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09-12 投稿


desquamation 发音

英:[[?deskw?'me???n]]  美:[[?deskw?'me???n]]

英:  美:

desquamation 中文意思翻译



desquamation 词性/词形变化,desquamation变形

动词第三人称单数: desquamates |动词过去分词: desquamated |动词过去式: desquamated |动词现在分词: desquamating |名词: desquamation |

desquamation 短语词组

1、furfuraceous desquamation ─── [医] 糠样脱屑

2、epidermal desquamation ─── 表皮脱落

3、desquamation feet ─── 足脱皮

4、desquamation hand ─── 脱皮手

5、membranous desquamation ─── [医] 鳞片样脱屑, 表皮脱屑

6、desquamation definition ─── 脱皮定义

7、desquamation baby ─── 脱皮婴儿

8、oral desquamation ─── [医] 口腔脱屑

9、desquamation define ─── 脱皮

10、siliquose desquamation ─── [医] 荚壳样脱屑

11、desquamation is ─── 脱皮是

12、desquamation burn ─── 脱皮烧伤

desquamation 相似词语短语

1、deplumation ─── n.除去羽毛;换羽毛

2、declamation ─── n.雄辩;朗诵

3、defamation ─── n.诽谤;中伤

4、despumation ─── n.除去杂质,除浮渣

5、desquamative ─── adj.脱屑的;脱皮的

6、desquamate ─── vt.脱皮;脱落;剥落

7、desquamated ─── vt.脱皮;脱落;剥落

8、desquamating ─── vt.脱皮;脱落;剥落

9、squamation ─── 鳞被

desquamation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"BCG scar reaction" and the perianal skin redness, even desquamation may be helpful to make an early diagnosis of KD. ─── 肛周皮损及“卡疤”反应具有早期诊断的价值。

2、Abnormal desquamation ─── 异常脱屑

3、Analysis and Resolvement of Problems of LPSM Desquamation ─── 阻焊油墨脱落问题的分析及对策

4、Analysis and Countermeasure of Rubefaction and Desquamation of the Blackening Film ─── 彩管生产中黑化膜发红、脱落的研究

5、membranous desquamation ─── 表皮剥脱鳞片样脱屑

6、After cleaning the skin, take proper amount of the product and apply evenly on the face, massage gently until the desquamation of the horniness, and then wash with clean water. ─── 洁肤后,取适量本品均匀涂于面部,轻轻揉搓至角质脱落,清水洗净即可。

7、In a few cases of TEN, the skin reactions consisted of desquamation and progressive, generalized pruritus and skin peeling; ─── 少数的TEN案例中,皮肤反应包括脱屑且渐渐恶化,全身搔痒症以及脱皮;

8、Winding direction can be carried out (about) the length of the change and the regulation of desquamation. ─── 可以进行缠绕方向(左右)的变更和脱皮长度的调节。

9、siliquose desquamation ─── [医] 荚壳样脱屑

10、Indication: It can be applied to irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, aching pain in the loins and knees, stool dryness, amenorrhea, black complexion without luster, chloasma, desquamation as dryness and acne. ─── 适应人群:月经不调,痛经,腰膝酸痛,大便干燥,闭经,面色黝黑无光泽,黄褐斑,干燥脱皮,暗疮。

11、5 Epithelia of rectum undergo degeneration,necrosis and desquamation(H. ─── 标题: 图5肠粘膜上皮细胞崩解脱落 Fig.

12、desquamation of skin ─── 皮肤脱屑

13、With more advanced diseasethere is a coalescence of crypt abscesses and desquamation of overlying cells toform an ulcer that is limited to the mucosa and submucosa. ─── 伴随更多疑难的疾病,隐窝脓肿集结和覆盖细胞的脱离形成溃疡并仅限于粘膜和粘膜下层。

14、Water uptake, desquamation rate and the corrosion resistance of coatings were also studied by using electrochemical parameters.Top coating chlorinated rubber invalidated in a short time. ─── 同时还利用计算出电化学参数对涂层的吸水率特征、环氧涂层与基体的剥离程度以及涂层的防护性能进行了初步的比较分析。

