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09-12 投稿



counterfeiting 发音

英:[?ka?nt?rf?t??]  美:[?ka?nt?f?t??]

英:  美:

counterfeiting 中文意思翻译




counterfeiting 反义词


counterfeiting 同义词

assumed | colorable | sham | copied | factitious | copy | synthetic | unreal | disguised | false | fabricate | simulate | mint | reproduce | phoney | fallacious | imitation | bogus | deceptive | forge | fictitious | imitative | artificial | reproduction | phony |fake | forgery | forged | imitate | pirate

counterfeiting 常用词组

counterfeit money ─── 假币;伪钞

counterfeit products ─── 假货;仿造产品

counterfeit software ─── 盗版软件

counterfeiting 词性/词形变化,counterfeiting变形

动词第三人称单数: counterfeits |动词过去分词: counterfeited |动词现在分词: counterfeiting |动词过去式: counterfeited |名词: counterfeiter |

counterfeiting 短语词组

1、counterfeiting fss ─── 假冒fss

2、counterfeiting money ─── 假币;伪钞

3、offence of counterfeiting bank notes ─── [法] 伪造钞票罪

4、counterfeiting fbi ─── 伪造联邦调查局

5、counterfeiting currency ─── [法] 伪造通货罪

6、anti-counterfeiting ─── 防伪 反仿冒

7、having tools for counterfeiting ─── [法] 持有伪造器具

8、counterfeiting of valuable securities ─── [法] 伪造有价证券罪

9、counterfeiting of national currency ─── [法] 伪造国家币罪

10、counterfeiting constitution ─── 伪造宪法

11、counterfeiting definition ─── 假冒定义

12、counterfeiting of current money ─── [法] 伪造通货罪

13、counterfeiting define ─── 假冒定义

counterfeiting 相似词语短语

1、counterweighing ─── v.(使)平衡;中和,抵消(等于counterbalance)

2、counterfeiter ─── n.[法]伪造者;货币伪造者

3、counterfeiters ─── n.[法]伪造者;货币伪造者

4、counterpeising ─── 抗辩

5、counterpointing ─── 对位

6、counterfeited ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

7、counterweighting ─── n.平衡的行为(或提议);平衡物;v.对……起平衡作用,抗衡

8、counteracting ─── vt.抵消;中和;阻碍

9、counterfeit ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

counterfeiting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. ─── 伪造作为真的设计和介绍; 伪造

2、Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. ─── 假冒的麻醉药被充当正品而销售.

3、California winery Kosta Browne Winery is implementing the Kodak Traceless system protect its valuable vintages against counterfeiting. ─── 加州酒厂科斯塔布朗酒厂正在实施柯达痕迹制度保护其宝贵的年份,打击冒牌货。

4、Mr Arnault said China still had a serious counterfeiting problem, making fakes both for the local market and also exporting goods overseas. ─── 伯纳德阿尔纳特先生透露,中国仍然有严重的伪造商品的问题,冒牌货不仅在本地市场销售,还出口至海外。

5、A vendor shows a selection of counterfeit designer purses at her stall at the Silk Market in Beijing. ─── 北京服装纺织市场,一商贩在其摊位上展示部分假冒钱包的设计图。

6、It added that 'companies that make counterfeit and poor-quality food products should be blacklisted. ─── 它还表示,对生产经营假冒伪劣食品的企业要列入“黑名单”。

7、These will be omitted on the counterfeit mics. ─── 如果没有,就是假的。

8、Firms should always be aware of the dynamic of counterfeiting. ─── 企业必须始终关注假冒伪造的动向。

9、Thy worthiest love to a worthless counterfeit. ─── 形状。就象一个沉了船的异教徒

10、"Those thresholds should be lowered so as to permit effective action that would deter future piracy and counterfeiting. ─── 应降低这种金额标准,以便诉讼能够有效震慑以后的盗版和假冒行为。

11、You may be a victim of software counterfeiting .This copy of windows did not pass genuine windows validation . ─── 你可能是个仿造软件的受害者.这个窗口副本没有通过真正的微软视窗确认.

