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hieroglyphic 发音

英:[?ha??r??ɡl?f?k]  美:[?ha??r??ɡl?f?k]

英:  美:

hieroglyphic 中文意思翻译




hieroglyphic 网络释义

n. 象形文字;象形文字写的文章adj. 象形文字的;难解的

hieroglyphic 词性/词形变化,hieroglyphic变形


hieroglyphic 短语词组

1、Hieroglyphic Moth ─── 象形文字蛾

hieroglyphic 相似词语短语

1、hieroglyphist ─── n.研究象形文字的人;书写象形文字的人

2、hieroglyphists ─── n.研究象形文字的人;书写象形文字的人

3、hieroglyphics ─── n.[语]象形文字;难以辨认或理解的文字(hieroglyphic的复数形式)

4、hieroglyphically ─── 象形的

5、hierographic ─── 象形文字

6、hieroglyphical ─── n.象形文字;adj.象形文字的;难解的(等于hieroglyphic)

7、hieroglyphs ─── 象形文字(hieroglyph的名词复数)

8、hieroglyph ─── n.象形文字;图画文字;秘密符号

9、ditriglyphic ─── 复写的

hieroglyphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a hieroglyph this symbol represents the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. ─── 如一个象形文字那样,这个符号表现了上埃及和下埃及的统一。

2、Proclus tells us that Crantor reported that he, too, had seen the columns on which the story of Atlantis was preserved as reported by Plat the Saite priest showed him its history in hieroglyphic characters. ─── 保格斯告诉我们,克朗特也像柏拉图一样,叙述了亚特兰蒂斯故事中的柱子;塞特祭司以象形文字的方式向他展示了它的历史。

3、About the embedding fonts technology of NaXi hieroglyphic, we mainly realize the web and PDF about NaXi Hieroglyphic can be looked through in every PC without the Hieroglyphic. ─── 对于纳西象形文值入技术,主要是实现在无纳西象形文字体的机器上正常浏览纳西象形文的网页以及电子文档。

4、Hieroglyphic Moth ─── 灰缘黄夜蛾(夜蛾科)

5、An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets. ─── 帕伦克墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称

6、A hieroglyph,” said the rhetor, “is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol. ─── 修辞班教师说,“象形符号是一种不受制于情感的事物名称,它本身包函类似象征的性能。”

7、His write is so bad it just looks like hieroglyphic to me. ─── 他写的糟透了,对我来说就像天书一样。

8、For centuries, the hieroglyphic word pictures painted on Egyptian ruins were a mystery. ─── 几世纪以来,刻划在埃及废墟中的象形文字一直是个谜。

9、Hieroglyphic Writing of Ancient Egypt ─── 古埃及象形文字

10、So, through the characteristics of the hieroglyph and the ideograph y, we show them how the Chinese people see the world and how they reflect it on their way of writing. ─── 那么,我们从象形文字的特点,表意文字的特点出发,让他通过汉字能知道中国人怎么样去看待世界,怎么样把世界,他们对世界的观察反映到一个文字的书写形式上。

11、It is known as the "unique living hieroglyph".The woolen tippet used by Naxi women is embroidered with sun, moon, and seven-stars. ─── 纳西族妇女的羊皮披肩,上面精心绣制日、月、七星图案,俗称“披星戴月”,寓意吉祥如意。

12、In parallel with the development of the hieroglyphic script, a second script came to light. Such script was a mere simplification of the artistic, and sometimes laborious, hieroglyphic. ─── 与象形文字文字发展的同时,第二种文字又面世了。这样的文字仅仅是对艺术简化的象形文字,有时候写起来是费力的。

13、In language, the new movement brought about the use of current, colloquial speech, "late Egyptian", and forms in hieroglyphic inscriptions and official usage alongside the classical idiom of centuries. ─── 在语言方面,新的运动导致了流行的口语体语言“后期埃及语”,象形文字的碑铭以及正式用语,它们与用了几个世纪的古典用语一起并用。

14、In military plotting system, military plotting can be fallen into rule, non-rule and hieroglyphic military plotting, queue number and sign in common use. ─── 军事标图系统中将军标分为规则、非规则和象形军标、及队号和常用符号。

15、Finally, value of study on hieroglyphic expression of Chinese characters was discussed from the perspective of functional application and taste of art. ─── 最后从实用功能和审美功能两个方面研究汉字图形表意特征的价值所在。

