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09-13 投稿


associationist 发音

英:[[?s??s'?e???n?st]]  美:[[?so?s'?e???n?st]]

英:  美:

associationist 中文意思翻译



associationist 相似词语短语

1、associational ─── adj.联想的;协会的

2、associations ─── n.协会,[遗]关联(association复数);关联分析,协会组织

3、assimilationist ─── n.种族同化主义者,文化同化主义者

4、assimilationism ─── 民族同化论;民族同化主义

5、associationists ─── n.联想论者

6、associationism ─── n.联想心理学;观念联合论

7、association law ─── 联想律

8、assimilationists ─── n.种族同化主义者,文化同化主义者

9、association ─── n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想

associationist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had an illicit association with Jane. ─── 他和简曾有过不正当关系。

2、Have you joined the teachers' association? ─── 你加入教师协会了吗?

3、For 1 week training course on farmer association. ─── 参加为期1周的农民合作组织培训课程。

4、The Global Association of Risk Pr. ─── 全球风险协会。

5、Gollancz in association with P.Crawley,1994. ─── 出版地/出版者/出版年 London :V.

6、Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association. ─── 上海市集成电路行业协会。

7、Describes the Microsoft Association Rules Viewer. ─── 介绍Microsoft关联规则查看器。

8、The honorary secretary of the association. ─── 协会的义务秘书

9、Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. ─── 台北:冠学出版社。

10、What is the Savings and Loan Association? ─── 什么是"储蓄和贷款协会"?

11、China Jade Association Numbers Dept. ─── 中国宝玉石协会会员部。

12、IGFA Record? International Game Fish Association? ─── 什么是记录鱼?

13、They banded themselves into an association. ─── 他们联合起来, 成立一个协会。

14、Provincial or municipal commercial association. ─── 二)省(市)商业会。

15、She was then asked to lead the women's association. ─── 于是让她担任妇联主任。

16、No hooliganism in name of our association. ─── 7. 不得藉本会名义惹事生非。

17、Does China has an association for the handicapped. ─── 中国有残疾人协会吗?

18、A medieval merchant guild or trade association. ─── 中世纪商业行会或行业联合会

19、He drew great benefits from his membership in the association. ─── 作为这个协会的会员他从中得到很多好处。


21、An association or a group of three. ─── 三人小组或三人协会

22、He thought he might be offered the post on the strength of his father's former association with the firm. ─── 他认为靠他父亲跟该公司的老关系,可能会把这个职位给他。

23、A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model. ─── 印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式

24、The villagers avoided him because of his association with the villains and vipers. ─── 因为他与坏蛋和奸诈者有交往,村民们都避讳他。

25、Kowloon Pig Laan Merchants Association. ─── 九龙猪栏商会.

26、What association do you have for her? ─── 你会使她产生什么样的联想?

27、But they differ in association and mode of emplacement. ─── 但在共生和侵位的方式不同。

28、He was read out of the association. ─── 他被宣布开除出该协会。

29、China trombone tuba Association. ─── 中国长号大号协会理事。

30、The association have picked Paris for its next meeting. ─── 协会选择巴黎为下次会址。

31、But in that association there is no abdication. ─── 但在这种组织中并不放弃任何东西。

32、Having no interest in or association with politics. ─── 不关心政治的,对政治无兴趣的对政治不感兴趣或与政治无关的

33、Association of National Advertisers. ─── 全国广告商协会

34、He is a hundredth of the association. ─── 他是该协会的百名会员之一。

35、He enrolled in the Royal Golf Association. ─── 他加入了皇家高尔夫球协会。

36、His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. ─── 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。

37、He is an honorary member of the association. ─── 他是协会的名誉会员。

38、V. The disintegration of the association. ─── 五、团体之解散。

39、Hello, welcome to Prague Gallery Association. ─── 你好,欢迎来到布拉格网游公会。

40、Tunnelling Association of Canada (TAC) ? ─── 加拿大隧道协会?

41、The association received the money as a donation. ─── 协会将那笔钱作为捐款收下了。

42、Then the association decided not to crown him that day. ─── 但是,农会议决,今天不给他戴高帽子。

43、Hospital trade association in Los Angeles. ─── 一位洛杉矶交易协会医院。

44、By association he is regarded as the patron saint of tanners and skinners. ─── 因为联想,他成了鞣皮工人和剥皮工人的保护神。

45、International Motor Contest Association. ─── 国际汽车沙漠赛协会。

46、Shanghai Travel Association Int'l Co., Ltd. ─── 上海旅游协会国际旅行社有限公司。

47、I sponsor the Asian Association of Grafton. ─── profesora 发起了一个话题: Profesora W.

48、His English improved enormously because of his association with British people. ─── 因和英国人联系频繁,他的英语突飞猛进。

49、NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association. ─── 国家篮球协会。

50、Kowloon Poultry Laan Merchants Association. ─── 九龙鸡鸭栏同业商会.

51、FIFA is the international Football Association. ─── FIFA是国际足协。

52、The company is bind by its article of association. ─── 公司受公司章程的约束。

53、He is a member of the Association of University Teachers. ─── 他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。

54、Soon a women's association was formed in our village. ─── 不久我们村成立了妇联。

55、Y.:Published for the Association by Howes Pub.Co. ─── 出版地/出版者/出版年/Imprint New York, N.

57、County and city commercial association. ─── 一)县(市)商业会。

58、To remove from association; dissociate. ─── 使分离,使脱离

59、Jean-Daniel Pasche heads the industry association. ─── 吉恩-丹尼尔.帕齐是一家行业协会的负责人。

60、He gained admission into the association. ─── 他获准加入这个协会。

61、National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing. ─── 全国汽车比赛协会。

62、Marked by close association for devious purposes. ─── 出于不正当目的而紧密结合起来的.

63、The member of an association man number is surprisingly more. ─── 会员人数多得惊人。

64、He must attend the association of the shaikh. ─── 5.他必须参加筛海的聚会。

65、His personal touch made our association agreeable. ─── 他个人的风格使我们相处得很融洽。

66、Some members of an association are not present at the meeting. ─── 一些会员没有到会。

67、As you can see, any association is ok. ─── 你可以看到,所有的联想(关联)都是可以的。

68、An association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization. ─── 一队人一群人的组织,尤指军事部队或商业组织

69、He has no association with foreigners. ─── 他跟外国人没有交往。

70、To bring into close association or union. ─── 使紧密结合,使成整体

71、Beazley in association with Il Papiro,c1987. ─── 出版地/出版者/出版年 London :M.

72、His major is association psychology. ─── 他的专业是联想心理学。

73、National Tourist Association of Slovenia. ─── 国家旅游协会。

74、Nciku has an association with naver.com. ─── Nciku与naver.com网站有合作关系。

75、Chinese Amateur Boxing Association. ─── 中国业余拳击协会。

76、 双语使用场景

77、Association for Information and Image Management. ─── 信息和图像管理协会。

78、An association of men, such as a fraternity or union, united for common purposes. ─── 全体会员为共同目标组成的,如兄弟会或工会等的会员

79、How many members are registered in the association? ─── 协会已登记注册了多少人?

80、An association or federation of five governments, each ruled by a different leader. ─── 五国联盟五个政府的联合或联盟,每个政府由各自的领袖领导

81、To amend the company's articles of association. ─── 修改公司章程

82、Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity. ─── 亲密的以密切的相识、联系或熟悉为标志的

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