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09-12 投稿



inefficiency 发音

英:[,?n?'f???ns?]  美:[?n?'f???nsi]

英:  美:

inefficiency 中文意思翻译



inefficiency 短语词组

1、allocative inefficiency ─── 配置低效率

2、thermal inefficiency ─── 热效率低下

3、reproductive inefficiency ─── 生殖效率低下

inefficiency 词性/词形变化,inefficiency变形

名词复数: inefficiencies |

inefficiency 相似词语短语

1、efficiency ─── n.效率;效能;功效

2、inefficient ─── adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的

3、inefficiently ─── adv.无效率地;缺乏能力地

4、sufficiency ─── n.足量,充足;自满

5、deficiency ─── n.缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额

6、insufficience ─── n.不充足,不富裕(等于insufficiency)

7、insufficiency ─── n.不足,不充分;机能不全;不适当

8、inefficacy ─── n.无效;无效力

9、inefficiencies ─── 无能

inefficiency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Realizing the inefficiency of the breaking up reform, we conclude that the effective competitive market in telecommunication industry should have full business and the restrictions between oligarchs. ─── 对分拆式改革措施进行反思,认为其有效性有限,指出电信业有效竞争的市场格局应是全业务多寡头相互制衡。

2、A city ordinance provided that a permanent employee like the petitioner could be dismissed for cause, such as for negligence or inefficiency on the job. ─── 一项城市法令规定,类似上诉人的永久性雇员可以遭解雇,但必须事出有因,如疏忽或工作效率低,等。

3、The synergies relate with the true value of the firms which maybe not equal to the market value because of market inefficiency. ─── 协同效应与企业的真实价值有关,由于市场的无效率导致企业的市场价值可能并不等于企业的真实价值。

4、The problems such as ownership empty, unclear property fight, high agency cost and faultiness of motivation and constraint do exist.All of them cause the inefficiency of Chinese enterprises. ─── 国有企业中存在的所有者虚设、产权不明晰、代理成本过高、企业管理者激励和约束机制不完善等问题,从而导致了企业效率低下。

5、Most of the services rely upon manual searching for arbs, which is very time consuming and inefficient.Our software eliminates that inefficiency. ─── 因为,做出差价交易的时候您什麽也没损失,您根本都没赌---您只是在交易。

6、Therefore only by establishing modern system of property rights can the problems of large income distribution gap and inefficiency of overall consumption demand be solved. ─── 因此,必须建立现代产权制度,才能够解决收入分配差距偏大和总消费需求不足的问题。

7、The banana yield of the first two years was low due, to a great extent, to the bad choice of the type of fertilizers for the soil conditions and the inefficiency of the irrigation system. ─── 头两年香蕉产量较低,在很大程度上是因为选择了不适合土壤条件的肥料种类和效率差的灌溉系统。

8、Many nations are saddled with large numbers of such enter prises, whose inefficiency is legendary and whose appetite for state subsidies is insatiable. ─── 很多国家都负担了数目庞大的(国营)企业。这些企业缺乏效率是家喻户晓的,需要政府补贴的胃口永远不能满足。

9、Planning Inefficiency and Improvement under Uncertainty Theory ─── 不确定性视角下的规划失效与改进

10、Could it really be that there was so much inefficiency and, to get rid of it, little more was necessary than to tell people to sort it out? ─── 难道真的是因为手下的人效率太过低下,为了摆脱这个问题,除了命令他们解决问题,还有必要插手做点什么?

11、The shifting from in-house provision to CCT was intended to solve the problems of inefficiency, inflexibility and high-cost of public service provision. ─── 公共服务从内部供给走向契约外包的强制性竞标,是欲解决科层体制之无效率、无弹性及昂贵的服务输送;

12、the inefficiency of industrial structure ─── 产业结构缺口

13、The traditional manual packing method impedes corporation"s development because of its inefficiency and its inferior packing quality. ─── 人工排样效率低,难以得到高质量的排样方案。

14、The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. ─── 这份报告描绘了一幅办事效率低下和贪污腐化的可怕景象。

15、The inefficiency of one department can bring a whole industry into disrepute. ─── 只要有一个部门的效率不高,就会使整个行业的名声受到影响。

