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09-12 投稿


unglazed 发音

英:[?n?ɡle?zd]  美:[?n?ɡle?zd]

英:  美:

unglazed 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 未上釉的


unglazed 同义词


unglazed 短语词组

1、unglazed porcelain tile care ─── 无釉瓷砖护理

2、unglazed terra cotta ─── 无釉陶土

3、unglazed porcelain tile ─── 无釉瓷砖

4、unglazed tile ─── 无釉砖

5、unglazed porcelain ─── 无釉瓷素瓷

6、unglazed ceramic tiles ─── 无釉瓷砖

7、unglazed saltillo tiles ─── 无釉saltillo瓷砖

unglazed 反义词


unglazed 相似词语短语

1、ungrazed ─── 未剃

2、glazed ─── adj.光滑的;像玻璃的;上过釉的;呆滞无神的;v.上釉(glaze的过去分词);装以玻璃

3、unfazed ─── 不苦恼的

4、reglazed ─── v.给(窗户)重装玻璃

5、ungazed ─── 无光泽

6、ungated ─── adj.闭塞的;无门的

7、deglazed ─── vt.使脱釉;稀释锅底结块(deglaze的变形)

8、nonglazed ─── 未上釉的

9、unamazed ─── 清白的

unglazed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unglazed scale ─── 表面污斑

2、Foot unglazed, pan flint red. ─── 足底无釉,泛火石红色。

3、unglazed support ─── 未釉化载体

4、unglazed pottery ─── 素陶瓷未上釉陶瓷素烧

5、came from an unglazed window-opening in a shabby little hut. ─── 是从一间简陋的小屋里开着的一扇没有玻璃的窗户里传出来的。

6、unglazed adj. ─── 素烧的;

7、a hard unglazed brownish-red earthenware. ─── 一种不光滑的褐红色的陶器。

8、Ceramic tiles - Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles ─── 瓷砖。无釉面砖抗极度磨损的测量

9、Standard Test Method for Relative Resistance to Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by the Taber Abraser ─── 用泰伯磨损机测定未上釉瓷砖的相对耐磨力的试验方法

10、fish lips in unglazed casserole ─── 砂锅鱼唇

11、unglazed tile ─── 无釉砖

12、The metal band around the mouth is made of a copper alloy. Apart from its decorative use, it also smoothed the rough, unglazed rim. ─── 金属得碗口周围是一圈铜合金。除了装饰之用,它同样粗糙中带有光滑,边缘无釉。

13、Sift the anthers onto unglazed, permeable paper, such as newspaper or paper toweling, for drying ─── 将花药筛到无光的、具渗透性的纸上,如报纸或卫生纸,以便花药干燥。

14、unglazed porcelain ─── 无釉瓷

15、All pots are made by hand on a potter's wheel and left unglazed so that the pot can absorb the flavor of the tea. ─── 所有的茶壸都是在陶工拉坏转轮上面,以手工制成的。而且因为没有上釉,茶壸本身便可吸收茶叶的味道。


17、The regular surface can be glazed or unglazed, pure tiles etc. ─── 规格: Indoor ceramic tile is designed for interior wall tiles decoration.

18、unglazed crucible ─── 无釉[素烧]坩埚

19、flag ,earthenware, unglazed ─── 非釉面陶质方砖

20、Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing. ─── 未上釉的陶瓷贴面砖、铺面砖、包括炉面砖及墙面砖;未上釉的陶瓷镶嵌砖(马赛克)及类似品,不论是否有衬背。

21、CRISPY PIZZA: Buy unglazed terra-cotta tiles from a home-improvement store. ─── 易碎的比萨饼 :从家居饰品店买回一些未加釉的陶瓷砖。

22、The application of diopside in the product of unglazed porcelain tile ─── 透辉石在无釉瓷质砖生产中的应用

23、Other unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles, unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing (other than goods falling within subheading No. 6907.10 ─── 其它无釉陶瓷铺面砖,贴面砖,无釉之陶瓷马赛克立方体及类似品,不论有无褙里者(已列入690710目者除外)

24、There also exist the difference between pottery and porcelain, glazed and unglazed. ─── 有陶质与瓷质、釉饰和非釉饰之别等。

25、The mill yawned all ruinous with unglazed frames;the yard was thickly bestrewn with stones and brickbats. ─── 由于玻璃都打烂了,工厂象张开大口似地露出一片劫后 惨案 ,院子到处撒满了石块、碎砖。