16、hieroglyphic writing ─── 象形文字

17、There is no one,not even the hermetics, who does not find in the symbols of the grand portal a satisfactory compendium of their science,of which the Church of Saint-Jacques de la Boucherie was so complete a hieroglyph. ─── 甚至连炼金术士,也无一不认为从那大拱门的种种象征中,发现了一本满意的炼金术概要,认为屠宰场圣雅各教堂是炼金术最完整的象形符号。

18、After many years of study, experts were eventually able to translate all the hieroglyphic symbols. ─── 经过多年的研究,专家们最后终于能够翻译所有的象形符号了。

19、" In the Late Period, the hieroglyph of the bird was used to represent this deity directly. ─── 在后来的时期内,鸟的象形文字直接用来表现神。

20、A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing. ─── 象形文字象形文字书写体系中所使用的图画或符号

21、The third ranges from logophonetic to logographic, running upwards of hundreds of signs (like 500 signs in Hieroglyphic Luwian, and 5000 symbols in modern Chinese). ─── 接着是从表音到表意的范畴来看,是远远多于一百个符号(例如象形文字卢威语有500个符号,现代汉语有5000个符号)。

22、According to the world"s designing history , the forming of men"s notion of designing should originatel from the beginning of using hieroglyph to express their thoughts . ─── 根据世界设计史的完整叙述,人类对于设计观念的形成应该是始于人类开始利用象形符号记录自己的思想。

23、Hieroglyphic writing, especially that of the ancient Egyptians. ─── 象形文字书写体系,特指古埃及人的图形手写文字

24、The next chapter then sets out to explicate Deleuze's question of thinking through this concept of hieroglyphic experience. ─── 第四章以异象经验为基础,正式说明德勒兹的思考问题。

25、What Champollion will decipher this hieroglyphic for us, that we may turn over a new leaf at last? ─── 哪一个香波利盎能够为我们解出这象形文字的意义,使我们终于能翻到新的一叶去呢?

26、It was concluded that hieroglyphic expression exists in Chinese characters starting at analysis of visual communication of characters and figures. ─── 本文首先从汉字和图形的视觉传达特性分析入手,引出汉字图形具有表意特征。

27、Comparison and Contrast between Hieroglyphic Words and Onomatopoeias in English and Chinese Language ─── 英汉文字中的象形词和象声词对照简析

28、The Rosetta Stone was remarkable because, as I said, on it was the same text in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic. ─── 塞塔石碑是值得重视的,因为正如我所说,那上面的是三种不同的字母系统书写的相同文字内容:希腊语,通俗语和象形文字。

29、Chapter Two gives a detailed description of his emblematic art in the form of hieroglyph which constitutes the important part of his religious poems. ─── 第二章:“形体诗”是赫伯特宗教诗的重要组成部分,象征艺术在他的“形体诗”中被运用的形象、贴切,可谓“视觉化”的象征。

30、In terms of structure, the writing system in the world falls into two categories: hieroglyphic and alphabetic writing, both of which originated from Middle East. ─── 字母的创造与古代地中海的商业文化有重大关系,腓尼基人因贸易的需要而发明了字母;

31、What's more interesting is that the Dongba scriptures have preserved dance steps with the ancient hieroglyph Dongba characters. ─── 更为难能可贵的是,遗存的东巴经中还有一种有用古代形象文字(东巴文)记录的舞谱。

32、There is no indication that script had as many ideograms as the hieroglyphic had. ─── 没有迹象表明这种文字是拥有很多表意文字,就如那些象形文字一样。

33、A picture representing a word or idea; a hieroglyph. ─── 象形文字代表一个字或意义的图画;象形符号

34、Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Volume 9, Part 2, Tonina ─── 玛雅象形文字资料,第9卷,第2部分,托尼纳

35、A record in hieroglyphic symbols. ─── 用象形符号做的记录

36、The area is the home of the Naxi minority, natives whose fascinating culture includes the world's last living hieroglyphic language. ─── 丽江是纳西人的聚居地,纳西族拥有迷人的文化,比如世界上唯一“活着的”像形文字。

37、is an important carrier of Naxi ancient culture.It is known as the "unique living hieroglyph". ─── 东巴文是纳西族古代文明的重要载体,是保留至今,被称为“惟一活着的象形文字”。

38、Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols. ─── 我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。

39、Witt?genstein is misleading about this : ` ...and from [hieroglyphic writing] came the alphabet without the essence of representation being lost. ─── 脑筋是会迷惑我们的:'...和[象形文字的文字]来自字母表没有表示法精华丢失。'

