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09-13 投稿


approximated 发音

英:[??pr?ks?me?t?d]  美:[??prɑ?ks?me?t?d]

英:  美:

approximated 中文意思翻译



approximated 短语词组

1、best approximated ─── 最近似的

2、uniformly approximated ─── 一致逼空间

approximated 词性/词形变化,approximated变形

动词过去分词: approximated |动词过去式: approximated |副词: approximately |动词第三人称单数: approximates |动词现在分词: approximating |

approximated 相似词语短语

1、approximation ─── n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值

2、appreciated ─── vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别;vi.增值;涨价

3、appropriated ─── v.挪用;拨款;把…据为己有;顺手牵羊(appropriate的过去式)

4、approximates ─── 近似

5、approximating ─── n.逼近;v.接近;约等于(approximate的ing形式)

6、approbated ─── vt.认可;承认;批准

7、approximative ─── adj.近似的

8、approximately ─── adv.大约,近似地;近于

9、approximate ─── adj.近似的,大概的;v.接近,近似;粗略估计

approximated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A measure error which is approximated to a conicoid was discovered in the measurement of Linnik Interferometry System. ─── 在应用林尼克结构干涉测量系统进行测量时,发现系统存在一个近似为二次曲面的测量误差。

2、Wavelet-domain HMT models the dependencies of multiscale wavelet coefficients through the state probabilities of the wavelet coefficients,whose distribution densities can be approximated by the Gaussian mixture model. ─── 小波域隐马尔可夫树(HMT)模型采用混合高斯模型刻画各子带系数的概率分布,并通过小波系数隐状态在多个尺度之间的Markov依赖性来刻画自然图像小波系数随尺度呈指数衰减的特性.

3、Among the workers below 24 years old, approximated 48% are temperary one. ─── 在24岁或24岁以下的工作者中,约48%为临时工。

4、The processed data are approximated by cubic spline function.The predictive filter is constructed with the true value and the observation value of each observation point. ─── 利用三次样条函数对处理后的观测数据进行多项式逼近,由各观测点的真实值和观测值构造出预测滤波器。

5、The absolute method can be approximated by a combination of calls to the first and relative methods for dynamic cursors. ─── absolute方法近似等效于针对动态游标组合调用first和relative方法。

6、His description of what happened approximated to the truth, but he still left a few details out. ─── 他叙述所发生的事近于实情,但尚遗漏了几项细节问题。

7、On the Existence of Unique Solution to the Approximated System Based on General Orthogonal Polynomials ─── 基于广义正交多项式的近似系统解的存在唯一性

8、The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible. ─── 这些动物是在尽量近似自然的环境下饲养的。

9、Two had a 1-3 mm rim of viable tissue immediately adjacent to where the HIFU probe was approximated to the tumor. ─── 2个有1-3毫米有生机的边缘组织立即靠近高能聚焦超声探针所对个那个肿块。

10、His description of what happened approximated to the truth,but he still left a few details out. ─── 他叙述所发生的事近于实情,但尚遗漏了几项细节问题。

11、In this paper, a code is programmed based on the sheath model.In the sheath model the helix is approximated by a helically conducting cylindrical surface of negligible thickness. ─── 使用螺旋导电面模型,模拟计算了高频结构各主要参数离散对色散特性和轴向互作用耦合阻抗的影响。

12、The organoleptic and physic-chemical targets of whole-seed sufu and conventional sufu are approxim... ─── 成品感官及理化指标均达到了普通腐乳标准,具有显著的经济效益。

13、Flow coefficients at other than fully open may be approximated by use of the characteristic flow curves for tilting disc check and globe valves. ─── 不是全开状态的流量系数可以采用适用于提升式阀瓣止回阀和截止阀的流量特性曲线进行估算。

14、The input impedance, voltage, and current variation along a transmission line is approximated as cascade of many parallel C and series L circuit model. ─── 以多段并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型近似输入阻抗、电压、电流沿传输线位置之变化响。

15、The Optimization Design of One Type of High Order Control System Which can be Approximated to Four Order System ─── 一类可近似为四阶的高阶控制系统的优化设计


17、His income approximated 8000 dollars a year. ─── 他的年收入近8000美元。

18、His description of what happened approximated to the truth, but he still left a few details out. ─── 他叙述所发生的事近于实情,但尚遗漏了几项细节问题。

19、Variable and discontinuous loads can be approximated by a series of rectangular pulses of hea ting or cooling. ─── 因此,采用了迭加原理来分析计算随时间变化的间歇负荷引起的温度响应。

