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09-12 投稿


farsightedness 发音

英:[['fa:sa?t?dn?s]]  美:[['fa:sa?t?dn?s]]

英:  美:

farsightedness 中文意思翻译



farsightedness 同义词

foresighted | perceptive | presbyopic | wise | provident | cautious | astute | visionary |farseeing | discerning | prudent | sensible | prophetic | foresightful | sagacious | longsighted | long | judicious

farsightedness 词性/词形变化,farsightedness变形

副词: farsightedly |异体字: far-sighted |

farsightedness 短语词组

1、farsightedness in toddlers ─── 幼儿的远视

2、farsightedness reserve ─── 远视储备

3、farsightedness in spanish ─── 西班牙语中的远视

4、farsightedness lenses ─── 远视镜片

5、farsightedness age ─── 远视年龄

6、farsightedness is ─── 远视是

7、farsightedness dx ─── 远视

8、farsightedness is corrected with a lens ─── 远视用镜片矫正

farsightedness 反义词


farsightedness 相似词语短语

1、clear-sightedness ─── 视力

2、foresightedness ─── 前瞻性

3、near-sightedness ─── n.近视眼;目光短浅

4、sharp-sightedness ─── 视力敏锐

5、nearsightedness ─── n.近视眼;目光短浅

6、shortsightedness ─── n.近视

7、clearsightedness ─── 清明

8、far-sightedness ─── 远视

9、longsightedness ─── 远视

farsightedness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, for oneself of studies do of farsighted programming, if have no special affair, will all the way and continuously enrichment oneself. ─── 今天,为自己的学业做的长远规划,如果没特殊的事情,将会一路不断充实自己。

2、The commonness was that both were farsighted, and pay attention to course and result.Both of them could meet the users' needs to the greatest extent.They were patient companies. ─── 共性是两者都有远见,注重执行和结果,都能最大程度满足用户需求,都是有耐心的公司。

3、Bilingualism is a farsighted educational policy. ─── 双语体制是很有远见的体制。

4、But old but still full of high ambition, farsighted, this Paralympic Game starts until now, Jakobson has won two riflery gold medals, he also hopefully attacks the three metals. ─── 巴肯也是参加本届残奥会自行车比赛年龄最大的冠军。

5、He must be farsighted, must persevere in what he believes in and not be sidetracked by temporary setbacks. ─── 加上对理想的坚持,远虑深谋,不轻易因眼前的波折而有所迷失;

6、Many farsighted entrepreneurs from countries and regions all over the world have paid their attention to China and got generous profits in return from their investment activities. ─── 世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。

7、I'm going to be a rich man when this war is over, Scarlett, because I was farsighted--pardon me, mercenary. ─── 思嘉,这场战争结束时我会成为一个富翁,因为我有远见----唔,对不起,是惟利是图。

8、For it is only the working class that is most farsighted, most selfless and most thoroughly revolutionary. ─── 因为只有工人阶级最有远见,大公无私,最富于革命的彻底性。

9、An eye abnormality, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, resulting from faulty refractive ability of the eye. ─── 屈光不正因眼的折射力缺陷造成的一种不正常的情况,如近视、远视或散光

10、Efforts should be made to set up standards for diagnosis, differentiation, and therapeutic effect according to medical science approaches, and to carry out random, farsighted, and mult... ─── 应针对本病特点尽快制定出中医的诊断、辨证和疗效标准,着重于严格按照医学科研方法设计,进行大样本、多中心、随机前瞻性的研究,为临床治疗提供证据。

11、He had always been farsighted about relations with Japan. ─── 在同日本的关系上,他总是有远见的。

12、People with a high degree of farsightedness along with astigmatism have less predictable results. ─── 对远视兼散光的人手术后结果的预期较少。

13、However, even then how farsighted, dished out a big stick in mind the value of literature, literature network would not killed. ─── 不过,即便是再怎样高屋建瓴,抛出一记文学价值的大棒,也不会将网络文学砸死。

14、The marketing strategic project for the large-and-medium-scale real estate should have the quality of reality, farsightedness and demonstration. ─── 其市场战略规划应具有现实性、超前性和示范性;

15、Mr.Zhang,within one year,your company has grown into the largest software company in China.It must have a lot to do with your farsightedness. ─── 张太太,您的公司在一年之内就发展成为中国最大的软件公司,这一定是得力于您的远见卓识。

16、of farsightedness along with astigmatism have less predictable results. ─── 散光的人手术后结果的预期较少。

17、the procedure effectively corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness , and astigmatism. ─── 有效地矫正近视、远视和散光。

18、Thick lenses with a line across them were the only option available to those who had nearsightedness and farsightedness. ─── 厚厚镜片有一条横跨人的唯一选择那些短视和远见。