15、branny desquamation ─── 糠样脱屑

16、Dermatological examination showed ichthyosis-like coarse skin with generalized papules, erythema and desquamation, increased wrinkles and absence of sweat. ─── 腕、踝、膝关节部位大小不等的包块,质软,可活动。

17、Results By TEM authors demonstrated desquamation of endothelial cells,chromatin condensation, vacuolated cytoplasm and other morphological changes similar to atypical apoptosis. ─── 结果电镜下见基底动脉的内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞胞核固缩,胞浆空泡化,类似细胞早期凋亡改变。

18、The ground needs block up to weigh a shop as a result of get damp, mottled desquamation wall skin is eradicated entirely, even new condole supports. ─── 地面由于返潮需要垫高重铺,斑驳脱落的墙皮全部铲除,还要重新吊顶。

19、desquamation of the superficial layers of the skin begins 5 to 10 days after injury ─── 在伤后五至十天,皮肤的表浅层开始脱屑。

20、Significant morphologic changes were cell contraction, plasma membrane blehbing, dilatation of endoplasmie reticulum and mitochondria, vacuolization and necrosis, desquamation of cells. ─── 其形态变化主要为细胞收缩,质膜泡形成,内质网扩张,线粒体肿胀,细胞空泡化及坏死脱落。

21、By surveying, the main deformation and destruction mode of the slope in the researched section of Guilin-Liuzhou expressway are landslide, collapse, and there is desquamation a little. ─── 经调查,桂柳高速公路研究路段内边坡的主要变形破坏形式以滑坡、崩塌为主,剥落为辅,其形成原因与研究路段的地形地貌、地质环境特征有关。

22、epidermal desquamation ─── 表皮剥脱

23、Infertility due to germinal cell desquamation ─── 精细胞脱屑引起的不育症

24、Bright-coloured big red, let both hands have feminine taste more, and colour and lustre is super and abiding, reduce desquamation awkwardness. ─── 鲜艳的大红色,让双手更有女人味,并且色泽超级持久,减少脱落的尴尬。

25、Now prevening and treating skin photoaging by many kinds such as applying preserve formic acid,chemistry desquamation skill,leser. ─── 目前针对皮肤光老化的预防和治疗有多种方法,如外敷维甲酸、化学剥脱术、激光治疗等。

26、The black particles in the mucosa epithelium tissues of normal control group and non-damaged mucosa epithelium and desquamation area were seldom seen. ─── 没有损伤的黏膜上皮细胞及对照组正常筛窦黏膜上皮层内极少见到此空气颗粒物。

27、Contains abundant vitamin, plant albumen essence and natural moisture-locking factors, it can effectively protect your lip from dryness, cracking, and desquamation. ─── 蕴含丰富维他命,植物蛋白精华及天然保湿因子。

28、Moistening maintenance: Containing moisturizing compositions, it helps preventing the occurrence of water insufficiency and desquamation. ─── 保湿:含保湿成份,帮助预防缺水及脱皮现象的出现。

29、The results show that desquamation is the main failure form of the cooling roll,and some correlative preventive measures are given. ─── 通过对冷轧辊失效机理的论述及案例的宏观断口与微观组织分析,指明剥落是冷轧辊的主要失效形式,并提出相应的预防措施。

30、Keywords affixed reinforced RC beam;the FEM modeling;the desquamating judge;checking formula of the desquamation;the modify formula of the resist shearing capability; ─── 表面粘贴加固混凝土梁;有限元模型;剥离准则;剥离验算式;抗剪承载力修正式;

31、A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules, erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage. ─── 患儿女,4岁,全身皮肤弥漫性丘疹、红斑、脱屑,大关节处皮下结节伴进行性眼损害3年。

32、Diagnose condition has 2: It is desquamation kidney tit is found in make water necrotic organization, pathology examination is belonged to solid; ─── 确诊条件有二:一是尿中找到脱落的肾乳头坏死组织,病理检查属实;

33、It has the good effect on reddish swelling, desquamation, tarnish and red blood streak, appropriate for frail and sensitive skin. ─── 对于敏感导致的红肿、脱屑、晦暗及红血丝有舒缓作用,适合脆弱敏感人士。

