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09-12 投稿



foreclosed 发音

英:[f???kl??zd]  美:[f??r?klo?zd]

英:  美:

foreclosed 中文意思翻译



foreclosed 词性/词形变化,foreclosed变形

形容词: foreclosable |动词过去分词: foreclosed |动词过去式: foreclosed |动词现在分词: foreclosing |动词第三人称单数: forecloses |

foreclosed 短语词组

1、foreclosed houses 47362 ─── 止赎房屋47362

2、foreclosed va ─── 取消抵押品赎回权

3、foreclosed homes in vineland nj ─── 新泽西州vineland的止赎房屋

4、foreclosed homes for sale ─── 止赎房屋出售

5、foreclosed houses ─── 取消抵押品赎回权的房屋

foreclosed 相似词语短语

1、forecloses ─── vt.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权;vi.取消抵押品赎回权

2、eclosed ─── 已关闭

3、foreclosures ─── n.取消抵押品赎回权;取消抵押品赎回权的法律手续(foreclosure的复数形式)

4、foreboded ─── v.预示;预感;预兆

5、forechosen ─── 前院

6、foreclose ─── vt.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权;vi.取消抵押品赎回权

7、foreclosing ─── vt.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权;vi.取消抵押品赎回权

8、foreclosure ─── n.丧失抵押品赎回权

9、reclosed ─── vt.再次接通;重闭

foreclosed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They will list individuals and companies that have had judgments rendered against them, that have had properties foreclosed, or that are behind on their payments. ─── 一些个人或公司作为被告方,他们必须把他们抵押的房子卖掉。

2、A bank foreclosed on his biggest house. ─── 银行取消了他最大的一个房子的赎回权。

3、Doctor Mongolia,you're right.We originally foreclosed myself as doctore Wu,and this time it's worthy of the name. ─── 蒙古大夫。哈哈,说得好,我们本来就自号伍大夫,这回真名副其实了。

4、Stays neatly in place without adhesives, can be moved outside for heavy cleaning or transferred to a new location when your home is foreclosed. ─── 保持整洁的地方粘合剂,可移动外部重型清洗或转移到新的位置时,您的家庭是法人。

5、On top of theirother troubles, the couple said they were forced to move into a homelessshelter a few weeks ago after a relative's home where they were stayingwas foreclosed on. ─── 他们表示,眼下最大的问题是,他们此前寄居的亲戚房子被止赎收回后,一家三口几周前被迫搬进了一个流浪者收容所。

6、Foreclosure n.The act of foreclosing, especially a legal proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed. ─── 抵押品赎回权的丧失:取消抵押品赎回权的行为,尤其指取消收回抵押品权利的法律程序。

7、She said she would have no guilt about swooping in on some foreclosed owner who had bought a place he could not afford. ─── 她说她扑向那些因为买下负担不起的地方而房屋要被抵押收回的屋主之时,会毫无内疚之感。

8、And foreclosed properties now owned by the bank are worth far less than their original loan amount. ─── 现在由银行所拥有的止赎房的价值远远低于其原始贷款价值。

9、Sales of previously owned homes in America rose by 7.2% in July compared with June, the biggest jump since 1999, as buyers took advantage of cheaper prices and a glut of foreclosed properties. ─── 7月的二手房销售较6月增长了7.2%,这是自1999年来最大的增幅。购房者在价格上和大量的被取消赎回权的不同产上占足了便宜。

10、Some claim they never knew they were foreclosed on or tell me that they have worked something out with their lender. ─── 有的人声称自己从未接到驱赶令,或者告诉我他们已经和所有者商量好了通融。

11、The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, company shows foreclosed commercial property to mainland buyers. ─── 这家位于宾夕法尼亚洲匹兹堡市的公司向大陆买家们展示了已被取消赎回权的商业地产。

12、They're trying very hard to protect them from all this, but they're going to lose that home in a couple of months. It has been foreclosed. ─── 他们在非常努力地保护他们不受这一切的影响,但他们会在几个月内失去自己的房屋。它已经丧失了抵押权。

13、Chang, Chin-Oh, and Chien-An, Wang, The Puzzle of the Discount Price for the Foreclosed House: Does the Factor of Competition Explain more Discount? ─── 张金鹗与王健安,2008,法拍屋折价之谜:市场竞争程度是否更能解释折价?交大管理学报,已被接受即将刊登。

