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conjunctivitis 发音

英:[k?n,d???(k)t?'va?t?s]  美:[k?n,d???kt?'va?t?s]

英:  美:

conjunctivitis 中文意思翻译



conjunctivitis 短语词组

1、conjunctivitis catarrhalis aestiva ─── [医] 春季卡他性结膜炎

2、conjunctivitis tularensis ─── [医] 土拉热杆菌性结膜炎

3、acute contagious conjunctivitis ─── [医] 急性触染性结膜炎, 流行性结膜炎

4、conjunctivitis phlyctenular ─── [医] 小疱性结膜炎

5、allergic conjunctivitis ─── [医] 过敏性结膜炎, 枯草热

6、angular conjunctivitis ─── [医] 毗结膜炎

7、atropine conjunctivitis ─── [医] 阿托品结膜炎

8、artificial silk conjunctivitis ─── [医] 人造丝结膜炎

9、conjunctivitis arida ─── [医]结膜干燥

10、conjunctivitis petrificans ─── [医] 结石性结膜炎

11、Bacillus conjunctivitis ─── [医] 结膜炎杆菌

12、actinic conjunctivitis ─── [医] 光化性结膜炎

13、calcareous conjunctivitis ─── [医] 结膜结石, 结石性结膜炎

14、catarrhal conjunctivitis ─── [医] 卡他性结膜炎

15、croupous conjunctivitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性结膜炎

16、conjunctivitis medicamentosa ─── [医] 药物性结膜炎

17、blennorrheal conjunctivitis ─── [医] 淋病性结膜炎

18、arc-flash conjunctivitis ─── [医] 电光性结膜炎

19、conjunctivitis necroticans infectiosus ─── [医] 感染坏死性结膜炎

conjunctivitis 相似词语短语

1、conductivities ─── n.导电性;[物][生理]传导性

2、conjunctivae ─── 结膜

3、conjunctions ─── n.连词;[语]连接词;[数]合取(conjunction的复数形式)

4、conjunctival ─── adj.结膜的

5、conjunctivas ─── n.[解剖]结膜

6、conjunctiva ─── n.[解剖]结膜

7、conjunctiveness ─── 合取

8、conductivity ─── n.导电性;[物][生理]传导性

9、conjunctives ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

conjunctivitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perennial allorgic conjunctivitis ─── 常年过敏结膜炎

2、We report 22 cases of denque fever, that ocular findings are conjunctivitis, conjunctival injection & hemorrhagic spots, retinal hemorrhage, vasculitis and R/O retrobulbar neuritis. ─── 分别为结膜充血、结膜点状出血、结膜炎、视网膜出血、血管炎及疑似球后视神经炎。经治疗后预后良好。

3、"Zola" Unfortunately, the current infected with conjunctivitis. ─── “新佐拉”目前不幸染上结膜炎。

4、acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis ─── 急性假膜性结膜炎

5、An eye disease of children and adults that is milder than trachoma. It consists of purulent conjunctivitis that heals spontaneously without scarring. ─── 会自动全愈无巴痕。

6、Students often use excessive eye, a vision-fatigue, conjunctivitis and visual fatigue will increase the mutual promotion and symptoms, also seriously affect visual quality and learning efficiency. ─── 中小学生经常过度用眼,易出现视力疲劳、结膜炎和视力疲劳会相互促进而加重症状,严重者还影响视觉质量和学习效率。

7、Application of antibiotic ointments or drops to the eyes is generally effective in treating bacterial conjunctivitis. ─── 抗生素眼膏或眼药水一般能有效治疗细菌性结膜炎。

8、People suffering from ulcers, drinking carrot juice can significantly reduce symptoms, carrot juice is also available in mitigation conjunctivitis and maintenance of the entire visual system. ─── 患有溃疡的人,饮用胡萝卜汁可以显著减轻症状,胡萝卜汁还有缓解结膜炎以及保养整个视觉系统的作用。

9、You have got acute conjunctivitis. ─── 您患的是急性结膜炎。

10、Bacterial conjunctivitis is a microbial infection involving the mucous membrane on the surface of the eye. ─── 细菌性结膜炎是一种影响眼表粘膜的微生物感染。

11、Goal: Research present clinical commonly used in treatment spring catarrh conjunctivitis's medicine function effect and union use effect. ─── 目的:研究目前临床常用于治疗春季卡他性结膜炎的药物作用效果及联合使用的效果。

12、All parts are used for the treatment of hepatitis, nephritis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, and bronchitis. ─── 全部深裂用于治疗肝炎,肾炎,结膜炎,喉咙痛和支气管炎。

13、Anatomical observation of the conjunct region between esophagus and stomach. ─── 成人食管胃连接部的解剖学观测。