40、Ancient times' people lived in groups.In working together and living together, they created primitive tools, woodcut sign, hieroglyph, original music and dance. ─── 远古人民结群而居,在集体劳动和共同生活中,创造了原始工具、木刻符号、图画文字、原始的音乐和舞蹈,同时也创作了原始神话。

41、The system started by giving each word a symbol, called hieroglyph. ─── 这种系统一开始的时候是让每个词都赋予一个符号,称为象形文字。

42、Every man's condition is solution in hieroglyphic to those inquires he would put. ─── 每个人的境遇都是其自身疑惑之形象的答案。

43、" In the Late Period, the hieroglyph of the bird was used to represent this deity directly.As a symbol of the rising and setting sun, the Bennu was also the lord of the royal jubilee. ─── "在后来的时期内,鸟的象形文字直接用来表现神.作为太阳升起和太阳落山的象征符号,Bennu也是高贵50年节的上帝.

44、hieroglyphic script ─── 楔形文字

45、Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language. ─── 东巴文是一种古老的象形文字。

46、Naxi hieroglyph ─── 纳西象形文

47、After obtaining additional hieroglyphic writings from other sources, he succeeded in providing a relatively accurate translation and contributed to the deciphering of the ancient Egyptian language. ─── 在从其它资源中获得象形文字的知识后,杨成功地提出了一种相对准确的翻译并破译了古埃及文字。

48、HIEROGLYPHIC communication are visual . ─── 如此 GLYPH 是静止"装载" 对任何人定调在他们的传输。

49、It is written in two languages, and three scripts: two forms of Egyptian (hieroglyphic & demotic), with a Greek translation. ─── 石碑上镌刻着两种语言,三种字体:两种埃及字体(僧侣体与世俗体)和古希腊文。

50、Since it was "rediscovered" by French scholars in the late eighteenth century its greatest impact upon men's minds has been through its stereotyped art and hieroglyphic language, its colossal buildings, and its preoccupation with death. ─── 自从18世纪末法国学者“重新发现”埃及文明以来,它以其特有的艺术形式和象形文字、庞大的建筑以及对死亡的潜心关注给人们的思想带来了巨大的冲击。

51、is the hieroglyph for the Chinese character:? ─── 请猜这是什么汉字?

52、The text concludes 126 earliest ridicals in terms of theory by inspecting comprehensively the ridicals which are independent hieroglyphic, but possess the character of Subordinating other characters. ─── 本文通过检视甲骨文字中独体象形而具备部属字关系的部首,归纳出126个理论上是甲文中最早发生的部首字。

53、In about 2000 B. C. , early Greeks known as Minoans developed a system of picture or hieroglyphic, writing. ─── 大约公元前2000年,早期的希腊人即弥诺斯人,发明了图画或象形文字。

54、Two of the three alphabets are ancient Egyptian scripts that stop being used: the hieroglyphic and the demotic. ─── 三种文字中的两种都是古埃及文字,即象形文字及埃及通俗语,它们现在已经停止使用了。

55、This script, popularly called hieroglyphic, was both beautifully drawn as well colorfully painted. ─── 这些文字,一般地是称作象形文字,是漂亮的图画,同时又涂上了漂亮的色彩。

56、It contains the same exact text written in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic, hieroglyphic. ─── 它包含了完全相同的文本,用三种不同的字母书写:希腊语,通俗语,象形文字。

57、to suggest a hieroglyph ─── 类似象形文字

58、Based on hieroglyph, a total of over 4,500 characters and a fixed grammar structure were developed, as proved with the foundings at Yin Xu. ─── 殷墟甲骨文以象形为基础,发展出超过4500个单字,并形成了固定的语法结构。

59、When ancient civilization remained only hieroglyphic ─── 当古文明只剩下难解的语言

60、It is said that the world famous Dongba hieroglyph was created here and the place is regarded as a pilgrimage site by the Naxi people. ─── 其成因是由于水中的碳酸钙经阳光照射发生分解反应,形成碳酸钙白色沉淀物,不断覆盖地面而形成的千姿百态的熔岩地貌。

61、What Champollion will decipher this hieroglyphic for us, that we may turn over a new leaf at last? ─── 哪一个香波利盎能够为我们解出这象形文字的意义,使我们终于能翻到新的一叶去呢?