14、Now that John Paxson has foreclosed any short-term possibility of the Bulls' dealing for Kobe Bryant, let's speculate about the consequences. ─── 既然帕克森否定了短期内公牛与湖人就科比交易的可能性,那么现在就让我们来推测一下结果。

15、You don't need thousands of dollars to invest in the stock market or foreclosed homes to take advantage of the economic downturn. ─── 首先,你必须采取必要的措施,在你所选的职业上,尽你最大努力成为最有学识的人。

16、Not long ago the town hired his company to treat an epidemic of dead lawns fronting its more than 1,100 foreclosed homes. ─── 不久前,这个小镇聘请他的公司处理镇上1,100多家法拍屋前不断蔓延的死亡草坪。

17、The bank foreclosed immediately on Ralph. ─── 银行立即取消了拉尔夫的抵押品赎回权。

18、These unfortunates will find that, while their career prospects aren’t permanently foreclosed, the odds of great success are diminished. ─── 这些不幸的人们将发现,尽管他们的职业前景并不会总是受阻,但成功的几率大打折扣。

19、Go to a fund that is buying up foreclosed homes in Las Vegas. ─── 到一家在拉斯维加斯收购止赎房屋的基金。

20、That is partly the result of banks trying to resell homes they have foreclosed on because owners could not make higher payments on adjustable-rate mortgages. ─── 银行因为房主在房贷利率调整后不能支付更高的贷款而收回这些房子后试图重新出售这些房子也是造成这种现象的部分原因。

21、A sharp increase in foreclosed properties for sale could also weaken the already struggling housing market and thus, potentially, the broader economy. ─── 急剧上升,在外待售物业还可以削弱已经挣扎的房屋市场,因此潜在的,更广泛的经济。

22、Earlier this week, the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales posted an unexpected increase last month, but the sales were mostly of foreclosed homes. ─── 本星期早些时候,美国全国房地产经纪人协会表示,上个月房屋销售意外增加,但销售的大多是银行收回的违约抵押贷款房屋。

23、Other aspects of the regulatory scheme imposed by Congress may also support the inference that Congress has completely foreclosed state legislation in a particular area. ─── 国会在法令中施加的其他规定也可能支持这样一种推论,即国会在某一具体领域已完全预先排除了州立法。

24、Could now be the Best Time to Buy a California Foreclosed Home? ─── 买加州法拍屋,现在正是时候?

25、The act of foreclosing, especially a legal proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed. ─── 使服从取消抵押品赎回权程序;剥夺抵押人赎回抵押的权利。

26、When repossessed homes are neglected, property values plummet for both the foreclosed houses and the surrounding properties. ─── 当二手屋閒置荒废,因法拍屋波及周遭的房地产而使房价直直落。

27、Wachter, the University of Pennsylvania economist said, and a restructuring of troubled mortgages in order to reduce the number of foreclosed homes flooding the market. ─── 如果银行预计房价会继续下跌,他们就不愿发放贷款,哪怕在他们有充足资本的情况下也是如此;

28、Then, your house will be foreclosed by the bank. ─── 那么你的房子就会被银行收回去拍卖。

29、But the promise not to raise taxes except on the rich foreclosed that approach. ─── 但是,只对富人增加税率的承诺将这一途径排除在外。

30、Now that the moratoriums have been lifted, expect to see more foreclosed properties to be put on the market, he said. ─── 他说,既然延期偿付已经结束了,可以期望看到更多的丧失抵押权的房屋被推向市场。

31、Flippers swoop in at public auctions of foreclosed homes, known as trustee or sheriff sales. ─── 炒房者纷纷涌向止赎房屋的公开拍卖会,即所谓的受托拍卖或法庭拍卖。

32、Fannie Mae said it will set aside the loan of a woman who shot herself as sheriff's deputies tried to evict her from her foreclosed home. ─── 房里美再也不要自杀了的妇人交她的房子的抵押贷款了。大家是否都要学这一招?

33、And some experts believe prices will continue to fall, in part because lenders are now trying to sell millions of foreclosed properties. ─── 一些专家认为价格将继续下跌,部分原因是贷款人现在正试图出售止赎物业的百万美元。

34、The bank foreclosed(on the mortgage). ─── 该银行已取消(对该抵押品的)赎取权.