14、conjunctivitis neoroticans infectiosus ─── 坏死性传染性结膜炎

15、The percolation results from conjunct effects of dispersion, interface polarization and nano-effect of MWNTs.The percolation threshold of the Ag-filled MWNTs/epoxy composite is about 1.01 wt%. ─── Ag填充碳纳米管/环氧树脂有明显的介电逾渗现象,这是填料的分散状态、界面极化与纳米填料表面效应共同作用的结果,体系的逾渗阈值为1.01 wt%。

16、Viral etiology study of acute conjunctivitis ─── 急性咽结膜炎暴发流行的病毒病原学研究

17、In the traditional theory about criminal law,the question was just mentioned in the theory of conjunct crime. ─── 传统刑法理论只是在共犯论中稍带提及。

18、Empirically, there is evidence to show that the extracted element of ATB constructions is originated in the first conjunct only. ─── 从实证角度上看,有?据表明横越式句型的成分提取仅起始于第一个并列项而已。

19、Critical allergic conjunctivitis syndrome ─── 危机性变应性结膜炎综合征

20、Saturn will be conjunct the Sun that day, March 8, a somber aspect, bringing your confidence to a low point on this day. ─── 3月8日,土星将联合太阳同时出现,一个阴暗的方面,你的自信在这一天将处于最低点。

21、His eyes had been red and painful for three weeks, yet the usual rounds of medication for conjunctivitis (pink eye) had done nothing. ─── 病人的眼睛持续红肿并且疼痛了三个星期,然而普通的对结膜炎(传染性角膜炎)的药物治疗疗程没有任何作用。

22、CSCL is the conjunct of the theoretics and method of CSCW and CL. WebCL is the development and applications of CSCL under the Internet circumstances. ─── CSCL是计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)与协作学习(CL)理论与方法相结合的产物,基于网络的协作学习是CSCL在网络环境下的发展与应用。

23、February: Saturn Opposes Uranus (the judge/cop vs. the Hippie) for the 2nd time and Venus moved in to conjunct Uranus at the end of last month....might soften it a bit. ─── 2月:土星反对天王星(法官/缔约方会议的嬉皮比)为第二时间和金星动议以共同的天王星在上个月底....可能软化有点。

24、Incidents of conjunctivitis (sore eyes), which is a highly contagious infection, have been reported in at least one evacuation center. ─── 结膜炎(眼睛发炎)具有高度传染性,至少已有一个疏散中心通报。

25、acute diphtheritic conjunctivitis ─── 急性白喉性结膜炎

26、trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis agent ─── TRIC因子, 沙眼及包涵体性结膜炎因子

27、acute mucopurulent conjunctivitis ─── 急性粘液脓性结膜炎

28、The aspect I am referring to will involve Mars (action, energy) conjunct Uranus (surprises) in the same part of the chart that I have been referring to, your fifth house of true love. ─── 在此我会提及主宰行动和能量的火星与主宰意外的天王星的结合,以及你主宰真爱的第五宫。

29、The result showed that AOL possessed significant anti-inflammatory effect on irritable conjunctivitis. ─── AOL对刺激性兔眼结膜炎具有明显抗炎作用,给药1 d后眼结膜充血、水肿症状明显减轻;

30、acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis virus ─── 急性出血性结合膜炎病毒, 70型肠道病毒

31、Chronic conjunctivitis is the bacterium that a few blame send ill sex the breed in eye ministry inflammation reaction that causes eye ministry. ─── 慢性结膜炎是一些非致病性的细菌在眼部的繁殖等导致眼部的炎症反应。

32、While this aspect of Jupiter conjunct Neptune will be lovely for people of almost every sign, I worry about it for Cancer, for it is happening in a financial house that also includes speculation. ─── 尽管从各种迹象上来看海木相合都会是讨喜的,我却为螃蟹们感到担心,因为它出现在你的财运宫,同时包含着投机成分。

33、What is conjunctivitis? Why half month, to hospital cure, the doctor matched eyedrop to me, how had still done not have? ─── 什么是结膜炎?为什么都半个月了,到医院治疗,医生给我配了眼药水,怎么还没好?

34、With Saturn conjunct the Sun, you will be in realistic mode and very cognizant of your financial responsibilities. ─── 当土星联结太阳,你会非常现实并认清你的金融责任。

35、Conclusion The most common causes for infant's eye secretion overabundance are sexually transmitted conjunctivitis and infant's dacryocystitis. The pathogeny-oriented therapy has good effect. ─── 6例患儿针对病因治疗全部治愈。结论新生儿眼分泌物多的原因最常见为性传播性结膜炎及新生儿泪囊炎,针对病因治疗效果良好。

36、simple syphilitic conjunctivitis ─── 单纯性梅毒性结膜炎

37、Principal Symptoms:Conjunctivitis from the inner canthus, insomnia, eversion of foot. ─── 主要病候:目痛从内眦始,不眠,足外翻等证。

