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analgesia 发音

英:[,?n(?)l'd?i?z??]  美:['?nl'd?i??]

英:  美:

analgesia 中文意思翻译



analgesia 短语词组

1、analgesia dolorosa ─── [医] 痛区感觉缺失

2、analgesia medical term ─── 镇痛医学术语

3、infiltration analgesia ─── [医] 浸润无痛法

4、analgesia medical ─── 镇痛药

5、analgesia define ─── 镇痛定义

6、para-analgesia ─── [医] 下身痛觉缺失

7、analgesia pdf ─── 镇痛pdf

8、analgesia algera ─── [医] 痛区感觉缺失

9、analgesia pump ─── 镇痛泵

10、analgesia effect ─── 镇痛作用

11、epidural analgesia ─── [医]硬膜外止痛法

12、continuous analgesia ─── [医] 持续骶管无痛法

13、conduction analgesia ─── [医] 传导无痛法

14、analgesia definition ─── 镇痛定义

15、surface analgesia ─── [医] 表面无痛法

16、analgesia iv ─── 镇痛iv

17、analgesia meds ─── 镇痛药

18、pareso-analgesia ─── [医] 痛觉缺失性轻瘫

19、paretic analgesia ─── [医]麻痹止痛法

analgesia 词性/词形变化,analgesia变形

形容词: analgetic |

analgesia 相似词语短语

1、algesic ─── adj.[临床]疼痛的

2、algesia ─── n.[内科]感觉过敏;[生理]痛觉

3、hypalgesia ─── n.[医]痛觉迟钝,[医]痛觉减退

4、algesi- ─── 算法

5、analgesic ─── adj.(药剂)镇痛的;n.镇痛剂

6、analgetics ─── n.止痛药(等于analgesic);adj.(药剂)止痛的(等于analgesic)

7、analgetic ─── n.止痛药(等于analgesic);adj.(药剂)止痛的(等于analgesic)

8、analgia ─── n.[生理]痛觉缺失(等于analgesia)

9、analgesics ─── n.[药]镇痛药;止痛剂(analgesic的复数形式)

analgesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Risk of Hematoma After Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia for Cardiac Surgery. ─── 心脏手术时实施硬膜外麻醉和镇痛出血的风险。

2、OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Semen Lepidii sativi infusion on experimental gastric ulcer, small intestine movement and analgesia in mice. ─── 摘要目的研究维吾尔传统药家独行菜子水浸液对实验性胃溃疡镇痛作用及对小鼠小肠运动的影响。

3、Whether acupuncture analgesia has a physiological basis or other psychological effects has long been a focus of argument. ─── 穴位治疗作用是否具有生理基础或者只是心理作用一直是争议的焦点。

4、Epidural analgesia and combined spinal-epidural analgesia are still most effective and widely used in alleviating labor pain. ─── 我国分娩镇痛工作相对起步晚,而且各地发展极不平衡。

5、Objective: To observe effects and safety of intranasal sufentanil on analgesia. ─── 摘要 目的:研究经鼻腔内滴入舒芬太尼的镇痛效应和安全性。

6、As a new subjcct, there has been no teaching syllabus and schoolbook, there are many focuses of debate in labor analgesia. ─── 摘要分娩镇痛是一门新兴学科,尚无现成的教学大纲和教科书,也有许多争义的焦点。

7、Abstract:Objective: To observe the anti-inflammation ,analgesia, immunity, hypoglycemia actions of tigogenin. ─── 摘要:目的:观察剑麻皂素抗炎、镇痛、免疫、降糖作用。

8、Relative Analgesic Potencies of Levobupivacaine and Ropivacaine for Epidural Analgesia in Labor Polley LS, et al. ─── 左旋布比卡因和罗哌卡因在产科硬膜外镇痛中的相对镇痛强度。

9、The main causes of algor covered surgery,analgesia,blood loss and environmental factors. ─── 发生主要原因为手术、麻醉、失血和环境因素等。

10、Postoperative analgesia effect and complications (abdominal distension, nausea and vomi... ─── 创伤骨科术后病人应用病人自控硬膜外镇痛效果明显。

11、Postoperative Infusion of Amino Acids Induces a Positive Protein Balance Independently of the Type of Analgesia Used. ─── 术后输注氨基酸导致不依赖于镇痛方法的正氮平衡。

12、The effect of analgesia,anti-inflammatory and inhibiting platelet aggregation test have been made in droppills of Rubia yunnanensis Diels. ─── 对小红参滴丸进行了镇痛、抗炎和抑制血小板聚集试验。

13、Is the epidural analgesia to blame when it comes to neurological complications following labor? ─── 产后发生神经并发症时硬膜外镇痛受指责?