20、approximated to ─── vt. 近于(接近)

21、Through some calculations using approximated formulas, a serious of acoustic output parameters were achieved. ─── 利用近似公式对声压波形的参数进行运算。得到所关心的超声声输出参数。

22、The GGE data is then subjected to singular value decomposition and is approximated by the first two principal components. ─── 对GGE作单值分解,并以第一和第二主成分近似之。

23、Wavelet domain HMT models the dependencies of multiscale wavelet coefficients through the state probabilities of the wavelet coefficients, whose distribution densities can be approximated by Gaussian mixture model. ─── 小波域HMT模型采用混合高斯模型刻画各子带系数的概率分布,并通过小波系数隐状态在多个尺度之间的Markov依赖性来刻画自然图像小波系数随尺度减小而指数衰减的特性.

24、The boundary of dynamic security region (DSR) can be approximated as one or a few hyper planes (HPs). ─── 动态安全域(DSR)的暂态稳定边界可以近似表示为超平面,由此提出了一种DSR的快速求解方法。

25、- Within the framework of Hartree-Fock calculations, some pieces of information (such as two-elecron integrals) are sometimes approximated or completely omitted. ─── + [[半经验方法]]省略或近似处理了Hartree-Fock计算中的一些项(例如[[双电子积分]])。

26、His description approximated to the truth but there were a few errors. ─── 他的描述与事实已经接近,但是有一些错误。

27、For different soil depths, the amplitude of temperature daily variation can be approximated as an exponential function of the depth. ─── 一日内地温变幅与深度关系可拟合成指数函数。

28、Her description of what happened approximated to the truth. ─── 她叙述所发生的事情近于实情。

29、These were ancient Chinese dreams, aspired to by Confucius and approximated in his name, if not in his Way, in the unity of the Han, and pursued forever after. ─── 中国自古已有“世界大同观”,亦为孔子戮力以求者;至汉代大一统,更将此理想伪托于孔子,纵使未置于中;从此变成后代之经世标竿。

30、The audience approximated to three hundred. ─── 听众近300人。

31、The approximated solution isobtained by Moving Least Square Method (MLS).EFM requires only the definition of aset of nodes distributed over the entire analysis region without element. ─── 其基本思想是将计算场域离散成若干个点,由滑动最小二乘法来拟合场函数,只需节点信息,从而摆脱了单元的限制。

32、Correction for drift caused by the adoption of rifling in big guns was approximated by inclination of the rear sight bracket. ─── 并且靠稍微偏移后瞄准座来修正大型火炮因膛线所带来的偏流。

33、His income approximated ten thousand dollars a year. ─── 他的年收入近万美元。

34、The cerebral scion approximated the appearance of the Regent's living computer, and floated in a tall, clear fluid bubble chamber that was set into an hourglass-shaped base. ─── 例句:这个大脑的增殖体样子非常接近原始生物电脑,也悬浮在一个高大的充满清澈液体的泡沫室中,整个泡沫室安装在一个沙漏形状的底座上。

35、This sound can be approximated by adopting the posture to whistle a very low note, or blow out a candle. is produced with the tongue as low and as far back in the mouth as possible. ─── 发此音的动作,大约有如吹出很低音的哨子,或者吹蜡烛。如要发出,舌头则要尽可能伸至最后和最低。

36、a low-level programing language; closely approximated to machine language ─── 一种低级程序语言;近似机器语言的

37、and approximated the opinions of enlightened minds upon the question of constitutional power. ─── 并在宪法权力问题上使开明人士的观点接近共识。

38、Based on the carrier maneuverability law in scene matching process,the paper presented a method for eliminating the mismatching points when the flight track was approximated to a straight line. ─── 但在景象匹配过程中会不可避免的会出现匹配错误、匹配精度不够等问题,为此,基于景象匹配过程中载体机动性能规律,提出了飞行航迹近似为直线的误匹配点剔除方法。

39、The audience approximated to five hundred people. ─── 听众达500人。

40、The pressure is approximated by a finite element method, and the concentration is approximated by the combination of a Galerkin finite element method and characteristics-finite element method. ─── 压力方程由标准有限元方法逼近,浓度方程则用特徵有限元方法逼近。

41、At higher temperatures the equation of state becomes better and better approximated by the "perfect gas" law. ─── 在更高的温度区内,状态方程越来越接近于“理想气体”定律。

42、His account of what happened approximated to the truth. ─── 他就发生的事情所做的说明近於实情。

43、His description approximated to the truth, but there were a few errors. ─── 他的描述与事实已经接近,但是有一些错误。