38、Viral conjunctivitis is an infection of the mucous membrane of the surface of the eye. ─── 病毒性结膜炎也是眼表粘膜的一种感染。

39、On January 31 and February 1, Venus will conjunct Jupiter in one of the year's loveliest annual events. ─── 在1月31日和2月1日,金星和木星相会将是一年一度最可爱的事件。

40、In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain, menstrual cramps, and colic. It is also said to be useful against coughs, indigestion, and conjunctivitis. ─── 在中国医学方面,郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。并且也被说对预防咳嗽、消化不良和结膜炎有用。

41、Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis ─── 急性腺病毒性滤泡性结膜炎

42、April 15 is likely to be a tough day due to Mars conjunct Uranus, when someone near is likely to make you see red. ─── 4月15号很可能是黑色的一天,因为火星与天王星相合所以有些人可能会让你见红(不是血,意思是得花点钱)。

43、Keywords Alomide;Allergic conjunctivitis;Mast cell; ─── 变态反应性结膜炎;乐免敏;肥大细胞;

44、You have acute infective conjunctivitis. ─── 你得的是急性传染性结膜炎。

45、This case reminded us that Thelazia infestation should be included in the differential diagnosis of the patient with persist conjunctivitis, ocular itching and foreign body sensation. ─── 在临床上看到持续的结膜炎及结膜不适时,应将寄生虫感染列入?别诊断的项目中!

46、In each voice there is often a mixture of movement by step and movement by leap? conjunct and disjunct motion. ─── 在每个声部中,常常混合级进和跳进。

47、Allergic conjunctivitis in children is highly valued in the prevention and cure of atopy disease,which are always misdiagnosed or miss diagnosed in the clinical practice . ─── 在针对过敏性疾病的诊治中,儿童过敏性结膜炎越来越受到关注,但大量的漏诊和误诊存在。

48、Use a fresh towel every time you wipe your face. Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis, the infection also known as pinkeye. ─── 24每次洗脸用干净的毛巾。公用洗脸毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种炎症是众所周知的“红眼病”。

49、Not only was the Egyptian calendar based on the rising of Sirius, but that the Sun is astrologically conjunct Sirius every year on July 4, for the birthday of the United States of America. ─── 不仅埃及日历是根据天狼星的升起为基础,而且太阳每年7月4日作为美国诞生日占星上连接天狼星。

50、I am not an Aquarius, but I have a very powerful Uranus conjunct my ascendant, and it rules my mid-heaven (career and reputation point), so in a way I am just like you. ─── 我不是水瓶座的,但天王星和我的上升星座有很强的联系,它掌管了我的天顶(事业名望的顶点),所以某些方面我和你们一样的。

51、A strongly placed natal vertex( conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。

52、I was kept on the hop for 5 hours to photograph the swatches, it caused conjunctivitis in my right eye. I will stop posting and replying here until I feel better. ─── 前几天忙著拍照太操劳,结膜炎又复发了。我会暂停写新文章和回应,直到眼睛舒服一点。

53、Your career will also continue to be a big focus, but near March 8, when Saturn will conjunct the Sun, you may become frustrated because you aren't moving fast enough. ─── 你的事业会朝着成为大人物的方向继续前行,但是在接近三月八日的时候,土星会与太阳相合,你可能会遇到一点小挫折,因为你的动作不够快。

54、Ask a poor mother in Africa about chlamydia, and she may tell you that flies transmitting this infection gave her two young children the painful eye condition known as conjunctivitis. ─── 如果与非洲某个可怜的母亲谈到相同的话题,她可能会告诉你,这种由苍蝇传播的疾病,使她的两个幼儿染上结膜炎这种痛苦的眼疾。

55、I've got the everlasting beautiful rainbow----Vanness, you are the most beautiful bridge conjunct with love and sunshine. ─── 我得到了永恒美丽的虹。

56、To help with this, Jupiter may be conjunct the Sun Ascendant, or Moon adding protectiveness and good fortune, or the chart may be favorably aspected in other way. ─── 为了改善,木星可能与太阳、下降星座或是月亮合相,以增加保护与好运,或者,以其他方式形成有利的相位。

57、Allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the white part of the eye) due to allergy. ─── 什么是'过敏性结膜炎-类型的粉红色的眼睛造成过敏'?

58、acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis ─── 急性出血性结膜炎

59、The virus infects 83 people causing conjunctivitis and flu-like symptoms, and kills one man. ─── 83人感染,出现结膜炎和流感样症状,一人死亡。

60、How does summer prevent acute conjunctivitis? ─── 夏天如何预防急性结膜炎?