19、All this represents farsightedness of the Finnish government in developing ties with China. ─── 这些都体现出芬兰政府在发展对华关系上的远见卓识。

20、Only those who are farsighted can always encourage themselves ,and they don't change their perfect personality while overcome obstacle. ─── 只有那些富有远见的人能不断地鼓励自己,能在克服障碍的同时不改变自己完善的人格。

21、full of farsightedness; farsighted ─── 富有远见

22、His reflexes were uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading anything except Hamley's saddle catalog. ─── 他反映非常敏捷,因为远视得厉害,除了哈姆雷的马鞍目录外他什么都不喜欢读。

23、On the one hand, we demanded completion, updatedness, representativeness and farsightedness in selecting the books. ─── 一方面,在选书时,我们求全,求新,求有代表性和前瞻性。

24、Over the past year, the government has operated smoothly, society has remained tranquil, and the economy has continued to grow, all thanks to the farsighted reforms he initiated during his lifetime. ─── 回想一年来,政府各部门运作有条不紊,社会平静,经济持续成长,不因蒋故总统之逝世而慌乱了脚步,这一切都是他生前锐意改革所结出的美果。

25、Many farsighted businesspeople have paid their attention to China and to the western regions and got generous profits in return of their investment activities. ─── 世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,投向了西部,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。

26、Gene-related patents are two-edged swords,only according to the human overall and farsighted benefits can Gene-related patents get the ethical vindicates. ─── 基因专利是一把双刃剑,只有从人类整体的长远利益出发基因专利才能得到伦理辩护。

27、Don't worry.The janitor is old and farsighted. ─── 别担心,看门的上了年纪,眼也花了。

28、Gu Ge and lukewarm thorough are pulled this same, also be a king that wises and farsighted benevolently, their actual strength powerful and not be very greedy. ─── 他们只会觉得空气中充满魔力。毫无疑问,一些人注定要靠这种“魔术”获利,但幸运者不可能是我们。

29、Almost all infants are born farsighted because their eyes have not yet grown to the right shape. ─── 几乎所有婴儿出生时都是远视,因为这时他们的眼球还没有发育成正常形状。

30、Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic goals. ─── 预防应该是多做些“远视”,不要老是盯在经济目标上。

31、Are you nearsighted or farsighted?Only my right eye is nearsighted. ─── 你是近视还是远视?

32、This has no concern with hope, but with farsightedness and all that you have represented. ─── 这不是关于希望,而是关于远见卓识和你们所代表的一切。

33、I think to be a simple"persistence":Return shortage with include my wise and farsighted choice. ─── 我想简单的一个“坚持”:还不足以包含我的睿智选择。

34、Adriana looked up, her eyes rarefied by the thick lenses of the farsighted, then she took off her glasses, hesitated for a moment, and jumped up with a sob, her arms open wide: "Ay, Comadre!" ─── 她抬起头,眼睛从老花镜上方望出来,好像在看远方的什么。突然她扔掉眼镜,犹豫了一下,跳起来说:“啊!你好!”,随即手臂做拥抱状。

35、5.Hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when the shape of the eye is too short. ─── 当眼睛的形状是太短的,远视或者远视,发生。

36、I am a little nearsighted / farsighted. ─── 我有一点近视/远视。

37、The ex-president is a known farsighted politician. ─── 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。

38、Height waits in week subprefect, hale physique, blush chamber, below heavy one pair of pupil that take advanced courses make the person looks to know him to wise and farsighted how. ─── 周副县长中等个儿,健壮的体魄,红脸膛,浓眉下一对深造的眸子使人一看便知他如何地睿智。

39、The light rays will focus either in front of or behind the retina resulting in "refractive errors" such as nearsightedness farsightedness and astigmatism. ─── 在光线的重点不是在前面或后面的视网膜,在“屈光不正,如近视,远视和散光”造成的。

40、If you from recognize and is an open-minded, honesty, strong, wise and farsighted good man, opportunity right here. ─── 如果你自认是个豁达,诚实,坚强,睿智的好男人,机会就在你的一念之间!

41、In this respect, the farsighted critical spirit established by Kant is eternally worth valuing and speculating. ─── 在此意义上讲,由康德所奠定的那种高瞻远瞩的理性批判精神,是永远值得人们珍惜和深思的。

42、Mr.Gu Zhun to the farsightedness, he was clearly long overdue insight into the value of the spirit of Greece. ─── 以顾准先生的远见卓识,他显然早就洞悉了希腊精神的价值所在。

43、In the early days of china's economic boom, farsighted people, best represented by those from wenzhou, eagerly introduced the idea of real-estate-speculating. ─── 中国经济繁荣的时期,有眼光的个体,最典型的有温州人,引入了房产炒作的概念。

44、We want to scan widely to be farsighted, treating with the strategic taste with processing China-U.S. relations. ─── 我们要放眼长远,用战略的眼光来看待和处理中美关系.