62、Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols. After a holiday in the Maldives the “face” patterns developed. The local fishes gave me endless inspiration. ─── 我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。在马尔代夫度假后,这些“脸”的图形开始发展。那里的鱼类给了我无穷无尽的灵感。

63、Are they really hieroglyphic keys to the mysteries of life? ─── 他们是否是真正地象形文字的钥匙到生命的神秘事物?

64、Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic, ─── 或者我猜它是一种统一的象形文字,

65、A picture representing a word or idea;a hieroglyph. ─── 象形文字代表一个字或意义的图画;象形符号

66、hieroglyphic a. ─── 象形文字的;

67、Mariette arrived in Egypt in 1854 in order to translate hieroglyphic texts, but on a hunch began the search for the temple of Serapis. ─── 玛里埃特1854年到达埃及的目的是翻译象形文字文本,但是凭借预感,开始了对塞拉皮斯庙的搜寻。

68、What word does this hieroglyph refer to? ─── 2. 请猜这是什么汉字?

69、There is no indication that script had as many ideograms as the hieroglyphic had. ─── 没有迹象表明这种文字是拥有很多表意文字,就如那些象形文字一样。

70、For centuries, the hieroglyphic word pictures painted on Egyptian ruins were a mystery. ─── 几世纪以来,刻划在埃及废墟中的象形文字一直是个谜。

71、Horus is a falcon-headed god, who represented the greatest coxxxic powers for ancient Egyptians. Thoth is believed to have given the Egyptians the gift of hieroglyphic writing. ─── 荷露斯是古埃及的鹰神,是强大力量的化身。古埃及人相信,是图特神赐予了他们象形文字书写这一礼物。

72、Stone Inscriptions in Western Xia(Tangut) Hieroglyphic ─── 西夏文石刻

73、Diachronically, Deleuze's question of thinking is based on his concept of hieroglyphic experience, which is a radical critique of Heidegger's concept of intentional experience. ─── 就历时观点而言,德勒兹的思考问题以其异象经验为基础,后者则是针对意向经验的批判。

74、a picture representing a word or idea; a hieroglyph ─── 代表一个字或意义的图画;象形符号

75、"She had been offered to the world, these seven years past, as the living hieroglyphic." ─── 过去这七年里,她作为如同有生命的象形文字,被奉献给人类社会

76、Chinese character, as one of the important factors of visual communication design, stems from hieroglyph and nowadays still has some characteristics of hieroglyph inspite of its development. ─── 摘要汉字作为视觉传达设计的重要元素之一,起源于象形文字,发展到现代还具有一些象形文字的特点。

77、an ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa where the Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets ─── 墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南,其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称

78、Stone Inscriptions in Khitan Hieroglyphic ─── 契丹文石刻

79、e.g.The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language stillin useand is over 1,000 years old. ─── 纳西语是唯一仍在使用的象形文字,已有一千多年的历史了。

80、The hieroglyphic code.. ─── 据象形文字记载..

81、Pierre knew very well what a hieroglyph was, but he did not venture to say so. ─── 皮埃尔十分清楚地知道,“象形符号”指的是什么,但是他不敢说话。

82、Thoth is believed to have given the Egyptians the gift of hieroglyphic writing. ─── 古埃及人相信,是图特神赐予了他们象形文字书写这一礼物。

83、The Investigation of the Orparative Study of the Ancient Chinese and Japanese Onomatopeic and Hieroglyphic Characters ─── 中日古代拟声拟态词之对比研究

84、The law and principle of hieroglyphic expression in the design of visual communication was concluded from the perspective of analysis of meanings and shapes of characters. ─── 同时,通过对影响汉字图形的表意特征的两个因素即汉字字形和汉字字意进行具体分析,总结出视觉传达设计中汉字图形表意特征的一般规律和设计原则。

85、Something that suggests a hieroglyph. ─── 类似象形文字的事物

86、Chinese character, against the macroscopic background of world characters" development, belongs to hieroglyph and has inseparable relationship with graphics, so it" s easy to be turned into graphics. ─── 将汉字放到世界文字发展的宏观背景中来看,汉字属于象形文字,与图形的关系密不可分,将其进行图形化设计具有极大的优势。

87、The cursive, and relatively ugly appearance of characters, in comparison to the hieroglyphic, was compensated for by its relative compactness. ─── 作为简化书写的代价,这种草书,与象形文字相比,字符外观相对丑陋。

88、Chinese use a system of literation called HIEROGLYPHIC . ─── 这不是字母表。

89、An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets. ─── 帕伦克墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称。

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