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09-12 投稿



hypothetic 发音


英:  美:

hypothetic 中文意思翻译



hypothetic 词性/词形变化,hypothetic变形

动词第三人称单数: hypothesizes |动词过去式: hypothesized |动词过去分词: hypothesized |动词现在分词: hypothesizing |

hypothetic 同义词

hypothetic 反义词


hypothetic 短语词组

1、hypothetic structure ─── 假设结构

2、hypothetic deduction ─── 假设扣除额

hypothetic 相似词语短语

1、hypothesis ─── n.假设

2、hypothermic ─── adj.体温过低的;低体温的

3、hypotactic ─── adj.主从结构的;从属关系的

4、hypothetize ─── 抵押

5、hyposthenic ─── 低能的

6、hypothetise ─── 抵押

7、hypothec ─── n.抵押权,担保权

8、homothetic ─── adj.类似的,同位相似的

9、hypothetical ─── adj.假设的;爱猜想的

hypothetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hypothetic traffic ─── 假设流量

2、Application of the Hypothetic Liquidation Method in Valuation of Non-performing Financial Claims ─── 金融不良债权评估中假设清算法的应用

3、The process of dilatancy prior to earthquakes is discussed on the basis of this hypothetic model. ─── 最后,在这一假定模式的基础上,讨论了地震前的扩容过程。

4、Hypothetic Test under the Condition of the Unknown Total Variance and Expentancy ─── 未知总体方差和数学期望条件下的假设检验

5、A Probe into the Two Puzzles in the Teaching of the Hypothetic Test ─── 关于假设检验中两个问题的教学探讨

6、After reviewing on historical literatures, we propose a hypothetic model which is to be examined by quantitive statistics. ─── 两次调查之后,对获得的几百份有效问卷进行统计分析,利用SPSS软件对模型进行验证和修正。

7、A Hypothetic Investigation about the Uncertainty Principle in the Geography Scale ─── 地理尺度问题中不确定性原理的假设探讨

8、This approach offers several hypothetic and some evidence-based advantages. ─── 这种方法在理论上和实际证明都呈现出下列优点。

9、A Hypothetic Investigation about the Uncertainty Principle in the Geography Scale ─── 地理尺度问题中不确定性原理的假设探讨

10、The essay discusses the feasibility and advantage of a hypothetic DSD employed in WEEE reclamation after reviewing the success of DSD applied to the reclamation of waste package. ─── 本文回顾了德国双元系统在包装物回收领域取得的成功,探讨了此系统应用于电子废弃物回收的可行性与优势。

11、"The virtual subject" is the executor of the fictitious or hypothetic network acts on the base of TCP/IP contracts. ─── 摘要“虚拟主体”是指以TCP/IP协议为基础在互联网上虚构、假设的网络行为的实施者。

12、Hypothetic test ─── 假设检验

13、It must be emphasized that these estimates are hypothetic al. ─── 必须强调说明,这些估算都是假定的。

14、In previous research,hypothetic mechanisms were proposed,and factors of influence,such as vapor,were also studied. ─── 在研究过程中,人们探讨了其可能的机理,并对水蒸气等因素的影响作了研究。

15、MALVASIAN: I understand what you're saying, but it seems out of character for our hypothetic scheming battlemage to allow his or her victim to live. ─── 我明白你说的意思,但如果他或她让自己的受害者活下来,就有悖于我们假定的这个战斗法师的本性。

16、take for intance the hypothetic myself. ─── 其实我也倾向于跟谁吵一架。

17、A Comparative Study On the Three Conditions of Abundant Reasons of the Heturidya in Tibetan Area and the Three Forms of Hypothetic Judgments of Formal Logic ─── 藏传因明充足理由之三项条件与形式逻辑假言判断三形式之比较

18、Application of the Hypothetic Liquidation Method in Valuation of Non-performing Financial Claims ─── 金融不良债权评估中假设清算法的应用

19、This approach offers several hypothetic and some evidence-based advantages. ─── 这种方法在理论上和实际证明都呈现出下列优点。

20、rendering parenthetic out of hypothetic ─── 化整为零

21、A Hypothetic Theory on the Repeated-Increase Effect of the System's Demands and the Periodic Breakthrough in the Change of the System ─── 制度需求累增效应假说与制度变迁阶段性突破

22、Hypothetic verification of the correlation between polymorphism in the promoter region-308 of the tumor necrosis factor gene and ankylosing spondylitis ─── 强直性脊柱炎与肿瘤坏死因子基因启动子-308位点多态性相关的假设验证

23、Hypothesis and Hypothetic Test Exited in Price Policy of Medical Service ─── 医疗服务价格政策中的假设和假设检验

24、hypothetic vehicle ─── 假设性喻体

25、Hypothetic technology and Marx's practice viewpoint ─── 虚拟技术与马克思的实践观

26、It is hypothetic coherent face-to-face fight for the purpose of fostering the consciousness of attack and defence and the accuracy and flexibillty of the movements of the body, hands and feet. ─── 五行相克为形意拳界广为流传的拳术对练套路。

27、Can I ask you a hypothetic al question? ─── 我可以问你个假设的问题吗?

28、A Probe into the Two Puzzles in the Teaching of the Hypothetic Test ─── 关于假设检验中两个问题的教学探讨

29、The basic hypothetic is that national culture difference is objective and can not be changed in a certain period of time. ─── 隐含的假设是国家文化差异是客观的,在一定的时期是不变的,而企业在一定的时期是可以建设的。

30、hypothetic question ─── 假设性问题

31、hypothetic reserves ─── 推测储量

32、The word "science" is usually associated with hypothetic analysis. ─── 科学”这个词通常跟假说分析联系在一起。

33、The DSC curves of transition for shape memory alloy particles in the composite can be simulated based on the hypothetic stress state of paticles, which, will help us analyse its real stress state. ─── 利用这一模型,根据假设的复合材料中的形状记忆合金颗粒所受的应力状态,可对其相变DSC曲线进行数值模拟,为记忆合金所处的实际应力状态分析提供参考依据。

34、Nostratic and Eurasiatic are two hypothetic super-families with very remote relations. ─── Nostratic和Eurasiatic是两个具有遥远亲属关系的超级语系假说。

35、The Kullback-Leibler (K-L) distance has been used as a measure for the dissimilarity between the observed distribution and a hypothetic distribution. ─── 距离可用来测量观测丰度分配与假设的丰度分配间的差异度。

36、Hypothetic, tml is the day to end, wat will you do. ─── 假设,天马舰是一天结束,笏将你怎么做。

37、The process of dilatancy prior to earthquakes is discussed on the basis of this hypothetic model. ─── 最后,在这一假定模式的基础上,讨论了地震前的扩容过程。

38、hypothetic observation ─── 假设观测值

39、Hypothetic , tml is the day to end, wat will you do. ─── 假设,天马舰是一天结束,笏将你怎么做。

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