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09-12 投稿


bringer 发音

英:[?br???]  美:[?br???r]

英:  美:

bringer 中文意思翻译




bringer 词性/词形变化,bringer变形


bringer 短语词组

1、bringer of war ─── 战争的使者

2、light bringer n.《 ─── 携光者》(美国作家布伦特·维克斯的系列小说);光明使者(美国奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》中的一武器)

3、storm bringer ─── 风暴使者

4、bringer of joy ─── 欢乐的使者

bringer 同义词

invoke | lead to | add | take | allure | invite | ask for | deliver | send | produce | attract | cause | contribute | bring in | make for | for | work | bring about | conduct | transport | wreak | encourage | take along | end in | lead | carry | ask | usher | impart |fetch | retrieve | make | pull | command | prompt | draw | gather | guide | lure | convey | transmit | court | escort | play | result in | give | lend | bestow | earn | bear | land | get | institute

bringer 反义词

take away | take

bringer 相似词语短语

1、wringer ─── n.勒索者;绞拧机;绞扭的人;令人心力交困的事

2、brinier ─── adj.海水的;咸的;盐水的(briny的变形)

3、briner ─── 腌制桶;鱼腌渍机

4、bringers ─── n.带来者;提供者;n.(Bringer)人名;(德)布林格尔;(法)布兰热

5、ringer ─── n.冒名顶替的运动员;替身;替补;挂假车牌的汽车;套环;按铃者;敲钟者;剪羊毛工;畜牧工;给鸟系环的人;容貌酷似的人;n.(Ringer)(美、德、英、加、澳)林格(人名)

6、befinger ─── 是

7、cringer ─── n.奉承者;畏惧者

8、binger ─── 班热(人名)

9、Grainger ─── n.(Grainger)人名;(英)格兰杰

bringer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I shall bring you your mail without fail. ─── 我一定把你的信带来给你。

2、Do you think the border incident will bring on a full-scale war? ─── 你认为这次边境事件会引起一场全面战争吗?

3、Her parents feel put out when she bring some classmate to stay over. ─── 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。

4、I have to bring my work home today. ─── 今天我得把工作带回家做。

5、Don't forget to bring your fishing tackle. ─── 别忘了带上你的钓具。

6、He tried to bring that debate to a halt. ─── 他试图使这场辩论停止。

7、Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's such a wet blanket. ─── 不要带罗伯特去参加野餐,他实在是个很扫兴的人。

8、She can not bring herself to tell him the tragic news. ─── 她没有勇气把那悲惨消息告诉他。

9、He does odd jobs that bring him in about 30 a week. ─── 他做零工每周可赚约30英镑。

10、Can you bring forward any proof? ─── 你能提出证据吗?

11、Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July. ─── 你能回想起7月4日发生什么事了吗?

12、We'll bring the new policy into action. ─── 我们将实行新政策。

13、Baboushka is a Russian gift-bringer , an old woman who, according to custom, would not go with the Wise Men to visit the baby Jesus. ─── 据习俗所定,一位老年妇女不会与睿智的人一道看望圣婴。

14、Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want. ─── 懒惰和奢侈导致穷困和贪欲。

15、Poor thing, her husband has left her with three children to bring up. ─── 可怜的人,她丈夫给她遗下3个未成年的孩子。

16、Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery. ─── 人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。

17、We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash. ─── 我们中断节目,报告新闻快讯。

18、If we show him these figures I am sure that we can bring him around to our point of view. ─── 如果我们把这些数字拿给他看,一定能使他改变看法同意我们的观点。

19、To be a true luck - bringer, the First Foot should be strong and healthy and, if possible, young and good - looking. ─── 要做一名真正的幸运使者,第一人应该健壮,如果可能的话,最好年轻、漂亮。

20、His wise investment of his capital have bring about a great change in his life. ─── 他对资本的精明投放已使他的生活发生巨变。

21、Do bring your wife round one evening; we'd love to meet her. ─── 哪天晚上把你妻子带来,我们都想见见她。

