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09-12 投稿



gyrating 发音

英:[d?a??re?t??]  美:[?d?a?re?t??]

英:  美:

gyrating 中文意思翻译




gyrating 词性/词形变化,gyrating变形

动词过去分词: gyrated |动词第三人称单数: gyrates |动词现在分词: gyrating |动词过去式: gyrated |名词: gyrator |

gyrating 相似词语短语

1、-rating ─── n.等级;等级评定;额定功率;v.对…评价(rate的ing形式);n.(Rating)人名;(德)拉廷

2、-grating ─── n.栅栏,格子;摩擦,摩擦声;衍射光栅;adj.刺耳的;磨擦的;令人气恼的;v.磨碎(食物);擦响,发出刺耳的声音;激怒,使人烦躁(grate的现在分词)

3、gyrations ─── n.旋转,[力]回转;螺层

4、-crating ─── n.板条箱;篓;vt.将某物装入大木箱或板条箱中

5、-brating ─── 吹毛求疵

6、grating ─── n.栅栏,格子;摩擦,摩擦声;衍射光栅;adj.刺耳的;磨擦的;令人气恼的;v.磨碎(食物);擦响,发出刺耳的声音;激怒,使人烦躁(grate的现在分词)

7、hydrating ─── adj.保湿的;吸水的;v.保湿;使成水合物(hydrate的现在分词)

8、-drating ─── 牵引

9、aggrating ─── 聚合

gyrating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The laser plasma channel antenna is equivalent to uniform cold magnetized plasma beam, which is assumed to be gyrating transversely and drifting longitudinally. ─── 摘要激光等离子体通道天线被等效为电子在横向旋转、轴向漂移的均匀冷磁化等离子体束,且该等离子体束的横截面为沿轴向不改变的圆形。

2、He didn't mean that no one can resist being swept up in the gyrating emotions of the crowd.He meant that few people can. ─── 他并不是说,没有人可以不受众人的情绪波动影响,他的意思是很少有人能够做到这点。

3、gyrating sieve ─── 旋转筛

4、The type selection of the gyrating flow spillway tunnel is made in two alternatives of horizontal free gyrating flow and submerged flow. ─── 右岸旋流泄洪洞选型研究是在水平旋流自由流推荐方案与淹没流推荐方案的基础上进行的。

5、Profiteering desires are not necessarily lead to the wildly gyrating price of? ─── 长三角主要城市商品住宅投资性购房比例在20%左右。

6、With the dream.I am gyrating. ─── 这是我的舞台.人生?艺术?我旋转,旋转.

7、Early 1997 saw the opening of the Flying Swing ride, which carries visitors seven metres high in a gyrating motion. ─── 另一项新设施"飞天秋千"亦已在年初启用,游客坐于摆动的椅子上,会被环回转动至离地面七米之高。

8、Night is a huge black whirlpool. Like the shadow of lamp, On the clear surface of memories, In the gyrating movement, That's my lonely and sad soul. ─── 夜是一个巨大的黑色旋涡那像灯影一样在记忆的粼粼水面上旋转着的是我的凄清的魂魄。

9、Take hula hoops. Pre-adolescents gyrating to keep a colored plastic tube spinning at waist level are endearingly silly. ─── 以呼啦圈为例,如果看到一些孩子扭动腰肢,让那个彩色的塑胶圈在腰间转来转去,你会觉得他们既可爱又可笑。

10、The Sun, Moon, and the planets formed from a huge spinning gas cloud that collapsed into a gyrating disc. ─── 太阳、月亮和这些星球形成于倒塌进一个旋转盘状物的一团巨大旋转汽云。

11、Hopefully, you will remain on the black side of the ledger, but with these gyrating planets, there are no guarantees. ─── 有希望的是,你仍然是保持着没有财政赤字,但是由于多变的行星们,你的账目并不能够保证(一直这样)