35、foreclosed assets ─── 没收的抵押财产

36、Can you get a mortgage allowing you to bid on a foreclosed property? ─── 按揭流|标签:买入,没收财产,财产拍卖,房地产经纪人,技术挑战

37、Most of the uptick in sales took place in lower price ranges as more foreclosed homes came on the market. ─── 由于更多因无力还贷而被银行收回的房屋上市出售,销售量上涨的情况大部分集中在低价房范围内。

38、Yep: the payback time for the mortgage is coming and US is being foreclosed - slowly but surely. ─── 上海通用能比我们的政府经营得好,所以还是让他们拥有吧。

39、In areas hit hardest, especially cities in Sunbelt states, foreclosed homes often sell at half the price. ─── 在住房市场遭受重创的地区,尤其是在美国南部和西南诸州,止赎房屋通常都是按照半价出售。

40、They support expanding programs that restructure troubled mortgages to prevent a flood of foreclosed homes from coming on the market and driving prices below their traditional level. ─── 他们希望能够有方案来重组问题房贷以防止断供房大量涌进市场,并将房价打压至历史低位。

41、Even if the bank foreclosed on their homes,the value of the houses was considerably less than the loans the banks had made them. ─── 因为有那么多的人都对抵押贷款做出了投资,每个人都损失惨重。

42、The act of foreclosing,especially a legal proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed. ─── 抵押品赎回权的丧失取消抵押品赎回权的行为,尤其指取消收回抵押品权利的法律程序

43、Home sales are starting to pick up, although much of the activity involves people snapping up bargain-priced foreclosed properties. ─── 房地产的销售开始加速,尽管一些交易是人们出手抄底一些低价,丧失抵押品赎回权的房产。

44、The bank foreclosed a mortgage on the property. ─── 银行取消了抵押人的财产赎回权。

45、Mary Ann Smith watches as an eviction team removes furniture from her foreclosed house February 2, 2009 in Adams County, Colorado. ─── 玛丽安史密斯作为驱逐队手表去除家具没收她的房子2009年2月2日在亚当斯县。

46、James Chou of Coldwell Banker George Realty said that potential investors were keen to see foreclosed homes, but he warned that "I don't think they know much about the market here. ─── 侨福地产的詹姆斯说,潜在投资者对那些为偿还贷款而拍卖的房子非常感兴趣。但他也警告:“我认为他们不太了解这里的市场。”

47、It may be that your car is being repossessed, the house is being foreclosed, a close friend or relative or even you yourself may be battling poor health. ─── 或许你的车被卖了,或者你抵押贷款的房子被处理了,再或者你的朋友或者亲人甚至你自己正在跟病魔做斗争。

48、A television audience with a grisly eagerness for depression stories was meant to conclude that California's middle class, being foreclosed upon en masse, was now living in shantytowns. ─── 大量的电视观众带着过分的好奇心期盼听到沮丧的故事,这意味着很多被取消赎回权的加州的中产阶级现在正住在临时棚户区。

49、When they defaulted in their payments,the bank foreclosed on the car. ─── 因他们拖欠赎款,银行取消了赎回汽车的权利。

50、You don't want to push the process to the point where it breaks down irretrievably and you have foreclosed the possibility of a solution between the two sides. ─── 你不希望把这个进程逼到一个无可弥补的破裂边缘,从而使双方不再可能达成一个解决办法。”

51、He said the next step would be to find a way to rent, sell or dispose of foreclosed homes that are weighing on already depressed prices. ─── 他透露,下一步将是寻找恰当方式出租、销售或处置止赎的房屋,因止赎房屋正拖累本已疲软的楼价。

52、These unfortunates will find that, while their career prospects aren't permanently foreclosed, the odds of great success are diminished. ─── 那些不幸的人发现,他们的事业前途不会总是阻力但成功的几率大打折扣。

53、The group will focus on houses foreclosed during the subprime mortgage crisis, priced at RMB250000-700000. ─── 购房团重点看的房子基本都是受美国次贷危机影响的断供房,售价在人民币25万元至70万元之间。

54、10. Should I invest in foreclosed homes? ─── 我是否应该投资止赎房屋?