22、A former general and war hero at the head of a party offering a two-state solution: to many Israelis, Mr Sharon looked like a peace-bringer. ─── 作为曾经的将军和战斗英雄,现在的党派首领,他还提出了两国解决方案。这一切让许多以色列人觉得,他似乎就是那位和平使者。

23、His orchards bring in$3,000 a year. ─── 他的果园每年获利3000美元。

24、He intends to bring in some reforms. ─── 他打算提出些改革措施。

25、He was the bringer of great glad tidings. ─── 他就是带来大好消息的那个人。

26、O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, a bringer of good news and a Warner and a refuge for the illiterate. ─── 先知,我已经派你作为证人,一个传播佳音者和一个警告者且是一个文盲。

27、He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler. ─── 他提醒我别忘了带尺子。

28、You should bring the matter to his knowledge. ─── 你应该将这件事告诉他。

29、He memorized the sales talk which he hoped would bring in large orders. ─── 他把他希望能带一大批订货单的宣传文字背了下来。

30、He wasn't keen on the plan, but we managed to bring him round. ─── 他本来不太喜欢这个计划,但我们设法把他说服了

31、He can't bring himself to do this dirty job. ─── 他实在不愿意做这件卑鄙的事。

32、The television picture bring home to us all the plight of the refugee. ─── 我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境。

33、Perhaps it will bring him to his senses. ─── 也许这会使他清醒过来。

34、I drink to the future, may it bring us all happiness. ─── 我为未来干杯,愿它为我们大家带来幸福。

35、Lawyer: If you disagree on the punishment decisions, you may apply for the reexamination, Or you can bring a suit against the tax authority directly. ─── 律师:对于处罚决定不服的,可以在接到通知书的15日内申请复议,也可直接向法院起诉。

36、He was the bringer of good news. ─── 他带来了好消息。

37、Can the doctor bring her through? ─── 医生能把她救活吗?

38、The inefficiency of one department can bring a whole industry into disrepute. ─── 只要有一个部门的效率不高,就会使整个行业的名声受到影响。

39、The party get quite hilarious after they bring more wine. ─── 当他们拿来更多葡萄酒後聚会变得十分热闹起来。

40、If you could bring forward any evidence, all would go well. ─── 如果你能拿出证据来,一切就解决了。

41、March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. ─── 3月的风,4月的雨,使5月里花儿开满地。(谚)

42、He ordered a soldier to bring a national flag and covered the boy's body with it, leaving only his face exposed. ─── 他命令一名士兵拿来一面国旗,把它盖在男孩身上,只露出他的脸。

43、Can you bring to mind the name of the child? ─── 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?

44、Hey! I've got this really good ide we make this investment which will bring us a lot of benefits. ─── 嘿!我有一个非常好的主意:我们进行投资,这会给我们带来很多的利润。

45、The defeated classes wanted to bring back their lost paradise. ─── 失败的阶级想要恢复它们失去的天堂。

46、About to bring forth young; being in labor. ─── 临产的,分娩的即将生育的; 处于分娩期的

47、Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. ─── 在昏暗的灯光下看书会引起头疼。

48、More material is to be included to bring the book up to date. ─── 书中将收入更多材料,使它跟上发展。

49、So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune. ─── 因此中国的龙是带来好运的动物。

50、SHAMMASH, Bringer of Light, I call to Thee! ─── 夏玛什,带来光亮,吾呼唤汝!

51、How much experience does he bring to this specialized work? ─── 他使用了多少经验来干这项专业工作?

52、Cold northerlies will bring rain to Scotland this week. ─── 寒冷的北风本星期将给苏格兰带来雨水。

53、The charm is believed to bring good luck. ─── 大家相信这个小饰物会带来好运。

54、A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform. ─── 军人不应给军队丢脸。

55、He will bring a suit against his boss. ─── 他要对老板提出控告。

56、I'll bring the price down to50 mark a piece, if you are going to make a big purchase. ─── 如果您打算大量购买,我就把价格降到每件50马克。

57、Can you bring to mind your whereabouts on the night of 21st May? ─── 你能记起5月21日晚上你在哪里吗?