12、This months gyrating share prices on stock exchanges across the globe could end panic through the world of business schools. ─── 全球证券交易所上月反复震荡的股价,最终可能在商学院引起恐慌。

13、They began gyrating to the music. ─── 他们随着音乐的节奏旋转起来。

14、An Elvis-like doll with a gyrating pelvis has become a cult sensation in Germany. ─── 一种能动的“猫王”娃娃在德国掀起了一股抢购热潮。

15、The same was true of their first million-seller, "Proud Mary" (1971), where the gyrating Tina stole the show from Ike, unsmiling behind her in his high fedora and dark glasses. ─── 他们的第一张销量百万唱片“傲慢的玛丽(1971年)”也是这样,当时跳跃不停的蒂娜占尽了艾克的风头,而特纳在戴着高高的费多拉帽与深层的墨镜站在蒂娜的后面,面无表情。

16、The ESRB go onto comment that “[d]uring the course of the game, some female characters perform suggestive taunts and poses, including opening their legs or gyrating their hips. ─── “在游戏过程中,部分女性角色会摆出带有性暗示的嘲弄或姿态,比如劈开双腿或晃动臀部。战斗过程中部分极具煽动性的服装会脱落,导致了对臀部和胸部进行描写的画面出现。

17、The financial markets are grappling with just those issues-and gyrating between euphoria and panic. ─── 金融市场也在揪着这些问题-在兴奋和恐慌中来回。

18、This months gyrating share prices on stock exchanges across the globe could end panic through the world of business schools. ─── 全球证券交易所上月反复震荡的股价,最终可能在商学院引起恐慌。

19、The flutes sink into a dreamy melody, soon to be joined by the oboes and tremolando strings, the melody gyrating somnabulistically and evanescing pp after eight bars. ─── 长笛沉浸在梦幻般悦耳的曲调中,双簧管和弦乐的震声演奏很快加入进来,曲调梦游般地旋转,在八小节之后减弱为最弱音。

20、Waltzers gyrating giddily.Tospinis to rotaterapidly, often within a narrow compass ─── 跳华尔兹舞的人快速旋转,令人眼花缭乱。的意思是快速旋转,通常在狭窄的范围内

21、Principle and application of desilting technique On hydraulic gyrating current funnel ─── 水力漩流漏斗排沙技术原理与应用

22、To keep things uniform, the researchers employed gyrating machines, commonly used to mix liquids precisely in biology or chemistry labs. ─── 为了使情况一致,研究者使用了旋转搅拌机(通常在生物或化学实验室中用来精确地混合液体)。

23、Keywords conjugated linoleic acid;glycerol;lipase;esterification;gyrating sieve; ─── 共轭亚油酸;甘油;脂肪酶;酯化反应;筛筐旋转式;

24、gyrating breaker ─── 回转碎裂机

25、gyrating mass ─── 旋转质量

26、Eventually this gyrating mess of he-turns-her-who-turns-him-on settled down into a stable and measurable state. ─── 最终,回旋的混乱状态安顿下来处于稳定、可衡量的状态。

27、Early 1997 saw the opening of the Flying Swing ride,which carries visitors seven metres high in a gyrating motion. ─── 另一项新设施“飞天秋千”亦已在年初启用,游客坐于摆动的椅子上,会被环回转动至离地面七米之高。

28、This year, prices started gyrating. ─── 到了今年,房价开始疯涨。

29、You may sometimes find changes in colour. rabbit vibrators usually have a rotating or gyrating head. ─── 春风拂面(刮泡沫):用壶盖或瓯盖轻轻刮去漂浮的白泡沫,使其清新洁净;

30、As it got up speed it widened and threw out everything which came into its path, like a gyrating tornado. ─── 它起身速度扩大,并抛出了一个回转的龙卷风一样,走进它的路径的一切。

31、The anomaly was finally exposed to open air.Its surface was chaotically bubbling, but they could guess that a weak supply of energy would be enough to start its normal gyrating movement. ─── 终于看到时空沌了.它的表面正在沸腾,但是他们想只要使一点劲就足以让它正常运转起来.