14、Comparison of Continuous Infusion versus Automated Bolus for Postoperative Patient-controlled Analgesia with Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Catheters. ─── 术后患者腘窝坐骨神经置管自控镇痛时连续输注法与自动快速输注法的比较。

15、Remifentanil induces analgesia as well as respiratory depression in a dose-dependent manner, and the analgesic effect exhibits as ceiling style. ─── 瑞芬太尼对麻醉和呼吸抑制的诱导呈剂量依赖性关系,且以麻醉效应为其剂-效关系的平台期(顶线期)。

16、To this end, the respondents expressed a desire to learn more about preemptive analgesia and multimodal approaches to pain management. ─── 为达到这个目的,应答者表示希望了解更多超前镇痛和疼痛治疗的多模式策略。

17、Improved analgesia is the result of pharmacologic effects, independent of psychological factors. ─── 改善镇痛药物作用的结果,独立的心理因素。

18、Ying SD.The evolvement of labor analgesia with epidural and spinal block[J].J Clin Anesth, 1998, 14(5): 296-7. ─── [4]应诗达.椎管内阻滞分娩镇痛法的进展[J].临床麻醉学杂志,1998,14(5):296-7.

19、It is the better concentration of ropivacaine used for labor analgesia. ─── 是硬膜外分娩镇痛较为理想的药物浓度。

20、Neurologic Complications After Neuraxial Anesthesia or Analgesia in Patients with Preexisting Peripheral Sensorimotor Neuropathy or Diabetic Polyneuropathy. ─── 术前存在感觉运动神经病变或糖尿病多发神经病变的患者行神经阻滞麻醉或镇痛后的神经学并发症。

21、The goal of this review is to elucidate its effect and side effect in perioperation, especially the mechanisms of analgesia. ─── 本文就其在围手术期的应用和不良反应,特别是镇痛应用及其机制进行综述。

22、The functions of CnF in connection with pain and analgesia were disscussed in this paper. ─── 本文还讨论了CnF参与痛与镇痛的形态学基础。

23、Motsch J,Graber E,Ludwig K,Addition of clondine enhance postoperative analgesia from epidural morphine:a double-blind study[J]. ─── 王彦霞.硬膜外注射吗啡和曲马多用于术后镇痛的观察[J].麻醉与重症监测治疗,1996;

24、The analgesia action of YTK was observed by the methods of hot board. ─── 以热板法观察炎痛克贴剂镇痛作用;

25、Efficacy of Addition of Fentanyl to Epidural Bupivacaine on Postoperative Analgesia after Thoracotomy for Lung Resection in Infants. ─── 在婴儿开胸切除肺脏的术后镇痛中,于硬膜外布比卡因中加入芬太尼的疗效。

26、Times to analgesia and anaesthesia at the L2 dermatome were significantly decreased in Group I patients by 2.5 and 6.6 minutes,respectively. ─── 在第I组中的病人在腰2皮段的止痛和麻醉时间明显地减少2.5和6.6分钟。

27、Kinya S,et al.The effect of flurbiprofen Axetil on Preemptive Analgesia[J].Pain Clinic,1999,20(6):877. ─── 王传光.异丙酚伍用不同类型镇痛药用于门诊胃镜检查的观察[J].中国全科医学,2004,7(14):1093.

28、Clonidine has been used as a central antihypertensive drug long since, but it is beginning to apply to clinical anethesia and analgesia. ─── 可乐定作为中枢性降压药早为人们所认识,但在临床麻醉镇痛的应用上则起步不久。

29、Labor Analgesia: Is There an Ideal Technique? ─── 有一种理想的分娩镇痛技术吗?