12、The NBA is warning Cleveland Cavaliers fans to be alert for the rise in counterfeit Cavs apparel and other memorabilia. ─── NBA警告骑士球迷,如果你们再不买我们的高价货,那我们可要发内部通知,下个月的比赛不让裁判帮你们队赢球拿总冠军了。

13、A couple of simple counterfeiting methods have been spotted before. ─── 以前曾发现了两三种简单的造假方法。

14、Brands and the Counterfeiting Quandary. ─── 品牌和假冒的窘境。

15、Counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic. ─── 当激情非真诚时,虚伪的辞令便滔滔不绝。

16、That contrast highlights how solutions for intractable piracy and counterfeiting problems can vary for different types of products. ─── 两种情况的鲜明对比充分表明,解决棘手的盗版假冒问题会因所涉及产品类型的不同而有很大的差别。

17、Counterfeit coins - will experience minor illness. ─── 伪造硬币--将经历不严重的疾病。

18、CITS and othe large travel agencies all remind tourists of not wearing the counterfeit products in case of being fined. ─── 国旅总社等大型旅行社纷纷提醒游客不要穿戴假冒名牌产品出国旅游,以免遭到重罚。

19、Each country in the world must strictly control the manufactures and issues of its currency and give criminal sanction to counterfeiting offenses. ─── 世界上的任何一个国家都必须对货币制作和发行实行严格的控制,对伪造货币的犯罪行为予以刑事制裁。

20、The Company uses laser technology in this high-tech products for your lettering, marking, mapping, anti-counterfeiting. ─── 本公司运用激光这一高新技为您的产品刻字、打标、绘图、防伪。

21、The head of the bureau decided to make a personal inspection visit so as to prevent them from colluding in counterfeiting. ─── 为了防止他们之间串供作假,局长决定亲自去视察。

22、You may be a victim of software counterfeiting . This copy of windows did not pass genuine windows validation . ─── 你可能是个仿造软件的受害者。这个窗口副本没有通过真正的微软视窗确认。

23、If counterfeiting is a global problem, is targeting China alone a sufficient approach? ─── 如果盗版是全球的问题,只把目标放在中国是否过于狭隘?

24、It is a crime to counterfeit money. ─── 伪造货币是犯罪行为。

25、A few examples of counterfeit (fake) PWD products. ─── 假冒几个例子(假冒)密码产品。

26、Have you ever seen a counterfeit coin? If a coin feels greasy,that's one of the first signs that it's not real. ─── 你是否见过伪造的硬币?如果一枚硬币摸上去很粘,这是伪硬币的第一个特征。

27、Herrmann is in an English prison for counterfeiting. ─── Herrmann曾因假冒而被关入英国监狱。

28、I'm afraid this is a counterfeit bill. ─── 恐怕这是一张假票。

29、Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale. ─── 全体成员均应提供刑事程序及刑事惩罚,至少对于有意以商业规模假冒商标或对版权盗版的情况是如此。

30、Counterfeiting has a major adverse effect on the economies of the EU and on the number jobs. Business considers it a serious problem. ─── 假冒对欧盟的经济发展与就业机会具有极大的负面影响。企业认为假冒是一个很严重的问题

31、The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key. ─── WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。

32、Preparing double protection and jointly cracking down on counterfeiting, cybersquatting and other violations are without delay. ─── 做好双项保护、共同打击仿冒、抢注等侵权事件刻不容缓。

33、When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 当你保持你的眼睛闪亮时(聪明、慧眼),你将会发现这是个骗局。

34、Recently on the market counterfeit cards, promotion cards, impossible! ─── 因为最近市场上的假卡,升级卡,防不胜防!

35、Counterfeit bearings are cheaper price, have great potential hazard. ─── 假冒轴承价格是便宜,却有极大的潜在危险。

36、The police surmise a link between counterfeiting and drug trafficking. ─── 警方推测造假和贩毒联系在一起。

37、The main products are: designer clothes, handbags, watches, jewelry and so on. All goods are counterfeit goods! ─── 主要商品有:名牌服饰,箱包,手表,饰品等。所有商品全是仿冒品。

38、Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent. ─── 伪造品,赝品假冒的,伪造的或骗人的东西