16、There is, a tendency towards slackness and inefficiency in most families that rule by hereditary right. ─── 大多数赋有世袭统治权的家族逐渐变得怠惰、无能。

17、Export industries in state face elastic demand; implies employment increases when efficiency increases; thus, no vested interests in inefficiency. ─── 任何一个成员的出口工业都面对弹性的需求,生产效率的提高就会导致就业的增加。所以没有安于低效率的动机。

18、Combine that with overall inefficiency and it all adds up to a hefty price tag for the taxpayer, with not much leftover for actual services. ─── 加之整体效率的低下,两者合起来让纳税人付出了巨大的代价,却得不到多少实际的服务。

19、It is very difficult sometimes to help angry people. Actually, Mr. Brown seems to not want any help, especially when he accuses the staff of inefficiency! ─── 人们很难帮助一个脾气暴躁的人。事实上,布朗先生不想得到任何帮助,特别是当他指责低效率的员工时。

20、The third part is the analysis on the inefficiency of domestic stock exchanges due to the lack of downgrade and upgrade system. ─── 再次,本文分析了当前国内证券市场升降级机制存在的弊端。

21、No one really tries to be patriotic when he is dancing,and to command a man to dance according to the capitalist or fascist or proletarian ideology is to destroy the spirit of play and glorious inefficiency in dancing. ─── 一个人在跳舞时并不想要爱国;命令一个人依照资本阶级者,法西斯主义者,或无产阶级者的意识形态去跳舞,这结果只能破坏跳舞上的游戏精神和伟大的无效率状态。

22、Many nations are saddled with large numbers of such enter prises,whose inefficiency is legendary and whose appetite for state subsidies is insatiable. ─── 很多国家都负担了数目庞大的(国营)企业。这些企业缺乏效率是家喻户晓的,需要政府补贴的胃口永远不能满足。

23、Practical application shows that this new kind of scanning mode can improve the parts precision and overcome the inefficiency in triangulable scanning. ─── 实际应用表明,该方法即保证了制件的精度又克服了三角剖分扫描效率低的缺点。

24、In his speech he kept pounding away at his opponent's inefficiency. ─── 他在演说中不断攻击他的对手不称职。

25、Meanwhile, this situation leads to the inefficiency, lack of business activity, failure to innovate and weak competitiveness in the banking industry. ─── 同时,银行业的垄断格局导致银行自身效率低下,缺乏经营活力与创新能力,市场竞争力不高。

26、We did a few things that may have resulted in some long-term inefficiency. ─── 对于可以取得长期效果的事情我们做的很少。

27、But they have many disadvantages, including small scope, low precision, low distinguishability, inefficiency, and easy to bring human error. ─── 2、效率低,自动化程度不够,不利于自动测量;

28、The principal inefficiency in Hebei is short of personnel, capital investment, low level of information technology, immature environment and the like. ─── 主要是人才匮乏、资金投入相对不足、信息技术应用程度低、总体水平不高、环境不成熟等。

29、Unfortunately, the bungling inefficiency of these amateur detectives has turned the International Space Police Force into a worldwide laughing-stock, and earned them the nickname "Star Cops". ─── 不幸的是,这些笨拙无能的业余侦探让国际空间警察局变成了一个世界性的笑柄,他们获得了一个昵称"星际警察'。

30、If we do not attach importance to the efficiency of the query will lead to the development of the application systems by inefficiency and serious waste of resources. ─── 如果不重视查询语句的效率问题,会导致开发出来的应用系统效率低下,资源浪费严重。

31、For screw extruder,the poor solid relay capicility is leading to the major inefficiency of ordinary screw extruder.The key of improving the output of exturder is to improve the solid relay capicility. ─── 在螺杆挤压机中,固体输送效率低是造成普通螺杆生产能力低的主要原因,提出提高挤压机的固体输送能力的措施,从而提高挤压机产量,降低了能耗。

32、The breakdown in communication has caused over-lapping in people's area of work, causing unnecessary inefficiency. ─── 交流障碍造成了大家工作领域的重叠,导致不必要的低效率。