30、Advantages were summed up in multimodal analgesia anesthesia in craniotomy wake-up test. ─── 回顾性总结多模式镇痛在开颅手术唤醒麻醉中的优势。

31、Effect of Patient-controlled Perineural Analgesia on Rehabilitation and Pain after Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Trial. ─── 患者自控神经周围镇痛对于门诊矫形手术术后恢复和疼痛的作用:一项多中心随机研究。

32、Benadryl can prevent nausea, vomiting and itch induced by morphine during patient control vein analgesia. ─── 术毕前静脉注射苯海拉明,能有效预防吗啡术后镇痛所致的恶心、呕吐和皮肤瘙痒等副反应。

33、The NRS and PPI were 1.3 and 1.5 in whole period with satisfied analgesia effect. ─── 全程测定NRS和PPI值分别为1.3和1.5。

34、often than not, however, they are not provided analgesia prior to these procedures. ─── 然而,在这些操作之前他们通常并没有给予止痛措施。

35、The number of parturients with good or excellent analgesia was similar, and the degree of motor block and Apgar score were identical in two groups (all P>0.05). ─── VAS评分、运动神经阻滞程度、新生儿Apgar评分、产后 2h出血量两组比较 ,差异无显著性意义(均P >0 .0 5 ) ;

36、Clonidine has been used as a central antihypertensive drug long since, but it is beginning to apply to clinical anesthesia and analgesia . ─── 可乐定作为中枢性降压药早为人们所认识,但在临床麻醉镇痛的应用上则起步不久。

37、METHODS Consulting relative references,summarizing and generalizing something about the use of remifentanil in obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. ─── 方法查阅相关文献,总结归纳瑞芬太尼在产科麻醉与镇痛中的应用。

38、The adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine blocked the analgesia induced by nicotine injection. ─── 烟碱引起的镇痛效应可被肾上腺素受体拮抗剂酚妥拉明部分阻断。

39、She was admitted for suprapubic catheterization and prompt commencement of antiviral therapy, analgesia and bed rest. ─── 她被获准导尿、耻骨迅速启动抗病毒治疗,止痛、卧床休息。

40、Objective To study the analgesia of renal colic. ─── 目的探讨肾绞痛的止痛方法。

41、A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Naproxen on Analgesia During the Second Day After Cesarean Delivery. ─── 检验萘普生用于剖腹产术后第二天镇痛效果的一项试验。

42、Guiyang province medicine and which mother and child care yard family act as analgesia stream of people comparatively well? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>贵州>贵阳市>贵阳省医和妇幼保健院哪家做无痛人流比较好?

43、A Review of Intrathecal and Epidural Analgesia After Spinal Surgery in Children (Review Article) Joseph D. ─── 儿童脊髓手术后鞘内和硬膜外镇痛的回顾(综述文章)

44、The paediatric analgesia wheel: are you ready to roll? ─── 儿科镇痛转轮:您是否已经准备好转动?

45、IMPLICATIONS: Optimal placement of thoracic epidurals improves the quality of analgesia although minimizing unwanted hemodynamic or motor side effects. ─── 最佳的胸部硬膜外定位可以改善镇痛的质量减少意外的血流动力学和运动系统的副反应。

46、It would proide intraoperatie amnesia, analgesia, and muscle relaxation and would possess anti-nausea and anti-emetic properties. ─── 它能提供术中的遗忘、镇痛、肌松,并且拥有显著的抗恶心呕吐特性。

47、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Postoperative Left Prefrontal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Reduces Patient-controlled Analgesia Use. ─── 术后左前额经颅反复磁力刺激减少术后患者的自控镇痛需求。

48、A Comparison Between Scalp Nerve Block and Morphine for Transitional Analgesia After Remifentanil-Based Anesthesia in Neurosurgery. ─── 瑞芬太尼为基础的神经外科手术后,头皮神经阻滞与吗啡过渡期镇痛的对比。

49、Methods All 78 cases were divided into 4 groups according to the degree of pain,designed in dividual plan,and step analgesia from weak to strong. ─── 方法将78例晚期癌痛病人按疼痛程度分为4级,并制定个体化方案。

50、Promethazine 5mg and Nacl 50ml jo int analgesia. ─── B组患儿采用氯丙嗪5mg+异丙嗪5mg+生理盐水50ml。

51、Recurrent Hypoxemia in Young Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Associated with Reduced Opioid Requirement for Analgesia. ─── 患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的年幼儿童再次发生低氧血症与镇痛所需阿片药物减少有关。

52、We hae also reiewed the use of continuous neuraxial analgesia in the presence of commonly used anticoagulants. ─── 我们也回顾了在通常使用抗凝治疗情况下连续轴索镇痛方法的使用。

53、The experimental study has been performed on the pharmacological actions about analgesia and anti-inflammation of Cucurbita moschata Duch. ─── 实验对南瓜须的镇痛、抗炎药理作用进行初步研究。