58、They decided to bring the property to the hammer. ─── 他们决定把这份产业拿出去拍卖。

59、It's easy to feel for people in need; it's harder to bring yourself to do something practical about it. ─── 同情危难之中的人们是很容易的,但亲自去为它做些实际事情就难了。

60、The cheesecake is very tasty. Can I bring you a piece? ─── 奶酪蛋糕非常可口。要不要来一块?

61、The bank will bring pressure to bear on you if you don't pay. ─── 你要是不付款,银行就对你施加压力。

62、They tried to bring him to his knees. ─── 他们试图迫使他屈服。

63、"I'm quite willing to do as I say-just bring the children down into the Hall, and you can hover about among the back row." "Anything for a quiet life, " she said. ─── "我很愿意照我说的话做-把孩子们领下大厅来,而你跟在后面走。""就按你说的办吧。"她说道。

64、Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities. ─── 困难能使一个人的最好品质显示出来。

65、Such foolish behaviour will bring you into contempt. ─── 如此愚蠢的举止会使你受人轻视。

66、He always bring a canteen with him on a hike. ─── 他作徒步旅行时总是带着水壶。

67、A long- lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. ─── 失踪了很久的兄弟,我们以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在居心叵测地密谋搞垮主人公。

68、Next summer he hopes to bring his family over from the States. ─── 他希望明年夏天把他一家人从美国接来。

69、Saint Lucia is a famous Swedish traditional festiva. and is celebrated on December 13. to remember the "bringer of light" . ─── 圣·露西亚节是瑞典著名的传统节日,在每年12月13日,用以纪念“光明女神”圣·露西亚。

70、I am the shadow across the sun; I am the bringer of plagues. My wrath will consume all lands and shall be ceaseless. ─── 我是遮蔽阳光的阴影,我是瘟疫的使者。我的愤怒将毁灭所有的大陆,永不停息……

71、He asked the waiter to bring him a cask of sherry. ─── 他叫侍者给他拿一桶雪利酒。

72、Members must sign in any guests that they bring to the club. ─── 俱乐部成员必须为其带到俱乐部所有客人们登记。

73、She went to New York to bring back her errant daughter. ─── 她去纽约带回她那步入歧途的女儿。

74、The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election. ─── 共和党人完全信任新选出的领导人能在下届选举中为他们赢得胜利。

75、Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date. ─── 同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。

76、He called the waiter to bring the menu. ─── 他叫侍者拿菜单来。

77、In his haste, he forgot to bring his glasses with him. ─── 匆忙之中,他忘了带眼镜。

78、Of course you can bring your date to our party. ─── 你当然可以带你约的异性朋友来参加我们的社交聚会。

79、Please don't forget to bring your grammar books next time. ─── 下次请别忘记带你们的文法书来。

80、He is a little out of cash just now. However, he has taken a very good road to bring himself home again, for we pay him very handsomely. ─── 他目前手头有点拮据,不过他已经有办法使自己的经济情况好转,因为我们给他的报酬很高。

81、He had to extemporize because he had forgotten to bring his notes. ─── 他因为忘了带讲稿,只好即席发言。

82、Did you bring along some insect spray? ─── 你有没有带些杀虫喷液来?

83、The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately. ─── 国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。

84、Study should bring on your Maths. ─── 学习会提高你的数学水平。

85、They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting. ─── 他们决定将下一次会议的日期提前。

86、If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to go about his business. ─── 如果你朋友再来指手画脚,教育我们如何教育子女,那我就要叫他别多管闲事。

87、If the plate tarnishes, you can rub it up a little and bring back its shine. ─── 如果盘子失去光泽,你可以稍为擦试一下,使其恢复光泽。

88、He couldn't bring himself to do it. ─── 他不能强使自己做它。

89、Seven was another significant number, usually regarded as a bringer of good luck. ─── 7是另一个重要的数字,通常被认为会带来好运。

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