33、And as our production expanded quickly,we are now facing big wastage of material,worse inefficiency of production as well as the untimely delivery and reimbursement service. ─── 伴随着我们产能的快速增长,我们现在面临着巨大的物料的浪费,生产力的降低,转运的延迟,(更多无偿的服务?)。

34、This empirical study of ITRI shows that: 50% research units have related efficiency and there are distances between inefficiency and efficiency units. ─── 实证结果显示,工研院内一半的研究单位具有相对效率,而无效率者与有效率之单位相差不小;

35、In its place would be corruption, inefficiency and injustice. ─── 在这种处境下就会出现腐败、低效率和不公正。

36、An Analysis of Inefficiency of Public Welfare Projects ─── 影响公益项目运行效率的关键因素分析

37、Its inefficiency translates into high cost of electricity for the Indian industry and dents its competitiveness. ─── 其低效率使提供给印度工业的电价高,削弱了印度工业的竞争力。

38、He scans the market for brief periods of inefficiency. ─── 他扫描市场,寻找不有效的地方。

39、mean square error inefficiency (MSEI) ─── 均方误差低效率

40、However,the small scale and inefficiency in use lead to much waste of such resources. ─── 为了合理开发利用资源和有效保护环境,必须进行统一规划,优化配置,开发与保护并重。

41、Under the guidance of the qi and blood syndrome identifying, we consider the mechanism of Acute Cholecystitis is qi ang blood stagnation of liver and gallbladder, hinge inefficiency, heat sticking. ─── 在气血辨证的指导下,认为急性胆囊炎病机为肝胆郁热,枢机失调;气郁血瘀,胆失通降。

42、inefficiency of the distribution system has led to the loss of millions of tons of food. ─── 分送系统的低效已经造成了数百万吨食物的损失。

43、Foreigner: I know it sounds like a joke, but the British railway does have a rather poor reputation for its inefficiency. ─── 外:我知道这听起来像是讲笑话,可英国的铁路服务的确以其效率低而著称。

44、Inefficiency is never a good thing: it means people are wasting their talents and countries are squandering their scarce resources. ─── 低效率总不是一件好事,那意味着人们在浪费才能,国家在挥霍所剩无几的资源。

45、Ox in Chinese is the symbol of diligence, honesty and responsibility as well as selfless contribution, but in Japanese, it's of backwardness and inefficiency. ─── 公牛在中文中象征着就像无私的奉献者一样的勤奋,诚实和责任,而在日文中,则是一种退步和无能。

46、Long hours are often a reflection of an organization's bureaucratic inefficiency. ─── 办事拖拉经常是一个组织机构官僚作风严重、效率低下的表现。

47、The analysis of DEA efficiency and economy of scale is conducted for various decision-making units, and the improvement direction for decision-making units with DEA inefficiency is given. ─── 对各决策单元进行了DEA有效和规模效益分析,并给出了非DEA决策单元的改进方向。

48、The bureaucracy has been employed by many modern countries,which was efficient once in industrial times and criticized for the rigidity,big organizations,putridity and inefficiency. ─── 官僚制是现代许多国家所采用的模式,曾在工业时代高效运作,而在现代却因僵化、机构臃肿、滋生腐败、效率低下等倍受批评。

49、In general, however, our 损ublic participation?in city management is still limit, limitation lies in the insufficiency of universality, the scarcity of system, the inefficiency of outcome. ─── 但总的说来我国的城市管理的“公众参与”还属于较低层次的参与,表现为公众参与管理的普遍性不足、制度缺失、效果不佳等方面。

50、Effectiveness of knowledge of data mining is restricted to the inefficiency of AI. ─── 基于人工智能的数据挖掘,其结果受到人工智能研究的制约。

51、The essence of fundamental hazard is energy and dangerous material, while controllable hazard is the one inducing the inefficiency of restrictive mechanism of the former one. ─── 基本型危险源的本质是能量或危险物质,而控制型危险源导致了前者的约束机制失效。

52、Wait times and overhead can increase to the point of inefficiency despite the large amount of available computing power. ─── 即便是有大量可用的计算能力资源,等待时间及开销的增长也可能使系统变得效率低下。

