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09-12 投稿


handily 发音

英:['h?nd?l?]  美:['h?nd?li]

英:  美:

handily 中文意思翻译



handily 网络释义

adv. 方便地;敏捷地;灵巧地

handily 词性/词形变化,handily变形

名词: handiness |形容词最高级: handiest |形容词比较级: handier |

handily 短语词组

1、handily index ─── 方便地索引

2、handily wins ─── 轻松获胜

3、handily mean ─── 卑鄙的

4、handily defeated ─── 轻松击败

5、handily syn ─── 轻松同步

6、handily meaning ─── 易懂的意思

7、handily synonym ─── 方便的同义词

8、handily shortened ─── 方便地缩短

9、handily definition ─── 轻松定义

10、handily by the back door ─── 就在后门

11、handily classified ─── 易分类

12、handily Charge ─── 轻松充电

13、handily defeats ─── 轻松击败

14、handily won ─── 轻松获胜

handily 相似词语短语

1、handism ─── n.对左撇子或右撇子的歧视

2、handbill ─── n.传单;招贴;广告单

3、handier ─── Handy的比较级形式,handy+er。

4、dandily ─── 花花公子

5、handing ─── n.管理;处理方法;操纵;v.交给;支持(hand的ing形式)

6、randily ─── 日期

7、unhandily ─── adv.笨拙地;不灵巧地

8、handsy ─── adj.毛手毛脚的,到处乱摸的

9、handle ─── v.(用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);(车辆)按特定方式作出反应;处理;对付(某人或某事);有办法应付;经营;接受(或经营)赃物;泰然承受;(车辆容易或难以)驾驶;运送(货物);n.(门的)把手;柄;(织物等的)手感;(非正式)(人或地方的)称呼;(非正式)赌注总额

handily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You might think that the plunge in global trade since November would have handily settled the long-running debate among economists over how much China depends on exports for its growth. ─── 或许认为,随着去年11月以来全球贸易大幅萎缩,经济学家围绕中国经济对出口依存度的长期争论也已随之有了定论。

2、The telephone, clock, and radio are handily located by the patients bedside ─── 电话,钟和无线电就放在病床边,非常方便

3、We're handily placed for (ie within a short distance of) the shopping centre. ─── 我们距离购物中心不远, 非常方便.

4、He went on to win handily in the Senate race that autumn, capturing an overwhelming 70 percent of the popular vote. ─── 后来,他在那年秋季的参议员选举中以70%的选票轻而易举地获胜。

5、They won the first two games handily, and today they get 10-23 Memphis. ─── 他们轻松取得了前两场比赛的胜利,今天他们所要面对的是只有10胜23负的灰熊队。

6、They've shown a lot in beating Dallas and New Orleans so handily. ─── 在轻松拿下对阵小牛和黄蜂的比赛中,他们显现出了强大的实力。

7、He comes back into the bar, handily flips his gun into the air, catches it above his head without even looking and fires a shot into the ceiling. ─── 他回到酒吧,利落将把他的枪抛向空中,然后看都不看的在他头的上方抓住它,并迅速的向天花板开枪。

8、Whether it was Leon Powe's 21 points in Game 2 or James Posey's 18 points in Game 4, the Celtics bench may have been the reason they won the series as handily as they did. ─── 许多专家和学者预测湖人会赢得和凯尔特人的系列赛的一个主要原因就是湖人的板凳深度要更雄厚,但是凯尔特人的替补的表现超出人们的预期水准。

9、To defeat handily or decisively. ─── 重击毫不费力地或决定性地击败

10、3.she beat him handily. ─── 她轻而易举地就打败了他。

11、English Introduction: I draw amounts not producing water"handily work. ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"最真的梦"这个小游戏,量我画不出"水",随手作品

12、Pass small-sized probe and bougie fittings, the user explores exterior installing device OK and handily. ─── 经由过程小型探头及探针配件,用户能够精练地探测概况安置器件。

13、Handily the type pneumatic designs, long stroke of power head ─── 轻巧台式气动,超长行程设计

14、Once at full speed, Mr.Pistorius handily won the 100 and 200 meters here at the Paralympic World Cup on May 13, an international competition for disabled athletes. ─── 皮斯托留斯5月13日在英国曼彻斯特的帕拉林匹克世界杯比赛中全力冲刺,轻松赢得100公尺和200公尺短跑冠军,这是为残障运动员举办的国际竞赛。