39、The demand for cheap pirated optical discs is considerable and this provides the incentive for piracy or counterfeiting. ─── 市场上对廉价盗印光碟的需求非常庞大,因而鼓励不法之徒进行非法翻印和制造冒牌货品的勾当。

40、Addicted to counterfeit excellence, colleges, parents and students are unlikely to give it up. ─── 大学、家长和学生沉徊于伪装的优秀成绩,因而不大可能放弃它。

41、Category fragile as porcelain, calligraphy and painting category Counterfeiting has spread rampantly. ─── 如瓷器类易碎,字画类赝品又泛滥成灾。

42、Get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars. ─── 变成假名牌表和真正的伤疤。

43、The social and economic conditions causing the counterfeiting to be flourishing in the early periods of market economy are not unchangeable. ─── 市场经济发展初期导致假冒伪劣盛行的社会经济条件,不是一成不变的。

44、It is against the law to counterfeit. ─── 伪造货币是犯法的。

45、The scheme was the latest involving substandard or fake food products in China, where there is rampant counterfeiting of food and medicines. ─── 中国的假冒食品和药品泛滥成灾,这是最近一起涉及不合格或假冒食用产品事件。

46、It is against the law to counterfeit money. ─── 伪造货币是违法的。

47、Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights. ─── 伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。

48、It wants the move to be taken to show that there is no danger in doing business with a state accused of counterfeiting and money laundering. ─── 它希望以此表明,与一个被控造假钞和洗黑钱的国家打交道并不危险。

49、But Sanlu has said the milk powder may have been a counterfeit of its product, Xinhua newsagency reported today. ─── 不过新华通讯社今天报道说,三鹿已经说该奶粉可能是伪造的该公司产品。

50、The following photos are authorized by Japan,Taiwan,if duplicate ,it is sheerly counterfeit! ─── 中国境外实绩(以下照片由日本、台湾授权,如有雷同,纯属仿冒!)

51、VeriSign's Strezelec agrees EPC data can improve recalls, and reduce concerns such as counterfeiting and product theft. ─── VeriSign公司的Strezelec同样认为产品电子码数据能够提高产品召回的效率,减少产品伪造和产品丢失的现象。

52、The WTO launches a formal investigation into a US complaint that China has failed to tackle counterfeiting. ─── 世界贸易组织开始正式的深入调查一个美国意见哪一中国仍然没有处理仿造。

53、He was sent to prison for counterfeiting five-dollar bills. ─── 他因伪造5美元的钞票被捕入狱。

54、"Genuine" means free of forgery or counterfeiting. ─── “真正的”指不是伪造的或假冒的。

55、Police busted up a counterfeiting racket in Miami last week. ─── 上周警方捣毁了迈阿密的一个伪造团伙。

56、And despite several high-profile crackdowns at Silk Street Market, Beijing's best-known counterfeiting locale, this practice continues unabated. ─── 尽管在丝绸市场有几次吸引眼球的打击,在北京最有名的仿制点,盗版仍然盛行不衰。

57、AICs investigate and punish, according to law, counterfeit import commodities and illegal import commodities. ─── 工商行政管理部门依法对假冒进口商品、非法进口商品进行查处。

58、In the past year, the Chinese government has cracked down on some counterfeiting. ─── 在近几年,中国政府惩治了一些假冒伪劣企业。

59、The author has made IR and UV spectroscopic assay of cyathula and its counterfeit. ─── 对川牛膝及其伪品进行了IR光谱及UV导数光谱的测定。

60、Are you aware these notes are counterfeit? ─── 你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗?

61、He said that widespread counterfeiting was not only harming US companies but also posing a threat to China's own long-term development. ─── 他说,到处泛滥的假冒(盗版)产品不仅损害美国公司的利益,也对中国自身长期发展构成威胁。

62、Staff from the companies would pose as shoppers and look for counterfeit goods with a notary officer nearby. ─── 在公证人员旁观时,工作人员将假装购物者意欲购买假名牌产品。

63、Police busted up a counterfeiting racket in Miami continue week. ─── 上周警方捣毁了迈阿密的唯一伪造团伙。

64、He quickly discoered what others had before him: that counterfeiting was a simple way to increase profits. ─── 他也很快就发现在他之前的那些人:增加利润的一个简单方式就是造假。

