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09-12 投稿


vituperation 发音

英:[v?,tju?p?'re??(?)n; va?-]  美:[va?,tup?'re??n]

英:  美:

vituperation 中文意思翻译



vituperation 短语词组

1、vituperation abuse ─── 辱骂

2、vituperation defined ─── 谩骂

3、vituperation define ─── 辱骂定义

4、vituperation mean ─── 谩骂平均数

5、vituperation definition ─── 谩骂定义

6、vituperation syn ─── 辱骂综合征

vituperation 词性/词形变化,vituperation变形

动词现在分词: vituperating |动词过去式: vituperated |名词: vituperator |动词第三人称单数: vituperates |动词过去分词: vituperated |

vituperation 相似词语短语

1、vituperations ─── n.谩骂;辱骂;坏话

2、iteration ─── n.[数]迭代;反复;重复

3、disoperation ─── n.侵害作用;相害作用

4、recuperation ─── n.恢复;复原

5、itineration ─── n.巡回;巡回传教

6、vituperating ─── v.谩骂,责骂

7、vituperator ─── 辱骂者;责骂者;谩骂者

8、literation ─── n.缩略字;用字母代表声音或词

9、vituperative ─── adj.责骂的

vituperation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As long as you fail to do these, your vituperation is nothing. ─── 看不惯的话就别看,省得气死。

2、Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation. ─── 辱骂谴责的或谩骂的语言;

3、Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation. ─── 辱骂谴责的或谩骂的语言;责骂

4、It bristles with humor, vituperation, prejudice, informality: the slang of English is English with its sleeves rolled up, its shirt-tails dangling, and its shoes covered in mud. ─── 而习语的用处则更用广泛,甚至书写和正规场合都频频出现。

5、If two paranoias living in different surroundings meet, then nothing left but quarrel and vituperation. ─── 在截然不同的环境下生活的两个偏执的人相遇了,那就只剩下争执和谩骂了。

6、That woman is very fierce as a result, ceaseless vituperation " neuropathic ah you! ─── 结果那女人好厉害的,不停的骂“神经病啊你!

7、Yet Rand's appeal has been undimmed by either the vituperation of her critics or the peculiarity of her admirers. ─── 但是,兰德的影响力丝毫没有因评论家的辱骂或是其崇拜者的光怪陆离而减弱。

8、The man that drives a tractor often uses the language of dog vituperation a pig to scold asbestine, return bludgeon occur simultaneously occasionally. ─── 石棉过不了那种牛马不如的日子,就跑回来和石丁一起生活了。

9、Apart from straightforward support and vituperation, there are a lot of questioning speeches, for instance, “Why was the withdrawal not announced ahead of time? ─── 公众除了简单的支持和谩骂之外,还有许多质疑的言论,例如,“为什么不提早宣布退赛呢?

10、The flood of vituperation rushed on for what seemed an interminable period, while the Queen blushed scarlet, the Princess burst into tears ─── 漫骂的洪流似乎一直要流泻个不尽,直弄得皇后满面通红,公主放声大哭。

11、It's not all vituperation, though. ─── 这不是所有的谩骂,但。

12、The rather too inclusive speech brought down a torrent of vituperation from other quarters upon fair Tess's unlucky head ─── 这句话把这些人一包在内,都括拉进去了,因此从别的方面,惹起了一片滔滔不绝的怒骂之声,一齐朝着漂亮的苔丝不幸的身上发作。

13、Please?Posts with vituperation ought to be deleted, but the ones with reasonable question don't deserve that, right? ─── 谩骂您的跟帖该删除,好好问您问题的跟帖不该受那样的待遇吧?

14、Not Hui is frightened Pao De client also Zhong of Hui Zai Xin is dark cruel Li of De vituperation JS. ─── 不会被吓跑的顾客也会在心中暗骂JS的暴利。

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