55、The trade group said first-time home buyers accounted for half of all purchases in the quarter, and many of them zeroed in on foreclosed homes. ─── 这家行业组织说,第一季度购房者有一半是首次购房,其中许多人都将目标放在止赎房屋上。

56、Our plan will help more families avoid foreclosure and give cities the chance to rehabilitate foreclosed homes and put them back on the market," he said. ─── 我们的计划将帮助更多的家庭避免因为交不起贷款利息而被代管机构没收住房,让市政府有机会为被没收的房屋恢复元气,重新上市出售。”

57、The subprime mortgage crisis has hit.America is homeless, broke, foreclosed, and in the midst of a financial crisis. ─── 次级信贷风暴使美国人无家可归,他们的房子被收回,家庭破产。

58、The new house, like so many she deals with, was trashed by the previous owners, who were angry at being foreclosed on. ─── 这个新房子,和她经手的其它房子一样,也被前房主搞得乱七八糟。原因是他们因为房子被收回而恼怒不已。

59、The building society had to have its pound of flesh and foreclosed on my mortgage when I was only a few months in arrears with the repayments. ─── 我仅仅拖欠偿还钱款几个月,这个房屋互助协会就来无情地索债,取消了我的抵押品赎回权。

60、One said he was waiting for the "distress to deepen" so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes. ─── 一人说,他正在等待这次“危难深化”,以便他乘虚而入,从那些被取消了抵押权的房屋和飞机里捞一票。

61、sent advice that the mortgage would be foreclosed; ─── 通知他们抵押品将被取消赎回权;

62、President Bush had objected to a provision giving nearly four-billion dollars to communities to buy and repair foreclosed property. ─── 布希总统过去一直反对向社区提供近40亿美元购买和维修被房屋贷款机构没收的房屋。

63、With stock prices low, they’re going to snap up acquisitions the way real estate speculators have been snapping up foreclosed property. ─── 随着股票价格降低,他们将以房地产投机抢购不可赎回财产的方式进行并购。

64、In the states where home prices have fallen the most, many local real-estate markets are dominated by foreclosed property, dragging down the value of neighboring homes. ─── 在房价下跌最惨的州,很多当地房地产市场都被止赎房产所主宰,从而拖累了周边房屋的价格。

65、Even where Congress has not completely foreclosed state regulation, a state statute is void to the extent that it actually conflicts with a valid federal statute. ─── 即使在某领域国会并未完全排除州立法,一个州法令如果与某一有效的联邦法令产生实际的冲突,就是无效的。

66、Each state has varying laws regarding foreclosures and it would do well for you to check Michigan laws regarding the procedure of selling and buying foreclosed properties. Unlike s ... ─── 密歇根州取消抵押品赎回权出售,房屋抵押品赎回权密歇根州,密歇根州丧失抵押品赎回权的房屋,

67、bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home. ─── 银行取消了他先前住房的抵押赎回权。

68、The bank foreclosed (on the mortgage). ─── 该银行已取消(对该抵押品的)赎取权。

69、Home prices have been particularly weak for foreclosed homes, so reducing the number of homes going into foreclosure could help support prices, he said. ─── 他认为,止赎房屋的价格已经变得非常低迷,因此减少进入止赎的房屋数量可能有助于支撑房价。

70、That leaves an unknown number of foreclosed homes -- estimated by some analysts to total several million -- to likely hit the market over the next few years. ─── 这使得数量未知的止赎房屋可能会在今后几年里冲击市场,据一些分析师估计约有数百万套。

71、Go to a fund that is buying up foreclosed homes in Las Vegas. ─── 那么到一家在拉斯维加斯收购止赎房屋的基金。

72、The Bank foreclosed on the mortgage. ─── 银行取消了该抵押品的赎回权。


短语可没收的confiscable;forfeitable;sequestrable;confiscable forfeitable被没收的confiscate;konfisziert该没收的forfeitable被没收的股份forfeitedshare没收的抵押财产foreclosed assets;foreclosed a ets报废的没收的condemned没收的货物condemned goods不能没收的条件non forfeiture condition被没收的物品things confiscated


短语 可没收的confiscable;forfeitable;sequestrable;confiscable forfeitable 被没收的confiscate;konfisziert 该没收的forfeitable 被没收的股份forfeitedshare 没收的抵押财产foreclosed assets;foreclosed a ets 报废的没收的condemned 没收的货物condemned goods 不能没收的条件non forfeiture condition 被没收的物品things confiscated

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