44、The effects of ECT inducing apoptosis and inhibiting proliferation on MCF 7 adr cells approximated to its effects on MCF 7 cells ( P >0 05). ─── ECT对耐药细胞MCF 7adr的诱导凋亡及抑制效应接近于其对敏感细胞MCF 7的作用 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。

45、Info:This is a beautiful Cocktail/Debs/Prom dress it is made to order, so delivery time would be approxim ...... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:夏

46、Complexity analysis of class of problems on batch scheduling and its approximated algorithm ─── 一类分批排序问题的复杂性分析及近似算法

47、They approximated the distance at five miles. ─── 他们估计距离为5英里。

48、Assigning Chinese names is no easy task. Because Chinese has no alphabet, each syllable must be approximated with a character. ─── 给外国人做中文名并非易事,因为中文没有字母表,一个音节必须与其近音的汉字相对应。

49、Most objects in Blender are represented by polygons and truly curved objects are often approximated by polygon meshes. ─── 大多数物体是通过多边形与曲线物体(非常近似于多边形网格)构成的。

50、The study of credible region plays an important role to assess the valid range of the approximated transient stability boundary for power system. ─── 可信域的研究对于评价电力系统暂态稳定域近似边界的有效范围具有重要作用。

51、Of course we didn't do exactly what she had suggested, but we approximated it. ─── 当然,我们并没有百分百做到她建议的那些,不过已经非常接近。

52、Any continuous curve can be closely approximated by a series of small parabolic segments. ─── 任一连续曲线可以借一系列很小的抛物线线段较精密地近似表示。

53、The newspaper account of the event approximated to the truth. ─── 报纸对这一事件的报导近于实情。

54、His description of what happened approximated to the truth, but he made a few mistakes. ─── 他叙述所发生的事近于实情,但还有少数错误。

55、VT (Variable Time) fuzes arm approximated 3.5 seconds before anticipated impact.They then use a radio signal to determine the shell's proximity to other objects (especially the ground). ─── 变时引信大约在弹着前启动,然后利用无线电信号确定炮弹与其它物体的(特别是地面)的相对位置。

56、The effect of transmission line on voltage across the load resistance at test port is approximated as cascade of parallel C and series L circuit model of many small line segments. ─── 以非常小于波长短线段之并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型近似量测端负载之上电压因传输线长度之影响。

57、Approximated Solution of the Coupling Equations of Optical Parametrical Amplification ─── 光参量放大耦合方程的近似解

58、yet to him who amongst her acquaintance might have approximated to this kind, she was but a transient impression, half forgotten. ─── 可是在她认识的接近这一标准的人中间,她在那个人心中只留下一个短暂的印象,并且差不多已经被他忘记了。

59、His description of the event approximated to the truth but there were raw inaccuracies . ─── 他对这一事件的描述接近于事实,但仍有几处不确切的地方。

60、It realizes SOR iteration method on the computer, gets a set of numerical solution approximated to the accurate solution, and vaalidates the accuracy of SOR iteration method. ─── 将超松弛迭代算法在计算机上实现,得出了一组与精确解较接近的数值解,验证了逐次超松弛(SOR)迭代法的精确性。

61、The input impedance, voltage, and current variation along a transmission line is approximated as cascade of many series L and parallel C circuit model. ─── 以多段串联电感与并联电容串接电路模型近似输入阻抗、电压、电流沿传输线位置之变化。

62、We approximated the distance at 100 miles. ─── 我们估计行程距离为100英里。

63、In order to detect QRS complex correctly, ECG signal is first filtered and approximated piecewise, and then is recognized with syntactic pattern recognition. ─── 为了准确识别QRS波,首先对心电信号进行滤波,然后分段线性逼近,再用句法模式识别方法识别。

64、, Streptococcus sp. and Escherichia sp..They are dominant in the normal flora of the caecum content of mice and their quantitative estimates approximated those reported in the literature. ─── 它们在小鼠盲肠内容物的正常菌群中占优势,含菌量与国外文献中报告的相似。

65、Approximated Parameter Estimation of Three-parameter Log-normal Distributions Based on Generalized Least Square Method ─── 基于广义最小二乘法三参数对数正态分布的渐近参数估计

66、The original model is approximated by a smooth and strictly concave differential equation. ─── 使用动态二次模型,来分析厂商和旅行社之进入和退出旅游电子商务。

67、As a result,the original nonlinear bilevel programming can be approximated by a single-level programming. ─── 其次,将插值函数代入上层问题,得到一个近似原问题的单层规划;