45、Mrs. Zhang, within one year, your company has grown into the largest software company in China. It must have a lot to do with your farsightedness. ─── 张太太,您的公司在一年之内就发展成为中国最大的软件公司,这一定是得力于您的远见卓识。

46、But don't pay attention to the business enterprise of farsighted development and then die halfway probably, the fun impossibly realized to be a real entrepreneur. ─── 但是不注重长远发展的企业就可能半路夭折,就不可能体会做一个真正企业家的乐趣。

47、Not blindness ratio draft, open heart communication, thorough understanding, farsighted cooperation! ─── 不盲目比稿,坦诚沟通,深入了解,长远合作!

48、The general stared at the battle map with his wise and farsighted eyes. ─── 将军用睿智的目光注视着作战地图。

49、We like to accept you the wise sponsor very much, and depend on your sponsor, acquiring more farsighted development. ─── 我们很喜欢接受您明智的赞助,并依靠您的赞助,获得更加长远的发展。

50、Rereading these words of Voltaire and Emerson today, I cannot but admire their wisdom and farsight. ─── 今天重温伏尔泰和爱默生这些名言,不禁为他们的睿智和远见所折服。

51、Hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when the shape of the eye is too short. In this case, light rays are focused on a point behind the retina. ─── 当眼睛的形状是太短的,远视或者远视,发生。在这种情况下,光线集中于在视网膜之后的点。

52、The Farsighted Opportunity and Countermeasure Way of Thinking that Development Face of Vocational Education in Shanghai ─── 上海职业教育发展面临的战略机遇与对策思路

53、A Tentative Research on the Cognitive Form and Characteristics of the Nondeterminacy of College Student's Farsighted Employment ─── 大学生预见就业不确定性认知形式及其特点

54、Moreover, she has brought forward a highly farsighted viewpoint: feminism activities would be deeply influenced by conflicts of hierarchy of social rank and racism. ─── 并极具前瞻性地明示:女性主义运动不是脱离社会单一存在的,也深受所处社会等级矛盾甚至种族矛盾的影响。

55、The two characteristics reflected the farsightedness of a politician. ─── 体现了一个政治家的远见卓识。

56、Annie: Dr. Sandi was farsighted. ─── 安妮: 桑迪够有远见的。

57、In short, large goals required farsighted policies, not tactical maneuvering. ─── 一句话,大的目标需要有高瞻远瞩的政策,玩弄策略是不行的。

58、The new leading bodies we are about to form should be farsighted and broad-minded. This is the most fundamental requirement to be met by our third generation of leaders. ─── 我们组成的这个新的领导机构,眼界要非常宽阔,胸襟要非常宽阔,这是对我们第三代领导人最根本的要求。

59、Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) can turn back the clock on farsightedness, but it cannot stop the clock. ─── CK虽可回拨远视的时钟,但它不能使这时钟停下来。

60、The key lies in the farsightedness of the central authorities. They made a series of prompt policy-decisions to expand domestic demand, increase investment and promote economic growth. ─── 关键是中央高瞻远瞩,及时决策,制定了扩大内需、增加投资、促进经济增长的一系列政策措施。

61、4.a person with hyperopia; a farsighted person. ─── 一个患有远视症的人;一个有远见的人。

62、The its farsighted target lies in the overall development, the citizen soul of the realization all and spirit state which carries out a person to promote. ─── 其长远目标在于实现人的全面发展,实现全体公民灵魂和精神境界的提升。

63、Excessive worrying about the future often causes mistakes in the present. A lack of farsightedness also produces the same effect. ─── 关于将来的过多的焦虑时常促成出现目前的错误。缺乏远见也招致同样的结果。

64、You have vision and farsightedness. ─── 你有眼光,有远见;

65、We sincerely welcome wise and farsighted entrepreneur of everyplace comes investigation and invest. ─── 我们诚挚地欢迎各地睿智的企业家前来考察、投资。

66、My grandpa asked me to buy him a pair of glasses for the farsighted. ─── 我爷爷要我给他买一副远视眼镜。

67、Is the farsighted grain husk of forest an important super invincible universe beautiful woman or not? ? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>教育/科学>科学技术>天文学>林睿颖是宇宙超级无敌大美女不??