65、Multinational currencies: Make the function of RMB, dollars and euro identify counterfeit and independently come true. ─── 多国货币:真实实现人民币英镑等外币独立鉴别功能。

66、problem of counterfeiting may get worse as wallets get squeezed. ─── 的同时,假冒伪劣商品的问题可能越发严重。

67、"Counterfeiting of any manufacturers' products is illegal and puts safety at risk", said Dr Jurgen Ackermann, MD European Bearings Business Unit. ─── “假冒的任何厂商的产品是非法的,并提出安全风险” ,于尔根博士说阿克曼,医学博士欧洲轴承事业部。

68、Counterfeit portraits often look dull or one-dimensional. ─── 假冒的画像看上去常常显得呆滞或缺乏立体感。

69、Foreign companies often complain of Chinese counterfeiting, but the games are spectacular enough without fakery. ─── 外国公司往往抱怨中国假冒,但奥运赛事无需作假就足够壮观了。

70、They are members of International Trademark Association (INTA) and International Chamber of Commerce Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau (ICC CIB). ─── 公司是国际商标协会(INTA)、国际商业假冒调查局(ICC CIB)成员之一。

71、At cosmetics manufacturer OPI Products, the threat to brand security comes not in the form of counterfeiting but rather by way of diversion. ─── 在化妆品制造商奥皮的产品,品牌的威胁不是来自安全的形式,而是假冒的方式转移。

72、Have you ever seen a counterfeit coin? ─── 你是否见过伪造的硬币?

73、Counterfeiting: Tricks and trends Lucy Alcock, et al. ─── 假冒伪造:骗局和趋势。

74、'I thought, 'Oh no, the police are going to arrest me for counterfeiting, '' he recalls, laughing. ─── Supajarawat笑着回忆道:“我想,‘哦,大事不好,警察要以伪造假钞的罪名逮捕我了。’”

75、It can be suitable for anti counterfeit and authentication of commercial bills. ─── 可适用于一般地商业票据的防伪。

76、Defining the extent of counterfeiting is difficult for a number of reasons. ─── 判断假冒药品问题的确切严重程度仍很困难,其中有几个原因。

77、Wife: The world is full of rascals; the milkman gave me a counterfeit half-dollar this morning. ─── 妻子:这世上充满了恶棍,送牛奶的今天早上给了我一枚假的0.5美元。

78、For example, Navarro believes that piracy and counterfeiting are tacitly supported by the Chinese government. ─── 例如,纳瓦罗认为盗版和仿冒问题得到了中国政府的默许。

79、The government needs to work harder on anti-counterfeiting since the counterfeit problem is getting worse. ─── 仿冒问题日益严重,政府需要付出更多心力反仿冒品。

80、Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney said the notes are necessary to fight counterfeiting. ─── 加拿大央行行长马克-卡尼认为新型塑料钞票对打击假币很有必要。

81、In a sense, the act of counterfeiting can be seen as an analogue to my own artistic practice. ─── 从某种意义上说,这种伪造行为是我自身艺术实践的一种翻版。

82、Regrettably, new commercially available technology will also in time fall into the greedy hands of those in the business of counterfeiting. ─── 可惜的是新开发的商用科技亦可能会落入不法之徒手中。

83、Counterfeit or poor-quality commodities are not worth a penny. ─── 假冒伪劣商品都不名一文。

84、If inspectors determine that merchandise bears a counterfeit mark or is clearly piratical they seize the merchandise. ─── 如果检察员确定货物带有仿冒商标或明显是盗版产品,就没收这批货物。

85、In the late 1880s tourist demand sparked a brisk trade in counterfeit cannibal forks that continues today. ─── 1880年代后期,受游客需求的刺激,贩卖仿制的食人叉的买卖勃然兴起,至今方兴未艾。

86、Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods, pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished. ─── 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、法传销和商业欺诈行为。

87、He fell into a sleep so deep as to counterfeit death. ─── 他睡着了,沉睡得像死了一样。

88、It is widely used in compound packing of products, and can be used as counterfeit mark for packing products. ─── 广泛用于产品复合与包装,可作为包装产品的防伪标志。

89、They were arrested on a charge of counterfeiting. ─── 他们以伪造货币罪被捕。

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