54、It indicates that Shixuan decoction has a better analgesia effect. ─── 提示十宣汤具较好的镇痛效果。

55、Method: We selected three different analgesia drugs in PCEA. ─── 方法:选用3种不同的阿片类镇痛药用于PCEA中。

56、The study was designed to compare effects of anti inflammatory and analgesia with biochemistry fulvatum acid (BFA) and mineral fulvatum acid (MFA). ─── 以小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率(PCEMNR)和骨髓有核细胞数为指标对发酵黄腐酸(BFA)和矿源黄腐酸(MFA)进行了致突变作用和对造血系统影响的检测。

57、Objective: to discuss Yantongke picking(YTK) on anti-inflammation, analgesia and opponens action of rat with adhesive endometrium. ─── 摘要目的:探讨炎痛克贴剂的抗炎作用、镇痛作用和对实验性大鼠子宫内膜粘连的对抗作用。

58、Can anaesthetic childbirth analgesia last to the child to be born all the time outside putamen ? ─── 硬膜外麻醉分娩镇痛能一直持续到孩子出生吗?

59、Postoperative analgesia efficacy was assessed by VAS at 1,2,4,8,12,24 hours and adverse effect were recorded after surgery. ─── 分别记录术后1、2、4、8、12、24 h的视觉模拟评分法(VAS)的评分及不良反应;

60、Kissin I.Preemptive analgesia:Why its effect is not always obvious[J].Anesthesiology,1996,84:1015. ─── 李琼英连庆泉.小儿全麻术后早期缺氧的原因分析[J].临床麻醉学杂志,1999,15(6):354-354,.

61、METHODS:Animal experimental method was used to evaluate the cam psis grandiflora sprays effect to anti-inflammation analgesia. ─── 方法:用动物实验的方法评价凌霄花喷雾剂的抗炎镇痛止痒作用。

62、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Low-dose Intravenous Ketamine Potentiates Epidural Analgesia after Thoracotomy. ─── 低剂量静脉用氯胺酮增强开胸术后硬膜外的镇痛效果。

63、Objective:To probe into control study on applying compound fentanyl and ropivacaine for self-control analgesia parturient in delivery analgesia. ─── [目的]探讨芬太尼与罗哌卡因自控镇痛用于分娩镇痛的对照研究。

64、Objective: To validate the clinical value of CT-guided curve needle percutaneous ethanol injection (CNPEI) for celiac plexus block analgesia. ─── 摘要目的:评价CT引导下弯针穿刺技术在腹腔神经丛阻滞止痛中的应用价值。

65、Stress effects of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation on the anesthesia and postoperative analgesia with PCEA. ─── 体表电刺激对麻醉与镇痛患者应激反应的影响。

66、Objective: To evaluate the pain relief effectiveness and safety of combined-epidural labor analgesia (CSEA). ─── 摘要目的:探讨腰硬联合麻醉用于无痛分娩的效果和安全性。

67、Woodhouse A ,Mather LE.The influence of age upon opioid analgesic use in the patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) environment.Anaesthesia, 1997 ,52:949. ─── 欧阳葆怡.椎管内注入镇痛药后的严重并发症--呼吸中枢抑制.国外医学麻醉学与复苏分册,1984,5(6):267-270.

68、Abstract: To observe the analgesic effects of morphine and bupivacaine for the patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) after prostatectomy. ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察吗啡、布比卡因用于硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)在前列腺术后的镇痛效果。

69、Objective:To probe into the effective method of postoperative analgesia in traumatic orthopedic department, and to observe the effect of PCEA. ─── [目的]探讨创伤骨科术后镇痛的有效方法,观察自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)的镇痛效果。

70、Overall patients in group AEA were satisfied with the postoperative analgesia. ─── 术后镇痛泵组患者术后无明显疼痛感 ,镇痛效果好 ,而对照组患者术后有明显疼痛感 (P

71、The practical study of different density of Ropivacaine injection in self-controllable analgesia after operation in elderly patients. ─── 不同浓度罗哌卡因在老年病人术后自控镇痛的应用研究。

72、Similar to patient controlled analgesia, the concept of patient controlled sedation is now being explored. ─── 如同病人自控镇痛一样,病人自控镇静概念如今正在研究之中。

73、Scientists believe swearing elicits an emotional response which leads to what is known as "stress-induced analgesia. " ─── 科学家们认为,咒骂引发情绪反应,该反应引起被称作“压力诱发止痛”的现象。