15、He handily defeated former governor Faubus in the primary and won the general election over Governor Rockefeller in a landslide. ─── 他轻而易举就在初选中击败了前州长福伯斯,并在普选中以压倒性的优势战胜了洛克菲勒州长。

16、Thanks to cost cutting, Google (GOOG) handily beat profit expectations, but it offered no assurance that overall business conditions would turn around anytime soon. ─── 由于削减成本,谷歌(GOOG)的利润超出预期,但它没有提供任何保证,总体经营状况将扭转的迹象

17、Through using these features, cavity's geometry model based on three-dimensional pattern can be built rapidly, handily and exactly, design of shaped parts of cavity mould can be realized. ─── 利用这几种特征,可以根据制品的三维模型快速、简便、准确地建 立模腔的几何模型,可以实现型腔模具成型零件的设计。

18、The system has already been put into practice, the result shows that it is designed reasonable, running steadily, operated handily and satisfies user’s basal requirements. ─── 该系统现已投入应用,实践证明系统设计合理,界面美观,操作方便,运行稳定,满足了用户的基本要求。

19、We're handily placed for the train station. ─── 我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。

20、The carpenter works handily. ─── 木工熟练地工作。

21、When you set a player to man mark the opposition, you can compare their top line stats and - handily - height, so you don't put a tiny defender up against a huge forward by mistake. ─── 当你设置一名球员来盯防对手,你可以比较一下他们的顶线能力值而且达到很熟练的高度,所以你不用错误的投放一名矮小的后卫来应对一名高大的前锋。

22、He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling. ─── 他回到酒吧,熟练地把枪抛到空中,连看都不看就在头顶把枪接住,朝天花板开了一枪。

23、Handily, the research suggests an optimal method for successfully swatting a fly. ─── 这项研究就这样找到了一种成功拍死苍蝇的好方法。

24、Count the letters and spaces in that sentence: you'll see that it handily adds up to 44! Convenient, huh? ─── 我们数一下这句话中的空格与字母就可以看到答案确确实实是44个字符——看看,是不是很正确呢?

25、The telephone, clock, and radio were handily located by the patients bedside. ─── 电话,钟和无线电就放在病床边,非常方便。

26、Mr Brown was lucky that the last global downturn, precipitated by the dotcom crash, coincided with a surge in public spending that had, handily, already been planned. ─── 官方11月份零售业数据很弱,这导致了本月早些时候零售商的股票价格下跌。

27、We're handily placed for the train station. ─── 我们被安置在去火车站近的地方。

28、Microsoft handily addresses this problem with an expansion combutcon or drop-down menu that appears only when a toolbar is partly obscured, and provides access to hidden items via a drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 23-5. ─── 微软通过扩展组合图标按钮或下拉菜单方便地解决了这个问题,下拉菜单只在工具栏部分遮蔽时才出现,并且可以通过下拉菜单访问隐藏的菜单项,如图23-5所示。

29、Examples for Handily Using Steel Ball ─── 巧用钢球几例

30、He handily defeated his challengers. ─── 他轻而易举地打败了向他挑战的人。

31、Next generation JDK provide kind of substantial library and tool, make develop personnel to be able to build portable distributed business more handily to use a system. ─── 下一代 JDK 提供丰富的类库和工具,使开发人员能够更加简便地建立可移动分布式企业应用系统。

32、Computers now have a rapidly growing capacity to transform data into recognizable patterns or images that allow us to use them handily. ─── 计算机在将数据变换成我们可灵活运用的可识别的图形或图像方面的能力正在快速地增长。

33、Instead, the Lakers will see the same methodical defense-driven bunch that beat them handily in San Antonio, 107-92, on Nov. 13. ─── 相反,他们将面对的是防守极强的圣安东尼奥马刺队,在11月13日就曾被马刺以107比92击败。

34、An apricot-and-Bing-cherry crumble achieved a golden ratio of sweet topping to tart filling, handily trumping peanut-butter fritters and a geometric chocolate-and-hazelnut mille-feuille. ─── 这是一道杏子和樱桃做馅撒着面包屑的金黄色的甜味一流的小馅饼,王牌是花生酱和几何形状的榛子巧克力蛋糕。

