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09-12 投稿



effluence 发音

英:[?efl??ns]  美:[?efl??ns]

英:  美:

effluence 中文意思翻译



effluence 网络释义

n. 流出;流出物;发射物

effluence 同义词

outflow |emergence | efflux

effluence 词性/词形变化,effluence变形

动词过去分词: effloresced |动词第三人称单数: effloresces |动词现在分词: efflorescing |动词过去式: effloresced |

effluence 反义词


effluence 相似词语短语

1、effluents ─── n.[核][环境]废水(effluent的复数形式)

2、effluent ─── n.污水;流出物;废气;adj.流出的,发出的

3、efference ─── n.离心;输出

4、influence ─── n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;vt.影响;改变

5、affluency ─── n.富裕(等于affluence)

6、fluence ─── n.(神秘的)影响;[物]积分通量

7、effluences ─── n.流出;流出物;发射物

8、effulgence ─── n.灿烂;光辉

9、affluence ─── n.富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚

effluence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Something that flows out or forth; an effluence. ─── 流出或排出的物体;流出物

2、Effluence of Pine Age on Pulping Properties ─── 松木树龄对制浆性能的影响

3、Generally it is dlfficult for the concpntration of COD and NH3-N in coke plant effluence to meet the state standard after secondarily treated by ordinary methods. ─── 焦化废水经过常规的二级处理后,COD和NH3-N往往难以达到国家排放标准。

4、Study on the Effluence of Pigment and Extender on Wet-abrasion Property of Latex Coatings ─── 颜料对乳胶漆耐洗刷性能的影响

5、The economic globalization also brings deep effluence to China, which is like a “double-edged sword”, with opportunities and challenges in it. ─── 经济全球化对我国对外贸易也同样带来了深刻的影响,这种影响如同一把“双刃剑”,有机遇,也有挑战。

6、The results show that under the certain technique conditions,the index of the effluence of bathing wastewater,such as LAS concentration,COD etc,all meet the... ─── 结果表明,在一定技术条件下,洗浴废水的出水LAS,COD等指标均可达到中水回用水质标准,可以作为校园人工湖景观用水。

7、And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow. ─── 突然之间,天空似乎一下子绽出微笑,立时阳光四射,将灿烂的光芒洒向膝腕的树林,使每一片绿叶都兴高采烈,把所有枯黄的落时染成金黄,连肃穆的树木的灰色树干也闪出亮光。

8、hepatic venous effluence ─── 肝静脉流出物

9、In addition, effluence from absorption tower can be discharged up to the standards after neutrnlization, aeration, oxidation, sedimentation and clarification in synthesizing tank. ─── 另外,吸收塔流出液在综合处理中经过中和、曝气、氧化、沉降、澄清等作用,可达标排放。

10、The bio-ceramic contact oxidation and fibre-ball filtration are these ways of strengthen treatment for municipal wastwater primary decontamination effluence. ─── 生物陶粒接触氧化和纤维球过滤,对城市污水一级净化出水的强化处理,效果好、费用低,是高效、低耗的污水处理新技术。

11、And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow . ─── 而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。

12、Keywords Effluence of electrolytic Manganese;Flocculating precipitation;micro-electrolysis;liquid menbrane; ─── 电解锰废水;絮凝沉淀;微电解;液膜;

13、Application of Fractal Theory in Effluence Research of Area Social Economy Development ─── 分形理论在地区社会经济发展影响度研究中的应用

14、Brief Tank on the Factors Putting Effluence on the Sampling Accurate of the Commercial Coal ─── 浅谈商品煤采样准确度的影响因素

15、What makes people youthful is the effluence of emotion and feeling they possess and the range of feelings they can still feel. ─── 令人们年轻的源泉是在流露自己情绪情感的同时也能感知到这些。

16、Objective To learn the effluence of coronary angiography on multi-slice spiral CT with the change of heart rate. ─── 目的探讨心率变化对多层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的影响。

17、To seethe silently with critical thoughts is very foolish, creating disturbing vibrations that affects one's inner peace and is a subtly unpleasant effluence affecting persons around him. ─── 沉湎于挑错思维的人是很不明智的,因为它会带来影响本人内心平安的波动,并辐射至他周围的人。

18、Effluence of Ge on New Donor in CZ Si ─── 中新施主的影响

19、The three Connections and its effluence of modern theory of international relations and international law studies ─── 论现代国际关系理论与国际法研究的三次联结及其影响

20、When the man goes to bed, the sound snoring clearly is from nose about li of effluence. ─── 男人睡觉时打呼噜的声音明明是从鼻子里发出来的。

21、International Hot Money flees hither and thither.The affluence of Hot Money results in the currency appreciation and an effluence results a depreciation. ─── 国际热钱全球流窜,热钱流入任一国则该国货币升值,反之则贬值;

22、It is analyzed how toxic and baneful substance effects the operation system and their effluence is avoided.The improvement suggestion is put forwards for wastewater field troubles also. ─── 分析了生产运行中有毒有害物质对系统的影响以及消除办法。

23、"And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow." ─── 而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。

