism kept its ascendancy for very long time, whose value tropism lied in stressing justice and despising profit. ─── 在中国传统社会里,儒家在很长时间内一直保持着它的优势,它的价值取向就在于强调正义和轻视利益。

63、The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of th' unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? ─── 我确实喜欢画画,可能就如你所说,画画就是我生活的全部,就是我的生活方式,哪又怎样呢?我喜欢,有错麽?单纯点,热爱地一直去做好一件事,有错麽?

64、Then manfully despising The Turkish tyrant's yoke. ─── 大丈夫,鄙视那土耳其暴君的枷锁。

65、As the years passed, my homecoming to a despising nation only reinforced my Beliefs about myself, for I despised me too. ─── 一年又一年过去,我回到了美国,一个排斥我的国家。这反而坚定了我自己的想法,我学会了排斥自己。

66、Do not look at present him/her.As long as I pursue my life optimistically, confidently, not wasting time, not despising myself, never giving up, that will be the best life for myself. ─── 不要看眼前的他/她,只要自己不虚度,不自卑,不放弃,积极,乐观,自信的追求生活,那就是自己最好的生活。

67、It is nothing but the result of despising moral education. ─── 这不外乎是轻视道德教育的结果。

68、On thoughts of regarding coper cash and despising silver in the middle period of Ming Dynasty ─── 论明中叶重钱轻银思想

69、Concerning the Troy war, has been throwing and away despising just in the lifeless history lesson the origin it. ─── 关于特洛伊战争,一直只在枯燥的历史课本中丢弃和鄙视之。

70、Heb 12:2 Looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God. ─── 来十二2望断以及于耶稣,就是我们信心的创始者与成终者;祂为那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架,便坐在神宝座的右边。

71、Despising Rationalism ─── 反理学

72、and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks maketh the vulgar soldier more base. ─── 又窃以为土耳其人之不尊重婚姻使一般士兵更为卑贱也。

73、Looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God. ─── 望断以及于耶稣,就是我们信心的创始者与成终者;祂为那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架,便坐在神宝座的右边。

74、The core of Confucianism and Taoism is the headstream of advocating elegance and despising popularity. ─── 儒家和道家的思想内核是尚雅鄙俗风尚的文化渊源。

75、Cause analysis and countermeasures against attaching importance to medicine but despising nursing ─── 重医轻护的原因分析及对策

76、The cultural despising the divine, the morality, but relying on the common custom experience in The Warring States time gave birth to and developed the fables. ─── 战国时代鄙夷神性、德性而依赖世俗经验的文化背景导致了寓言的发达。

77、He concludes that Fitzgerald persists in despising any form of femininity, but unfortunately the writer has a deep identification with it. ─── 他总结道菲茨杰拉德虽然鄙夷作品中任何形式的女性气质,但是他本身却和这种气质有许多共通点。

78、He severely criticised Buddhism,Taoism,reckoned those two ideologies as despising standard rules,deserting human relations and destroying production. ─── 他对佛教、道教和道家作了猛烈的批判,认为佛、老的危害主要表现在淆乱圣学、背弃人伦、破坏生活与生产等三个方面。

79、It is nothing but the result of despising moral education. ─── 这不外乎是轻视道德教育的结果。

80、When your duties appear stern and severe, and your burdens too heavy to bear, remember that for your sake I endured the cross, despising the shame. ─── 当你觉得你的责任艰难,你的负担沉重时,要记住我曾为你的缘故忍受十架,轻看羞辱。当你因难堪的试炼而畏缩退避时,要记住你的救赎主是长远活著在为你祈求。

81、The present problems were analysed:the higher scholarship inconsistent with actual alility despising clinical thinking and stressing utilitarianisn. ─── 分析目前存在的问题,高学历与实际能力不符、轻视临床思维分析、功利主义思想严重。

82、The thought of attaching import to agriculture and despising commerce ─── 重农轻工商思想

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