26、unglazed pure kraft paper ─── 棕色平面牛皮纸

27、unglazed ware ─── 无釉陶瓷器皿

28、And the wall generally consists of unglazed tiles and wa re color-glazed tiles, mainly for the kitchen, bathrooms, balconies and other exterior use. ─── 而墙砖一般分为无釉砖和彩釉砖,主要用于厨房、卫生间、阳台等墙面使用。

29、The mill yawned all ruinous with unglazed frames; the yard was thickly bestrewn with stones and brickbats ─── 由于玻璃都打烂了,工厂象张开大口似地露出一片劫后惨案,院子到处撒满了石块、碎砖。

30、unglazed floor tile ─── 素地砖

31、A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers. ─── 大花窗帘棉布一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套

32、an unglazed heavy fabric; brightly printed; used for slipcovers and draperies. ─── 一种没有上釉的厚纤维;有明亮的印花;用来做沙发布和布料。

33、Standard Test Method for Relative Resistance to Deep Abrasive Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by Rotating Disc ─── 使用转盘的无釉陶瓷砖相对深层耐磨性的标准试验方法

34、an unglazed heavy fabric; brightly printed; used for slipcovers and draperies. ─── 一种没有上釉的厚纤维;有明亮的印花;用来做沙发布和布料。

35、Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability. ─── 通常不上釉,是最具实用价值的一种陶器,价格低廉,用途广泛,经久耐用。

36、The metal band around the mouth is made of a copper alloy. Apart from its decorative use, it also smoothed the rough, unglazed rim. ─── 金属得碗口周围是一圈铜合金。除了装饰之用,它同样粗糙中带有光滑,边缘无釉。

37、Keywords unglazed porcelain tiles modelled after an antique;base slip for decoration;pattern followed rock;uneven surface;surface partial polishing or grinding; ─── 无釉瓷质仿古砖;装饰坯浆;仿石图案;凹凸表面;表面局部打磨或抛光;

38、windows were unglazed to admit as much light and air as possible. ─── 窗户没有装玻璃,以此尽可能多的接收光线和空气。

39、an unglazed heavy fabric; brightly printed; used for slipcovers and draperies ─── 一种没有上釉的厚纤维;有明亮的印花;用来做沙发布和布料

40、Bizen : Japanese unglazed, high-fired ceramic ware produced in the city of Bizen (town of Imbe, present-day Okayama Prefecture); ─── originated in 12th century 备 :日本unglazed ,高放射陶瓷制作的都市备(镇Imbe ,如今的冈山县) ;

41、unglazed printing paper ─── 无光道林纸

42、A heavy unglazed Cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers. ─── 大花窗帘棉布一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套

43、There was a small, heavily-grated, unglazed window high in the wall, with a stone screen before it, so that the sky could be only seen by stooping low and looking up. ─── 墙壁高处有一个窗户,窗户上没有玻璃,铁栅森严,前面还有一道石屏挡住,要见到天空得弯下腰往上看。

44、A kind of hard unglazed pottery. ─── 一种硬的素烧的陶器

45、The painting on the unglazed pot has been applied without using a template, with fast brush movements which seem almost modern. ─── 关于无釉壶画已应用不使用模板,靠快速旋转运动,似乎几乎是现代的作品。

46、"Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability." ─── 通常不上釉,是最具实用价值的一种陶器,价格低廉,用途广泛,经久耐用。

47、Unglazed, Flat-Plate, Liquid-Type Solar Collectors, Methods of Testing to Determine Thermal Performance of ─── 测定无釉平板液体型太阳能收集器的热性能的试验方法

48、Introduced the preparation of color glaze used in unglazed ware altering to green body. ─── 介绍了素烧坯改素坯施釉用色釉的配制。

49、Keywords Sierra Leone clay;unglazed floor tiles;crushing strength; ─── 塞拉利昂粘土;无釉地砖;耐压强度;

50、Unglazed bottom foot one week, black. ─── 底足一周无釉,呈黑色。

51、The painting on the unglazed pot has been applied without using a template, with fast brush movements which seem almost modern. ─── 关于无釉壶画已应用不使用模板,靠快速旋转运动,似乎几乎是现代的作品。

52、Study on bentonite used in the production of unglazed porcelain tile ─── 膨润土在无釉瓷质地砖生产中应用的研究

53、unglazed porcelain filter ─── 素陶滤菌器

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