68、The distance was approximated as five kilometers. ─── 估计这段距离为五公里。

69、"Try it," Ender said. "The suit keeps you from hurting yourself, and you can control your bouncing with your legs, like this." He approximated the movement he had made. ─── “试一下”安德说,“这件制服可以保护你不受伤害。你可以用你的脚来跳,就像这样。”安德模拟自己刚才的动作

70、count in Table 1 has been approximated somewhat since I experimented a bit with my code. ─── 由于我对代码进行了一些实验,表1中的计数是近似的。

71、Meanwhile data of characteristics landforms such as corners and polygons are approximated using bi-arcs to derive a novel exploration and mapping algorithm for unknown environment. ─── 同时,利用双圆弧实现对拐角、多边形等特征地形的逼近和复原,提出了机器人对未知环境的勘测及绘图算法。

72、And to improve the coding efficiency, an atom modulus which is piecewise approximated by the least squares line is proposed. ─── 为降低原子投影系数的冗余度和减小其编码量,对图像稀疏分解投影的系数采用分段式拟合。

73、His approximated his lofty goals within a short time. ─── 他在短时间内接近了他的远大目标。

74、In cg, this would be best approximated with a single scattering component. ─── 在中央,这将是最佳近似一颗散射组成。

75、And from observation of further simulation, growth of simulation time in OOBVI is approximated by linear but exponential in SBVI to get the same desirable PA. ─── 且在进一步的实验结果显示,OOBVI模拟时间会随著状态个数呈现近似线性成长而SBVI是近似于指数成长。

76、uniformly approximated ─── 一致逼空间

77、ED problem is approximated by a differentiable one using a maximum entropy method.BFGS operator is presented to improve the searching speed and the local searching capability of genetic algorithm. ─── 利用极大熵理论将经济负荷分配问题转化为可微问题,将BFGS法引入遗传算法,提出了BFGS算子,以提高遗传算法的寻优速度与局部搜索能力。

78、His description of the event approximated to the truth. ─── 他对于这件事的描述很接近于事实。

79、The distribution of returns over periods of, say, one year would be better approximated by a lognormal distribution. ─── 以一段期间,比方说,以一年为期间的回报率的分布将更近似对数正态分布。

80、The page count can be approximated by using the following formula, although the actual count might be slightly larger because of the storage engine overhead. ─── 使用以下公式可以计算出近似的页数,尽管实际的页数由于存储引擎开销的原因可能会稍微多一些。

81、For VLSI, a plane surface may be approximated by depositing the interlevel dielectric by bias-sputter deposition (see Section 9. 2. 4) or by using planarization. ─── 对于超大规模集成电路的平面状表面,可以用偏置溅射淀积法的层间介质淀积(见9.2.4节)或用平面化工艺来近似获得。

82、His deion of the event approximated to the truth. ─── 他对事件的描述接近事实。

83、The relation between the chlorinity and porosity may be approximated by a hyperbola . ─── 双曲线的振幅可能是和有关的反射相类似的,也可能要小一些。

84、The relation between the chlorinity and porosity may be approximated by a hyperbola ─── 含氯量和孔隙度之间的关系图式也许近似于一条双曲线。

85、An aircraft is approximated here as a 2-D point mass, moving with the limited speed and turning rate.A minimum time problem is be combined with collision avoidance constraints to form MILP. ─── 将飞行器模型近似化为以恒定速度和有限转弯速率运动在两维平面上的质点,把最小时间表述与防撞约束相结合,形成MILP问题进行轨迹的最优化设计。

86、The condition of uniaxial stress is closely approximated in prismatic bars subjected to pure axial tensile ─── 单轴的应力状态跟棱柱杆承受单纯轴向拉伸十分近似。

87、Any movement, from pulling weeds out of the ground to throwing a ball, has a major resultant vector that can be approximated and resisted. ─── 任何运动,如地里拔出杂草或者将球投出,都能找到一个主要的运动向量,加上阻力并模拟出来。

88、The input impedance, voltage, and current variation along a transmission line is approximated as cascade of many parallel C/2, series L, parallel C/2 circuit model. ─── 以多段并联电容、串联电感、并联电容兀形串接电路模型近似输入阻抗、电压、电流沿传输线位置之变化。

89、The curve approximated by the mean value and standard deviation cyclic strain-life curves of Coffin-Manson law. ─── 基于coffin一Manson定律,将曲线近似表示为均值和均方差循环应变一寿命曲线的形式。

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