24、During the course of th e project that municipal sewage is reused for recycling cooling water in domesti c power plant running,occasionally the effluence of clarifier appears to be aci dic in summer. ─── 国内的某个以城市污水为循环冷却水补充水源的工程项目,夏季在运行过程中偶尔会出现澄清池出水呈现酸性的现象。

25、The electric boiler, which has no any smoke and harmful gas effluence, is a fundamental measure for solving the smoke pollution caused by industrial boilers. ─── 电热锅炉没有任何烟尘及有害气体排放,是解决工业锅炉煤烟型污染的根本措施。

26、Something that flows out or forth; an effluence. ─── 流出或排出的物体;流出物

27、Effluence of electrolytic Manganese ─── 电解锰废水

28、Something that flows out or forth;an effluence. ─── 流出或排出的物体;流出物

29、"The dress, so proper was it to little Pearl, seemed an effluence, or inevitable development and outward manifestation of her character," ─── 那身衣裙穿在小珠儿身上恰到好处,俨如她个性的一种流露,或是其必然发展和外部表现

30、Effluence and affluence have a way of going together. ─── 耗费和富裕往往是联系在一起的。

31、The dress, so proper was it to little Pearl, seemed an effluence, or inevitable development and outward manifestation of heR character. ─── 那身衣裙穿在小珠儿身上恰到好处,俨如她个性的一种流露,或是其必然发展和外部表现。

32、Total trend presented that the effluence of the same herbicides on ground community was more than that on plant, and phytophagous arthropod sub-community was more than that of predatory sub-community. ─── 棉花结铃中后期的差异不显著;总的趋势是对地面系统的影响大于棉株系统,植食亚群落大于肉食亚群落;极点排序呈现一致结果。

33、According to the necessity of river effluence trade management and the design principle of information system engineering to establish a river effluence trade management information system. ─── 根据信息系统工程的设计原理建立了河流排污交易管理信息系统。

34、And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow. ─── 而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。

35、Keywords adsorption;multi component mixed gas;effluence curve;mathematics model; ─── 吸附;多元混合气;流出曲线;数学模型;

36、Effluence of physiologic respiration on the spectrum of superior vena cava of health adult ─── 呼吸运动对健康成年人上腔静脉多普勒频谱影响研究

37、Decoloration of azo dyes by photo-reduction and the reuse of dyeing effluence ─── 偶氮染料的光还原脱色及其染色废水的回用研究

38、Do 2002 effluence MAX2 surpass my upper computer play fist emperor going into battle? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>电脑/网络>我电脑上玩拳皇2002发不出MAX2超杀?

39、Keywords River Effluence Information system Environmental quality management Design Computer Trade; ─── 河流;排废;信息系统;环境质量管理;设计;电子计算机;交易;

40、"The effluence of her mother's lawless passion- and often impelled Hester to ask, in bitterness of heart, whether it were for ill or good that the poor little creature had been born at all." ─── 是她母亲无视法律的激情的发泄,而且时常迫使海丝特辛酸地扪心自问:这个可怜的小家伙降生到世上,究竟是祸还是福。

41、The effluence of single coagulant to the reducing of COD was investigated and dosage of coagulant was settled. ─── 通过考察单独投加不同的混凝剂对废水COD去除率的效果,确定了混凝剂投加范围;

42、The effluence factors include the natural environment, saccharifying-fermenting agent, technology, equipment, and the regional difference of food and culture, etc. ─── 影响白酒风味的因素有自然环境、原料糖化发酵剂、酿酒工艺、设备、饮食文化区域差异等。

43、The wet oxidation technique and its effluence factors are introduced.It is pointed out that the reaction temperature and the properties of organics are the key factors to wet oxidation process. ─── 对湿式氧化技术及其影响因素进行了介绍,叙述了各种因素的影响作用并对各因素的影响强弱进行了比较,认为反应温度和处理对象的性质是影响湿式氧化技术处理效果的关键因素。

44、A lab-made clean-up cartridge is used for cleaning up of extracts, which can effectively eliminate the effluence of the interferents on determination and lipophilic compounds on analytical column. ─── 提取液经过实验室自制净化柱的净化,有效地去除了干扰物对分析测试的影响及提取的亲脂性化合物对分离柱的影响。

45、Application of Fractal Theory in Effluence Research of Area Social Economy Development ─── 分形理论在地区社会经济发展影响度研究中的应用

46、(2)Input q.v.RO effluence to water box. ─── (2)将适量的反渗透产水注入清洗箱;

47、A poignant effluence from the object enveloped him ─── 他被对方流露出的真情所包围。

48、effluence of gas ─── 气体射出

49、With proper operation conditions, it can have high effluence of treatment in bio-oxidation pond for the low concentration coke plant wastewater. ─── 因此,只要条件控制得当,运用氧化塘处理低浓度焦化废水可以获得较好处理效果。

50、Effluence of Joining WTO on Our Paper Industry ─── 中国加入世贸组织对造纸工业的影响

51、Keywords Chemostat culture Ethanol fermentation Metabolic effluence Carbon Pichia stipitis; ─── 恒化培养;酒精发酵;代谢流向;碳元素;树干毕赤酵母;

52、The three Connections and its effluence of modern theory of international relations and international law studies ─── 论现代国际关系理论与国际法研究的三次联结及其影响

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