61、Side effects like skin rash and conjunctivitis occurred at low frequencies similar to placebo or comparator drugs. ─── 副反应像皮疹,结膜炎发生率较低,类似于安慰剂或者对照用药。

62、As for the people who suffer canker, their illness will be alleviated if they drink carrot juice for it can dispel conjunctivitis and take good care of the whole vision system. ─── 患有溃疡病的人,饮用胡萝卜汁可以显著减轻症状,胡萝卜汁还有缓解结膜炎以及保养整个视觉系统的作用。

63、All parts are used for the treatment of hepatitis, nephritis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, and bronchitis. ─── 全部深裂用于治疗肝炎,肾炎,结膜炎,喉咙痛和支气管炎。

64、Exogenous affections are conjunct results of many factors.It is difficult to get significant progress in study of pathogeny with traditional methods. ─── 中医外感病是多因素作用的结果,用传统方法很难在病因研究上取得突破性进展。

65、Newcastle disease conjunctivitis virus ─── [医] 新城鸡瘟结膜炎病毒

66、It is also used for used for the treatment of urinary infection, pertussis, peritonitis, septicaemia, conjunctivitis and trachomata etc. ─── 亦可用于泌尿道感染、百日咳、腹膜炎、败血症、结膜炎及沙眼等。

67、Let me have a look You have acute injective conjunctivitis . You require some treatment. ─── 医生:我给您检查一下您患的是急性传染性结膜炎,需要治疗。

68、But floating chlorine generally low to the water to prevent trachoma, the ability to reduce the spread of diseases such as conjunctivitis. ─── 但游离氯普遍偏低,使池水预防砂眼、结膜炎等疾病传播的能力降低。

69、Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis ─── 季节过敏性结膜炎

70、With Uranus conjunct the Sun in your 3rd house, your mind will crackle with a plethora of new ideas. ─── 与天王星契合太阳在你的第三家,你的心将裂纹与过多的新思路。

71、A strongly placed natal vertex (conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(合地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。

72、endogenous gonococcal conjunctivitis ─── 内原性淋病性结膜炎

73、The problem of status in criminal is very complex to solve,especially when the question across with the theory of criminal constitutes and conjunct crime. ─── 刑法中有关身份的问题极为复杂,尤其是当它与犯罪构成、共犯问题出现交叉时更为棘手。

74、Neonatal eye infections (conjunctivitis of the newborn) ─── 新生儿眼感染(新生儿结膜炎)

75、Keywords Allergic conjunctivitis animal models; ─── 变应性结膜炎;动物模型;

76、SAPPHIRE succeeded in identifying gastrointestinal, respiratory and conjunctivitis outbreaks in survivors of the disaster much sooner than would have been possible before. ─── SAPPHIRE成功辨识出灾难生还者当中肠胃炎、呼吸道疾病及结膜炎的爆发,速度远比过去更快。

77、AOL has a good effect on the therapy of staphylococcus aureus conjunctivitis and cantharides tincture. ─── AOL对家兔金葡菌性结膜炎及刺激性结膜炎具有良好的疗效。

78、The goal of this paper is investigating the competence of ports from two angles, which are spatial structure of the ports cluster and neighboring ports' attraction to cargoes at conjunct hinterlands. ─── 因此,对我国港口的发展研究,特别是港口竞争力的研究具有十分重要的意义。

79、My eye often removes white chaotic, the doctor says is conjunctivitis, have good method to treat? ─── 我的一只眼老是起白浊,医生说是结膜炎,有没有好方法治疗?

80、Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis virus ─── 出血性结膜炎病毒, 急性出血性结膜炎病毒

81、haemorrhagic conjunctivitis virus ─── 出血性结膜炎病毒

82、Sakesman: On the other hand, conjunctivitis is highky contagious, so, if someone in your ckass went down with this, it is very kikeky that others around him woukd catch this as wekk. ─── 店员:同时,结膜炎是极易传染的,如果你的班上有同学患了结膜炎,就很容易让周围的人也患上。

83、Animal models of allergic conjunctivitis ─── 变应性结膜炎动物模型

84、Pending one more medical test, Rockets forward Stromile Swift will be available to play tonight after missing nine games with conjunctivitis. ─── 再经过一次检查,斯维福特就可以参加今晚的比赛了。他因为结膜炎已经错过了9场比赛了。

85、conjunctivitis catarrhalis aestiva ─── [医] 春季卡他性结膜炎

86、But now, when he wanted to use his "free" left hand to move his right hand's conjunct threads, he found his left arm cannot move any more. ─── 可是紧接着,当他想用刚“自由”的左手去拔掉右手上的悬线时,发现掉了线的那只胳膊不能动了。

87、Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis, the infection also known as pinkeye. ─── 公用洗脸毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种炎症是众所周知的“红眼病”。

88、There should be a careful mixture of both in the upper, soprano voice and rather more conjunct motion in the inner parts. ─── 在高音区和声部内的级进中,揉合级进和跳进要小心。

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