32、But in what can be the wildly gyrating final seconds of a helicopter crash, that is much harder to achieve. ─── 但是当直升机坠地的最后一刻,都会处于快速地旋转状态,这样乘员的位置就很难确定。

33、Test and study on the rebuild of diversion tunnel into gyrating current flood-releasing tunnel ─── 导流洞改建旋流式泄洪洞研究与应用

34、It turns out good manners are even more important than gyrating skills for the "Yes, Minister" crowd, however. ─── 无论如何,这也显示了对于那些常常说“是的,部长”的人群来说,仪态端庄是远比旋转技巧要来得重要得多。

35、The fundamental causes of the frame getting stuck are found out through the finite element contact analysis on gyrating framework of aircraft launching frame. ─── 通过对飞机回转弹射机构的有限元接触分析,找到了机构卡死的根本原因:一方面,过大应力使锥形筒体产生过大塑性变形;

36、The act of gyrating. ─── 旋转运动

37、With the separation basket gyrating at high speed, the milk and residue can be separated efficiently to improve protein extraction rate. ─── 高速旋转的分离筐能更有效地分离浆渣,提高蛋白质的提取率。

38、He was still twisting and gyrating with the ritual when a servant peered in. ─── 一个仆人窥视进来时,他仍在仪式的辗转中。

39、There are flashes of tropical spirit in the rum-fired sega dance, all gyrating hips to an insistent pulsing beat, but otherwise Mauritians seem intent on minding their own business often literally. ─── 在篝火舞会上,人们全都随着持续跳动的节奏旋转着臀部,那时你可以看到甘蔗酒焕发出的热带奔放热烈的风采。 但在其它时候,毛里求斯人似乎一心专注只顾自己的事情。

40、My view is based upon the simple observation that despite the wildly gyrating stock market I have never seen so much innovation in my years covering the VC-company marketplace. ─── 现在一个都没有了。也就是说,本打算50出头退休的我们,现在若想实现亿万富豪的人生目标,大多数人只能继续奋斗下去。我们也许再也看不到10亿美元了?

41、Here is an advanced gyrating device, displaying its main structure, working principle and how it controls a space station. ─── 介绍一种先进的陀螺主要结构、工作原理及其在控制空间站方面的应用。

42、It goes out six nights a week at 8. 30pm presented by two men but regularly interrupted by two gyrating and minimally dressed women. ─── 一周六天,每天晚上8时30分播出,主持人是两位男性,但不时被两个不停旋转、衣着暴露的女性打断。

43、The Spurs' Silver Dancers were already out there gyrating to celebrate San Antonio's 12-point victory, yet Farmar and Turiaf were in their own little world, determined to get this right. ─── 尽管身着银色的马刺拉拉队员还在庆祝球队的胜利,但是法玛尔和图里亚夫仍沉浸在他们的世界里,讨论如何才能做到最好。

44、The credit crunch and gyrating oil prices have sent a chill through many segments of the oil industry. ─── 信贷危机和油价起伏使石油行业的许多领域都感到了一丝寒意。

45、waltzers gyrating giddily.To spin is to rotate rapidly,often within a narrow compass ─── 跳华尔兹舞的人快速旋转,令人眼花缭乱。的意思是快速旋转,通常在狭窄的范围内

46、gyrating crusher ─── 回转破碎机

47、The gyrating shots would be too shaky to watch. ─── 简直是天旋地转,没法看啊。

48、Keywords gyrating roll table;surfacing manufacturing;wear resistance; ─── 回转辊道辊;堆焊制造;耐磨性;

49、With the separation basket gyrating at high speed, the milk and residue can be separated efficiently to improve protein extraction rate. ─── 高速旋转的分离筐能更有效地分离浆渣,提高蛋白质的提取率。

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