74、Objective: To observe the influence of epidural analgesia on lactating of postpartum puerpera after caesarean section. ─── [目的]观察剖宫产术硬膜外镇痛对产妇泌乳的影响。

75、Methods The effect of Gu Gou Teng solution on analgesia was observed with the response of writhes and hot-plate tests. ─── 方法采用小鼠热板法和扭体法镇痛实验,观察古钩藤水煎液的镇痛作用,观察对小鼠毛细血管通透性和二甲苯对小鼠耳廓肿胀的影响,观察其抗炎作用。

76、The effect of analgesia was the best in group A and analgesic drug consumption was lesser,followed by group B and group C. ─── A组的药物消耗量最少、镇痛效果最好; B组和C组次之;

77、As for the former, the combination of propofol with an opioid, such as remifentanil or fentanyl, will proide required analgesia. ─── 对于前者,联合使用阿片类药物如瑞芬太尼和芬太尼可以提供需要的镇痛。

78、For a new analgesia which is cheap, highly effective and easy to manipulate normatively, we would prefer Abdominal Acupuncture. ─── 为了探索一种价格低廉、起效迅速、操作规范的新的镇痛方法,我们选择了腹针疗法。

79、In this article, we explored antalgic mechanism of glucocorticoid in directions of anti inflammation, analgesia and anti anaphylaxis in advance. ─── 激素在抗炎、镇痛和抗过敏3方面已有很多临床和基础研究结果,通过总结临床使用激素止痛的现状和存在问题,提示激素的毒副反应不容忽视;

80、Obstruction of the epidural catheter is an annoying and troubling complication when we practice epidural analgesia. ─── 摘要当运行硬脊膜外腔止痛术时,硬脊膜外腔导管阻塞是令人讨厌及困扰的问题。

81、In 80%of rals with transplartation of microencapsulated BCC induced analgesia was well maintained over 270 days. ─── 微囊组80%受试鼠的镇痛作用持续时间超过270天。

82、Intra-articular magnesium is effective for postoperative analgesia in arthroscopic knee surgery. ─── 关节内镁能有效减轻关节镜手术患者术后疼痛。

83、Lasting and strong patting has the effect of sedation, analgesia, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, spasmolysis, strengthening the body,etc. ─── 强而长时间的拍打具有镇静止痛、活血祛瘀、解痉及强壮等作用。

84、Multimodal analgesia recognizes that the interpretation of pain depends on what is happening at the surgical wound, the spinal cord, and the brain9. ─── 多模式止痛法认为对疼痛的解释依靠于外科伤口、脊髓和大脑发生意外[9]。

85、Liu S, Garpenter RL, Neal JM. Epidural anesthesia and analgesia: Their role in postoperative postcome. Anesthesiology, 1995,82: 1474. ─── 王俊科.椎管内麻醉.见:盛卓人,主编.实用临床麻醉学,第三版,沈阳,辽宁科技出版社,1996,329.

86、Epidural Neostigmine: Will It Replace Lipid Soluble Opioids for Postoperative and Labor Analgesia? ─── 新斯的明会取代脂溶性阿片药物在分娩镇痛和术后镇痛中的应用吗?

87、Postoperative Analgesia After Major Spine Surgery: Patient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia Versus Patient-Controlled Intravenous Analgesia. ─── 主要脊柱损伤后的术后镇痛

88、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Imaging Human Cerebral Pain Modulation by Dose-dependent Opioid Analgesia: A Positron Emission Tomography Activation Study Using Remifentanil. ─── 人类通过剂量依赖性的阿片镇痛产生的大脑疼痛调制成像:一项瑞芬太尼的正电子扫描研究。


antiwar 反战的;

antimissile 反导弹;

any 任何的;

angel 天使;天使般的人;

and 和;加;

anticipate 预期;提前使用;

antique 古代的;古老的

anarchism 无政府主义;

anechoic 无回声的;

anonymous 无名的;假名的.;

anaemia 贫血;贫血症;

anaerobe 厌氧性生物;

anaesthesia **;感觉缺失;

anagram 由颠倒字母顺序而构成的字;

anal 肛门的;

analgesia 无痛觉;痛觉缺失;

analgesic 止痛剂;镇痛剂;

analog 相似物;类似物;

analyse 分析;分解;解释


N-羧基内酸酐 (N-Carboxyanhydrides (NCA));


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