53、Thornton has struggled with inconsistency and inefficiency in his two professional seasons and Mike Dunleavy might have finally had enough. ─── 索顿在两个赛季里正挣扎于自己的不稳定性和低效性,而且邓利维可能已经受够了。

54、It is possible that the enormous waste and inefficiency in the American health system can be checked by reforms. ─── 通过改革可能抑制美国健康体系中所出现的巨大浪费与低效现象。

55、Dread at her own inefficiency crept upon her. ─── 害怕自己能力薄弱的感觉浮上了心头。

56、There are obvious connections between underuse and gaps in evidence-based care, between overuse and inefficiency, and between misuse and harm. ─── 使用不足与循证治疗差距之间、过度使用与效益低下之间以及误用与伤害之间存在明显的联系。

57、Therefore only by establishing modem system of property rights can the problems of large income distribution gap and inefficiency of overall consumption demand be solved. ─── 因此,必须建立现代产权制度,才能够解决收入分配差距偏大和总消费需求不足的问题。

58、China wants to cut inefficiency and create a "conserving society", but its efforts may be undermined by profligate local governments. ─── 中国期望通过减少资源浪费来创建"节约型"社会。但这一努力因"浪费型的政府"而受到了制约。

59、The pure technology efficiencies of DEA inefficiency enterprises were lower than the scale efficiencies, which indicated that the main reason for the inefficiency was unsuitable resources arrangement. ─── DEA非有效企业的纯技术效率低于其规模效率,导致企业DEA非有效的主要原因是企业的资源配置不当;

60、No one really tries to be patriotic when he is dancing, and to command a man to dance according to the capitalist or fascist or proletarian ideology is to destroy the spirit of play and glorious inefficiency in dancing. ─── 一个人在跳舞时并不想要爱国; 命令一个人依照资本阶级者,法西斯主义者,或无产阶级者的意识形态去跳舞,这结果只能破坏跳舞上的游戏精神和伟大的无效率状态。

61、There is less to fear from outside competition than from inside inefficiency, discourtesy and bad service. ─── 内部的无能,无礼和糟糕的服务比外部的竞争更让人担心。

62、The more emotional a market, the less efficient it is, and inefficiency creates profit opportunities for calm, disciplined traders. ─── 当市场的情绪越强,市场越无效,无效的市场为冷静的,有纪律的交易者制造了赚钱机会。

63、Harry: But has there been any overlapping or breakdowns in communication? Smaller groups often result in more inefficiency if anything. ─── 哈里:但是出现了工作重叠或者沟通障碍问题吗?别的不说,更小的分组往往会导致低效率问题的加重。

64、The inefficiency is particularly pronounced as temperatures approach or exceed 30 degrees centigrade. ─── 当温度到达或超过30摄氏度时,这种效率下降尤其明显。

65、Especially,the investing of government finance on EI projects blindly and other overanxious behaviors have resulted in inefficiency and waste. ─── 之所以如此,原因在于人们没能充分认识到工业系统生态演化所具有的系统特征。

66、inexcusable conduct, delays, inefficiency ─── 不可原谅的行为﹑ 耽搁﹑ 低效率.

67、Over time, though, a bureaucracy may become "entrenched" - growing in size and inefficiency to the point where it is extremely difficult for a leader to accomplish anything - good or ill. ─── 但随着时间的流逝,官僚机构可能变得日益"僵化"-规模不断扩大,而效益却不断降低,以至统治者无法做成任何事-不论是好事还是坏事.

68、Personnel, "the Financial eat," the number has increased year by year, the proportion of high, bloated bodies, many units, overstaffing, inefficiency. ─── 人员上,“吃饭财政”的人数逐年增加,比例偏高,不少单位机构臃肿,人浮于事,效率低下。

69、report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency. ─── 报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。

70、On the other hand, a poorly documented history and physical may leads to confusion, serious omission of vital data and inefficiency on patient rounds. ─── 另一方面,写得差的病史和体检可能会引起混淆,导致重要资料的遗漏和查房效率的低下。