68、America from the snares of foreign concessionaires and bankers, he proposed a farsighted plan. ─── 为使拉丁美洲不致陷入外国特许权所有人和银行家的圈套,他提出了一个先见之明的计划。

69、Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic goals. ─── 预防应该是多做些“远视”,不要老是盯在经济目标上。

70、a person with presbyopia; someone who is farsighted resulting from the progressive loss with aging of the elasticity of the crystalline lens. ─── 一个患有老花症的人;一个由于长期以来晶状体弹性的逐渐丧失而成为远视眼的人。

71、Doctor: Let me give you a check. You suffer from farsightedness, Madam. ─── 医生:我来给您检查一下。夫人,您患得是远视。

72、We in Singapore are most fortunate to have racial harmony and religious freedom, thanks to the farsightedness of our ever vigilant leaders and the strict laws against anyone stirring up racial or religious animosities. ─── 在新加坡,我们很幸运的能够享有种族和谐和宗教自由。 这得感谢我们高瞻远瞩的领袖,以及对付企图挑起种族或宗教敌意人士的严刑峻法。

73、Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).PRK is sometimes used if you have a low to moderate degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness, or if you have nearsightedness with astigmatism. ─── 屈光性角膜切除术(PRK):当你有低于中等度数的近视或者远视,或者近视加散光,有时会选择PRK。

74、The new leading bodies we are about to form should be farsighted and broad-minded. ─── 我们组成的这个新的领导机构,眼界要非常宽阔,胸襟要非常宽阔

75、On the other hand, a farsighted widow is able to endure years of misery and ignominy and even persecution, if she has a good boy of five. ─── 在另一方面,一个眼光远大的寡妇如果有一个五岁的好儿子,便能够忍受多年的痛苦、耻辱,甚至于虐待和迫害。

76、In the correspondence of the soul and painting, she has created artistic language with delicate fluctuation and farsighted artistic conception. ─── 在心灵与笔墨的对应中,创造出了变幻有致、意境高远的艺术语言。

77、With several exceptions, most of them are poorly-managed and lack a farsighted vision and plan for their longer term development. ─── 一、除了少数例外的情况,一般的艺术团体缺乏有效的管理,和长远的发展远景。

78、LASIK eye surgery may be an option for you if you have nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism. ─── 如果你有近视、远视、或者散光,LASIK眼科手术是种选择。

79、Be how much the farsighted second-hand Jia Mu Si City warehouse dicaryon computer? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>黑龙江>佳木斯市>佳木斯二手库睿双核电脑多少钱啊?

80、When the Second Reform Bill(1867) extended voting rights to members of the (male) working class, England had already become a nation rich and powerful but not, in Arnold's view, farsighted enough to survive successfully into the future. ─── 1867年通过的《第二改革法案》赋予(男性)工人阶级选举权,其时的英国已经成为一个富强的国家,但在阿诺德看来,英国如无远虑,不足以在未来站稳脚跟。

81、What is the reality for a child with undetected vision impairments, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed-eyes), or severe nearsightedness or farsightedness? ─── 如果一个孩子患上了未觉察到的视力缺陷,诸如弱视,斜视或严重的近视或远视,会有什么后果呢?

82、I always feel thankful to my father for his wisdom and farsightedness. ─── 一直以来,我都很感谢爸爸的智慧与远见。

83、Last year more than 1.5 million nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatic people underwent the procedure to eliminate the need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. ─── 去年一年,美国就有超过150万名近视、远视或散光患者进行了这项手术,以摆脱眼镜或隐形眼镜。

84、Zhaonan Group, a farsighted enterprise with strategic viewpoint, has fully utilized the advantages of culture brand to promote enterprise brand, construct its image and return to society. ─── 具有远见卓识和战略眼光的兆南集团抓住了文化品牌的优势,以此宣传企业品牌、树立形象、回报社会。

85、in a nutshell , refractive surgery involves operating on a healthy eye to remove nearsightedness , farsightedness , or astigmatism. ─── 概言之,激光矫视是指施行手术于健康之眼,以消除近视远视或散光。

86、A man who flatters himself wise or farsighted never is the man should we remise to. ─── 一个人应该不会为了俗事来伤害自己的身体吧!

87、We in Singapore are most fortunate to have racial harmony and religious freedom,thanks to the farsightedness of our ever vigilant leaders and the strict laws against anyone stirring up racial or religious animosities. ─── 在新加坡,我们很幸运的能够享有种族和谐和宗教自由。这得感谢我们高瞻远瞩的领袖,以及对付企图挑起种族或宗教敌意人士的严刑峻法。

88、People become the simple rational animals.Rousseau's sober , wise and farsighted attention about morals makes him to choose emotion during the comparing between logos and emotion. ─── 卢梭清醒、睿智的道德关注,使他在理性与情感之间推崇情感,他移动了启蒙运动的重心。

89、a person with presbyopia; someone who is farsighted resulting from the progressive loss with aging of the elasticity of the crystalline lens ─── 一个患有老花症的人;一个由于长期以来晶状体弹性的逐渐丧失而成为远视眼的人

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