34、The desquamation that young branch is begun sexual bristle, be mixed closely by small fluff scale; ─── 幼枝被开展的脱 落性刚毛,并密被微柔毛和鳞片;

35、Excogitated process of desquamation chemically of fresh ginger which can be capable of carry out large quantities of production,in order to carry out collectively and effectively production. ─── 对鲜姜的外皮进行选择性腐蚀,实现化学方法脱皮,研制出实用于山区农村的脱皮剂和其它制剂。

36、The Treatment of Womb Desquamation in Two Dairy Cows ─── 二例奶牛子宫脱的治疗

37、Results One of the teeth had pulp necrosis one year after treatment resulted from desquamation of covered material. ─── 结果其中一颗牙齿在治疗后一年因修复体脱落而致牙髓坏死。

38、lamellar desquamation of the newborn ─── 新生儿片状脱屑

39、It alleviates the skin desquamation , maintains surface moisturizing membrane and reproduces elastic skin. ─── 减轻肌肤脱屑情况,维护表面保湿膜,重建肌肤自然弹性。

40、desquamation rate ─── 脱落度

41、The Reasons and Solutions on Size Desquamation of the High Warp Density Fabric during Water-Jet Weaving ─── 喷水织机中高经密织物落浆原因及措施

42、Using the imported special antirust paint prevents desquamation and regimentation. ─── 采用进口特殊防锈涂料防止脱皮和类别。

43、Increased desquamation ─── 脱屑增加

44、Keywords fresh ginger;desquamation chemically; ─── 鲜姜;化学脱皮;

45、Eczema, Urticaria and Atopic Dermatitis are clinic common irritability dermatosis but not easy to treat, which all possess symptom with skin flush, tumefaction, macula, canker, desquamation, and itchy. ─── 摘要湿疹、蕁麻疹与异位性皮肤炎是临床常见又不容易治疗的过敏性皮肤病,三者都具有皮肤发红、肿胀、斑疹、溃烂、脱屑、瘙癢等症状。

46、Results One of the teeth had pulp necrosis one year after treatment resulted from desquamation of covered material. ─── 结果其中一颗牙齿在治疗后一年因修复体脱落而致牙髓坏死。

47、oral desquamation ─── [医] 口腔脱屑

48、It alleviates the skin desquamation, maintains surface moisturizing membrane and reproduces elastic skin. ─── 减轻肌肤脱屑情况,维护表面保湿膜,重建肌肤自然弹性。

49、Moistening maintenance: Containing moisturizing compositions, it helps preventing the occurrence of water insufficiency and desquamation. ─── 保湿: 含保湿成份, 帮助预防缺水及脱皮现象的出现。

50、The analysis shows that the beforehand physical defects and carbonization may be the reason for barrier's desquamation. ─── 观察分析结果表明膜层脱落的原因是预存的物理缺陷以及碳化所致。

51、analysis shows that the beforehand physical defects and carbonization may be the reason for barrier's desquamation. ─── 分析结果表明膜层脱落的原因是预存的物理缺陷以及碳化所致。

52、Localized desquamation ─── 局部脱屑

53、Keywords Zirconium hydride;Barrier;Desquamation;Carbonization; ─── 氢化锆;阻挡层;剥落;碳化;

54、The desquamation of affixed reinforced rc beam is studied in this paper. ─── 本文对表面粘贴加固混凝土梁的剥离进行了研究。

55、Repeat the same treatment every day or once in two days accordi-ng to the desquamation situation. ─── 根据脱发轻重,每天或隔天1次。

56、Shoulder parts of both edges of the hanger are also provided with identical anti-desquamation elastic pieces (2 and 3). ─── 在衣架的两边肩部也安装有同样的防脱弹片(2、3)。

57、The analysis shows that the beforehand physical defects and carbonization may be the reason for barrier's desquamation. ─── 观察分析结果表明膜层脱落的原因是预存的物理缺陷以及碳化所致。

58、Drop hair, it is the desquamation that points to whole hair, from wool bursa the organization was dropped to hair tip. ─── 掉发,是指整根头发的脱落,从毛囊组织到发梢都掉了下来。

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