71、It is necessary to study the legal property of the trusteeship contract so as to prevent confusion between rights and obligation and inefficiency of the obligation entity. ─── 为防止药房托管在实践中的运作出现权利义务不清、责任主体不到位等问题,研究托管合同的法律性质变得很有必要。

72、The NYRA's track record is notimpressive.It has spent the best part of a decade mired in scandal (it hasbeen under federal and state investigation), financial distress (bankruptcy)and inefficiency. ─── 协会在十年间的黄金时光都深陷于丑闻之中(联邦政府和州政府已介入调查),此外还有财政困难(破产)以及效率低下的问题。

73、This type of inefficiency arises because workers and management are ill-equipped. ─── 出现此种低效率是因为工人与管理层都能力不足。

74、It is argued, in effect, that it is the improper dealings of human resources as a capital that lead to the incompetence and inefficiency of the state-owned businesses. ─── 事实上,人力资本产权的残缺才是造成经营者和职工生产经营努力与能力“双重不足”,进而造成国有企业经济效率低下的最根本原因。

75、Other reasons were the lack of political commitment, bureaucratic inefficiency, inadequate technical capacity, and weak representational and managerial capacities of rural producer, worker and community-based organizations. ─── 其他原因包括:缺乏政治承诺、官僚政治效率低下、技术能力不足以及乡村生产者、工人和社会组织的表达能力和管理能力较弱。

76、Tullock’s insight was that expenditures on lobbying for privileges are costly and that these expenditures, therefore, dissipate some of the gains to the beneficiaries and cause inefficiency. ─── 塔洛克的洞见是:寻求特权的游说支出是相当昂贵的,(游说)受益者获得的好处中的一些部分被耗费在了游说支出上,从而引起了效率的下降。

77、Party ideologists like to criticise democracy for its inefficiency, but vehicles where dissent can be openly expressed are a vital safety valve and a way of improving government effectiveness. ─── 但自由的媒体,持不同政见的人能够公开发表自己的言论是一个社会重要的安全阀,也是增进政府效率的重要方式。

78、That fragmentation is a structural inefficiency in the market, he said, one he would like to help correct. ─── 这种零散不成体系是市场的一种结构性低效能,他说,对此他愿意帮助纠正。

79、The excessive domestic saving and the low interest of enterprises led to the dynamic inefficiency of macro economy. ─── 国内处于过度储蓄,企业投资收益不高,宏观经济实际上处于动态低效。

80、It is necessary to put an end to waste and inefficiency in our work. ─── 工作中,大家都必须杜绝浪费和低效率的现象。

81、Substantially, either restrictive mechanism itself or inefficiency of restrictive mechanism is a question of control and system. ─── 从本质上讲,无论是约束机制自身还是约束机制失效,都是一个控制问题和系统问题。

82、Reanalyze the Inefficiency in Foreign Language Teaching ─── 外语教学费时低效现象的分析

83、Input redundancies and output lacks were existed in the DEA inefficiency enterprises, while the output indexes were improved highly through adjusting the proportion of input indexes. ─── DEA非有效企业都存在输入冗余和输出不足,通过调整企业的要素投入比例,DEA非有效企业的输出指标都有较大提高。

84、That is also known as goldbricking, "Buca-ing" cyberloafing or cyberbludging, and can lead to inefficiency. ─── Goldbricking、Buca-ing" cyberloafing或cyberbludging等词都可以用来指“网络摸鱼”,这种行为会导致工作效率低下。

85、One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. ─── 一天,电梯里很拥挤,有人抱怨电梯效率太低。

86、Such an administrative structure seems to well solve the insufficiency of primary care and inefficiency of special care at present. ─── 这样的管理结构从目前来看较好的解决了初级卫生服务供给不足和专科卫生服务效率低下的问题。

87、They taxed me with inefficiency. ─── 他们指责我效率低。

88、I have to apologize for the inefficiency of our service. ─── 对于我们服务的低效率,我必须道歉。

89、Many of these researchers broadly accept the EMH, but see their role as uncovering sources of inefficiency that can be addressed to make markets more efficient. ─── 他们中的大多数接受了有效市场假说,但把他们的作用看做是揭露无效的根源从而使市场更有效。

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