35、He handily defeated former governor Faubus in the primary and won the general election over Governor Rockefeller in a landslide. ─── 他轻而易举就在初选中击败了前州长福伯斯,并在普选中以压倒性的优势战胜了洛克菲勒州长。

36、The system based-on FPGA and PCI bus architecture updates software and hardware handily, economizes cost. ─── 这种基于FPGA可编程芯片、PCI总线结构的设计非常灵活,易于模块化、系统软硬件升级方便,节约成本。

37、to win handily ─── 轻易取胜

38、Application: Exchange your worn-out heels handily and immediately ─── 专利用途:简便、快速地更换已磨损的鞋跟

39、He turned in some wonderful performances; none more so than the display that saw him almost single handily deny Blackburn Rovers from reaching the FA Cup Final. ─── 他有着一些惊人的表现:最好的是他几乎是一个人拒绝了布莱克本进入足总杯决赛的想法。

40、Meanwhile, President Bush handily defeated Pat Buchanan in both states, effectively ending his challenge. ─── 与此同时,老布什总统轻而易举地在这两个州击败了帕特.布坎南,有力地结束了他提出的挑战。

41、work handily ─── 熟练地工作

42、4.He paddled the canoe handily. ─── 他十分熟练地用桨划独木舟。

43、The new-style stage control system is needed to be not only novel but also more dependable and handily operational. ─── 新型的计算机舞台控制系统不但要标新立异,实现更多的功能,其可靠性和易操作性也必须达到新的高度。

44、A smattering of Labour MPs blamed Gordon Brown for the party's defeat in a by-election for a seat in Norwich, which was won handily by the Conservatives. ─── 零星的几个工党议员指责戈登.布朗因为其政党在诺威奇补选席位中败北,而由保守党轻松赢得。

45、The price is a bit cheap, and construction is installed handily, freely. ─── 价格稍便宜,而且施工简便、免费安装。

46、Lagarde appears to have enough support in Europe, the United States and China to handily defeat any potential challengers to head the IMF. ─── 拉加尔德似乎已经获得欧洲、美国和中国足够多的支持,能够轻松击败任何挑战IMF总裁职位的对手。

47、The company expects sales in Africa to grow by an annual 10-13% over the next few years, handily outstripping economic growth. ─── 该公司预期接下来的数年里在非洲的销售额每年可以增长10-13%,凌驾于非洲的经济增长之上。

48、The diversified ways of patching, the handily linking of similar dialogues, and the writer's proper structural models bring readers a new reading feeling. ─── 多样化的拼贴方式,相似对话的巧妙衔接,特有的结构模型,均给读者带来新的阅读感受。

49、Controlled the Taiwan crown the great size display monitor to gather many kinds of functions, other position distribution was reasonable, operates handily. ─── 中控台顶部的大尺寸显示屏集合了多种功能,其他键位分布合理,操作得心应手。

50、" Instead, he discovered that over every 20-year span he examined but one, stocks handily beat bonds. ─── 相反,他发现在他的调查之中显示除了第一个之后每经过一个20年的跨度,股票轻而易举地击败证券。

51、When you have something like that and have a guy like Gasol who can shoot a 16-, 17-foot jump shot quite handily, then it makes a problem for a team. ─── 当你出现那样的情况,拥有加索尔这样的大个子,一场比赛出手16-17次,跳投命中率也非常高。这就是球队的纠结所在。

52、The Republican nominee, Sarah Palin, then won the general election handily. ─── 共和党提名人,莎拉?帕琳随后轻松地赢得了州长大选。

53、The Lakers beat us handily in game 3 and without Yao, the chances of success were slim. ─── 湖人在第三场比赛中击败了我们,现在没有了姚明,火箭赢球的希望就更加渺茫了。

54、Public opinion polls indicate Dmitri Medvedev will win handily in the first round. Muscovite Andrei Borodin intends to vote for him. ─── 公共民意测验显示梅德韦杰夫将在第一轮投票中轻松获胜。

55、And it handily allows the bank to sneak past a 10% limit on national deposits. ─── 此外,它还为美国银行在全国储蓄中悄无声息地超过10%的限额提供了方便。

