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09-12 投稿



unruliness 发音

英:[?n?ru?lin?s]  美:[?n?ru?lin?s]

英:  美:

unruliness 中文意思翻译



unruliness 同义词

obstreperous | backward | wild |disorderly | rowdy | boisterous | ungovernable | riotous | uncontrollable | refractory | unmanageable | rampant | robustious | disruptive | wilful | rumbustious | recalcitrant | defiant | ornery | disobedient | lawless | indocile | turbulent | willful | rambunctious | indomitable | intractable | wayward

unruliness 反义词


unruliness 词性/词形变化,unruliness变形

名词: unruliness |形容词最高级: unruliest |形容词比较级: unrulier |

unruliness 相似词语短语

1、unholiness ─── n.不神圣;不洁净

2、unruliest ─── adj.不守规矩的;任性的;难驾驭的(unruly的变形)

3、gnarliness ─── 粗糙

4、curliness ─── n.蜷缩;卷曲

5、burliness ─── n.结实;强壮

6、unmanliness ─── n.怯懦;无男子气概

7、earliness ─── n.早熟

8、unreadiness ─── n.不敏捷;没预备

9、ungodliness ─── n.不虔诚;无信心;邪恶

unruliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The first appearance of Jielun Chou impresses us with showing off coldness and unruliness! ─── 周杰伦一出场给人一种爱耍酷,桀骜不驯的感觉,不喜欢对媒体亲近。

2、These artists broke with the conventions of calligraphy's classical masters to develop a theory that promoted exaltation and unruliness as the prime artistic virtues. ─── 此二人均不蹈前人轨则,适性情,逐本心,独树一帜,堪立后世之风。

3、Wang Dongchun: That is possible. I feel myself always in a state of unruliness . ─── 王东春:也许是的,我觉得自己一直不是很安分的。

4、So government can be such unruliness? ─── 政府这么能嚣张吗?

5、He would be "Alastair" , a conjuror's assistant, still with the spectacles (a solitary dash of unruliness) but in a neat grey suit. ─── 他将作为“复仇者”,即一位魔术师的助手登台表演,仍旧带着那副眼镜(依稀可见一丝桀骜不驯),只不过穿了一身利索的灰西服。

6、You will suffer for your laziness and unruliness. ─── 你迟早会为你的懒惰和任性付出代价。

7、Did you say that you were overindulged, unruliness like princess? ─── 你说你被溺爱坏了,任性得像个公主是吗?

8、She thought the banner was a deliberate attempt to subvert the school's anti-drugs policy, and worried that it would spark unruliness. ─── 她认为这个标语是企图推翻学校禁毒政策的一次尝试,她担心这会引起局势的失控。

9、.....Lalala .....the first paragraph.....The first appearance of Jielun Chou impresses us with showing off coldness and unruliness! ─── .....拉拉拉.....第一段.... 周杰伦一出场给人一种爱耍酷,桀骜不驯的感觉,不喜欢对媒体亲近。

10、If art"s works have two conditions, it is really art"s works of the frankness and the unruliness, they would great, affirm and praise. ─── 这类作品有此二者,便是真正具有率性恣肆之美的艺术作品,应该大加肯定和赞扬。

11、He would be “Alastair”, a conjuror's assistant, still with the spectacles (a solitary dash of unruliness) but in a neat grey suit. ─── 他将作为“复仇者”,即一位魔术师的助手登台表演,仍旧带着那副眼镜(依稀可见一丝桀骜不驯),只不过穿了一身利索的灰西服。

12、That little boy is quite unruliness. ─── 那个小男孩很任性。

13、deliberate unruliness. ─── 故意做出任性的行为。

14、She thought the banner was a deliberate attempt to subvert the school's anti-drugs policy, and worried that it would spark unruliness. ─── 她认为这个标语是企图推翻学校禁毒政策的一次尝试,她担心这会引起局势的失控。

15、He would be "Alastair", a conjuror's assistant, still with the spectacles (a solitary dash of unruliness) but in a neat grey suit. ─── 他将是“阿拉斯泰尔”,一个魔术师的助手,仍然戴着那副眼镜(依稀可见一丝桀骜不驯),但穿着整洁的灰色西装。

16、I continue to address unruliness in class, talking in class, visiting other students during class time etc. ─── 我一直批评课上出现的散漫,讲话,随便下座位找其他同学的情况。

17、If art "s works have two conditions, it is really art" s works of the frankness and the unruliness, they would great, affirm and praise. ─── 这类作品有此二者,便是真正具有率性恣肆之美的艺术作品,应该大加肯定和赞扬。

18、We are all fed up with his unruliness. ─── 我们对他的任性都厌烦了。

19、Often accused of being anarchists, they take a certain pride in their unruliness. ─── 他们虽常常被批评为无政府主义者,却以其无法无天略为自豪。

20、She has fallen in love with many masters of classical music, such as Haydn and Bach.The unruliness in Jazz is also fascinating to her. ─── 既钟情于海顿、巴赫等古典音乐大师,同时又迷恋爵士乐的自由不羁。

21、Zhou Xun multivariate modeling pictures, or pure aestheticism or dashing unruliness, displaying different temperament. ─── 周迅写真造型多变,或纯净唯美或帅气野性,展现出不同的气质。

22、Tameless unruliness flicks the resourceful flutter while increasing desire submerges continuous bash. ─── 野性的不羁撩动蠢蠢的悸动,膨胀的欲望渐渐淹没绵绵的羞涩。

23、Without the noise and unruliness of political activism getting in the way, we get our job done quickly, smoothly, effectively.Look at the mayhem it's creating elsewhere. ─── 没有政治活动注意到喧闹和无法无天的阻挠,我们可以迅速、顺利和有效的完成工作,看看它们在别地方造成的伤害就可知道。

24、Wang Dongchun: That is possible.I feel myself always in a state of unruliness. ─── 王东春:也许是的,我觉得自己一直不是很安分的。

25、I continue to address unruliness in class, talking in class, visiting other students during class time etc. ─── 我一直批评课上出现的散漫,讲话,随便下座位找其他同学的情况。

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