56、Our team won handily. ─── 我队轻而易举地赢了。

57、Rocky Juarez II:W UD, 2006, Las Vegas After a close first fight, wins handily to prove he has plenty left. ─── 罗比.佩顿:2005年,拉斯维加斯,一致点数赢,首次也是唯一一次统一超羽量级头衔。

58、Two Handily Solutions of Electromagnetism Interference(EMI) ─── 巧法解决电磁干扰(EMI)两例

59、The I-Patient is handily discussed inthe bunker room while the real patient keeps the bed alive and ensures that there is a folder bearing his or her name still extant on the computer. ─── 我-患者很方便地能够在地下室讨论,虽然真实的患者呆在床上、确保计算机上仍存留写有他或她名字的文件夹。”

60、The department sold it to the local business and farm leaders, and it passed rather handily, creating a problem for me. ─── 公路部说服了各地企业界和农牧业的领袖,该计划轻而易举地获得通过,却给我造成了麻烦。

61、The pump is portable because of its compact construction and is to serve handily and easily. ─── 这个压力泵是便携式的,因为它结构紧凑,可以方便简单的操作。

62、Port of net of aether of compositive type 10/100 joins OK and handily network. ─── 集成式10/100以太网端口可以简便地连接网络。

63、This pillow is light and handily, easy to use, the massage range is great, dynamics is soft, is the ideal choice of neck shoulder massage.It has very good health care function on people's neck. ─── 该按摩枕设计轻巧,使用方便,按摩范围大,力度柔和,是颈肩部按摩的理想选择,它对人的颈部有非常好的保健作用。

64、Believe date application can think disk drive, communication and semiconductor application generate standard weaveform handily inside. ─── 由非 本公司授权机构、人员拆卸而造成的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏;

65、5. Rocky Juarez II:W UD, 2006, Las Vegas After a close first fight, wins handily to prove he has plenty left. ─── 洛奇。苏亚雷斯II:2006,拉斯维加斯,一致点数赢,一番战不相上下,此次轻松赢下,证明了巴雷拉仍具实力。

66、My next-door neighbor Carolyn Yeldell defeated me handily, as she should have. ─── 我的隔壁邻居卡罗琳.耶尔德尔轻而易举地击败了我,她也应该赢。

67、We handily won the boards and our shooting was very good, especially from long range. ─── 我们完全控制了篮板,而且投篮相当不错,特别是外围的投篮。

68、Weicker got just under 42 percent of the vote, enough to beat Duffey handily. ─── 洛厄尔.韦克是个独行侠,后来,他脱离了共和党,以无党派的身份任职于康涅狄格州州长。

69、If you suspect that I'm about to say that EVMS handily solves all of these problems in one fell swoop, then you're absolutely right. ─── 如果您猜测我将会说:EVMS一下子就轻易地解决了所有这些问题,那么您完全正确。

70、food tastes better—it's fresher and organic—and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose: cost cutting. ─── 食物味道更好——更新鲜、更有机——菜园也轻松地实现了它最初的目的:削减成本。

71、1. The telephone, clock, and radio are handily located by the patients bedside. ─── 电话,钟和无线电就放在病床边,非常方便。

72、The machine horsepower is powerful and operated handily. ─── 机械本身结构马力足操作轻巧。

73、Additionally, Google has also handily put a few helpful links on this page to answer some questions you may have. ─── 此外,谷歌还将一些你可以能有的疑问,链接到了这个页面上。

74、Starting in the 1980s, the U.S. saw an extraordinary period of economic quiescence, where growth was steady and policy makers dealt with financial crises handily. ─── 从上世纪80年代开始,美国经历了一段不同寻常的经济平静期,在此期间经济稳定增长,决策者轻松处理了金融危机。

75、Humphrey won handily, with the vote completed at about midnight. ─── 汉弗莱轻松胜出,投票工作于午夜时分全部结束。

76、He handily defeated his challengers. ─── 他轻而易举地打败了向他挑战的人。

77、The company expects sales in Africa to grow by an annual 10-13% over the next few years, handily outstripping economic growth. ─── 该公司预期接下来的数年里在非洲的销售额每年可以增长10-13%,凌驾于非洲的经济增长之上。

78、The Lakers will also be looking to exact revenge on a Hornets squad that beat them handily at home in November 118-104. ─── 湖人队可以借机对黄蜂队十一月在主场118-104击败他们复仇。

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